Re-edit! Many changes! Sort of. I think I have a clear head of this now.

I don't own Junjou Romantica and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. This story leans more on the Sekaiichi side, so I'll put it in that category.

I... I am really bored due to my writer's block on other stories, and watching my brother play Disgaea gave me this plot bunny distraction.

There is a gameplay mixture added to this, and I did that for fun.

If any of you guys know what Disgaea is, yay for you!

In this world, many creatures and people from all kinds are gathered.

Whether its magicians, warriors, angels, demons, vampires, mermaid-hybrids, just mermaids, wolf-hybrids, wolf-shapeshifters, dogs, cats... you can probably find them here.

Most townsfolk are hybrids, with their cute animal ears... keeping in mind that they aren't actually animal-animals, and human with cute animal ears and tails... along with enhanced senses...

*Ahem* But that is not the point of this story. Maybe.

This story might actually have a good plot. Maybe.


This quaint village, with a nice stone well in the center, and a beautifully spacious plaza... is Kirei Village, named after the woman who founded the village with her husband and crew after getting shipwrecked on the side of the mountain nearby.

Has connection to the region over the ocean, but remains mostly unseen to the places outside of the village due to their cleverness to disguise their outsides to blend in with the rest of the forest to keep the unwanted out. Been that way for about a decade now.

Now though, let's focus to the two-story cottage closest to the forest on the west, with the mountain side to the north, northeast, and southeast (more forest is on the south and southwest side). Living there in that cottage is the first of our main characters.

In his healer robe-like outfit that's dark green, had a golden line pattern, and an underneath white gown scheme that also made him look like a mix between a shrine guardian and a traveling sorcerer, Misaki lay on the grass in the backyard, closer to the forest, relaxing since no one was hurt and in need of assistance. His outfit also had a hood attached that was also dark green and had a golden line as well, for those rainy and extremely sunny days.


Chocolate brown bear ears twitched at the sound of his guardian's voice. "What is it, Ritsu?" He stood up as he asked that, brushing off stray pieces of grass of his clothing.

Unlike Misaki, Ritsu was a rabbit hybrid, with his unusually huge floppy ears (not that huge, just a little past his elbows but that's still unusual). His outfit was like Misaki's, but a lighter green shade and his hood was a bit bigger to compensate for his ears.

"I caught little Ai almost drinking poisoned water at the well," Ritsu begins, holding a cup of said water, "Can you come with me to check out the river? Shinobu's still out making deliveries."

"Of course," Misaki says, before smelling the air and frowning at the repulsing scent of the water, "What do you think happened? That stinks!"


As they walked into the forest to get to the river, Ritsu got his bow and arrow out and ready. "Do you need a battle tutorial?" Misaki gives him a confused look. "I'm obligated to ask that- I know you know how to fight."

"Well, then..." Misaki begins, answering with the standard 'No thank you' response. "No thank you!" Misaki says, taking out his staff.

Meanwhile, deeper in the forest, named Jade for the color of the river in the winter and the color of the leaves in the Spring...

A man stands at the edge of the river, with another man, a wolf hybrid, standing on the other side overseeing his work.

"Why am I doing this again, Tori?" asks Chiaki, using his large brush to drag ink into the river, feeling conflicted as he loved the water as any mermaid-hybrid and any mermaid, but if he didn't do this Tori threatened to take away his manga collection and burn them.

"Lord Ryuuichirou said so," said Yoshiyuki, normally known as Tori, or Hatori, his family's surname.

"But... I need to go back to drawing..."

"As soon as someone stops us, you can."

"Okay..." he paused and looked up at Yoshiyuki, "Wait, what are you doing here? He only sent me right?"

Yoshiyuki turned away from him to look out into the forest away from the river, his wolf ears twitching.

"Idiot, as if I can leave you alone."

While looking through the Party Info:

(Lvl. 185) Misaki: A mage and healer under Ritsu. A bear hybrid? He can't really intimidate anyone. Other than healing magic and being a mage, he also specializes in other types of magic, like Wind, but cannot do Water and Ice. He can also cook and smell very well; pick-up ability is fairly high, so is his distraction rate.

(Lvl. 252) Ritsu: A healer and archer, he is the official healer of the village. A rabbit hybrid with sensitive hearing due to his big ears, he also has a high dodge rate from physical and aerial attacks. To make up for his lack of magic his aim in archery is fantastically amazing. His rate of countering attacks is fairly high.

"It doesn't look like there's anything out of the ordinary..." Ritsu said as Misaki and him continue to stroll through the forest.

