Chapter 15: It's not him, It's… her



~Happy Reading~



"Ah, good morning. How's your sleep?"


"Your parents? They returned to my farm to get some stuff. But, they will return soon and so does Ginrei sama,"


"How do you feel today? Do you need some water?"


"Oh, she is my little daughter. I think it's the first time you two meet since you missed her first birthday last January. But, when you two could finally meet, well… that unfortunate incident happen. However, everything's fine now,"


"Her name? Her name is Rukia. You want to hold her?"







"Alright, great job everyone," Aoyama, the movie director shouted with satisfaction. "Okay, break for fifteen minutes before we take the new scene," He got up from his seat and approached Byakuya.

"Great job, Kuchiki. Your last scene is perfect," He complimented while watching some crews helped Byakuya to take off the safety cable of his body. It was not the first time they worked together in the movie, but it constantly amazed him how Byakuya managed to do all the dangerous scenes without any stuntman. His professionalism indeed deserved praise.

Byakuya gave a brief nod as he removed the last hook of his vest. He listened as Aoyama gave him a small briefing about the next scene, where he needed to do the fighting scene before going back to his seat.

"Here's your script, Byakuya sama," Zakura gave him the script and a bottle of mineral water.

Byakuya flipped open the script and read his part. He already read it so many times, but it was his habit to make sure everything's perfect. Besides, he admitted, the script was actually good regardless of it came from the unnamed writer, Hitsugaya Toshiro. Sure, it was his first movie script, but he was actually quite famous as a writer despite his young age. He was drawn by the story as soon as he read the script and that was why he chose to do this project despite tons of movie scripts from famous scriptwriter that had offered to him.

"I wonder if Rukia-sama could make it," Zakura said as he looked at his watch. "She will meet her editor today, right?" He glanced briefly at Byakuya.

"Well, if she made a good manga, there is no reason for her editor to reject it," He stated calmly.

Two weeks had been passed since they returned from Kuchiki Manor. And after that, they immediately occupied with their own work. His new movie started to shoot as soon as the New Year's holiday ended. He had to leave early in the morning and return late night. Meanwhile, Rukia had plenty of scenes to revise before she met her editor. Nonetheless, despite that circumstance, it did not go unnoticed by him as he saw the dark circle under her eyes when he met her this morning. She looked tired and sleepy, but what took him off guard was the smile she flashed at him before he went for working.

That girl really needed an assistant, he concluded while trying to brush off her image out of his mind. He flipped another page and proceeded to read. Merely, it did not take a long time until Zakura tagged him into another conversation.

"After this scene, you have two hours free before doing the interview with Style's Magazine. Do you want to go to their office directly or go back to the apartment first?"

"Apartment," Byakuya answered. "I forgot my watch," He added when he caught a glint in Zakura's eyes as he chose to go back to the apartment instead of the office.

"Anyway, I've already rearranged the interview schedule for tomorrow's night and the day after, so you can go home early and have a time with Rukia-sama,"

Byakuya paused and raised his gaze. He looked at Zakura, frowning. "Why the schedule have to rearrange?" He asked, without hiding irritated tone in his voice. One thing he disliked the most is if the schedule that had been set to be canceled or rearrange. Sure, it happened a lot, but in the norm that acceptable. Still, if it canceled without reason like this, he found it very unprofessional. Also, what does Rukia has to do with his schedule?

"We will go with the original schedule," He closed the script and stared at him.

"But, that day is—"

"The decision was final," He stated firmly.

Zakura looked at him for a couple of moments. He just wanted to convince his master once again about his decision. Yet, before he could explain the reason, the director had called Byakuya to start the shoot.

Zakura watched as Byakuya began to do his part. A small sigh came out of his lips. "He must have forgotten about it," He murmured silently.



"I know," Rukia sighed. Her right hand continued to make a sketch while the other one was holding a cell phone. "You don't need to tell me hundreds time, idiot," She muttered.

"Well, I've to make sure, midget. Do I have to remind you how you cancel our plan not only one but twice in the last minute?"

Rukia winced at Renji's words. It looked like no matter how many times she apologized, it still could not erase the disappointment he felt toward her. "I've already said I'm sorry. You know it was beyond my will. Besides, it was two weeks ago. Can we just put it behind? I will come tomorrow night, okay?"

Renji did not answer. He just sighed and gave several grunted before he continued. "Alright, I hope you keep your promise,"

A small smile entered her lip. "Sure, and you have to keep your promise about the beer too,"

"Can we skip that part?"

"What? No! What's the point become legal if I can't drink?"

Another sigh came from Renji. "Alright, but only one small glass. No more,"

Rukia rolled her eyes. However, she could not help but smile as she imagined how she will spend her night with her friends. It's been a while since she the last time she hung out with them. Moreover, tomorrow night is a special day for her, the night where she would turn twenty years old and she had planned since a long time ago to celebrate it with them.

"Anyway, what about your famous husband. Will you bring him tomorrow?"

Her smile faded slightly when Renji mentioned Byakuya out of nowhere. "He…" Her voice trailed off as her mind played back to the scene where she finally could meet him this morning.

"I still haven't told him about this,"

An audible sigh came out of her lips. It was so difficult to just say hello to that busiest man. When he arrived, she was already falling asleep, and when she woke up, he was gone. Once she tried to wait for him while keeping drawing to stay awake, but, at the end, she still ended up falling asleep inside her kotatsu.

"Hmph, don't tell me he forgot your birthday,"

"He is not! He just…" Rukia just wanted to protest, but something crossed her mind. She tried not to wince as she felt a slight pang in her chest. "He has a new movie to shoot and I'm not sure he can come even though I ask him," she finally concluded, trying to ignore a tug on her chest.

"Okay,okay. It's actually good since I don't want to see his face," Renji grumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?" Rukia asked in annoyance tone.

"Nothing. Well, see you tomorrow,"

Rukia narrowed her eyes for a couple of moments before letting out a soft sigh. "Alright, see you tomorrow night," Rukia said as they ended up the conversation. She placed her cell phone next to her sketchbook and continued to draw. She was sitting in the café near Shueisha building, since today she will meet with Tokiwa to discuss her new manuscript.

Hmph, don't tell me he forgot your birthday.

Rukia stopped drawing as Renji's words entered her head. For a minute she simply gazed at her sketch. His words were not one hundred percent wrong. It's just… It was not because he forgot. He just did not know her birthday date in the first place.

Rukia shifted her gaze from her sketchbook to the window. Her eyes wandered into the street and watched as the pedestrians passed the sidewalk.

It's okay. It's not a big deal. She thought while heaving a deep breath, attempting to not feel upset about it. It was not like he is her closest friend or family… Well, he was actually her husband… But, only on paper, and it did not mean he had to know everything's about her. Also, she would celebrate it with her friends and they will have fun together. Just like as it should.

"Are you Kuchiki Rukia?"

Rukia turned her head. She looked a bit confuse when she found a boy with short, spiked, white hair stood next to her.

"Yes, and you are?" Her brow furrowed into a small frown, trying to guess who this boy was.

His turquoise eyes bored at her for a moment. And then, without saying any words, he took a seat in front of her.

"What the…" Her eyes widened as she watched the boy took her manuscript and began to read it.

"What are you doing?! It's mine!" She tried to take it back.

"Your drawing is not bad. But, your story is suck," He commented, ignoring a death glare Rukia gave to him.

