I got this idea from a SiH one-shot I read called The Perfect Valentines Day: So thank you for that, jandixjunpyo! You guys should all go read it, it's really good!


This story takes place after the latest The Case of Onodera Ritsu chapter where the entire Emerald Department can't return to Tokyo from their onsen trip due to a huge tsunami that makes all the airports and train stations close.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Stop looking so depressed, Ricchan. You're going to make me start to feel bad." Kisa calls out to his coworker, who has been sitting on the floor, staring up at the clock on the wall ever since the group arrived back at the hotel.

Onodera groans, and raises a hand to mess up his hair a little, his eyes not leaving the moving second hand. "I just can't believe we're stuck here for another day."

"Chin up, at least we're not stuck in the storm." A can of beer appears in front of the brunette's green eyes, and he almost immediately begins to scowl.

"But because of the sudden budget cut, we couldn't afford more than one room." Onodera reminds the new person, then his eyes flicker to the beer can in his face. The brunette sighs.

"Thanks." He reluctantly thanks the beer-giver as he takes it, cracking it open and downing nearly half the can down.

The person plops onto the carpet beside him, cracking their own can of beer open.

"Slow down, or you'll get drunk." The person warns, lifting the can to his own lips. Onodera turns his head to the right, to glare into the dark auburn eyes beside him.

"Will not."

"Takano-san." A pair of dark blue socks stops in front of the two, and both men look up in unison to meet eyes with Hatori, who looks serious business. The dark brunette holds his cell phone out to the editor-in chief, who raises a questioning eyebrow.

"It's Yokozawa." Hatori answers the silent question. "He wants to know where you are."

Takano scoffs, and stands from the floor. "Tell him to watch the damn news for once, and maybe he could figure it out." The dark haired boss tells Hatori, walking out of the room ask if to escape having to answer to Yokozawa.

"You tell him, I don't want to meddle." Hatori insists, following the editor-in-chief out the room. The room is left silent once again.

Onodera turns his head, and looks over to his best friend sitting at the coffee table, playing a rather difficult game of solitaire. "Hey, Kisa. What's going to happen with the work we're going to be missing while we're stuck here?"

Kisa sticks out a bit of his tongue, and moves a card from the deck to a row of cards. "We'll have to catch up to the schedule."

"So...no sleep for a while?"


Onodera sighs, and scoots on his butt over to Kisa's side, resting the side of his head on the coffee table as he watches Kisa play his card game.

"Argh, shit!" Kisa exclaims as he runs a hand through his hair, then starts mashing the stacks of cards together. "Game over, again?! Man, this game is hard!"

"That's kind of the point, Kisa. Maybe you should stop now, before you flip the table over." Onodera lifts his head, and helps Kisa return all the cards to the little white box.

Finally Hatori and Takano return to the room, with Hatori looking as he always does, and Takano looking like he's close to popping a vein in his forehead. Takano drops himself on the other side of the coffee table across from Onodera, white Hatori crosses his legs next to him.

"Wah, Takano-san?! What happened?!" Kisa looks up from the box of cards, widening his eyes as the angry tick evident on the boss's forehead.

"Yokozawa is just a fucking idiot, is all." Takano angrily mutters, taking a swing of the beer can in his hand.

The silence returns for a third time to the room.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Hey, you guys want to play a game?" Kisa jumps up, breaking the awkward silence. Takano follows Kisa as he walks over towards their pile of bags with his dark auburn eyes, the beer can still raised to his lips. Onodera raises an eyebrow at his friend as he returns with a red bag and a black bag, and even Hatori turns his attention to the short man.

"It doesn't have an official name yet," Kisa starts to explain as he sets the bags down on the floor, plopping down between them. "But basically the black bag has copies of the four of our names, and the red bag has a bunch of actions. You pull a name and then pull an action, and you have to do that action to that person."

Takano smirks, letting a tiny snicker out.

"So you just happened to have this all set up?" Hatori asks, a tiny shadow of a smirk dancing on his lips.

