AH The start of yet ANOTHER STORY! I know, and I'd feel guilty if I didn't update regularly.

This one was actually a rather disturbing plot idea for me since I ship Gen X Cloud a lot. I don't think I've seen anything like it though. I'm contemplating adding some pairings to the story, but the main focus is and will be Genesis and Cloud's relationship.

If I do add pairings they will most likely be a mixture of Het and Yaoi. Just figured I'd give you a heads up.

Please drop me a review :)

Summary: A freak training accident leads to Genesis discovering the family he never knew.

Edit: My beta fenhuang is now going back over this fic as well.

Genesis sat in his apartment as he wrapped his shoulder again. The damn thing wouldn't heal and it was starting to get annoying. He paused in his activities when the PHS in his pocket buzzed. He took it out and found it to be the number to the infirmary. He just ignored it and went back to tending to his wound. Hollander said that he had a few more ideas to try, but Genesis's patience was wearing thin. His phone buzzed again and again it was the infirmary. He shook his head and continued to ignore it. He finished wrapping his arm as the phone buzzed again. Damnit, he was going to hurt someone down there.

"What the hell do you want!" Genesis screamed into the phone.

"I'm sorry, Commander Sir, but we desperately need your help down here." The voice of a young woman pleaded with him.

"What on earth could you possibly need me for." He snapped.

"There's a cadet sir, he's been badly injured." She started, but he interrupted her.

"That's your job, not mine." He continued.

When her voice returned, it was trembling. "Sir, he needs a blood transfusion and you're the only match in the entire building."

"No," Genesis said, holding his shoulder. He wasn't in any shape to be giving anyone anything.

"Sir, if you don't, he'll die." She pleaded.

"Surely there's someone else, you haven't looked hard enough. What about the boy's family." Genesis snapped again.

"Sir, I'm sorry, there isn't anyone else. You're the only one who's AB-negative and carries the same genetic anomalies. We looked for family first, but his only listed relative is his mother, who lives in Nibelheim. If we give him anyone else's blood, it will kill him." She was starting to sound distraught.

"Fine." He snarled, though he wasn't entirely sure that giving the cadet his blood wouldn't kill him anyway. He slammed his phone shut and stalked out of his apartment.

Genesis made it down to the infirmary, scowl on his face.

"Thank you, sir." Said a woman wearing a nurse's uniform, from the sound of her voice he could tell that this was the one who he had talked to.

"Just get it over with." He said still a bit irritated.

She nodded and led him back to the blond cadet, who was wrapped in several bandages and looked very pale. He almost asked what had happened to the boy, but he really didn't care.

"Just lay down on the bed next to his and the doctor will be in shortly to start the transfusion." She said before leaving him.

He found himself looking back over at the cadet in question. He looked a bit familiar, but he couldn't place him. Likely he'd been placed on a mission with the boy at some point.

He wasn't in the room 5 minutes when a man in a doctor's coat walked in. "I'm sorry sir, there must be a..." He paused, looking over the paperwork.

"What's going on?" Genesis said as his eyes narrowed.

"I just didn't think you could possibly be a match. But it says right here that you are." The doctor said, shaking his head. "Just lay back, relax and we'll save Mr. Strife's life."

So the boy's name was Strife, that was an odd name, though Genesis supposed he wasn't one to be pointing fingers. "Why wouldn't I be a match?" Genesis said a bit annoyed, leaning back against the bed. The doctor started to prepare the equipment he would need.

"The likelihood that someone, who is not related to Mr. Strife, could provide him blood is about 100,000 to 1. Even a relative would be about 500:1. I was certain he was dead." The doctor said, making sure to put the filter on that would keep the Mako in Genesis's blood from flowing into its new host.

"Why was someone with such a rare blood type even allowed in the army and, wait, does that mean I have the same problem?" Genesis said as the man flipped the machine on that would take his blood and give it to the cadet.

"The genetic anomaly in his blood wasn't caught because we don't screen for it. It is extremely rare, coupled with AB- makes it even more so." The doctor said, watching the equipment work. "You will likely never need a blood transfusion because the Mako in your blood helps rebuilding anything that is lost quick enough, but, if for some reason you did, then yes, I suppose Mr. Strife and your family would be the only ones to be able to donate blood to you."

"I was adopted." As soon as he said it, he didn't realize why he had. He shook his head though. "But if you don't screen for it, how did you know my blood contained it?"

"There is an extensive profile on all First Class SOLDIERS." The doctor explained. "I have a few other patients to check on. I'll be back in about half an hour, the process should be completed then."

Genesis just nodded to the man before he glanced back over at the Cadet lying motionless in the bed. Would he end up owing this man his life someday, too?

Almost 30 minutes later on the dot, the doctor walked back into the room. He went over and inspected the cadet, then turned off the machine. "That should be enough."

Genesis just nodded, his temper had dissolved sometime ago, but it was obvious that the doctor was nervous about something.

"Commander Rhapsodos, you said you were adopted, do you know anything about your birthparents?" The doctor asked, a bit on edge.

Genesis eyes narrowed, but he answered anyway. "No, I was told that they died shortly after I was born. Why?"