Misaki's ears twitched as he sniffed the air. "I don't smell anything weird either."

"!" Ritsu turned swiftly upon hearing something thrown towards them, and pushed Misaki behind a nearby tree.

Seeing the thing thrown at them a familiar weapon, Misaki walked away from the tree and looked around. "Shinobu?"

The familiar ninja popped out from the side... of somewhere. "Sorry, thought you were an ink monster. It took one of my packages."

"Gah! Don't scare me like that!" screamed Misaki at his sudden appearance, while Ritsu approached the young ninja. "Ink monster?"

"Yeah," said Shinobu, "They're straying away from the direction of the river, so I went around destroying some of them, but it kept dirtying the greenery and I know how antsy you guys get about preserving nature, so know I'm just chasing them around seeing if they'll go flocking back to their creator and my package."

"I see," said Ritsu, "Well, thank you for thinking of us."

Misaki faced Shinobu, "Why don't you join us? It'll be great if you did!"

"I don't know..."


"What do you mean 'JUST'?! I been living with them most of my life! I've been part of the party!"

"Calm down, Shinobu..." Ritsu lightly scolds, "They can't change it now."

His info:

(Lvl. 182) Shinobu: A ninja formally from the Takatsuki Clan, he has been making a living at mailing letters, taking care of animals, being a guard, and other jobs; the village ninja since he was 8. He can't cook well and ends up causing some destruction. Ninja skilled with the cutting and the throwing and the dodging, but is unable to do magic skill based attack. High dodge rate if attacked from the front.

"The river goes up further here..."

"!" Chiaki looked up upon hearing the voice, and looked around to see that Yoshiyuki was no longer with him. "T-tori?!"

Appearing into the clearing, Ritsu rushed at Chiaki. "You! You are lucky no one got poisoned yet as far as I know! Do-"

Before he can further rant, Chiaki quickly used his brush and magic to bring all the ink back before setting it down and putting up his hands in surrender. "I.. I'm sorry! Lord Ryuuichirou said to, and I don't really have any other choice but to do this! I love water- please don't hurt me!"

"Lord Ryuuichirou...?"

Shinobu comes forward. "Isn't he that Overlord who's head of the Marukawa Corporation?"

Misaki looks questionably at him. "Marukawa Corporation?"

"It's this corporation that focuses on publishing and distributing all kinds of media," answers Shinobu. "They make that manga I buy for you when I go deliver stuff out of the village," he further explains.

Chiaki nodded. "Yeah, I work for him. I really don't know why, but he's been asking us to do things like this lately after he came back from visiting his parents' friend-"

A cold voice then rang through the clearing. "Chiaki."

"Eep!" Chiaki immediately went to hide behind Ritsu, who looked around for the source of the voice. His reddish-brown floppy ears moved in concentration.

They watch as Yoshiyuki comes out some part of the forest. "Chiaki, why are you fraternizing with the enemy?"

"T-They're not doing anything wrong! We are! We don't even know why we're doing this in the first place!"


"Y-you..." Chiaki clung closer to Ritsu, taking Yoshiyuki's silence as a 'I do know', "You know why we're doing this, Tori?"

Yoshiyuki glanced for a fraction of a second at Ritsu before going back to Chiaki, for some reason faintly detecting one of his co-worker's scent on him. "It is none of your concern."

"Then I'm quitting then! I don't want to do bad things like this anymore! Also, you said I could stop when someone stops me!"


"Wow, I really did?!" Chiaki said excitedly.

Shinobu sighed. "You just did." He faces Misaki. "I want to get that checked."

Misaki shook his head. "We don't have enough to pay for that."

Chiaki's info:

(Lvl. 290) Chiaki: A mermaid-hybrid mage, he can control anything that is a fluid, including ink. He is an artist, and can bring some of his art to life with ink to attack. He keeps most of his art inside books and uses scrolls to destroy/erase them if needed. His physical defense is pretty low, but his magic immunity is high. When in mermaid form, he can fully use Water and Ice element attacks.

"What will you do now?" Ritsu asks Chiaki. "We have extra rooms, but does this mean you quit your job?"

"I think so?" Chiaki says, unsure, before nodding to himself. "You know what, yeah," he faces Yoshiyuki, "Tell Lord Ryuuichirou I quit!"

"..." He simply stares at them, and then ink monsters in the shape of wolves walked up behind him.

"! You don't need to be so angry!" Chiaki shouts in fear, while everyone else gets into battle position.


"Wow," said Ritsu, "This is our first battle since a while ago. Chiaki, you know how to fight right?"

