I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted

Surrender to nothing, or give up what I

Started and stopped it, from end to beginning

A new day is coming, and I am finally free

-'Attack' Seconds to Mars

Toushiro decided when he left the house that morning that this wouldn't be a day he'd spend indoors. Even at sunrise, the air was clear, the morning chill still hanging thickly in the air. It was lovely. A perfect day to train.

Hoyrinmaru needed a gentle nudge awake, but good-naturedly asked, 'And how far are we going today, young one?'

'I haven't decided yet. I just know today's too nice to spend in front of paperwork.'

'Oh? And would your night have anything to do with this good mood, Toushiro?'

'Are you actually suggesting I'm in a good mood because I got laid, Hyorinmaru?'

'Not from that in itself, no; you've woken up the night after in a ghastly mood. But the added details could understandably still be affecting you. I was drowsy, yes, but I did not miss the fondness at Rukia and Ichigo sleeping.'


'Oh come now, young one, we have no secrets anymore.'

'So you claim.'

'Because it is so.'

'Well, then, shall we?'

'Do you at least know which section of the forest you'll be decimating?'

"Nowhere near the city, that's all I have," he replied, now gone from the inner world and running from the central area.

'Interesting that you're running in the opposite direction of two very willing sparring partners.'

'The longer they don't see me like that, the better. I know Ichigo, at least, will try to pounce and despite my frequent and repeated threats, I'd rather not actually freeze him to death.' Pause. 'I'd rather you didn't tell Zangetsu that.'

'I'm certain you would,' came the chuckle.

'Seriously, I don't need that unstable idiot knowing something like that.'

'Unstable? Young one, that's rude,' the dragon chided as his wielder found what he decreed to be a good destination, some seventy miles from civilization.

'I'm a rude person,' was the uncaring reply. 'I'll start at the beginning and work my way up.' It was a calming way to train, starting from what he'd known from the very beginning and working his way through attacks and techniques.

Then he waited. Listened as each petal hit its limit and broke- he also had a couple spies a few feet away, keeping remarkable silence, but Ichigo was still crap at masking his reiatsu, and Toushiro had no doubt Rukia was with him.

Another petal shattered. 'Well,' he reasoned. 'I did practically bully Rukia into showing me her bankai, and Ichigo doesn't have any secrets. Dammit. If I kill him it's his fault.'

The snap of another restriction falling sounded through the air. He could push this process along quite easily, but in this situation, it was such a tranquil state to be in- imagining his lovers' impatience was agreeing with him as well. They were still staying as hidden as they could get, so Toushiro committed himself to going on about this as if they weren't there.

With the collapse of each petal, the tensai felt his power wane, attention he'd gained only recently recognizing it building again in the back of his mind. And with that final snap, final shatter, felt completely depleted for only a quarter of a second before all the ice he'd summoned shattered around him as well, some only to re-adhere itself to him, but most to hide and protect for the few gruesome seconds it took him to age the rest of the way to adulthood. Hyorinmaru said the pain would start to become more manageable the more he did it; he had to hope that was true.

"You may as well come out now," he spoke, grateful his voice, at least, hadn't changed much. "I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it's certainly not-" The tensai stopped when he saw a gleeful Ichigo charging for him, and stopped the orange head at the point of his own blade. "You touch me when I'm like this and your death will be imment whether I want it to be or not. All I am right now is a manifestion of Hyorinmaru's abilities."

"There are worse ways to die," the other male deadpanned.

"You don't seem all that surprised," Toushiro added at the approaching woman, who was leisurely walking up to them.

"I've seen you train like that before," she informed him. "Surprisingly, you didn't notice me."

"You conned Ichigo into coming over here."

"There was no conning, I told him exactly what he was going to see. Didn't know we couldn't touch you though; that definitely sucks."

"Totally sucks," Ichigo borderline whined.

"Aw, prefer me all grown up, do you?"

"I… wouldn't say 'prefer,' but… I want. Badly."

"That much is obvious. Should the day come that I can control it even like this, you'll be the first to know."

"Damn well better be. But we can do the next best thing," he grinned, drawing his own blade.

"Your brain only knows two paths."

"You're training anyway right?"

"You've been spying on me all day when you should've-"

Toushiro had to stop his rant to defend himself against Ichigo's strike. "Fine, then. If you're certain."

"Bring it, Shiro-chan."

"You are going to regret that." But almost immediately, the world started spinning, which must not have gone unnoticed, as he didn't hit the ground, but a person, as he let go of the release. 'Not even five minutes,' he thought in disgust.

Toushiro was vaguely aware of the conversation his lovers carried on, but aware he was.

"After a nap and some food, I'm sure he'll be fine," he heard Rukia say as his head began to clear. "I'll bet any money this idiot didn't eat anything for breakfast, and was out here clear through lunch."

"And he held that power release that long? That's kind of scary," Ichigo replied. If that idiot was carrying him, someone was going to die.

"That's Toushiro."

"…Wow. And he's handsome already, but damn, you know?"

"That's… definitely something," the woman agreed.

"Think he'll be awake soon? Kind of super want to maul him."

"Then put me down unless you want to get castrated," the tensai spoke, finally coherent enough to fully recognized what was going on. Ichigo obligued, but he didn't look happy about it.

"Food first, then any and all maulings," Rukia insisted.

"Were you awake the whole time?" Ichigo asked, suspicious.

"Gathered enough to know you two prefer the other me."

"Not prefer!" they protested together.

"Not prefer," Rukia spoke more calmly. "But the differences are… hard to ignore."

"'Shiro, no matter which way you look, you're still mind-numbingly hot and we should all go have sex right now," Ichigo added

"You would," the taichou drawled.

"It's a good idea, right?"

"Food. First," the raven head spoke up yet again, probably wondering why she put up with the two of them, and probably not for the first time.

"Oh yeah! You don't train all day and not eat. Seriously, Toushiro."

"In any case," the woman interrupted before the arguing could go any further. "Move your asses, boys; Nii-sama's treating."

"Oh, nice; Byakuya's house is awesome. So's the food."

"I promised I'd visit soon, so why not bring you two idiots along?"

"He might have wanted to spend time with just you," the other surprisingly answered.

"Huh. You could be right."

"If it's agreeable to you," Toushiro cut in. "I'll take Ichigo back to Tenth Division so you can visit with your brother, and we can meet up after."

"Good plan. I'll see you two a little later, then."

"We're going to your division for food?" Ichigo questioned after the woman had gone. "I'm having flashes of the school cafeteria."

"You shouldn't be. The is essentially the enviroment, yes, but you're going with the division captain and half the shinigami in this place worship the ground you walk on."

"…Only half?"

"Egomaniac," the other more chuckled than sighed despite himself.