"You'll have to forgive me, but the odds were almost impossible, so I did a comparative blood screen on the two of you. I'm 99% sure that Cloud Strife is your brother." The doctor finally spit out.

"What." Genesis said, sitting up a bit too fast. His eyes shot over to the cadet.

"It's true, here, I printed out the results so you could read them yourself." The man said, handing Genesis a piece of paper.

"On the right is Strife's DNA, the middle is yours and on the left is a random profile I pulled up for comparison." Genesis scanned the paper and the doctor was right. While Cloud and Genesis were nearly identical, the other person had several differences.

"We're moving him to recovery soon. I imagine he'll be awake sometime this evening, if you want to talk with him at all." The doctor informed him.

Genesis barely processed what the doctor had said, still staring at the paper. He had a brother, oh dear Gaia, he had a brother. And the nurse had said that his mother was still living, though maybe Cloud had been adopted, too. But he was 9 years younger than Genesis, if his parents had died, then how was Cloud even here? He had a lot of questions.

He felt his shoulder as it ached, Hollander had told him that whatever the problem was, it was genetic. Did that mean Cloud was eventually going to develop it, too? If so, he had to find a cure before Cloud would suffer. Hollander had once implied that, if he had blood relatives, that they might be able to help him, but since he was adopted, that wasn't possible. Maybe Cloud and his mother were well aware of what was wrong with him and could help him? Hope flared in his chest.

Genesis stood and left, resolved to come back and speak to the blonde when he was awake.

Genesis was back sitting in his apartment, he still had the results to the DNA test, which he had folded inside his copy of Loveless. His phone rang in his pocket and he hoped it was the infirmary calling him to let him know that Cloud was awake. Instead it was Lazard. He justt about scowled before he answered the phone.

"Can I help you, Lazard?" Genesis said, keeping his tone neutral.

"I need to meet with you soon. You've been given command of the next forward assault on Wutai." Lazard's voice filtered through the phone.

"I'll be there shortly." Genesis said, hanging up. This was the chance he had been waiting for.

15 minutes later Genesis was standing in Lazard's office.

"Not that I'm absolutely thrilled, but why me finally?" Genesis asked the man.

"We've decided to try a different tactic. While Sephiroth has been successful in taking out any cells he's found, he's having trouble actually finding them." Lazard explained.

"So you think I'll be better at finding them." Genesis sad.

"Well, won't you? You don't stick out quite as bad as he does and you have a better mind for battle tactics. We've decide to give you your chance." Lazard replied.

"So when do I leave?" Genesis asked. Lazard had known he wouldn't have turned it down. He'd been waiting for his chance for over a year.

"2 weeks. You'll be leaving with a 100 man unit comprised mostly of 2nds and 3rds and a few infantry." Lazard offered up more details.

"I have one request." Genesis said at the last moment. 2 weeks should be plenty of time for the cadet to recover. "There's a cadet I want assigned with me by the name of Cloud Strife."

"Thinking of taking a student, Genesis?" Lazard said, raising an eye brow.

Genesis thought to correct the man, but there wasn't any harm in letting Lazard think that that was the case. Besides, Genesis planned on teaching him what he could anyway. "Possibly."

"Alright, I'll have him assigned." Lazard said, jotting the name down.

"Thank you." Genesis said with a bit of a nod.

"You're in a good mood." Angeal said, looking at his friend. Genesis's mood had been so foul lately that Angeal had wondered if he would ever smile again.

Genesis contemplated telling Angeal about Cloud, but decided to at least wait till he had a chance to talk with the blonde cadet on his own. "Lazard just informed me that I'm being shipped to Wutai in 2 weeks to take command of the war."

"Really?" Angeal was shocked.

"Yep, I'm taking 100 fresh 2nds, 3rds and a few infantry. They've decided to try a few new tactics." Genesis said with a grin.

"Congratulations Genesis, I know how much you wanted this." Angeal said, returning Genesis's smile.

Genesis had almost forgotten the ache in his shoulder. "Time to be the Hero, Angeal." Genesis said with a wave of his hand.

"Where are you going? I thought we were going to have dinner. You can't put off meeting Zack forever." Angeal said, putting his hands on his hips.

"I have something to take care of before the deployment." Genesis said and Angeal just shook his head.

Genesis made his way down to the infirmary. They hadn't contacted him that Cloud was awake yet, but he just felt the urge to check on him and make sure he was alright.

"Commander, Sir. What can I help you with?" It looked like there had been a shift change since this was not the same woman who had greeted him earlier.

"I'm looking for a Cadet, name Cloud Strife." He said politely.

She looked at him strangely, then looked to her computer "He's been moved to room 204."

"Is he awake?" Genesis asked.

"I don't know, sir." She replied. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but thought better of it.

"That's alright, I'll see for myself." Genesis said and walked away, heading for Cloud's room.

Several of the staff gave him odd looks, but none said a word as he counted the number leading up to 204.

He opened the door and saw the same small blonde lying in the bed. His color was starting to come back, but Genesis thought he was probably always a bit pale, much like himself.