"Excuse me," Rukia said while trying to keep her emotion under control after hearing his words.

"It's my manuscript. And who the hell are you—"

"Ah, you two already met,"

Rukia turned and watched over her shoulder. "Tokiwa-san," She said, blinking as Tokiwa approached her with a beautiful woman followed him from behind. That bosom woman flashed her a smile before taking a place next to her.

"What do you think about her drawing?" Tokiwa asked him.

"Not that good, but I can deal with it," He shrugged.

What? Rukia shot another glare to that boy.

"Let me see,"


Rukia could only stare in disbelief as the woman also took her manuscript and started to read it.

"You're right, her drawing is cute," She smiled to Rukia. "However, the story is…" She did not finish her words and turned to Tokiwa. "Well, I think that's why Hitsugaya-kun is here,"

Tokiwa nodded his head. "That's why I called you two so we can start to…"

"Wait the minute!" Rukia shouted, bringing the attention back to her. What the hell was going on with these people? They suddenly popped up in front of her and commented her work in a very impolite way, especially that boy. She would not let them insult her work furthermore.

"Who are they, Tokiwa-san? What are they doing here?" Rukia said, trying to hold back her emotion.

"Ah," Tokiwa clapped his hand. "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce them,"

"She is Matsumoto Rangiku, a new jump editor," He introduced the woman.

"Nice to meet you, Rukia-san. I've already heard a lot of things about you from Tokiwa-san. I'm glad we can finally meet and I hope we can work together in the future,"

"H-hai," Rukia nodded her head, slightly confuse. Work in the future?

"And he is Hitsugaya Toshiro. He's the famous youngest writer and had won many awards in his field,"

"Oh, I see," Rukia murmured, still did not know why she had to meet them.

"And the good news is, these two talented people will work together with you,"

"Oh…" Rukia nodded her head, still unaware of Tokiwa's words. It took another second for her to finally realize his meaning. Her eyes grew wide. Her lips parted slightly.

"They will what?!"




The sound of the elevator brought Rukia from her deep thought. She waited for a moment until the door opened before entering it. She pushed the floor's number and watched as the door closed slowly.

"I know it's surprising and seemed happened all of sudden. But, it has decided by the chief editor himself,"

"He really interested with Hitsugaya-san new novel and he thought it would fit jump. However, we need a manga artist to draw and interpret Hitsugaya's work, that's why we choose you, and Matsumoto-san will in charge as the editor,"

Tokiwa's words entered her mind back. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Sure, his sudden news was surprising her. It was just like a dream, to make her work into serialization. However, half of herself still unsure with this situation.

"I'm sorry, Tokiwa-san… Can I think about it?"

"Huh? Why? It's a big opportunity you can finally make your debut,"

"I know, I just need more times,"

"Alright, but don't take it long. Opportunity doesn't come twice,"

The elevator stopped as it arrived at the floor where Byakuya's room located. Rukia walked slowly while fixing her sling bag. She took another deep breath as she recalled Tokiwa's words. She knew she should feel happy about it and just grab the chance that had given to her without a second thought. Still, it felt not right and she did not feel any joy when she heard this news. She just felt the mixed feeling of shock, confuse and… upset.

"Tadaima," Rukia murmured as she opened the door, even though she knew no one was home. She opened her shoes and changed it with the slope. She placed her bag on the sofa while kept walking to the kitchen to make a hot chocolate for herself.

A few minutes later she stood on the veranda with a mug of hot chocolate in her hand. Chill winter breeze stung her cheeks, but she stayed still, eyes watching the scenery before her. The clouds above were thick and gray, covering the sky and the sun.

"You could freeze if keep standing like that,"

Rukia blinked and turned around. It looked like she was too lost in thought as she was not aware of Byakuya's arrival.

"Oh, you… Home?" Rukia looked confused for a split second. She glanced at her watch, to make sure she has not mistaken his presence because it was very rare to see Byakuya at a time like this.

"I've finished my scenes for today," He said as if he read her mind.

"So, you don't have any schedule after this?" She asked as Byakuya stood next to her. He kept his eyes on her for a couple seconds before giving the answer.

"I have another interview after this," He said. "Anyway, it's not a good place to have some thought," He continued while his eyes examining the condition outside the veranda.

"I just need some fresh air," Rukia shifted her gaze back to the view before her, attempting to avoid his gaze. But, Byakuya knew she hid something, by the way she tried to change the conversation.

Silence moment passed between them. In his place, Byakuya waited patiently. He knew, based on his experienced, she would tell him what bothered her this afternoon once she was ready.

"I hate to admit it, but you're right, I'm not good enough to become a mangaka," She broke the stillness between them.

Byakuya turned his gaze to her but did not say any words, waiting for her to continue her story.

"Today, Tokiwa-san said I can work at Jump. As a mangaka," A faint smile crossed her lips, but Byakuya knew it was more than just met an eye. There was something that troubled her, despite the 'good' news she told him.

"However, in this project, I only draw the manga, but not the story. It's someone else who will write the plot. You know, like a collaborate manga,"

Another moment of silence passed between them. Rukia took a sip of her chocolate, letting it warmed her body. Her eyes watched as the thick gray cloud enveloped the sky, signing it would be snow again tonight. She glanced at the man beside her and for a brief second, she wondered how Byakuya could work in this kind of weather.

"I know," She continued while taking a deep breath. "This situation should make me happy. It was a good opportunity. Like a dream come true. But, it's just… I feel like…" Rukia bit her lower lip.

"You feel like they don't trust you enough to make your own manga,"

Rukia did not say anything, but he did not need words to know it was what she felt right now.

"I know, it's egoist… to want my first manga is under my name only,"

"No, it's not,"

Rukia's eyes widened slightly as she heard his answer. She turned to face Byakuya.

"It shows how much passion you put into your work and how you want to be recognized by it," Byakuya continued. He kept his eyes on the scenery before him for a couple of moment before turning to Rukia.

"However, it doesn't mean it could always work as we want. So, despite feeling upset at how it did not go as it should, why you don't think it as an opportunity,"

"Opportunity?" Rukia asked in confused.

"Yes, opportunity," Byakuya nodded before continuing.

"Your editor gave you a chance to publish your manga. Though the story is from your new partner, but it doesn't mean you can't discuss it with him. Also, you can learn from him how to create a good story line. Learn from the expert, that's what people always say, right?"

Rukia nodded slowly.

"It's alright to take one step back, to reflect back your journey before continuing to move forward," Byakuya shifted his gaze back to the view in front of him.

"And one more thing. It's not 'why they did not believe my skill enough', but it's how you can prove you're more than what they have expected before,"

Rukia never believed in magic. But, his words magically made the heavy feeling she felt before disappeared without any trace. Again, he did it. Encouraged her with his own way.

"Thank you," Her voice soft, but full of gratefulness. And Byakuya gave her a single nod before taking his cell phone that rang inside his pocket.

"I understand. I'm on my way,"

"You will go now?" She asked while trying to mask her disappointment because their togetherness was so brief.

"Yes," Byakuya answered shortly.

"Ano…" Rukia bit her lower lip. "Do you…"

Ask him. Ask him!

"Do you have a schedule tomorrow night?"

"I have an interview with Fuji TV,"

"Oh… I see,"


Tell him.


Tell him! Tell him, dammit!



Rukia shook her head while trying to ignore the yell of her inner thought.