"Hey, why are we walking?" the taller man asked when he was done snickering himself.

"Shunpo saves time, not energy," the tensai replied, actually relieved to hear an idiot question. He did like that Ichigo was using his brain now, but…

'Ichigo and yourself bonded over his incessant questions,' the sleepy dragon offered. 'It makes sense that you would miss hearing them after awhile.'

Yeah. That was it.

"Aw, 'Shiro's too sleepy to shunpo," the orange head was cackling now.

"At least you learned to read between the lines, I suppose," the other sighed as they entered the building. It was common for Toushiro to forget about lunch, so not exactly uncommon for him to come around mid afternoon, unless he set Haruhi to get something for him or Rukia stopped by the office.

There were only a few bodies among at the tables scattered about the room, all of which acknowleged him, then went back to their meals- familiar faces that knew Toushiro didn't stand on ceremony in such mundane encounters. And in the corner, as always… "This way, Ichigo."

The younger man followed, uninterested, until he saw the boy, as well as that their destination seemed to be his table. Marlowe had only been about ten when he died, quiet and shy, minimal skill with a blade, but the kid's intelligence had more bite than a whip crack- Toushiro had jumped on having the kid in his division like his captaincy depended on it. "Mind if we sit here, Marlowe?"

The dark brown head jolted up from his book at the taichou's voice. "Of course not, Captain, please," he said, then his freckled face saw who else was taking a seat. "Ichigo Kurosaki? But I thought…" he looked to the white-haired man for an explanation.

"Ichigo regained his abilities last night, and has, of course, wasted no time flaunting them."

The boy laughed; Ichigo took the blow to his pride. It wasn't a minuted before there was something hot and probably delicious sitting in front of them. "Thank you, Ishtar," Toushio muttered to the server, then started eating- suddenly hungrier than he'd realized.

"What are you reading?" the orange head asked the kid.

"Oh, it's the third book in a series about the formation of Soul Society and it's foundation."

"…There's three books about that?"

"Five, actually. I'm on three. For the second time."

Ichigo snorted.


"Just thinking that you're definitely in the right squad."

The kid brightened. "Oh. Thanks. Hitsugaya-taichou spoke to me a couple times before I graduated, seemed to really want me in Tenth…"

"I'd be a mad fool to not want that brain in my division," the captain spoke, then stalled, unimpressed, when his eyes were covered.

"Guess who!" a badly-concealed voice asked.

"Knock it off, Matsumoto," he sighed, shrugging her off.

"Good guess, Taichou!" the woman chirped, plopping down next to him. "Hiya, Marlowe," she added to the boy, who swallowed hard at the sight of her, giving a weak wave. "Have you seen Momo?" she asked the tensai. "You haven't been in your office, so I thought maybe you were training together."

"No. I was on my own. She's probably in her office working, where you ought to be if you're not training."

"Aw, Taichou! No fun! And I already checked; she's not there."

"…Her house?"


"Living World?" Toushiro didn't know why his sister would be there, but she was certainly a high enough rank to get a pass to go there on her own.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that! I'll check!"

"Let me know!" he called after her.

"Well, that was mean," Ichigo remarked. "She got you all worried and left."

"As long as she calls me in a timely manner, it's fine," the taichou sighed, then paused.

"What's wrong?"

"Rukia's heading back this way," he replied, and not a moment later, the woman appeared, plopping down next to Ichigo, probably because the seat was closer.

"Nii-sama's busy today, but we're all invited over tonight," she replied.

"Nice to be warned."

"Oh, come on; Nii-sama likes you. Both of you. Don't be a dick. And dinners at the mansion are always amazing."

"I'll agree to that," Ichigo grinned.

"Ah, thank you, Ishtar," the woman smiled when a tray was placed in front of her as well. "I'm starving."

It was quiet a few moments, the lot of them eating, and Toushiro noticed Marlowe hadn't gone back to his book. He was normally always reading when he wasn't keeping up with a conversation. "Something wrong?"

"N-No, not wrong, Taichou," he replied. "But I have been wanting to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Could you… help me train? I mean, I know you're busy and you like that I want to learn things that-"

"Down, Marlowe," Toushiro stopped him. "There's many ways to better yourself. I don't know when, but I'll do what I can."


"If you're willing to settle for little ol' me, I can help too," Ichigo spoke up.

"You were just whining how you had no time between schoolwork and two part-time jobs," Rukia challenged. "Not to mention scamming your classmates for cash."

"What?" Toushiro asked, deadly gaze on the orange head.

"She's making it sound worse than it is," Ichigo quickly covered for himself. "I'm just really athletic, so when the school teams need a little help, I give it."

"… For a fee."


"You're a prostiute."

"No! No!" the other protested, and Rukia broke down into laughter- she'd probably said the same thing. "I'm not screwing the teams, I'm helping them, thank you!"

"…Sometimes that's the same thing."


By now, the tensai was snickering too. "You're taking this way too personally."

"You should see him in that soccer uniform, though," the woman added lowly. "Even you'd admit he's sexy."

"I don't recall ever directly denying it, but I'll take your word for it. For now. I have to get upstairs; I'm going to be paying for that morning off," he sighed, standing.

"Why not just make it a day off, then?" Ichigo asked.

Toushiro had a snappy comeback ready to go, but something about the taller man suddenly looking up at him, especially with those damn big-ass hazel eyes, stilled his tongue.

And worse of all, Ichigo seemed to notice it too. "We can just train more, give Marlowe here some pointers, so it's not like you'd be wasting the day," he persisted. "You'd just spend the day away from your desk for once."

Actually, it was sound reasoning. "You keep exercising that brain of yours and I'm going to be in trouble," the finally conceded, and took his spot back again.

"Holy shit, I just won an argument with Toushiro."

"I told you it would happen someday," Rukia laughed as the tensai's phone went off.

He'd long learned not to put the device to his ear when his fukutaichou called. "You found her?" he asked.

"Safe and sound, Taichou!" the woman's cheery tone came. "She's at Ichigo-kun's house!"

"Why is she there?" he asked, voicing the confusion not only on himself, but his lovers.

"Visiting Yuzu-chan and Karin-chan. They invited her, and she had some time. It's called 'having fun with friends,' Taichou."

Despite that she couldn't see him, he glowered at the device. "I've heard things about that, none of them sound particularly productive," he drawled.

Ichigo took the phone. "Today they do. We'll be right over, Rangiku-san!"


"Okie dokie, Ichigo-kun! See you soon!"

"Ichigo, I'm going to paying for just taking the morning off, do you really think I'm actually going to take the entire day?!" the tensai snarled.

"Yes," the teen replied with a grin, leaning over the table. "I do."

"And why is that?"

"Because I asked so nicely," the other replied, lightly skating a finger under the taichou's chin.

