Chapter 8

Steve knew the talk between Tony and Harry a week ago hadn't gone well. He had met Harry once during that week and Harry had looked strained. Steve had tried to meet more often but Harry had been busy at the office. Or using it as an excuse. Whatever the reason was, Steve was now standing at the entrance to the Wizarding Street Harry lived at. He had just turned up on his bike and called Harry to tell him he was waiting.

Harry walked out of a wall, and wasn't that something Steve had ever imagined he would see. He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans a plain shirt still looking a little tired but smiled at Steve. Steve walked to Harry, pulled him against himself and kissed his forehead. Harry went limp against him and rested his head on Steve's shoulders.

"I've had a crappy week."

"I can tell"

"Hey! You're supposed to tell me I always look good."

"You do look good. I don't think anyone can look this good while they're tired."

Harry chuckled and gave Steve a peck on his lips.

"So where are you planning to take me on that beautiful bike Mr Rogers?"

"You like it?" Steve asked. He loved his bike. Someone, most probably Peggy or Howard had put it in S.H.I.E.L.D's garage and it had been serviced regularly. He had a suspicion they had upgraded a few things too since it ran better than ever.

"I love it. I've got a bike too, my godfather owned it. Maybe I'll take you on a ride sometime. It flies." Harry winked conspiratorially.

"Sure" Steve laughed. "Anyway I'm taking you somewhere I used to go a lot before I joined the Army."

"Give me a minute and we'll go" Harry said then took out a dark coloured stick Steve assumed was his wand, looked around to see if there were any people around and conjured a helmet. Just like that! He put it on looked at Steve's awestruck expression and laughed.

"Come on" He held Steve's hand and pulled him to the bike.

They had been driving for an hour and Steve couldn't have been happier. The weather was great, he was on his bike with Harry's hands around his waist and nobody was threatening the world for now. They could deal with small problems like Tony later on.

Steve was surprised to see that the road leading to his favourite beach was still a dirt road. He knew the residents of this town didn't like to advertise this beach and he was thankful for this. His bike bumped over the sand a little and soon they reached the beach. He couldn't believe it. It looked the same as it did in the 30s. There were no stalls, just rocks and the sand. The sea was calm today but still as blue as ever. He stopped his bike next to the biggest rock. It had looked so much bigger before the serum, Steve realised.

Harry had taken off his helmet and was looking around with awe.

"How did you find this place?"

"I knew a guy who lived in this town. Apparently this is the best place for teenagers to get some privacy though not many people outside the residents know about it."

"Really?" Harry said with a leer on his face. "It does look private. Who did you bring here?"

"No one" Steve snorted, "I was lucky if a dame danced with me then. And men got slaughtered if they were open about homosexuality so I didn't get together with a guy till the Army."

"You came alone then?"

"Yes I used to sit on this rock and draw."

Harry smiled softly and took Steve's hand. "Let's sit on the rock."

Steve climbed the rock, easier now than it had been when he used to come here. He could see Harry had managed to climb easily too. They sat on top of the rock and Steve put his arms around Harry.

"How was work?"

"Horrible. The people in China stopped cooperating and someone was stealing from the company and covered their tracks well. I was up all night talking to the Chinese people and terrorising my employees during the day. Plus Tony is still not picking up my calls so all the things he needs to sign need to be sent through Pepper. It's a nightmare."

Steve started running his fingers through Harry's hair and Harry sighed softly.

"It has been a week. Do you think Tony will call soon?"

"Who knows?" Harry said morosely.

"I'm sorry Har - "

"Don't" Harry cut him off, "It is not your fault. I don't even know if it is my fault. I don't think it is but I'm feeling guilty anyway."

"You shouldn't. The people involved in all this were Howard, Tony and me."

"You were stuck in the arctic Steve! I think we can safely say your involvement if any, was minimal."

"What will you do now?"

"Wait for him to call. I've been speaking to Jarvis regularly, checking on him."

"I never expected this from Howard you know? He was a good man, intelligent, cared for his country and he was a good friend."

"I think he was all those things later also. He just never learnt how to be a good husband or parent. I was excited about meeting him when I first heard he was Mum's father. I didn't know much about the Muggle world so I didn't know he was dead. But after meeting Tony and slowly learning about Howard I was relieved he was dead. I felt guilty about it but I was relieved."

Steve kissed Harry on top of his head. "That's normal I think. Though I wish he was alive just so that I could knock some sense into him."

"Enough of this. You want to play football?"


"Soccer I mean. Merlin, you Americans!"

"We haven't brought anything" Steve said but he was feeling excited about it. He hadn't started his training with SHIELD yet so he had been exercising alone but that got boring after a while.

