I do not own One Piece but I do own this plot!
I know it's been like two years since I last updated this but if there's still people reading this then know I plan to try and update at least once a month so it doesn't get this out of hand again.

Dragon was slightly confused after his call with Garp. He sighed deeply wondering what Whitebeard had gotten into that Garp felt the need to warn him about something.

Deciding he could ask the man himself Dragon picked up a snail and dialed in the number. He waited a few minutes before someone finally picked up. "Whitebeards first division commander who is this and what do you want, yoi?"

Dragon sighed. "I need to speak to Whitebeard I have a message for him from Garp, he made it sound like it was important."

He heard some rummaging before an old voice spoke up. "Who is this and what message is so important you need to tell me right now?"

Dragon sighed again. "My name is Dragon and Garp wanted me to tell you that there is an admiral and two members of CP9 trailing you, but he failed to tell me why could you help inform me?"

Whitebeard was silent for a minute before he spoke up. "I have your brat with me and plan on handing him over to red hair, he's been with the marines for some time."

Dragon felt his heart skip a beat and he clenched his fists, his father never told him anything about his son being taken. "I would like you to keep him in your care, I'll be there in three days."

Dragon didn't wait to hear a reply before he hung up the snail, it seemed the revolutionary leader needed to go pay his son a visit. Maybe it was a mistake leaving Luffy in his fathers care.


Whitebeard couldn't help the laugh that bellowed from his mouth. Really all the younger generation were all cheeky brats.

The captain looked to his unofficial first mate. "Marco I want you to tell those boys that the youngest father will be here in a few days, make sure they know not to go anywhere until then."

Marco sighed feeling a headache coming on but he nodded complying to his captains orders. "This out to be fun, yoi."

Marco left the captains quarters and made his way back to the kitchens, so he could talk to the three hostile boys.

What Marco walked into the surprising to say the least. The freckled raven was screaming and pulling the younger one's cheeks inhumanly far away from his face. "Luffy you little bastard that was my meat!"

Luffy laughed looking to the side. "I have no idea what you're talking about! I didn't take any meat."

Ace screamed grabbing his hair. "You're a dirty little liar I saw you take it! Don't even try to deny it you're a horrible liar!"

Marco cleared his throat gaining the three boy's attention, he noticed how they all stiffened when they realized he was there. Ace looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want turkey?"

The first division commander felt his eye twitch at the nickname, but he held in his irritation. "We just got a call from Luffy's father, he wants you three to stay here until he can get here, yoi."

The two ravens tilted their heads confused and Luffy was the one who spoke up. "I have a father?"

Marco nearly fell back at hearing that and he groaned running a hand over his face. "Yes you have a father, everyone has a father! Your father is Monkey D Dragon a revolutionary leader."

Luffy looked so disinterested but Sabo seemed to get a shocked look on his face. "Ehh! Seriously, Luffy you bastard you never told me your dad was the revolutionary leader!"

Luffy shrugged sticking his finger up his nose. "I didn't know, so my dads a dragon that's so cool."

Ace sighed shaking his head. "No you idiot he isn't a dragon his name is Dragon! He's the leader of the revolutionaries a group who oppose the military and fight them."

Ace turned his attention to his blonde brother looking slightly confused. "Although I don't know why Sabo is so freaked out about this, what's with the reaction?"

Sabo looked at his brother smiling awkwardly. "Oh I was just shocked because he was there the night of the fire, and he's the one who saved me from the celestial dragon, I never really got to thank him."

Luffy grinned wider at hearing this information. "My dad saved Sabo! So cool, he must be a dragon shihihihi."

The two older brothers sighed shaking their heads at their youngest. Sabo turned to Marco who was still standing there. "Fine we'll agree to stay here until Dragon comes but we are leaving right after that, we can get ahold of Shanks some other way."

Marco nodded accepting the younger blonde's terms, but in his head he was thinking that gave them about a week tops to try and get these boys to stay and be their brothers. Well Marco always did like a challenge.


Lucci stood in front of Aokiji, the admiral was getting them ready to confront the Whitebeard pirates.

The admiral turned to Kalifa. "I want you hidden during the conversation, if things don't work out I want you to sneak on board and grab the boy, we can get the other two at a later time."

Kalifa nodded smiling happily, she was happy she'd be getting her adorable little boy back. Aokiji turned to Lucci. "I want you to keep their attention if things fall through, it'll be our job to make sure Kalifa can get in and out with the boy."

Lucci nodded grinning, finally Aokiji was acting like a real admiral. Lucci couldn't wait to take on the Whitebeard pirates, he could feel his adrenalin starting to pump and a grin came to his face.

A grunt ran in opening the door. "Admiral Aokiji sir, the Whitebeard pirates ship has been spotted we should be pulling up in about an hour sir!"

Aokiji nodded and the group all stood up walking towards the door. "One way or another we will get that boy back in marine custody no matter what, is that understood?"

"Yes Sir!"