Toushiro batted it away, now both flushed and furious. "I will kill you."

"You'll have to catch me first." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he took off.

Toushiro was right on his heels, all the way into the Living World.

In his fury, he had forgotten about Marlowe, but Rukia, who thought the entire exchange was a riot, brought the boy along for the ensuing show outside Karakura Town. He saw them in the corner of his eye when he dodged one of Ichigo's more playful attacks. That the idiot wasn't even taking this seriously was just pissing him off more.

Then it dawn on him- why was he taking this so seriously?

Right. Because Ichigo had just embarrassed the hell out of him, that was why.

But it wasn't as if defeating the teen, in public or otherwise, was going to cease the behavior happening in the future. In fact, Ichigo had probably been intentionally trying to rile him up.

Sometimes Toushiro wondered if Hyorinmaru didn't act as his subconscious at times.

He lowered his sword.

"Aw, what the hell, Toushiro?!" Ichigo protested.

"You can get your rocks off later; right now you have a promise to keep," the tensai replied, gesturing to the boy.

"That was still really cool," Marlowe stated. "You don't see a spar like that every day."

"When you hang around these two you do," Rukia sighed. "Honestly Ichigo, why do you have to bait him like that?"

"Have you seen him pissed off?" the teen asked. "Fucking hot."

"You think someone out for your blood is attractive?" Toushiro drawled. "You have more problems than even I realized."

"From you, that's a compliment."

"…Excuse me, I'm going to take a moment and reevaluate why I'm sleeping with you. Come on, Marlowe. Rukia dragged you along, you may as well learn something."

"Y-Yes, Sir," the other replied, managing to keep his composure.

After two minutes of working with the kid, Toushiro knew exactly why he was having so much trouble, and it had nothing to do with technique. "You know what you're doing, you just don't seem to realize that you do. All you need is some confidence. Just don't over-do it. Then you'll be Ichigo, and no one wants that. This world can barely handle one of that idiot."

"You don't… really mean that, do you, Taichou? I'm sorry, it's not my business," he quickly retracted.

"He knows I'm abrasive," the tensai replied only. "If you think earlier was an actual fight, you're very mistaken."

"Then… can I ask where he and Kuchiki-fukutaichou are?"

"If my senses are correct, and they always are, they're in the west end of the forest having at each other, where they apparently think I can't sense them."

"You can tell… that?"

"When two people with that massive spiritual energy… get together, yes it's a tangible feel in the air. Especially if you know what you're looking for," he added without thinking, eyes subconsciously darting west.

"So… confidence is my only problem?"

"As far as I can tell, yes."

"Then, um, please don't feel you have to stay here with me, Sir. I can get back on my own."

"Very kind, Marlowe, but I'll survive. A little supervision never did anyone any harm; you're not getting rid of me that easily."

"Hey, Shiro-chan!"

"Ugh, what did I do to you?" he sighed at Marlowe's barely-concealed giggling when his little sister appeared.

"Nothing. Why?"

"…No reason."

"Where's Rukia-chan and Ichigo-kun? They're nearby, right?"

"I wouldn't go looking for them."

"Why not?" she asked as Matsumoto appeared as well.

"Oh, Momo-chan, can't you feel it in the air?" the blonde teased. "They're getting busy!"

"For the love of all that is good, leave," the tensai sighed. He did not need this in front of a member of his division.

A familiar cry filled the air, filled by several others.

"Saved by the Hollow cry," Toushiro grinned now, then glanced back to Marlowe. "Stay here."

"Yes, Sir."

"At least somebody listens," he muttered, and took off into the sky with the fukutaichou. Ichigo and Rukia had noticed too (it could be hard sensing anything through the orange head's obnoxious reiatsu), taking to the air to help thin the herd that had appeared.

"So many, huh, Taichou?"

He ended up striking one's mask from the front, instinctively closing his eyes in case the mask split before the body disintegrated. Force of habit so he didn't risk seeing its face. "With so many of us here, are you really surprised?"

"But still, we have the limiters… Taichou!" she scolded at the fleeting guilt on the other's face. "You left without a limiter?!"

"Limiters are annoying. And I was chasing an idiot. I forgot."

"Then you should do all the work, Taichou," was the disgruntled return.

"If you insist," he replied, summoning his reiatsu. Shikai summoned, it was easy work; pointing the column of dragon-shaped ice where the largest collections of Hollows were and shattering them with a pull of a blade. It was nearly done when Toushiro felt himself abruptly pulled downward. His first instinct was a Hollow he'd somehow not noticed, but over his shoulder saw only black and orange, going at an unearthly speed, even for shunpo.

If Ichigo had seriously gone bankai just to get laid again…

As the tensai figured, the destination was Ichigo's bedroom, straight in through the window, landing hard on the bed not a second before hot, tanned hands were having at his uniform. "Ichigo, just-"

A deep, bruising kiss silenced him, surrendered his will and curled his toes. A breathy moan left him when his lover's mouth moved down his body. "No one's home, 'Shiro," that hot tone came. "Let me hear you scream."

"Do something worth screaming about."

Something mischievous and underhanded glinted in those hazel eyes. "Okay," he replied, and continued his assault on the older man's body. The constant, desperate touches certainly had him aroused, wanting… but Ichigo was going to have to do better than that if he wanted screaming.

When the other's long, slicked fingers slid inside him, he came close, but not quite, gasping and moaning as those digits deliberately teased him, purposefully missing the one spot they were usually so good about hitting. "Dammit, Ichigo…"

It all happened at once. The fingers hit their mark, and Ichigo swallowed him completely. It wasn't exactly a scream that left the tensai, but he knew he'd never made a louder cry.

And Ichigo didn't stop, relentless in getting what he wanted. As he always was. And just as Toushiro was close, so close, flushed dark and pliant and so ready- it stopped again. His head snapped back to the teen, furious even further when the other held his arms down so he couldn't even finish himself off. "Ichigo…" he growled.

"Three… two…"


"One," he stated, sheathing himself inside the tensai, whose mind was suddenly gone again, body adjusting to the new situation. He wasn't immediately as high as he had been a second ago, but he was getting there quickly, especially with the insane pace Ichigo was maintaining- Toushiro could barely keep up, and when he felt that orgasm coming again, it was coming all the stronger, threatening to overwhelm him as it grew. "Let me hear you," came the request again, this time a whispered demand in his ear, and with it, Toushiro did lose it, calling and crying out unabashedly, not sure if it was the volume the other wanted or not, just knowing he was finally overflowing with relief.

"My God, that was hot," he vaguely heard the other say as he caught his breath.

Toushiro tried to form some kind of reply, but his brain was fuzzy and his limbs were lead.