"I have a wand" Harry said dryly and Steve blushed.

They got down from the rock and Harry quickly conjured a ball and two nets which he fixed about 6 metres away. He then drew boundaries on the sand.

"Ready to lose, Rogers?"

"Bring it on Potter" Steve smirked.

They spent the next hour running around on the beach. Steve won in the end but Harry gave him a good fight. Harry vanished the conjured items then lied down on the sand. Steve lied down next to him sideways, his head supported on his hands. He rubbed his hand over Harry's hair.

"You've got sand all over you."

"It's just sand." Harry said his eyes closed.

"Hmm" Steve said then ran his free hand from Harry's face to his waist.

Harry opened one of his eyes, his lips quirked up on one side. "What are you doing?"

"Kissing you" Steve said, balanced himself on top of Harry and quickly put his lips on Harry's. He tightened his hold on Harry's waist and took advantage of Harry's gasp by pushing his tongue in Harry's mouth. Harry's hands were in his hair, pulling him closer and Steve put a little weight on Harry. Their erections rubbed together and they moaned. Steve tried to pull back but Harry wrapped his legs around Steve's hips and flipped them. He straddled Steve's hips and rubbed against him.

"We won't be able to clean ourselves" Steve gasped.

"Don't worry about it" Harry said and kissed him again roughly. Steve decided to listen to Harry.

Steve was standing in the Bucky exhibit at the Smithsonian. He had been in DC for three days and visited the Triskelion. Fury was still trying to convince him to move to DC but Steve was sure about staying in New York.

For the first two months after waking up in the 21st century he had thought about Bucky everyday but over the past few months he had been focused on other things. Bucky had died more than 70 years ago but for Steve it hadn't been more than 4 years. He knew Bucky's sister had died a few years ago and her grandchildren lived in Brooklyn even now but he had no interest in meeting them. To them he would be Captain America even if they knew of his connection to their family.

He stared at Bucky's face for one last time and walked outside where a SHIELD car was waiting for him. What did Fury want now?

He got into the car and nodded at Fury. Fury took out a necklace with a medallion as a pendant. He handed it to Steve; the medallion looked big but was quite light.

"What is this?"

"What I'm going to tell you is highly classified. The only people in America who know are the President, the head of FBI and CIA, and three people in SHIELD including me."

Steve had a feeling where this was going but nodded at Fury.

"There are hidden societies all over the world who have a rather specific skill set." Fury said and Steve put his hand up.

"I know about magic."


"I've known since the war." Steve decided not to mention Harry. Natasha had said SHIELD knew about him but it was better to be safe.

"Ah. Grindelwald." Fury nodded. "They rarely interfere in our affairs and we have no say in what they do" Fury sounded especially disgruntled about this. "But I know someone from that world and he made this for me. It's called a portkey. Every morning at 8 you will say 'DC50' and reach an apartment close to the Triskelion. To go back to a secure warehouse near the Stark Tower you will say 'NYC50'. No one is to know about this. Everyone in DC will think you live here and if you are seen in New York you will make appropriate excuses."

Steve didn't show that he knew about portkeys. Harry despite being extremely down to earth, was the CEO of Stark Industries. It was best if his secrets remained his.

"When do I start?"

"Not for the next few months. You will be training with the STRIKE team in New York for the time being."

"Thank you"

"You can use it get back if you want."

Steve nodded but decided he wouldn't. He had hated travelling by it and now he would have to do so regularly. He got out of the car and decided to take a cab to the train station.

Harry was sleeping on the sofa in his office when he felt someone shaking him. He opened his eyes and saw Claudia standing next to him.

"Mr Potter, I got a call from Mr Weasley. James is refusing to eat unless you spend some time with him."

Harry sighed and pinched his nose. He had barely spent three days with James in the past two weeks. He had reached home in time for James' bedtime for the past week but James had had to spend a few afternoons sitting in Harry's office while he ran around sorting things out since George was in an inventing phase. He knew this happened rarely since mostly SI ran itself and Harry just had to oversee a few things but he still felt guilty.

Thankfully they were leaving for England in a week. Teddy would be home for his break and Ginny's wedding and the whole family would spend a whole week at the Potter Castle along with the Weasleys.

"I'll leave for home then. Thank you."

"Would you like some coffee sir?"

"No I should hurry back. I'll have some when I reach home" Harry smiled. Claudia patted him on the shoulder sympathetically and then walked out of the office.

Harry walked outside the office and found a corner to apparate. He could hear George trying to coax James into finishing his pasta but James was whining. Harry never would have believed it if someone had told him 10 years ago that George would someday be this good with kids. He really was a godsend.

"I'm home" Harry shouted and took off his jacket.