"I think so..." Chiaki moved the cursor to the base panel, "We all start here, right?"

"Yes, now..." Ritsu moved the cursor over some of the ink wolves. "They're only level 50, so they're pretty easy..."

"But our main goal is to defeat that guy, right?" asked Misaki.

"Yes," said Ritsu, "Shinobu, you can begin first."

"Right!" Shinobu moved from the base panel to two ink wolves and quickly wide slashed them; the move obviously called Wide Slash.

After this, Chiaki moved forward and magically brought out an unrolled huge scroll and hit it against three ink wolves, trapping and destroying them as the scroll exploded upon rolling back up; Scroll Binder.

"This is the first time we're being separated from each other since we met when we were kids... now you're against me..." Yoshiyuki said to Chiaki, not attacking at all.

"!" Shinobu looks at him upon hearing that sentence, also taking note of the man's wolf ears.

"O-only because you-I-we were doing something bad, and I don't want to do it anymore!" Chiaki says, attacking another ink wolf.

"Then you're going to go against us and then defeating Lord Ryuuichirou?"

Ritsu says, "Why does he want you to do this? Does he not understand the consequences of what he wants you guys to do?"

"You tell me, healer," Yoshiyuki said, identifying him by his clothing, "What reason would an Overlord suddenly disrupt nature, specifically in this region?"

"!" Ritsu, Misaki, and Shinobu stare at him in surprise as they knew the reason, and that all the ink wolves were eliminated so only he was left.

"No way..." said Shinobu, "That?"

"What?" asked Chiaki looking between them, "What is it?"

"This isn't the only place either," continues Yoshiyuki, "Lord Ryuuichirou sent the others to every area in this region, causing fires, putting ink in anywhere water, scare people into thinking there's a hostage robbery..."

"But why?" asks Misaki, "Why go through all that trouble to summon the Celestial Guardians Association?!"

"It's easier just to sign for an appointment to see them from Central," added Shinobu, "Unless you guys got turned down or something? There's no way they're booked for the whole year."

"What...?" Chiaki looks at all them. "The Celestial Guardians Association? The one up in the Sky Kingdom?" Ritsu looks at him questionably upon hearing his last sentence.

"Duh." Shinobu says, "There's only one Celestial Guardians Association in... you know." He glances at Ritsu.

"But why, Tori?" Chiaki asks Yoshiyuki. "No one isn't even allowed up in the Sky Kingdom. They don't really want anything to do with us anymore and we like our eco-friendly ways..."

Yoshiyuki sighs in frustration. "The name Sky Kingdom isn't even right- the kingdom itself isn't a sky or anything like that... It's in the sky- a kingdom set up in the sky, the only kingdom. Don't you remember? It's Kingdom of the Sky." Something clicks in Ritsu's mind, and he watches them talk.

"Tori, I'm pretty sure it's made of clouds, that's what Yuu told me back in high school, so it's Sky Kingdom."

"Why did you even believe that lie? The teacher even showed us the picture of it one day. The Kingdom is able to be up there due to a mechanism powered by-"

Chiaki shouts over him. "Lalalalalaalala, I can't hear you! I can't hear you! This is like the time you told me Santa wasn't real!"

"Your mother was wrapping the gifts right next to you!"

(Is... Is this seriously happening?) thought Shinobu, him and Misaki just watching them bicker. Ritsu however, looks at Yoshiyuki curiously, especially at his wolf ears.

"Why can't I be right for a change?!" Chiaki glares, "It's Sky Kingdom!"

"Kingdom of the Sky!" Ritsu begins frowning in thought hearing those words again, his memory trying to figure out something he didn't know.

"Sky Kingdom is much more simpler!"

"But Kingdom of the Sky is the correct way of saying it," Yoshiyuki tries to explain more calmly, before adding, "And your mother even told you that Santa isn't real."

Chiaki ignores him.

(Maybe...) Ritsu begins remembering something, (It was snowing... But after I-) Suddenly, Ritsu grabs his head and bends down in pain. "Aarrghh.." They all watch as a blue colored seal appears out in front of Ritsu for a moment before he faints.

"!" Misaki and Shinobu immediately go to Ritsu's side, Chiaki following suit wondering what was wrong with him. With a glance to Yoshiyuki, Misaki quickly brings out his staff and summons a whirlwind to take them back home.

Minutes later, Yoshiyuki puts his arm down after the wind dies down, and looks to see that he was the only one there, the ink creatures having been destroyed, and Chiaki gone with the enemies.

Whoa...! So dramatic!

Ha...! Not.