"You gonna make it, 'Shiro?" He actually sounded kind of concerned.

"Gonna… kill you…"

A snort. "How about I get you something to drink instead?"

"That. Yes," he panted.

"Be right back."

By the time he was, Toushiro had the power of speech back. "How was that remotely necessary?" he asked after a long gulp. "You and Rukia had just-"

"Because Rukia's Rukia and you're you. Getting one isn't the same and you've both been unspeakably sexy today."

"Well, you boys look like you were having fun," Rukia's voice came.

"You didn't even close the window?!" the tensai hissed.

"Attention was elsewhere," Ichigo replied, unapologetic.

"I hate you."

"Bullshit. You able to walk yet, or you need a minute?"

Toushiro kicked him.

"He's fine," the orange head groaned from the floor.

Just as knew he'd be paying for taking the morning off, Toushiro knew he'd pay even more for taking the entire day, but this was ridiculous. The work piled on his desk was more akin to two missed days, and apparently there'd be a captain's meeting occupying a large chunk of his afternoon. "Well," he finally sighed. "May as well get done all I can until then."

Ichigo texted him around lunchtime, a valiant attempt at reminding the taichou of the perks of nourishment, which was immediately ignored. "Maybe after the meeting," he mumbled to himself, trying to will the dent in the pile larger even as he worked on it.

And the meeting did nothing for his mood. It seemed they were upon the beginnings of what would likely become a major production, and gained more responsibility to his already-tired shoulders.

Oh, goody.

He did go with Matsumoto to check out the phenomena in question, a large… window in the sky that reflected into the Living World. "Any ideas, Taichou?" the buxom woman asked. "I'm fresh out."

"I have several theories, but let's see if Ichigo's noticed anything odd on his end- he could help narrow them down."

"Oh yay! I haven't been able to tease Ichigo-kun in forever!" Rangiku replied gleefully, but before they could go, were approached by Rukia.

"I'm going with you," she spoke.

"Is Ukitake-taichou aware of that?" her lover asked.

"Um, yeah."

"All right. Whatever. We're going to the Living World now."

"You think Ichigo might've noticed something?"

"Stranger things have happened."

"You're too hard on him."

"Says the woman who literally beats on him."

"And he loves every second. Being underestimated, however…"

"I am going to talk to him, aren't I?" the taichou bit back, sending a glare to his giggling fukutaichou, who managed to collect herself.

It had already been a long day, and the rest of the afternoon wasn't looking terrific either. Though, if nothing else, this whole thing was an excuse to be around Rukia and Ichigo. He just hoped it didn't turn into too big a headache.

Ichigo was out among the masses that day, yelling like he was looking for someone- or losing his mind. Kon was back on his shoulder as a plush toy. "What the hell are you doing?" Toushiro asked, sighing.

"I'm- T-Toushiro! Rukia! Hey, Rangiku-san. W-What brings you guys around here?"

Stammering. Why was he nervous? "We'd like a word, unless you need more time with your invisible friend."

"What? No. What do you want to talk about?"

"Come on; we're going to Urahara's place."

"Hey! Shunpo's not fair!" the other yelled, apparently long uncaring that it appeared he was yelling at thin air.

"He does know Kon's right there on his shoulder, right?"

"Maybe he's actually listening to me," Rukia replied. "He relies to heavily on the combat pass- by the time he gets back to his body people think he's dead- but he maintains letting Kon lose in his body is damaging his reputation beyond repair."

"So the middle ground is running after us?"

"I guess."

Toushiro snorted.

"Taichou, you're so mean to Ichigo-kun!" Masumoto scolded him.

"I stopped, didn't I?"

"We're almost at Urahara-san's and he's still running to catch up."


"Taichou!" the blonde tried again to the other woman's laughter.

"Rangiku, he's fine," Rukia told her. "Ichigo has more than enough stamina to run around the city a few times without stopping."

"Making him run is still mean."

"Y-Yeah," Ichigo panted, catching up to them. "What… Rangiku-san… said."

"You're fine, come on," Toushiro stated, rolling his eyes.

Unsurprisingly, Urahara was expecting them. "Welcome, welcome, please come in," he greeted them. "Tessai has some tea prepared; come, have a seat."

"Good," the tensai spoke. "Tessai's tea is about the only thing I miss about this place."

"Thank you, Hitsugaya-taichou," the man beamed with pride.

"You're welcome." Were those tears in his eyes?

"Actually, Hitsugaya-taichou, speaking of that time, I was wondering-"

"Do your own damn paperwork," he deadpanned to the blond. "I have a few piles all my own now, thanks."

"So mean…"

"I take it you know why we're here?" Toushiro sighed now rather than taking the bait.

"It was hard to miss."

"What was?" Ichigo asked.

Toushiro decided to explain rather than to insult. "At 12:50 this morning, a town from the Living World appeared over Soul Society, and there's been an outpouring of spiritual waves into the Living World. Around then, we lost communication between our worlds."

"What's all that mean?"

"You remember the Dangai Precipice World?" the tensai then asked, but all he got in return was a blank look. "The cleaner," he specified, and that immediately brought recognition to hazel eyes.

"You idiots went through the Dangai Precipice World while a cleaner was going through?" Rukia asked incredulously.

"We couldn't exactly turn back once we realized."

The woman reached out and smacked both her idiots upside the head.

"So what's going on there now?" Ichigo asked, rubbing the back of his thick skull.

"A new world appeared inside it, and it's expanded to the point that it's acting as a bridge between words, becoming like a lens," Toushiro explained further. "The stealth force was sent to investigate, but they failed. So now we're looking into the influx of spiritual waves leaking through. I drew the short straw to come here."

"Aw, that straw can't be nearly as short as you claim," Ichigo grinned, then a realization seemed to strike him. "I wonder if those white things could be related to this."

"What white things?"

"White ghostly things, must've been hundreds of them, with red, pointy hats."

"Sounds like Blanks," Urahara spoke first.

"So this is a Valley of Screams?" Rukia asked.

"Appears that way," Toushiro replied.

"Excuse me," Ichigo cut in dryly. "Could the guy not familiar with every spiritual phenomena in existence get a clue to what you're talking about?"

"Of course!" the store owner piped up, and Tessai even followed up with a frigging chart. Unbelievable. "As you know, souls migrate between Soul society and the Living World. Well, sometimes they get lost, congregate together over time, separate into memory and energy, then return to migration. Still with me?"

The man spoke in his usual laughing manner, but Ichigo was not amused, not doubt irritated that such a thing occurred, and naturally no less. "Yeah. I got it."

"From your description, those sound like Blanks, souls with no memories."

"What happens to the memories? They must go somewhere."

"They merge together into one entity, a jewel called a Shinenju, and return to the Living World."

"So all this is just something that happens sometimes."