Byakuya stared at her for a couple of seconds. "Don't fall asleep outside," He said before leaving her.

"I'm not," She murmured as she watched Byakuya left the veranda.

A sigh came out of her mouth. "Stupid, Rukia, you're so stupid," She covered her face with both of her hands.

After a minute dealing with herself, she heaved a deep breath and took her cell phone. There was another thing that more important to do, instead of drowned in regret due to her stupidness.

"Hello, Tokiwa-san,"

"Hello, Rukia?"

"Yes. Well, I've already made up my mind. I will take this opportunity and work together with Hitsugaya-san,"

There was a silent and Rukia wondered whether it was too late for her before she heard a laughter from her editor.

"That's a good choice, Rukia. I wonder why it took so long for you to finally agree with it. However, I'm glad you want to do this project,"

A broad smile adorned her face. "I wonder about that too, but I've finally convinced about this project,"

"Good. And I've to tell you something. Well, Hitsugaya-san actually forbade me to tell it to you. But, I think it's not a big deal,"

"About what?" Rukia frowned.

"It's about the mangaka who would work together with him in this project. Before you, we offered him several names, but none of them 'good enough' in his eyes. He almost canceled this collaboration until he accidentally looked at your manuscript on my table. I still remember clearly what he said that afternoon. 'I want to work with this mangaka, if I can't I will cancel it right now,' what a crazy writer," He laughed loudly.

"But, since his story is really interesting and the chief editor did not want to lose it to another magazine, so he agreed to do this collaboration,"

Rukia could only stay still as she heard Tokiwa story. She almost could not believe what she heard.

"So, you must work hard. If the first chapter gets good responds, it isn't impossible to become a series. We're waiting for your debut. Don't disappoint people who have faith in you,"

Rukia could feel the corner of her eyes heated up. She wiped her tears and nodded her head.

"Hai, arigato gozaimas, Tokiwa-san,"

She closed the conversation and took another deep breath. A soft breeze played with her hair. The corner of her lip curled into a small smile as Byakuya's words echoed back in her head.

"Thank you," She whispered.



"Where is she?" Renji grunted impatiently, hands inside his pocket, while his eyes scanned every passenger that walked before him. "Have you called her?" Renji turned to Orihime.

"I've already called Kuchiki-san, but she did not pick up her phone," Orihime looked at her cell phone and tried to dial Rukia's number for one more time.

Renji's scowled deepened as he heard the way Orihime addressed Rukia as Kuchiki. For some reason, he still disliked the change in her name.

"It sounds cringe worthy every time you call Rukia with her new family name," Keigo said and Renji could not be more agree with him.

"It's her name now, we just need to adjust to it," Ishida said while adjusting his glasses, ignoring a death glare Renji gave to him. Beside him, Chad did not give any response and only stared at the street in silence.

Orihime's face suddenly brightened and a small smile crossed her lips as her eyes caught Rukia's figure among the pedestrians.

"Over here," She called while waving her hand.

Renji turned around and watched as his friend walked toward them with a huge smile on her face.

"About time, midget. Why did not you pick up the call?"

"My phone was in silence mode. But, at least I'm already here," She stuck out her tongue. "And I'm not a midget," She added while giving a quick glare to him.

"So, where are we going first?" She looked at her friends. Her smile widened because it's been a long time since the last time she met them. This evening they were going to celebrate her upcoming birthday. Not all of her friends could make it since some of them were studying in another city, however, it did not less her excitement to celebrate her special moment with them.

"There is a new Chappy café opened three days ago," Orihime said as she checked her phone. "How about we go there,"

"C-chappy Café?" Rukia's eyes sparkled as she heard about Chappy Café. "Why I never heard about that one?"

"Because you spent a lot of time in Tokyo," Renji muttered.

Rukia rolled her eyes and gave him a quick smack on his shoulder. "Don't ruin the mood, Red Head,"

"Humph," Renji grunted while rubbing his shoulder. He watched silently as Rukia talked with Orihime with beaming face. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

Well, at least she kept her promise. He thought as he followed them to the café.



"Thank you so much for coming, Kuchiki-sama." Said one of the TV crew as he showed Byakuya the waiting room.

Byakuya only nodded in silent. That crew gave a small briefing and told him that he had thirty minutes to prepare before leaving Byakuya and Zakura alone.

"You look uneasy," Byakuya said as he took one of the jackets and walked to the changing room.

"Pardon me, my lord. But, I still think we should re-arrange this schedule,"

"You know I hate it if we have to cancel or re-arrange the schedule without an acceptable reason,"

"I know, my Lord. But, tomorrow is Rukia-sama's birthday,"

Byakuya paused. Her... Birthday?

"That was why I thought you may need a quality time with her tonight. I'm very concern you two has been busy with your works. But only for tonight, I wish you could consider this reason."

Byakuya remained silent. His mind suddenly recalled the last conversation he had with Rukia yesterday.

Do you have a schedule tomorrow night?

He closed his eyes. Now everything was clear. That was the reason why she looked a bit disappointed when he said he had a schedule today.

Silly girl.


"Yes, Byakuya-sama"

"Arrange the meeting with the director," Byakuya said as he walked outside the changing room. "I think we should reschedule our interview,"

A smile crossed Zakura face. He bowed deeply as Byakuya walked passed him.

"But, only for tonight. Tomorrow we will work as same as the schedule," He added.

"Hai, My Lord,"



"So, this is heartache? So this is heartache?!"

Face palm. Rukia stared at Keigo without expression as the boy sang the song from One Ok Rock while pointing at her, as though he wanted to tell the world about his feeling toward her. It was not a secret he had a crush on her since the day they entered High School, but she never took it seriously. Besides, it was Keigo after all, who liked every single woman in this world.

"Stupid. Did he forget you're already getting married?" Renji grumbled under his breath.

Ishida rolled her eyes. "You know he never serious, don't you?"

A laugh escaped Rukia's mouth as she heard Renji yelled at Keigo to stop singing, but of course, he was ignoring him completely. If it was not because of Ishida and Chad, Renji would jump off his seat to grab the mic.

Rukia took her glass and sip her juice. Her eyes glanced briefly at her watch. It's almost eleven o'clock. Time was really fleeting when she gathered with her friends.

Today was indeed a good day. After spending their time at Chappy Café—she could not help but amazed and wished she could stay there forever— They walked around the town, visiting their high school, taking pictures in the photo box, trying various ride at the amusement park and now they gathered at the Karaoke room while waiting for her upcoming birthday.

It was a perfect day. It should…

"What are they doing?" Rukia shook her head as she saw the scene before her eyes, between Renji and Keigo that almost fought, and how Chad and Ishida tried to stop them.

Boys. She murmured silently.

"I wonder what Kuchiki-sama would say if he watched Keigo," Orihime said while flashing a smile toward her.

Rukia only shrugged and gave her a small smile. She did not know how he will react, but, perhaps he would never give any reactions.

"Are you alright, Kuchiki-san?"

Rukia blinked. She turned to Orihime just to find she was looking at her with concern. "Yes, I'm alright," She said, faking a smile. Sometimes, she forgot how observant Orihime was. She had already careful to not let any of her feelings that could ruin her day went to surface.

"Oh… I thought you didn't enjoy the celebration,"

"Of course I enjoy it. What make you think I'm not?" She waved her hand and laughed. For this, she did not completely lie. She was really happy to be surrounded by her friends, but she realized something was missing, though she would not want to admit it.