"Daddy" James squealed and ran to him.

Harry hugged him and picked him up but then looked at him with a grave expression.

"What is this I hear about you not eating? You know we don't waste food."

"I wanted to eat with you" James pouted.

"I'm sorry I haven't spent time with you recently but don't behave like this again. Do you want George to tell Rose you're a whiny baby?"

James' eyes widened and he started squirming. Harry set him down and saw him running to George while Harry followed at a sedate pace.

"Uncle George you won't tell Rose I'm a whiny baby will you?

George looked at Harry with an amused expression on his face but then adopted a serious expression and looked at James.

"Well I was going to but if you promise to eat on time I won't."

"I promise! I promise!" James almost shouted, ran and sat down on his chair and started wolfing the pasta down.

"Easy tiger" Harry put a hand on James' shoulder. James slowed down but continued eating. "I'll go and take a shower then we can play or watch a movie."

James nodded but was still eating. Harry chuckled and went to the bathroom.

A few hours later Harry was tucking James in. They had played with Legos and magical puzzles and watched SpongeBob.

"Mum told me she's going to Australia for her honeymoon. Do you think she'll take me?"

Harry chuckled and ran his fingers through Jamie's hair.

"A honeymoon is a special holiday for the married couple. Only Ginny and Valerie can go. I'm thinking this Christmas we can go on a holiday."

"Where will we go?"

"Where do you want to go?"


"Why Mexico?"

"I learnt Mexico City is the capital of Mexico in school today. How cool is that?"

"Very cool" Harry laughed. "We'll go to Mexico then. Teddy and you will enjoy the beach."

"And Uncle Tony will come too?"

"I'll ask him. You should sleep now" He kissed James' forehead and went to his own bedroom.

Harry was packing James and his bags for the trip to England. How one eight year old could need so many clothes for a one week trip he didn't know but he had never appreciated shrinking charms this much before. He was finally done with the entire backlog at the office and had decided to buy a house elf while he was in England. He had always prided himself on being able to handle work and home and kids properly but he knew how to step back when he was stretching too thin. Plus he couldn't keep depending on George all the time too.

It was in times like these that he missed living in England. He didn't know many magical people in the States besides his Auror contacts but he had a support structure in England. He knew if he was busy Molly wouldn't hesitate in keeping James for as long as possible. But this was the life he had chosen and he would live with it.

He heard his phone ringing and walked to where he had left it in the living room.


'Harry? Steve here. I'm outside your street.'

"I'll have to do something about this. Can't have you waiting on the street all the time."

'Think of something later. Now come and get me inside.'

"Okay okay I'm coming." Harry apparated near the wall, walked through it and waved at Steve. Steve walked to him and kissed his cheek. "Come on" Harry said and pulled him through the wall.

They reached the house and Harry asked Steve to follow him to the bedroom. "I'm packing."

"This is useful" Steve said looking at the shrunken clothes inside a little suitcase.

"I know. I have to keep two sets of clothes for each day because of how dirty James gets most of the time. And I have to pack a few of Teddy's better quality clothes too."

"You're leaving tonight then?"

"Yes we'll take a portkey straight to the Castle. Why don't you come a day before the wedding too? I'll show you around."

"Of course. I'm leaving on a small training mission tomorrow but I'll be back in New York in 2 days."

"I'll come to pick you up in 3 days at 10 am. My phone might not work properly there so don't worry if you can't reach me."

"Fury gave me a portkey to go from New York to DC every day."

"That was for you? He told me he needed it for an 'extraordinary resource'" Harry said and Steve blushed.

"It won't start for a couple of months and I'm not allowed to tell anybody."

"Can you pass me the toiletries bag? It is next to you" Steve nodded and passed it to Harry.

"Will you pick Tony up with me?"

"I don't know" Harry said, almost gritting his teeth. "He hasn't spoken to me for three weeks. I've been leaving messages with Jarvis but Tony is being extremely stubborn. And we" Harry said pointing at himself and Steve "are not something I'm going to be apologising for" Harry said looking into Steve's eyes.

"Will he come?"

"I'm sure he will. He loves Ginny. I'll leave another message telling Jarvis about our plans and ask him to make sure Tony listens to it. Or sic Pepper on him."

"Maybe you should go visit him."

"So that he can throw me out of his lab again? I've been working non-stop for three weeks, I've barely spent any time with my kid, I've met you twice and I haven't been sleeping well. I do not have the energy to deal with Tony right now." Harry almost shouted. He felt Steve's hands rubbing his back and calmed down. "Sorry" He muttered.

"It's okay. You've been under a lot of stress lately; this trip will do you good."

"Yeah I can't wait to have breakfast in bed." Harry sighed wistfully.