Onodera doesn't find the game as amusing as the other two do, his jaw left open and his eyes wide, surprise, disgust, disappointment, and confusion all mixed into one facial expression.

Kisa's cheeks grow a tinge of pink at Hatori's comment, but he stands his ground. "I wanted to play it, okay?! I had a friend of mine fill in the actions, so I have no idea what kind of things are in here."

His hand dives into the black bag. "I'll go first."

He pulls out a sheet of white paper, folded into fourths. The three other men watch in anticipation as Kisa excitedly unfolds the paper. As he reads the name, his face lights up and he beams at the person on his left.

He shoves the sheet of paper into the brunette's face, and he cheers: "I got you, Ricchan!"

Onodera feels something unpleasant in his stomach, and gets the idea that this game won't end very well.

Kisa pulls a sheet of paper out of the red bag, and reads the contents before slapping it down so everyone could read it. Onodera leans forward so he could get a glimpse of what it said.

"Give a warm h-" Onodera starts to read out loud, but is cut off as a body is thrown in his direction, knocking them both to the floor. Hands wrap around his body, and Onodera can't help but feel a tiny bit creeped out and scared.

"Give a warm hug!" Kisa cheers, dangerously close to the brunette's ear. The shorter man then climbs off of his friend, and goes back to sitting in his spot as if nothing just happened. Onodera takes a few seconds to realize what just happened, coughs awkwardly into his fist, then pushes himself from the floor back into his sitting position.

Both of the bags are dropped into his lap from the right, and all eyes turn to Onodera. The latter gulps, and drops his hand into the black bag. He holds a breath as he unfolds the paper he pulls out, and sighs of relief at the name.

"I got Hatori." Onodera drops the paper onto the coffee table, and he count see Takano in front of him physically freeze. The brunette decides not to act on it, and pulls a sheet of paper out of the red bag.

"Sit...on their...lap...for two...turns..." Onodera reads awkwardly, slowly raising his gaze to Hatori who was sitting diagonally from him. Hatori pays no mind to the awkwardness, and tries to reassure Onodera by patting his thighs with a small smile.

"It's just a game." Hatori tells him, and Onodera gives a small nod. Unconsciously, his green eyes drift over to the dark haired man beside him, who has his fingers wound tightly around his now crushed beer can, his knuckles nearly white.

Onodera rises from his spot on the floor, grabbing his own beer can as he walks around his boss towards the darker brunette beside him. Hatori scoots a little away from the table, and gingerly pats his thighs once again. The lighter brunette's emerald eyes quickly flicker towards Takano's dark auburn eyes, then back to the coffee table as he sets slowly himself down onto Hatori's lap.

The only thing that creeps Onodera out about the whole thing: Hatori's lap is strangely very comfortable.

"Hatori, your turn!" Kisa continues on with the game, passing the two bags across the coffee table. Hatori wounds his arms around Onodera under his arms, and inserts his hand into the black bag.

"Kisa." Hatori reads over Onodera's shoulder, breathing a little on the nape of his neck. Onodera shudders slightly, but keeps his blushing in check. The sheet of paper is lain on the table, and Hatori then pulls one from the red bag and unfolds it.

"Give a compliment." Hatori and Onodera read in unison, and then that sheet of paper is placed down on the table next to the other one.

"Kisa, you're not a half bad editor." Hatori looks over to Kisa, then lowers his head with his eyes closed, nodding to himself as if he were agreeing with what he said.

"Aw, thank you!" Kisa gushes, clasping his hands together under his chin. "Coming from you, that means a lot!" Takano mutters something under her breath, and drains the remains of what's in his crushed beer can, before throwing the hunk aluminum towards the trash can in the corner of the room.

"My turn again!" Kisa turns the bags around to face him, and he draws a random piece of paper from the black one. Unfolding it, his smile falters a little, and now it just looks awkward. "I got Takano-san!"

Takano's dark auburn eyes move to rest on the short black haired man as he draws a piece of paper from the red, and slowly unfolds it. Kisa sighs in relief, and lays the paper on the table on top of the stack being formed.