It still confused her. How could one person who she just met affect her like this? She always celebrated her birthday with her friends every year and everything was fine, but now, because of him, she felt her days was incomplete and she hated herself because of this feeling.

Rukia placed her glass back on the table, she gave a small applaud to Keigo, who finally could finish his song after some struggles.

"Alright, my time," Rukia said as she stood and took the mic. The music of her favorite singer echoed in the room.

"You've been singing his song hundreds time," Keigo groaned as he took a seat.

"And I will make it thousands time," Rukia grinned from ear to ear before starting to sing the new song from Kaien.

After a couple of songs, she back to her seat and that's when Orihime told she heard her cell phone rang a couple of times.

Frowning, Rukia took her cell phone and watched as Zakura number pop up on the screen. She sent him a message.

"So, where is my drink?" She said as she grinned at Renji who groaned at her request.

"We should forget about that,"

"No, we shouldn't. You promise,"

Sighing, Renji put six cans of beer that he had been hiding on the table. "Only one glass," He warned her.

"What? Hei! I'm not a kid," She protested.

"Yeah, Renji. You should let her to—" Keigo did not continue as Renji scowled at him.

"If you scare I will drunk and mess around, you really underestimate me and—"

Rukia's word trailed off due to the vibration of her cell phone. She took it and read the message.

Her eyes widened as she read the message from Zakura.

Rukia-sama, where are you? Byakuya-sama is at home now.

She stunned. For a couple of seconds, she could only stare at Zakura's words.

He's… home?

She looked up and watched her friends. Renji and Keigo continuing their arguments whether she should drink or not while Orihime tried to stop them. Ishida said a couple of words that did not help them to settle down. And Chad watched them in silence.

No. She would not leave this time. She would message Zakura that she was with her friends and will come home late.


Why it's so difficult to just type those words?

"Are you alright, Kuchiki-san?" Chad, who was silent all the time spoke up, bringing all the attention to her.

"I'm fine," She tried to smile, as though nothing happened.

"Are you sure? Is something happening because you keep staring at your cell phone,"

"Nah, it's nothing," Rukia waved her hand. "Zakura-san just said Byakuya's interview was canceled,"


"So, he was home. Nothing's important." She took her juice and drink it, trying to ignore the stares.

"Okay. Who's next to sing?"

"Kuchiki-san," Orihime said softly.


"Do you want to go home?"

"What?" Rukia blinked. "No! I mean. We just start to have fun. I don't want to go—"

"It's fine. You can go home," She smiled. "Don't let Kuchiki-sama wait,"

"But… I'm not…"

"It's all over your face," Ishida added.

Rukia looked at her friends one by one. And then her eyes fell at Renji. He opened his mouth to say something, but he paused and took a deep breath instead.

"Just go," He sighed. "You look so miserable when you sing. My ear can't handle it any—Auch, damn, midget!"

"You deserve it," She punched his hand. "My voice is not bad," She mumbled before turning to her friends. "I… don't know what to say. I just… I'm sorry,"

"Don't say that. We understand,"

Rukia heaved a deep breath before taking her bag. "I really enjoy everything today, thank you so much, guys. And see you soon," She bowed and said goodbye before walking to the door.

"See you soon, Kuchiki-san," Orihime waved her hand, watching as Rukia disappeared outside.

"I really hate that man," Renji grunted as he opened his beer.

"He is her husband," Ishida said.

"I know, you don't need to remind me," He scolded.

"Hey, we should be happy for her, remember?" Orihime said, smiling.

"I know, it just… she changes,"

"So we are,"

"No. I mean. Of course, we're changing. But… She barely shares about her work anymore. You remember how she always came to me to tell about her manga. But now… Agh, I don't know," He said as he drinks his beer.

"Don't worry, Abarai-kun. For Kuchiki-san, you still—" Orihime paused as her phone rang inside her bag.

"Hello?" She suddenly beamed, and her eyes widened slightly as she heard a familiar voice from her phone.

"Oh, Kurosaki-kun!"



Rukia walked into the elevator while trying to control her breath. Her hair flat and several of its strands stuck to her cheeks and forehead. One of her hand held a plastic grocery contain nabe ingredients that she bought on the way home. She pushed the number of Byakuya's apartment floor and not long after the elevator closed and began to move. She glanced at her watch. It took almost thirty minutes to get to his apartment from Karakura town. She really hoped it did not too late and he has not gone before she returned.

Rukia walked out of the elevator. She quickened her pace as she saw the apartment door. She stopped and took a deep breath, and immediately tidied her hair and clothes. Rukia heaved another breath before reaching the knob. However, before her hand touched it, the door was opened from behind.

Rukia stunned on her place as Byakuya's figure stood in front of her. Just like her, he looked astonished to find her outside.

"Err…" Rukia cleared her throat, trying to hide her awkwardness as their eyes met. Her cheeks reddened and her heart thumped so hard. She just wanted to say a few words but paused when her eyes fell on the car key in his hand. Her heart sunk. It looked like she was already late.

"Are you going?" She asked, attempting to hide her disappointment.

"Yes," Byakuya answer shortly.

Rukia's shoulder drop, as well as her face.

"I'm going to buy food,"

"Huh?" Rukia looked up.

"Before going back to work," He added before averting his eyes. However, in that brief of second Rukia could see something flashed in it, but it was enough to courage herself.

"I'm going to make nabe. Let's eat together" She said as she showed her plastic bag. "Before you go," She added quickly. Her eyes watched him nervously, waiting for his answer.

A warm pooled in her stomach and spread through her body as she saw his nod.

Rukia watched as Byakuya turned around and walked back inside the room.

"You know," She spoke while following him. "You will not regret it. I'm the best cooker in Karakura town,"



The delicious aroma from Nabe filled the living room as Rukia put the pot on the top of the futon.

"We should just eat that in the dining room," Byakuya glanced at the dining room, showing a bit disagreement with her choice to have a dinner. Late dinner exactly, as it almost midnight.

"Trust me, it's the best place to eat," She said as she arranged the table. "Besides, you're hungry, aren't you? Just come here and eat,"

No, he did not. He thought quietly.

Those words unconsciously came out of his mouth before he could think about it. Another little mistake he made because he knew he supposed not to be here. After some thoughts, he realized it would be better to leave this apartment immediately and went back to finish some of his works. It was the first time he canceled the schedule. Even though the production team was fine when Zakura told them to arrange the schedule, they even apologize when they knew the reason why he had to cancel it. Still, he felt a slight uncomfortable because of it

"You should tell us sooner, Kuchiki-sama. We feel bad because we make your wife wait. We're really sorry,"

Byakuya kept his eyes on Rukia when she got up and walked to the refrigerator. A soft hum came out of her lips as she opened it. And then he heard it, a small gasp that followed by a cheerful tone as she took something from the refrigerator.

"Look what I found!" She shouted in excitement while showing him a six-pack of beer cans. She walked back to the kotatsu with a huge grin on her face.

"You're still underage," He spoke tonelessly.

Rukia rolled her eyes. "And in the few minutes I will be legal," She stated. "Why are you just standing there? Hurry up, I'm hungry,"

Byakuya watched as Rukia plunged herself inside the futon. She lifted her gaze toward him and beckoned him to follow her step.

Sighing, Byakuya slowly walked toward her. He stopped as he was already beside her and for a brief second he looked hesitated to sit until he saw Rukia pat the empty space beside her.