"It's never linked two worlds before," Toushiro took over, becoming concerned with the orange head's begrudging acceptance. "That's the problem here, and there's no doubt someone's doing it intentionally."

"Hey! That's right!" Kon spoke up suddenly, jumping down from Ichigo's shoulder to stand on the table. "There was a guy in weird armor standing in the middle of all those Blank things! I saw him myself!"

"Do you remember anything specific details about the armor?" Urahara asked.

"Of course! I have a memory like a steel trap! Now, it was… Well, it definitely had, um…"

More like a steel sieve.

The store owner, seeing this was going nowhere quickly, pulled out a glove that allowed him to push Kon's pill from the plushie body.

"I'll just take this an analyze it," Tessai spoke, picking him up.

"Yes, please do," the blond asked. "If it's being done intentionally, I doubt whoever's doing it has honorable intentions. We'll analyze the data from Kon, but the Shinenju must be in the Living World. That makes the most sense. Keep your eyes open, okay, Ichigo?"

"Yeah. No problem."

"Matusmoto," Toushiro asked his fukutaichou. "Go back to Soul Society and report to the chotaichou."

"Yes, Taichou," she chimed, without complaint for once, and left the building.

"I should get going too," Ichigo spoke, standing without waiting for a reply, and added, "I'll see you guys later," before he was gone.

Toushiro was stunned.

Apparently Rukia was too. "Did he just leave without trying to get us to come home with him?" she asked.

"He did," the tensai affirmed. Ichigo at least tried for sex at every possible opportunity, even invented opportunities. That he was just gone was…

"That's the most suspicious thing ever."


"I'm going to go stalk him."

"I'm going with you. Call when you get the data from Kon," he added to the store owner.

"Of course, of course," the other replied slyly from behind his fan. "Good luck with Ichigo-kun."

They kept their distance from their quarry, following him back to the mall they'd originally found him at. "Hey! You still here?" he called out, and after a moment, a girl looking about his age appeared.

"Hey! You actually came back!" she laughed.

Before either spy could draw conclusions of their own, Ichigo demanded, "Get down here! I still have questions for you!"

"I'll answer them if you catch me!" was the reply, and took off, leaving the orange head with no other option than to follow.

That girl. The spiritual pressure around her was unbearably close to a shinigami, but a shinigami she was not. No wonder she didn't want to answer questions- what story was she feeding Ichigo?

"Toushiro," Rukia's gentle tone came, breaking his thoughts. "It sounds like she was in trouble or something- I don't think Ichigo's up to anything."

"Does she sense like a shinigami to you?"

"Yeah, but I've never seen her before, so I have no idea what division she's with."

"I don't think she's with a division."

"What? Toushiro, if she's a shinigami, she has to be with a division. I could go back to Soul Society and see if I can dig up any information on her and you babysit."

"Aw," he teased. "Tired of babysitting our boyfriend?"

"Sick to death," she replied dryly. "It's high time you took a shift."

"Fine," came the chuckle. "Let me know if you find anything."

"Will do," she replied, and gave him a kiss before drawing her sword. "Keep both eyes on Ichigo. I don't have to remind you how impulsive he is."

"That you do not," he agreed, and the woman took her leave. Toushiro tuned his attention back to his quarries. Rukia didn't know how right she was. Senna, as Ichigo was yelling, had been walking a string of lights over a busy square- only to loose her balance and fall. Ichigo had a much better chance of getting to her than he did and-

She dissolved into a flurry of fallen leaves. Even shinigami couldn't do that.

The girl popped up again next to Ichigo, laughingly receiving an applause from a crowd who'd surely thought the worst. After a moment, the orange head dragged her away.

Just what the hell was going on around here?

Ichigo managed to saddle her down to eat a meal outside one of the fast food places, and he didn't look happy. Then again, Ichigo never really looked happy in public. He kept trying to talk to her, get information, but she spun the conversation completely around on him. Clever girl. Toushiro considered joining them and starting his own interrogation as they continued on their way again, but was distracted while his lover waited on the girl outside the restroom.

Sadness. Happiness. Nostalgia. It was as if every emotion had been balled into one, and at one place. This place. Then… nothing.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Senna taking a different route out, one that wouldn't pass by Ichigo. He decided to follow her. Ichigo would figure out what was going on eventually.

Keeping his distance, he was surprised to find her destination to be a graveyard. She walked along the path, confusion and worry on her features, looking for something. A specific stone, perhaps? Something she didn't want Ichigo to know about?

He didn't get to find out then, as a horde of Blanks began to surround her. Were they attracted to her? If so, then-

A large man in armor jumped down in front of the lot, and Senna did several cartwheels back from him. "You've got better reflexes than I expected," he told her.

"What do you want with me?" she demanded, and… huh. She went through the motions of expelling her soul from a gigai, but the alleged body dissolved once more into autumn leaves. Toushiro couldn't say for sure what she was, but he was getting a good feeling.

"Come with us. Our lord, Ganryu, summons you!"

"Ganryu? Never heard of him."

"There's no need for you to know him, since you are the-"

"Jai." Oh, goody, he had friends. Good thing Ichigo was on his way. "I told you not to blab."

He didn't need to finished his sentence anyway. He'd answered every question Toushiro had.

"Jumping out like that," another in the group spoke. "Really."

The first one laughed. "I'll catch her in an instant."

No, you won't. Ichigo's protective instincts rival a mother hen.

Senna jumped to attack, but she was easily deflected, and the armored man had her pinned, only to drag her up by the neck. The tensai cringed. Where was- Oh. Finally.

"Hey," Ichigo's calm voice finally came, interrupting the scene. "Wait a minute. Where do you think you're going?"

"You… Where did you come from?"

The teen didn't reply with words, drawing his blade to cut off the arm holding up Senna. "What's with the wandering off?" he did spare his reluctant charge.

"That's my own business!" she snapped back.

"No way. You're gonna keep your promise. Hey, Big Guy. Sorry about that," he added to the man coming to grips with a lost limb.

"You… You won't get away with this! I won't let you!"

"Jai," came the voice again from the rest of his group. "Enough. It's not yet the time anyway. Let's go," he spoke, and they… simply vanished. There was no door, just a discoloring where they stood, and they were gone.

Senna tried to slip away again when her rescuer's back was turned.

"Oi!" Ichigo wasn't having it. "You let someone treat you, then run off?"

"I didn't run away! My family grave is here."

"Cut the crap."

"It's true. I remember it." She remembered one of many lives, more likely. Even Ichigo didn't look convinced. "It's hazy, but I remember when I was alive. That's why I came here for a look. My house used to be around here, too. I'll help you tomorrow for sure. I'm not lying. See you!"