He assumed the boy was still asleep, so Genesis sat in the only chair in the room.

"Hello," a small parched voice said from the bed. Genesis stood, not having realized that the boy was actually awake. Genesis saw the glass of water and picked it up, holding it to Cloud's lips.

"Thank you." Cloud said as he pulled away, before he looked up and gasped at who was in his room.

"Commander Rhapsodos, sir!" Cloud stuttered.

"At ease, you may call me Genesis." He said, not sure where his kindness was coming from.

His adoptive parents had never cared for him and all his experiences told him that family could be a bad thing. But he had never known a blood relative before and desperately wanted acceptance. He understood the irony that he was looking for this out of a cadet who could barely hold his head up.

"Sir, are you sending me home?" Cloud asked, a look of sorrow on his face.

"Why would you think I'm sending you home?" Genesis said, looking confused.

"I can't even hold my own in training, how am I ever going to make in the army, let alone into SOLDIER?" Cloud looked like he was about to cry.

Genesis didn't know how to comfort, that was Angeal's department, and right now he wished he had invited the man along.

"No, I'm not going to send you home. Though, do you know what happened to you?" Genesis asked.

"I remember our instructor showing us the VR room, then someone pushed me. Next thing I know I was looking up at this crazy bird-thing and it was attacking me. After that I blacked out. I'm so pathetic." Cloud said, fists twisting in the sheets.

Genesis's eyes narrowed. It sounded a lot like one of the pranks the cadets would play on each other. Usually it didn't turn out with a serious trip to the infirmary, though. He decided that he would investigate the incident later, for now he needed to talk to Cloud.

"You almost died, did you know that you have a rare blood type, Cloud?" Genesis asked the man.

"I know I'm AB-. It's pretty rare, but there should be at least a few other people who have it here at Shinra." Cloud said with confusion on his face.

"Apparently not only that, but your Blood contains a rare genetic anomaly." Genesis was doing his best to stay calm.

"An anomaly, sir?" Cloud looked confused and a bit nervous.

Genesis nodded. "You're lucky there was one other person in the building with your blood type."

"Who, Sir?' Cloud asked.

"Me." Genesis said.

Cloud tensed, waiting for the commander to explode on him. His rage was legendary. Cloud closed his eyes, he knew he was going to die now.

Genesis just frowned at Cloud's reaction. Should he tell him the rest? It was obvious that he made the boy nervous. Then the pain in his shoulder reminded him of the one reason he had to at least try. For his and Cloud's sake.

"I'm not mad, if that's what you're thinking." Genesis said in the softest voice he could muster.

"Commander?" Cloud said, opening his eyes back up.

"I told you, call me Genesis." He corrected.

"Why?" Cloud looked up at him.

"Because it was very unlikely that anyone shared your blood type. The doctor got curious and ran some more tests." Genesis said, then pulled his copy of Loveless out of his coat pocket. Flipping it open, he took out the folded piece of paper.

"Cloud, I think you're my brother." Genesis finally said, holding out the piece of paper.

Cloud looked at Genesis in shock, then looked down at the paper and back up. The graph was easy enough to read, even for a cadet.

"I- I- I don't understand, how?" Cloud said, looking back up at the man.

"I don't know." Genesis said, shaking his head, "I was adopted and told that my parents died right after I was born. I don't know anything other than that. Trust me, I was very surprised to get the news myself."

"Mom never talks about much before I was born." Cloud said, shifting a bit in the bed. "She won't even tell me about dad. I don't know anything about her life before I was born in Nibelheim."

Genesis moved to sit on the bed next to Cloud. Nothing in either of their stories ruled out the impossible idea that they were related.

"When do you get out of here?" Genesis asked him softly.

"I don't know, I didn't wake up until you came in." Cloud told him.

"I'll find out and, when you do, I want you to move in with me." Genesis insisted.

Cloud just looked at him in surprise again.

"Don't be so surprised, I just found out I have a brother after spending most my life thinking my family hated me. I want to get to know you better." Genesis admitted. Half of him screamed at the fact he was opening himself up to this boy. He didn't even know him. Warned him that it would only lead to pain and misery. The other half was jumping for joy. The half that was still a small child looking for acceptance and love.

"I," Now Cloud was crying for real. No one outside his mother had ever given a damn about him. Now here was this man standing before him, telling him that he was his brother and that he wanted him. It was almost too much. He didn't even care that it was the commander, it could have been the janitor down the hall for all Cloud cared. "Thank you." He said, rubbing his eyes, a yawn escaping him.

"I should go and let you rest. I'll find out when you'll be discharged and come back tomorrow to visit you. If you're well enough, I'd also like you to accompany me to Wutai in 2 weeks." Genesis said, standing and helping Cloud to adjust his blankets.

"Wutai? But I'm just a cadet and not a very good one." Cloud said, eyes going wide.

"I'll help you if I can, you'll do fine, I'm sure. You may look down on yourself, but I know Shinra doesn't waste their time on someone who has no potential." Genesis said softly. "Now sleep, we can talk more tomorrow."

Cloud just yawned again as his eyes started to slide shut.