Carefully, he sat. Warm spread through his body as he was already inside the kotatsu.

"How is it? Is it warm in here, right?"

Byakuya remained silent. He did not want to admit she was right. Instead, he chose to take one of the beers. However, Rukia stopped him as he just wanted to open it.

"Eat first," She said as she handed him a bowl of Nabe.

They ate in silent, but no one protest about this solitary moment.

"I've probably already said it," Rukia spoke as she took one of the fish cake and began to eat it. "But, I'm glad the day when I can fulfill one of my wishes finally come,"

'I will wait until my birthday. On that day, I will drink and eat nabeand just relax all night inside my kotatsu. And no one can stop me,'

"Why'd you really like it?" Byakuya found himself asking. He admitted he slightly curios about it.

"Well, it's like a tradition in my family. Nabe, Kotatsu and beer at winter," Rukia closed her eyes.

"When I was a little kid, I loved to see how my Jii-san and Otou-san enjoy their meal. 'It was the best', they always said that to me," A soft smile tugged at the corner of Rukia's lips as she recalled the memory.

"Ginrei-sama told me another story," Rukia turned to Byakuya.

"Did you know? This tradition actually started by Ginrei-sama and my Jii-san when they were still young," Her smile widened.

Byakuya shook his head. He did not know about it. Well… actually, if he recalled, Ginrei have told him about this story for one or two times, but he ignored it because he thought it was just the unimportant tale.

"And I'm glad it can pass to us,"

Byakuya watched the girl beside him in silent. How foolish, he thought. How could she felt so happy for the simplest thing like this?

However, as she watched her smile, he realized how genuine her feeling about it. And he knew, though he denied it so many times, it was one of many reasons why he canceled his schedule, came to this apartment, and decided to stay with her tonight.

"Oh," Rukia's clasped her hand as she watched the clock.

Byakuya followed her gaze and found the reason behind her excitement.

"It's twelve o'clock," She said with a huge smile on her face. "It's mean I'm legal now," She took a can of beer and grinned to Byakuya, knowing he did not have any excuse to stop her this time.

"Shouldn't you blow out the candles and make a wish first?" Byakuya asked as he took his own can and opened it.

"Umm... I've already done it so many years," She hesitated for a moment. "So, I think I will try something different now. Besides, I've already waited for this moment," She smiled and opened her can.

"Cheers!" She shouted as she lifted her cane, waiting for Byakuya to do toss with her.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am. And this time you have to allow me," She smirked.

Byakuya only let out a soft sigh as he lifted his can. He still felt disagree about her choice. Sure, she was legal just like she said before. Yet, in his mind, she did not change a bit. She still the same girl as before.

"For our success," Rukia said as they tossed their cans together.

"Have you ever tasted it?" Byakuya asked as he sipped his beer while keeping his eyes on Rukia.

She shook her head. "Never. It's my first time,"

"Just, don't regret it," He murmured.

Rukia stuck out her tongue before starting to drink her beer.

Byakuya did not avert his eyes from Rukia even for a second. He watched as that girl began to take a sip of her drink and hid a smile as he saw the changed in her expression.

"Bleh," Rukia put the beer on the table and immediately search for water. "What kind of taste is that? It's so bitter," She protested while drinking her water.

"I've told you,"

"Are you laughing at me?" Rukia frowned.

"I'm not," Byakuya said as he took another sip. "I just found it quite funny for my taste," The corner of his lip tugged a bit as he watched Rukia's annoyance expression.

"Well, I have to tell you. It will never stop me to continue drinking," She declared as she took her can back. She looked hesitate for a moment before taking a deep breath and drinking it.

"Don't push yourself too hard," Byakuya said in disagreement tone when he saw the way Rukia drink.

Rukia put that half empty can to the table and search for another glass of water.

"I'm not," Rukia said. "Actually, I kind of like it... I mean, I still don't get used to the taste, but it makes my body warm and my head feels lighter," She said as she took the can and examined it.

"Just don't get drunk,"

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. But, my Jii-san and my otou-san were a great drinker. So, it absolutely passes to me," Rukia spoke with pride. She lifted her cane and smiled to Byakuya.




Renji let out a heavy sigh as he walked down the street. It was midnight already, but the street still filled with the pedestrian and some shops still opened.

"What happened, Abarai-kun?" Orihime asked with concern.

"Something just flashed my mind," He shrugged.

"Is this about Kuchiki-san?"

Renji gave Orihime a single nod.

"Well, I know it's sad because she did not with us like before. But, we can't force her to be with us forever, right?"

Renji let out another sigh. "Yeah, I know. It' just..." Renji did not continue his words and just stared at the street. "Well, as long she is happy, I think I can deal with it," He murmured.

Orihime smiled at Renji's words. "Yes, you're right, Abarai-kun. Well, I wonder what they're doing tonight. Perhaps Kuchiki-san is drinking right now," Her smiled widened at the thought of her best friend could finally fulfill her wish. "She's been waiting for it, right?"

"That's also one of my concerns," Renji said in a whisper, but it seemed it was loud enough to make Orihime halted her step.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Renji's shrugged, trying to avoid Orihime's gaze.


Renji closed his eyes. "Alright, but please. You have to promise me you will never tell this story to Rukia,"

Orihime paused for a moment. "You scared me. Has something bad happened?" She asked in worry.

"No, it's not like that. Don't worry. But, you have to promise me first,"

Another silent passed. "Alright. So, what happened?"

"Well, do you know why I always stopped Rukia to drink?"

"Because she is still underage, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's one of it. Actually, there is another reason. The truth is Rukia had already drinking even before she is in legal age,"

"Huh?" Orihime looked at him in confuse.

"Well, it happened two years ago. When we have camped at summer. Do you remember?"

"Oh, yes. That camped. What happened?"

"Well, you know, when you all fell asleep, me, Rukia and Ichigo kept continuing our card game,"

"Yes, so?"

"Oh, I never to tell you and the other. But at that time, I bought a few cane of beers, so I could drink it,"

"Hey, it's illegal!" Orihime said it in horror. "Don't tell me you give it to Kuchiki-san,"

"No!" Renji shouted. "I mean of course not. I never give it to her. She took it from me and drink it by herself,"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Let me finish my story first," Renji sighed. "Well, I know it's illegal, but I'm so curious so I bought a few can and pour it in paper glass so no one will suspicious about it,"

"However, when I just want to drink it, Rukia took my glass and drink it until it empty,"

"What? Why did not you stopped her?"

"I also surprised you know, I couldn't even talk when I saw the way she drink. It seemed like she had drink a couple of times. The only complaint from her is she did not like the taste because she thought it was an expired juice,"

Orihime stared at Renji with disagreement. "So, what happened next?"

"Well, that's when the real problem began," He sighed.

"She got drunk?"

"It's more than that. It will be a lot of simpler if she just drunk. But, she didn't. She just became wild and uncontrolled,"

"Huh? Wild? Uncontrolled?"

"Yes. Oh, man. If you saw her at that time. She just became another person. She kept screaming and singing the same song for a couple of hours. And she never stopped and kept forcing me and Ichigo to listen to her. She would give us punched if we refused. She also forced us to draw chappy for her..." Renji shuddered as he recalled the memory.

"Kurosaki-kun knew about this?"