The orange head took her shoulder before she got more than a step. "You idiot. Like I can abandon someone who was just attacked. Stay at my house tonight. And Toushiro!" he added in a yell, flooring the tensai. "Are you just gonna spy on me all night or what?!"

The taichou flash-stepped over. "Just trying to figure out your new friend, since she seems hazy on the details herself."

"Hi! I'm Senna! You're a shinigami too?"

"…You don't know who I am, and you're still claiming to be a shinigami?" the other remarked dryly.

"Someone's high on himself," she scoffed.

"Why you-"

"Toushiro," Ichigo cut in. "I know, trust me, I know, but don't. You two will be fighting all night and I don't want to listen to it. Where's Rukia?"

"Doing some research. Are you really bringing her home with you?"

"I have to."

"It's your funeral."

"Huh? What- Oh," the other realized immediately.

"What's wrong?" the girl asked.

"I apologize ahead of time for my family," he replied only. "Be back in a sec; gotta go get my body."

Toushiro turned to Senna, only to find her in her clothes again. "That was quick."

"It's supposed to be, right?" she replied only.

"…I suppose so."

Isshin, Karin, and Yuzu reacted pretty much the way Toushiro (and no doubt Ichigo) expected them to- like idiots.

Finally, though, the younger girl asked the questions the insinuations were dancing around. "Wh-What about Rukia-chan?" her soft voice came.

"What about her?" her brother sighed. "Nothing's changed; I told you, Senna just needs a place to stay for the night." Aforementioned girl was blankly staring ahead, actually listening to the request that she behave herself. "She can stay in your room, right?"

"Of course! I'll just get some extra bedding," Yuzu smiled, and ran off.

"We can go in my room till Yuzu gets everything ready," Ichigo continued, but Senna decided to dart ahead to jump on his bed.

Something Ichigo, understandably, had several problems with. He tried yelling at her, but she was blowing him off, insisting on her way despite being a guest- a thing Toushiro had no tolerance for. He grabbed her jacket and pulled her to the floor. "Ow! Hey-"

"If you're going to be a disrespectful child, you're welcome to sleep on the street," he snarled.

"Ichigo!" she tried. "Why's this guy even still here? You never did tell me your name," she added pointedly to the shorter man.

"Captain Toushiro Hitsugaya," the tensai replied. "I'm Ichigo's boyfriend."

Senna paled, looking to the other man for confirmation. "Yeah. You should be nicer to him. Though it wouldn't kill him to be a little nicer too."

"Shut up, Ichigo," Toushiro replied, going to the closet for his gigai.

"Captain," Senna repeated. "That's why you have the white too, right?"

"And am very much not buying that you're a shinigami." However, he couldn't yet prove his suspicions correct. Depending on how many shared her name, Rukia could be in Records most of the night.

"I am too a shinigami!"

"For which squad?"

"That's not important!"

"You are proving more and more that you know nothing about Soul Society, and that's the first thing everyone learns."

"All right you two, break it up," Ichigo sighed before Senna could respond. "Yuzu should be done soon, and we can all go to sleep."

"If His Highness allows," the girl scoffed.

Toushiro rolled his eyes and elected not to comment, but thankfully, Yuzu did appear shortly thereafter to collect their female guest.

"I know you're not exactly a people person, 'Shiro," the teen spoke then. "But you didn't have to throw her on the floor."

"'Throw' is an exaggeration," the taichou defended himself. "I pulled her off the bed."

"Whatever," the other sighed again. "Think Urahara will call soon?"

"Depends on how long it takes Tessai to sort through Kon's memories. So I suppose it hangs on how many things of note he saw today, and how long it takes them to find the origin of the armor."

"I guess. Sit with me," he said, patting the spot beside him on the mattress.

"Why? Did your libido come back?"

"Yes, actually, but I just want you over here. Please?" was the add.

Toushiro crumbled internally and walked the short distance to the bed, plopping down next to the other, even dropping his head to the taller male's shoulder. Ichigo shifted to put his arm around him, and gave the top of his head a kiss. It was a really nice way to be, actually.

So of course that was when Urahara called. At least he had information. Ichigo was kind enough to put his phone on speaker. "We were able to analyze the visual data taken from Kon's memories. We ID'd the armor as belonging to a group that was exiled from Soul Society after their take-over attempt failed."

"Yeah, you gotta watch out for them exiles," the teen remarked.

Toushiro hit him.

"I think we can be fairly certain their motive is revenge," Kisuke continued once the scuffling died down. "The question is how they're going to do that. Find out anything on your end?"

"No, but we did have another run-in with those guys," the orange-head replied. "Nothing big, but they are damn annoying."

The store owner's laugh was heard. "I don't doubt it. I'll let you know if we find out anything more."

"Yeah. Us too. Toushiro," Ichigo added once he'd hung up. "You… mentioned once, and probably thought I didn't latch onto it, but it was… that you guys don't remember anything about when you were alive."

"It… sticks around for awhile, maybe a day or so, but eventually, yes, we do forget." He paused before adding, "But also, you've been an exception to just about every rule we have. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you retained the memories of your life."

Ichigo was silent, like he was trying to figure something out, then looked hit with realization. "Me. Yeah. That'd… it'd suck for you guys though, wouldn't it? I mean, if I did."

"Knowing you as I do now, I doubt it'd be very difficult to suck you back in again."

Ichigo laughed. "Agreed. Where is Rukia, anyway?"

"Researching your new friend."

"Senna? Why?"

"Mostly because, as I stated earlier, she claims to be a shinigami with no knowledge of Soul Society."

"For what it's worth, she said she'd help us look for the Shinenju thing."

Toushiro paused. He had wanted to keep his hunch to himself, but he could trust Ichigo, right? The other had a big mouth, but could keep important shit to himself. "I'd like you to keep this quiet, but I'm about ninety percent certain that search is over. I just need Rukia to confirm it."

"Senna… A person, really?"

"Do you know of a brighter jewel?" the tensai kidded. "Don't tell Urahara yet; I'll never heard the end of it if I'm wrong."

The teen snorted. "Then I'm surprised you're not helping Rukia."

"I should; I was making sure you were staying out of trouble."

"That I was… Were you stalking me? I knew you were around, sure, but really?!"

"You left Urahara's without trying to get laid. It was very suspicious."

"I… Shit, I did. That was just because-"

"You were worried about Senna. Yes, we figured."

"…So you're probably leaving now, huh?"

"It'll take much less time with two people. Keep track of Senna; if she is who that group is looking for-"

"Yeah. I got it. Do I at least get a good-bye kiss?"

"You mean a kiss you're totally going to take advantage of to try and get me to stay longer?"

Ichigo help up his hands. "Kiss only. Promise."