"Give a high-five." Kisa reads, the holds his palm out to his boss with a smile. "Good work, Takano-san!"

Takano snickers to himself a little, then smacks his palm against his subordinate's. "Good work. Now it's my turn, hand over the bags."

Onodera watches more intently than he intended as Takano's slender fingers reach into the bag, pulling a white piece of paper out between his middle and index finger. He unfolds it, and his eyebrows furrow. The editor-in-chief tosses the paper onto the table, and Kisa leans forward to read it. Kisa covers his mouth with both of his, and fails to hold back his loud snickers.

"What?" Onodera asks curiously, leaning forward bit to try and catch a glimpse of what it said.

"Takano-san got Tori!" Kisa begins laughing hysterically, falling onto his side clutching his stomach. Onodera can't help but let a few laughs out, peeking over at Takano. Takano glares back at him to intimidate the brunette into stopping, which backfires and only fuels Onodera's laughter more.

Takano tsks, turning away from the brunettes as he reaches into the red bag. His face falls once he reads the contents of the paper he pulled, and gives a whale face (-_-).

"What?" Onodera finally gets his chuckles under control, and snatches the paper out of his boss' hand. The brunette turns it around, and his eyes widen at what it says. Onodera looks at Takano, and a small mocking smile creeps onto his face.

"Stop mocking me, idiot." Takano snaps at him, crossing his arms like a pouting child.

"What?! What is it?!" Kisa jumps up excitedly, looking straight at Onodera.

Onodera laughs quietly to himself, then reads the written action outloud with an amused tone in his voice: "Blow a kiss!"

Hatori's eyes grow wide in shock, but then his gaze softens as he turns towards Takano.

"Takano, no homo right?" Hatori asks, supressing the smirk that really, really wanted to make an appearance.

"Right..." Takano grumbles, then presses the palm of his hand to his lips. Onodera and Kisa lean in closer to watch the nearly impossible happen, and the editor-in-chief glares at the two. He finally lays his hand flat, and blows the kiss in the direction of the dark brunette.

Kisa starts laughing hysterically again, his arms wrapping around his torso. "It hurts!" He laughs out, falling back onto his side on the floor. Onodera starts sliding off of Hatori's lap, and begins laughing while pounding the floor.

Hatori reaches his hand out, and closes his palm around the air as if he caught Takano's kiss. He then presses his palm against his chest over his heart, and gives Takano a warm smile.

Takano tsks again, and turns away from him at this. "Don't be cocky, Tori."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Hatori's grin grows a tiny bit.

"Ah, it hurts!" Kisa rolls onto his back, and his legs kick at the air as he struggles for breath during his laughing fit.

"I know!" Onodera forces the words out as he laughs, sliding all the way off of Hatori's lap and ending up in an awkward position on the floor with his face pressed against the floor and his butt stuck up in the air. Still, his fist still pounds against the floor as he fails trying to control his loud chuckles and giggles.

"You're sure one to laugh, Onodera." Onodera's laughter quiets down a bit as he hears a deep, bitter voice behind him. "Especially with all the kisses I give y-"

Takano is cut off as Onodera springs up, covering Takano's mouth with his hand with a wonderful shade of red blooming on his face.

"I think we should call it a day with the game." Onodera keeps his hand over his boss' mouth, turning to Hatori and Kisa with an apologetic look. The brunette's face then twists into disgust, and he snatches his hand away from Takano's face.

"Don't lick me!" Onodera declares, wiping the palm of his hand on his jeans. Takano smirks, and takes Onodera's hand as he stands up, forcing the latter up with him.

"I'm taking Onodera to bed, he seems very tired." Takano says to the other two without looking at them, heading towards the door leading to the bedroom.

"Haaah?" Onodera quietly yells back at his boss, obviously angry now. "Who said I was tired? You just want to try and make a move on me!"

"Ding ding ding!" Takano pulls the brunette into the bedroom, slamming the door shut, pressing his beloved against the surface and pinning his hands above his head. He leans in closer, putting his knee between Onodera's legs and letting his breath fan on the latter's red cheeks. "We have a winner."