"Yes, and we got involve to another fight because of it. But, it was in the past," Renji sighed and turned to Orihime. "Well, now you know why I always stopped her for drinking,"

"Oh, no," Orihime looked panic. She opened her bag and began to search her cell phone.

"What are you doing?" Renji asked, frowning.

"I have to stop Kuchiki-san from drinking. We can't let her embarrassed herself in front of Kuchiki-sama,"

"Stop!" Renji halted Orihime as she just wanted to call Rukia. "Let her,"


"You have promised me to not tell Rukia about it. And just let that jerk handle it. He will never be a good husband if he refuse to see this side of Rukia,"


"Trust me. We will never know when Rukia will drink, right? It will be better if they can solve this problem now than later. What do you think will happen if Rukia drunk in front of Kuchiki family. Doesn't it become worse?"

Orihime thought about Renji's words for a moment. "You're right, Abarai-kun. But..."

"It's alright. And I'm sure, Rukia can handle alcohol a lot of better than two years ago." Renji said in a calm tone while crossing his fingers.

However, deep inside, a small part of him really hoped Rukia could scare Byakuya with her strange habit. That man deserved it. Besides, one or two surprises did not hurt, did it?



"So... That's when Renji and I finally became a friend... I still remember we fought a lot before that..." Rukia said before drinking her beer until it dried out. She just wanted to take another can, but Byakuya's hand stopped her.

"I think you've enough drink for today,"

"Huh? But, I still want to drink," Rukia released her hand and tried to take the can. Yet, once again, Byakuya stopped her.

"Hey!" Rukia protested.

"You're drunk," He stated simply.

"I'm not. See, I'm still conscious," She said as she raised both of her hand, trying to convince him.

However, her rosy cheeks and droopy eyes only ensured him she indeed was already drunk. "You need to sleep,"

"I don't need sleep. Besides, I just drink three cans. How come I become drunk?" Rukia said as she looked at the empty can before her. "But, you're right. I feel a bit sleepy. But, I don't want to sleep. I want to drink,"

Byakuya let out a soft sigh as he watched the confused girl in front of him. What a night, he thought as he saw Rukia played with the empty can before her.

Nonetheless, it actually surprised him. For someone who just drank for the first time, she had pretty good alcohol tolerance.

And despite his still disagreement about how she should not drink tonight, he was glad to see how relax she was, compared to previous days. It did not escape his sighting how she looked tense on some occasions. There was too much pressure for her to handle. Not only from her work, but also his family. Yet, she never complain.

Well, at least she looked happy now. And he admitted he quite enjoyed their conversation today, though most of the conversation was from Rukia. It seemed the alcohol made her more open to him. Well... too open actually. Since, she told him almost about her private live that she should not tell him. And he bet she would never tell him if she did not drink. Like when she told him about a boy, who declared his love to her, and how until now he still waited for her answer.

"Who is the name of that boy?"


"The boy who said he loves you,"

"Oh... Ichigo. His name is Ichigo,"

Ichigo? What kind of name is that?

"What kind of answer you will give to him?"

"I... I don't know," Rukia said as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm still not thinking about it... Yet. Anyway, why do you asked me those questions?"

"Nothing," Byakuya said as he opened another can of beer and drink it immediately.

Yes. Why did he ask those questions all of sudden? It's her personal life. Nothing's to do with him. And it also nothing's to do with him what kind of answer she will give to that boy. Perhaps, she will accept that brat's feeling after their agreement finish.

Byakuya took a deep breath, trying to ignore the uneasiness that suddenly filled inside him. He averted his gaze and found Rukia was already half sleep with her head lied on the table. Sighing, he put his can and put his hand on Rukia's shoulder, trying to wake her softly.

"Let's go back to your room,"

"Hmm... I'm not tired..."

"Yes, you are," He said as got up and helped Rukia to stand. However, it seemed alcohol already took over her since she could not stand properly and almost fell if he did not stop it.

Noticing, there is no other choice but carried this girl, Byakuya lifted Rukia's body and carried her in his arms.

"W-what are you doing?" Rukia's gasped in surprise.

"What else? I'm carrying you to your room," He said calmly.

"I'm still conscious and I can walk alone," She protested.

Byakuya stared down at her and it was enough to make her face reddened. "Well, okay... I'm not in a good condition... But, as you know, I'm not drunk,"

"I believe you," He said as he walked crossed the dining room.

"I'm just tipsy..." She added quietly before closing her eyes.



"So, what happened next?" Orihime asked as they walked through the crossroad. "I mean... Kuchiki-san seemed did not bother to try to drink again even though she knew she could not handle it,"

"Nah, she forgot everything,"

"Huh?" Orihime paused and looked at Renji with confuse.

"Yes. She drunk like crazy. But, in the morning, she completely forgot what happened the night before. She looked fresh and totally unaware she had already drunk."

"So, do you mean, if Kuchiki-san drunk tonight, she will completely forget what has happened once she wakes up?"

Renji nodded his head. "Crazy, isn't it?" His eyes looked up to the moon, trying to imagine what situation that his best friend would create in Kuchiki house. Perhaps she would sing entire night. Whose know? A Small smile curved at the corner of his lips.

"But, that's the reality,"



Byakuya opened the door and entered her room. Slowly, he put Rukia on the bed and wrapped her small body with the blanket. He stared at her for a moment, watching how peaceful she was. He just wanted to live her, but a small tug on his sleeve halted his step. Byakuya turned around and found she already woke up.

"I like your eyes,"

Byakuya blinked. For a split second, he did not know how to react by her sudden and very strange confession.

"Well, thank you," He answered in a proper tone. She must be drunk enough to say those words to him. He concluded in silent.

"It's true," Rukia said as she got up and sat on her bed. "It makes me calm and once I stared at it I can't avert my gaze. It's strange, isn't it?"

"You should go back to sleep," Byakuya decided to ignore her question as well as the pleasant tug on his chest.

"Would you like to sit with me for a minute?" She asked. "There is something I want to tell,"

Byakuya let out a sigh as he saw her pleaded look. "Fine, but you have to sleep after this,"

Rukia nodded. A soft smile adorned her face as she watched Byakuya sat next to her.

"So?" Byakuya raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to start.

"As you know, today is my birthday,"

"Yes, I know," He said while trying to guess where this odd conversation will go.

"I want a present," She murmured softly.

"A present?"

Rukia nodded.

"Alright, what do you want as your present?"

"Well..." Rukia diverted her gaze and looked at her hand instead. "I'm not sure you will give it,"

Byakuya's sighed. "I will give it. Just tell me what you want,"

Rukia lifted her gaze and looked at him expectantly. "Really?"


"Well..." Rukia paused for a moment and she stared at him straight into his eyes. "If you said so... Can... Can I claim it now?"

Her question confused him. However, before he could think the meaning of it, he felt a soft touch on his lips. It took another second before he realized Rukia was actually kissing him.

The kiss was so tender, a bit hesitant, but sweet at the same time. Nonetheless, it was too short as he felt Rukia pulled away from him.

The moment took him off guard. For the first time in his life, he could not formulate any single word to describe this situation. Again, he was not sure there was a word to describe his feeling right now.

He glanced at Rukia. A soft pink blush crept on her cheeks as she opened her eyes and their gaze finally met. However, it did not last long when Byakuya noticed sadness entered her face.

"I... I'm so—"


He did not want to hear those words from her. He did not deserve it. Not when his hand moved to encircle her waist, while the other one went to cup the back of her neck. Ignoring the confuse look in her eyes he gently pulled her closer before bending down and capturing her lips.