Toushiro still didn't really believe him, but obliged him anyway. Almost surprisingly, the teen kept his word- hands still raised in surrender the entire time. "We'll let you know what's going on as soon as we do."

"I know. Thanks."

The taichou jumped outside to the roof to make his door, then made his way directly to Records.

Rukia was in the building alone, for the most part, scrolling through personnel. "Is it that common a name?" he asked.

"No," she replied, side-glancing the newcomer. "But if you're right, the name she's using could easily just be the first one that popped in her head of many lives within her, so I'm checking photos too. Has she mentioned her zanpakuto's name?"

"Mirokumaru. She mentioned sticking the name on me, so I would assume that'd be it."

"Were you being a nuisance, Shiro-chan?"

"No. She was."

The woman laughed, then spoke," Aw, I know that grumpy face."

He didn't have to look to know she was talking about himself. "You already know much more about me than what's in that file."

"I didn't know you got a near-perfect score on your exam! Show off."

"Wait, near-perfect?" He'd just been told he'd passed, no surprise.

"You missed two questions, Toushiro, calm down."

"…Which two?"

"It doesn't say; I just know from the score it's two missed. You're going to obsess about this now, aren't you?"

"Me? Obsess?" he asked, waking another terminal. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I thought you were going to help me."

"I am an excellent multi-tasker, Rukia. What groups have you covered already?"

The woman sighed. "I started with the most recent records; so far I'm about two graduation classes back. And look up that zanpakuto while you're at it, since you're such a great multi-tasker."

"How far back were you going to go?" he replied only, not rising to the jab.

"At least ten years."

"Then I'll start there and meet in the middle. I'm betting those faces will start blending after awhile."

"Orange eyes; that's what I'm concentrating on- the same thing I do with Ichigo's hair when I'm trying to find him in a crowd."

He snorted.

Fortunate or not, the night passed without finding the face they sought, but just after sunrise, a messenger appeared with them. "Please forgive the interruption," he spoke. "Hitsugaya-taichou, you've been summoned to a meeting with the chotaichou in exactly one hour."

"Just me?" Toushiro asked.

"All taichou are to be present," came the immediate reply.

"Consider me informed."

The man left.

"One hour," Rukia spoke. "Whatever it is, it must be important."

"Hopefully there's a better idea of what's going on," the man sighed. "But that may be too much to hope for."

But it wasn't, actually. The chotaichou had even taken time to listen to Urahara, and using the information the shopkeeper had found, had put together what was actually a pretty solid theory. And at this point, loathed though he was to admit it just because he wasn't sure how the chotaichou would react, Toushiro had to voice his near-certainty about the girl Ichigo had run into. "She's staying with Kurosaki so she's certainly protected for the time being," he spoke carefully after his explanation.

"She should still be taken into custody," the head captain spoke. "Five captains will-"

"With all due respect, Sir, such a show of force is unnecessary. She's currently unaware of what she is, thinks herself a shinigami, even. Two of us, if that, would be more than enough."

There was a long pause. Toushiro realized he'd interrupted the captain-commander. Oops.

"The decision is not in your hands, Hitsugaya-taichou," the older man spoke sharply. "At least six will go; decide amongst yourselves. Dismissed," he added, and left the room.

"Ne, Hitsugaya-taichou, one might think you have a death wish, pulling stunts like that," Kyouraku-taichou chuckled.

"He's talking like we're going against a small army," Toushiro scoffed. "At this stage, Senna's no more than a frightened girl."

"Ah, while that may be true, there is a small army looking for her, yes?"

"…I suppose you have a point." Kyouraku-taichou acted drunk and laid-back, the tensai noticed, but was deceptively perceptive.

"I'll bring some of my elite," Soi Fon hotly spoke. "That should keep the need for numbers down."

Was she… helping him?

"Of course," the kimono-clad man cheerily agreed. "Ukitake, would you go too? And I assume you'd want to be along as well, Hitsugaya-taichou."

The tone wasn't chiding. It was a nice change. "I'll bring Matsumoto and Rukia as well. Matsumoto has a way with people, and Rukia was researching most of the night with me." They'd both deny it, but there had been a couple short naps by both of them.

"I'll send Renji Abarai as well," Kuchiki-taichou added. "Ichigo Kurosaki won't like this; there should be a few people he can relate to."

"Agreed," Kyouraku-taichou chuckled. "That should make for a sufficient force too, I would think."

"Then let's head out," Soi Fon-taichou spoke, and no one objected.

Toushiro did everything he could to swallow the sour taste in the back of his throat. Rukia's brother was right; Ichigo was going to hate this. But if this could be done calmly, rationally…

About five minutes later, he took a deep breath, exhaling before he walked through the door to the Living World. Rukia briefly squeezed his hand. It helped.

It started okay. The door opened right where Ichigo and Senna were, but it looked like they were in the middle of an important conversation. Emotional, at the very least.

So of course Renji didn't pick up on it. "This is a direct order from the chotaichou- hand over that girl."

"Down, Renji," Rukia drawled, tone as annoyed. "Hitsugaya-taichou and I were in Records all night," she explained, and the tensai did his best not to let it show how much he liked hearing the woman call him by title. "There's no record of Senna, no description that matches in the past ten years. There was a record of her zanpakuto, Mirokumaru," she hesitantly added. "Both zanpakuto and wielder were swallowed up in the restrictive current."

"Wait a minute!" Senna protested, eyes wide and afraid. "I'm a shinigami! I am!"

"Then when did you come to the Living World?"

It looked like she wanted to reply, trying to, but… she was confused. All the memories she was trying to retain, no doubt. "The people coming after you are trying to destroy both the Living World and Soul Society," Toushiro continued to explain as calmly as he could. "It's be safest for everyone, including yourself, if you came into custody with us. As the Shinenju, you're a vital element to their plan; they can't accomplish it without you."

"No! I don't believe what you're saying!"

Ichigo stepped forward, an arm in front of the girl. "Whatever she is, whoever she is, she exists now; get mad and happy, has emotions… but you're going to ignore that and apprehend her?!"

Toushiro exhaled deeply. "That's not what we're-"

Before he could finish explaining, the souls around them started to shift- into Blanks. Senna had called them here, probably unintentionally. To make the situation even more fun, the group that had been tailing her appeared again, to attack.

Ukitake called out for them to do the same, not that they really needed the command. Everyone present picked whoever was closest. If they could apprehend at least one, that would help the situation considerably.

The moron Toushiro was gifted with had a pack of iron on chains attached to his back that he kept directing at the tensai. Toushiro dodged the attacks while trying to get in a few of his own, but his opponent certainly knew how to keep one on their toes.

He tried to get a visual on either of his lovers, but that was a fail too, as every time he dodged, there was a cloud of dirt and rock erupting from the ground- until the other randomly took off.