A surprised gasp from Rukia did not stop him, instead, he took this advantage to deepen the kiss. His hand moved to slid through her raven hair, while kept focusing kissing her passionately yet thoroughly. A moan came out of her lips as his tongue slipped inside her mouth expertly. Her body stiffened for a moment or two before eventually became lenient, leaning against his chest. And slowly, tentatively, she kissed him back.


He indeed did not deserve her apology. He deserve a slap for taking advantage in this situation. But, he could not stop, even though he knew it was wrong. Hell, it was wrong ever since he decided to come to her bed. However, he knew, deep inside he could not resist her, not when he was so craving for her lips.

Byakuya did not know how much times passed. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. He lost counts as his mind was filled by her. Only her. Rukia.



"Her name? Her name is Rukia,"

A fragment of an old memory flashed inside his mind. Slowly, while kept his hand on her hair, he pulled away from her lips. He still held her in his arms and she was practically leaning onto his body. A blush crept on her cheeks. Her red, damp lips tried to catch a breath and he had to restrain the urge to kiss her back.

After a few seconds, she opened her eyes. Her blush deepened as their eyes met. "It's... It's unfair..." Rukia murmured softly.

"Why?" He found himself asking when he knew what he should do first is releasing this girl and get out of her bed. But, he could not move. It was wrong yet felt so right, to hold her in his arms.

"You always stole the kiss from me. My first kiss... and now this..."

Another flashback flickered before his eyes. White room. A man with his one year old little daughter. He handed that girl to him. Her violet eyes looked at him intensely while he held that little girl in his arms. Her small, warm palm moved to cup his cheeks...

"I think there is a misunderstanding here," Byakuya cleared his throat as the memory become more vivid in his mind. "It was not me it was..." His words trailed off as he felt a soft touch on his cheeks.

"I think I have to make it fair, at least..." She whispered before leaning to meet his lips once again.

Her lips were gently on him. Soft and shyly, yet thorough, as if she wanted to devour it but she did not know how. He had to hold back another urge to claim her mouth completely. Instead, he let her be in charge, though this slow burn indeed killed him.


He should feel guilty for taking advantage in this kind of situation, but he never learnt. Instead, he felt another desire started to build up inside him, like a fireball that slowly engulfed him, shutting down all his rational sense.

He let out of a deep groan as her hand trailed down to caress his chest. Her touch awakened the desire that he tried to bury. With a quick motion he caught her hands and gently pushed her body on the bed, so she was lying flat on her back. Her eyes looked surprised, but she did not say any words as he pinned her hands above her head.

Heat emanated from her body as he leaned closer. She opened her mouth, but he sealed it immediately before she could voice any words.

The kiss neither tender nor gentle, showing his possessiveness toward her. She tried to match the kiss, but he devoured her lips completely, did not give her any chance to prepare. It was his turn to take control. He bit her lower lips, before letting his tongue entered her mouth. A satisfied moan from her lips only added to his desire to claim her lips more and more. The needs to touch her was unbearable. He craved to feel her and touch every inch of her skin, marking her as his. Only his.

Byakuya released her lips and slowly kiss the corner of her mouth, down to her chin. A small gasp came out of her lips as his placed a feathery kiss on her neck but it did not stop him. His mouth moved further below, kissing every inch of her skin. Underneath him, Rukia gasped, moaned, tipped her head as he gave a small bite the junction between her neck and shoulder and Goddammit he loved the reaction.

"Bya... Kuya..." She pleaded. The way he called his name... Her voice just like the sound of music in his ears. And he was greedy to hear more. He wanted her to call his name. No, he wanted her to scream his name for entire night. Only his name.


As though answered her plea, he released his hand on hers and Rukia took the advantage to slide her hand over his hairs and brought his back to catch another kiss that Byakuya gladly to give.

Rukia's hand moved slowly, from his head down to his back before slipping under his shirt. Her touch sending a shiver down to his spine, and he responded it by kissing her harder and deeper, tugging and biting her bottom lips until she gasped and breathless under his demanding mouth.

It was strange, certainly. The situation between them. Perhaps, it was because of the alcohol that already took over their bodies and nerves. Yes, he could blame this situation on alcohol. The most logical answer for this odd attraction.

But... Is it really because of alcohol? Or his hidden desire to her...

Sudden realization jerked him like a tidal wave. He broke the kiss and almost cursed as he found what he had done to her. He could not believe he let his desire took control. For the God sake. She was Rukia. Not that kind of women he met in the past where he always used to release his needs.

Damn this alcohol.

Damn him and his lack self-restraint.



"Why... you suddenly stop? Are... are you angry because... because I'm inexperience?"

Byakuya gazed down only to find he was drawn into beautiful violet eyes that stared at him innocently. However, he also noticed how she looked confuse and anxious with his sudden action.

Fuck. He indeed did not deserve that look after what he had done. It was his mistake. Not her.

"I'm not," He said while caressing her hair. "You deserve better,"

"But, I already have,"

Byakuya closed his eyes as he heard her answer, trying to repress the needs to claim her again.

"It's late. Both of us drunk and we need to rest," He stated, more to himself.

"I'm not drunk," She pouted.

Byakuya only gave her a small nod before releasing his body. Carefully, he positioned Rukia on the bed before covering her body with the blanket.

"Are you going?" Rukia asked as Byakuya walked to the door.

"Yes, I'll be in the next room," He answered.

"Will you be here this morning?"

Byakuya fell silent for a moment. He looked at Rukia before giving her a nod as the answer. "Good night,"

A small smile crossed Rukia's lips. "Good night," She said before sleep took over her.



It was four o'clock when Renji woke up due to the ring of his cell phone. And he immediately got a bad feeling when he saw Rukia's name on the screen. He wanted to ignore it, but he knew the consequence if he refuse to pick it up.


"Hey! Why it takes so long!"

"Damn, midget! You know what time is it?" He grunted.

"I know. But, it's not important. Listen, I have a great news!" She shouted in excitement. "And I want to share with you because..."

Shit. She must be drunk. Definitely. But, why she did not go for her husband? Renji thought in confuse. Since his plan is Rukia got drunk and bothered Byakuya for the entire night. So, why him all of sudden.

"And don't dare you to turn off the phone," She said in a threatening tone.



Renji screamed internally as Rukia began to sing a song.

What the hell is happened?!



"Ergh..." Rukia groaned as a morning sunlight slipped through a curtain, touching her eyes. She let out another groan before rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She mumbled while opening her eyes. A gasp came out of her lips as she saw it was already seven o'clock. She immediately got up, but she fell back instantly when the pain strike her head.

"Shit," She muttered under her breath. It seemed she was slightly drunk last night because she felt so sick and did not remember how she could sleep on her bed instead in the living room.

A small ring from her cell phone startled her. She reached her hand to take it.


"Damn you, midget! And all your damn song!"

Rukia held the cell phone away from her ear as Renji began to scream.

"Shit! Could you calm down," Rukia shouted back, feeling irritated. "I just woke up," She grunted while slowly trying to get up off the bed.

"You told me to not close the phone, but you're the one who did it... Wait. You just woke up?"

"Yes. And the first thing I heard is your curse," She said as she walked to the mirror. Her expression turned into horror as she saw her reflection. Her hair tangled and so messy. Her face looked so pale and there was a dark circle under her eyes.

"You don't remember anything?"

"Remember what?" Rukia asked as she examined her appearance thoroughly and frowned when she noticed a red mark on her neck.

"You made me stayed late while forcing me to hear your song and you kept telling me that your secret wish came true."

"My secret wish came true? Hmph, you must be kidding," Rukia kept her eyes on the mark while trying to remember what caused it. It looked like an insect bite, she concluded.

"I'm not. But, well, you're totally drunk, so of course, you don't remember,"

"Yeah, you're right. It seemed like I was drunk last night," Rukia sighed. "I don't remember anything. I even don't remember how I could get a red mark on my neck. Well, it looked like an insect bite. Did it came to my room and... Renji?" Rukia paused as she heard a strange sound from her friend.

"Damn, Rukia! Y-you fuckin' hentai!"

Rukia's eyes widened in shock. "W-what? H-hen—"

"Don't dare you to tell me about your private night with your husband, even though you're drunk! Or I will cut our friendship,"

Rukia could only stare at her cell phone as Renji suddenly turn off the connection. Her face heated for some unknown reason. "What the hell is happening?!" She screamed in frustration. She put the cell phone and went to the bathroom.

After cleaning herself and took a tablet of pain killer, she went to the kitchen. She could not hide her surprise as she found Byakuya was there. Beside him, Zakura was pouring coffee into his cup. He smiled as he saw Rukia.

"Good morning, Rukia-sama."

"Good morning. I though you're already left," She said as she sat. And then she realized Byakuya was watching her carefully. She looked at him, frowning.

"Do you need something?" She asked, confuse.

"No," He said shortly. "We will live in five minutes," He continued.

"Oh..." Rukia face dropped slightly. But, she tried to hide it and turned to Zakura. "Anyway, are we have insect spray or something?"

"I think we have one in the cupboard. Why?" Zakura said as he began to pour Rukia a glass of water.

"Well, I just got a small bite. See," Rukia said as she showed them a red mark on her neck. She still unaware by the sudden change from both men in front of her. Byakuya turned rigid, his expression unreadable. Meanwhile, beside him, Zakura could only stun in his place. It was the sound of spilled water that brought them back.

"Huh? Are you okay, Zakura-san?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry for the mistake," He said as he wiped the water. "Anyway, that insect was really naughty, don't you think, Byakuya-sama?" Byakuya shot him a glare, but Zakura ignored it as he flashed a meaningful smile to his master.

"We should go now," Byakuya changed the topic directly.

"I will prepare the car," Zakura said, planning to give more time for both of them.

"Do you will come home tonight?" Rukia asked as they were alone.

Byakuya shook his head while sipping his coffee.

"I see..."

"Do you not remember anything about last night?" He asked all of sudden.

"Huh? What happened last night?" Rukia asked, slightly curious because it seemed everyone was concern about what happened to her last night.

"Forget it," Byakuya said after a moment. He rose from his seat and walked to the living room.

"Did something bad happened?" Rukia asked as she followed him from behind. "I mean, I remember we drank inside my kotatsu, but I don't remember anything after that. Did... Did I do something that embarrasses myself?" She sounded panic that made Byakuya halted his step and turned around.

The memory from last night entered his mind, but he dismissed it immediately. "No, you just a bit drunk and I brought you to your room," He answered shortly.

"I see," Rukia let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for last night," She said as she bowed.

Byakuya fell silent for a few seconds. He knew he should be glad she did not remember anything, but somehow he felt a bit irritate with her.

"You really don't remember it, do you?" He took a few steps towards her.

"Huh?" Rukia stared at him in confuse. For a moment she thought he was angry toward her about something that she could not find out.

But, why he looked irritate in the first place? Did she make a mistake toward him?

"Our first kiss,"

"W-what?" His words startled her. Her face reddened as Byakuya brought the unexpected topic all of sudden.

What was he talking about? Why he suddenly talk about the first kiss? And what did he mean by ours? Well, he was her first kiss, that's a fact. But, how come she became his first kiss? She was not stupid because she knew he must be experienced with women and had kissed them a lot before they met.

Rukia stared at him while trying to dispel the upset feeling that suddenly filled her when the thought of Byakuya had kissed a lot of women crossed her mind. Nevertheless, that feeling did not last long as she watched Byakuya suddenly leaned forward.

"It was not me who stole it. It was you," He whispered softly to her ear. His deep voice sent a delicious shiver down to her spine.

She could only stunned. Her face turned to crimson and heat began to spread through her body. As if it was not enough, she swore she could feel a feather touch of his lips on her cheeks before he pulled away and took one step back.

"Happy Birthday," He spoke, looking satisfied by the lack reaction of her.

Rukia opened her mouth, but no words came out. She could only stare as Byakuya walked and disappear from the room.

"W-what the hell was going on?" She finally speak while trying to calm her heartbeat. "Is he still drunk?"

Rukia shook her head and took a deep breath before walking back to the kitchen.

"Yes, he must be drunk,"



"You wanted to hold her?" That man asked.

Byakuya looked at that man before his eyes moved to the little girl in his arms.

Their eyes met and he felt something drawn him into her as he looked into her violet eyes. He even did not realize he had nodded, making the man in front of him smiled.

"Alright, here you go," He said as he handed her to him.

Byakuya took the girl into his arms. Once again, their eyes met.

"It seemed she likes you a lot," That man's smile widened.

Byakuya did not give any comment.Instead, his attention was fully on little girl in his arms. He even did not realize his grandfather has entered the room together with his parents. Both families smiled warmly to the scenery before them.

And then, for his surprise, he felt her small palm touch his cheeks. He was too confuse to realize whenshe leaned closer and gave him a quick peck on his lips.

A bunch of laughter filled the room. And Ginrei could not stop pat his back. Telling everyone to speed up the engagement or something. Byakuya barely heard it. That small action took him off guard. He looked down to the little girl in his arm.

She was smiling. A soft, innocent smile that matched her eyes.

And for the first time on that day, he smiled back.


Disclaimer: Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo

Hi :D

It's been awhile... I hope you enjoy the update :D

But, I'm glad I can finish this chapter before 2016 ended T.T

And I'm deeply sorry because in my previous chapter I said I would update soon, but many things happened in 2016 that made me could not write anythings. But, finally, at the end of the year I have a two weeks free, so I just grabbed my laptop and started to write again. It took a lot of time to bring back the mood, to continue the story line from the last time I left it. I hope it was not that bad. Oh, and I'm deeply sorry if you found a lot of grammar and spelling mistake, it's been awhile since I finally could write again *bow*, I'm still get used to it. And I will work on it, I promised.

I also wanted to say, for you all who still read this story and gave the reviews, follow and favorite this story, Thank you so much. I'm really sorry because I can't update frequently, but I'm not going to leave this story unfinished, it just it will take more time for me to finish it :)

Once again, thank you for your support! Have a great time xD

Sincerely yours, from one of you all xD

-Noctis Vee Caelum-

Ps: Oh, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Wish all the best for you all in the next year xD

Pss: OMG! Bleach has ended T.T, I'm sad but happy in the same time because my favorite manga has ended. Thank you Kubo sensei for this beautiful manga and characters, especially Byakuya and Rukia :3

Psss: I know Rukia ended with Renji. But, I'm still Byaruki supporter haha. Anyway, did you guys already see the sketches from the novel? My favorite is the sketch when Byakuya and Rukia together, Beautiful sketch :3