No, not randomly. The leader was calling them back, and he had Senna- and Ichigo… he tried to get the girl back, but even as far as he was, Toushiro could see the blade go through the orange head's body. He jumped up to join the others to pursue the invading group, and saw Ichigo fall back.

Because of one little stab wound? Had to have hit somewhere important- Rukia had Ichigo, he noted as the woman took hold of him midair. Good. Inoue would have that healed in no time. Toushiro continued back with the others.

Which, of course, lead to a meeting. It always lead to a meeting. And this one had the bonus of listening to Kurotsuchi-taichou talk. At length. He listened in case there was something he wasn't aware of.

Blanks search for memories for a time after separation. Check.

Are drawn to Shinenju. Check.

If someone say, placed the Shinenju in the middle of the Valley of Screams, the force of the impact, in this case, would destroy both the Living World and Soul Society. Ch- 'Well, I would've figured it out.'

"That's a disturbing thought," Kyouraku-taichou serenely spoke. "How much time do we have?"

"I don't have enough data to know for certain," the twelfth division taichou told them. "But I'd guess no more than an hour." Great.

"I'll mobilize the Stealth Force," Soi Fon-taichou stated immediately. And just what were they going to do?

"Useless," Kurotsuchi-taichou chimed again, his cheery drawl echoing in an otherwise quiet room. "There is no entrance to the Valley of Screams."

"The situation is critical!" the chotaichou cut in. "Prepare the Kido Cannon. We must destroy the Valley of Screams and everything attached to it!"

"But if we do that," Ukitake-taichou spoke up first. "There will be massive damage to both worlds."

"There is no other choice."

Before anyone could debate further, there was a commotion growing louder outside. Toushiro started having flashbacks. Ichigo would be long healed by now, plenty of time not only to be in the process of doing something stupid, but for Rukia to insist on being a part of it.

"Are you all right, Hitsugaya-taichou?" a voice lowly chuckled beside him. "You look a little pale."

The tensai shot the ninth division captain an irritated glare- it only earned him another chuckle.

Sure enough, Rukia was pushing past the guards and into the room. "What is the meaning of this?!" the captain-commander demanded.

"I apologize for the interruption, Sir," the woman said, taking a knee in respect. If they knew what she was capable of, they'd be bowing before her. "Ichigo Kurosaki has found an entrance into the Valley of Screams from the Living World. I request that reinforcements are sent to him immediately!"

The man was silent for only a second before he calmly replied, "No. There's no guarantee the situation will be dissolved in time. Prepare the Kido Cannon! Dismissed!"

Everyone began to file out. Toushiro helped Rukia to her feet, the woman stunned by the refusal to help someone who'd helped them so many times. "Don't worry," he muttered to her as they exited the building. "You won't be going alone."

There was a slight pause before her lifted tone spoke, "The bridge by the Ferris wheel."

"I'll meet you there."

Where Rukia asked him to go suggested that was where the door was, and once looking for it, it was hard to miss. Rukia was already on the bridge with Renji, updating the rest of Ichigo's friends on what was happening, why they couldn't go too, etc. "Are we going already? We're a little short on time," he spoke as he and Matsumoto landed as well.

"Just waiting on you, Slowpoke," his girlfriend grinned, then jumped past him into the water.

"Slowpoke? You little…," he grumbled, but jumped in after her and the rest of those that were going to assist.

Jumping down to the river, the instinct was to hold his breath, but that wasn't necessary for long. The atmosphere quickly changed from watery to desert-like. Barren and abandoned- sans those trying to blow it up. And Ichigo.

"Let's say 'hello,'" Rukia grinned.

"Oh, please, let me," Toushiro replied.

"Knock yourself out," she laughed.

Ichigo seemed to be at the end of a speech about what assholes his opponents were.

"Oi!" Toushiro called to them, interrupting. "You have other priorities, don't you?"

Surprise took the teen first at the sight of the group, then grinned. "You guys got this?"


Ichigo went, and the group of idiots tried to followed, but each one was cut off by a new opponent. The tensai felt he'd been particularly jilted, getting the piece of work of whom Ichigo had cut his arm off. Somehow, though, he used the Blanks to reform it. Clever, but it wasn't going to save him.

He had on his back a pack of steel hooks that he could shoot out wherever he liked, and usually while cackling. The could of smoke each impact made on the ground around the tensai made this too easy. He ran around the perimeter of the attacks, doing nothing more than dodging until he had a cloud big enough to summon his bankai without the moron noticing- right until he tried to pull the hooks back.

Difficult to control what was trapped in ice.

Once he had the hooks, Toushiro could freeze them all the way to the source. Bye-bye Jai.

By then, the other fights were ending and the area was starting to collapse within itself. "Any time now, Ichigo," he growled.

"Aw, you know how Ichigo likes to make an entrance," Rukai told him through the worry he heard in her voice.

"Or an exit," Matsumoto replied in the same way.

The entire space was encapsulated in a quake, but true to form, just when it would be truly unadvisable to stay any longer, when it was at the point that stay would be suicide, Ichigo reappeared, holding Senna.

They got the hell out.

Once back on the bridge, Ichigo wasn't really listening to the congratulations or worries his friends tried to share with him, focus still on the girl he held. She was asking something of him, it looked like, voice too low to be heard by anyone but his close-quarters ears.

"What do you need?" Rukia asked him.

"She wants to go to the graveyard," he replied soberly. " I think… she's…"

"Then let's go," Rukia said only, and lead the way. Toushiro followed.

Knowing she didn't have much time, the trio flash-stepped to their destination, and once inside, the orange head following the girl's direction to one particular grave she was sure had to belong to her family. Senna was a mess of memories, sure, but in there somewhere had to be her own. Who was to say that wasn't it?

"Do you see it?" she was asking so quietly, tears in her eyes. He shifted her stance on his back so she could better look. "It's so blurry… I can't see."

"Yes," Ichigo replied. "It's there. You lived here. You had a family here."

Toushiro was too far off to see; he really wanted to ask if the teen was lying to spare her.

"I'm-I'm glad," she smiled, tears now rolling freely down her cheeks. "I-Ichigo… thank you."

He didn't, or couldn't, reply. But as her spiritual body dissipated, his arms dropped back to his sides.

"It's unfortunate," Rukia spoke. "But our memories won't retain her. You can't keep memories of someone who never existed."

Ichigo looked like he wanted to debate that, but answered only, "I know she'll be gone soon, but right now, I can still hear her voice."

Toushiro paused a moment before stating, "We should probably be on our way. We're going to wonder why we've gathered here when our memories clear."

"…Yeah," Ichigo softly agreed, but it was a moment or two longer before he actually started to move. "Mom's grave isn't far."

His lovers quietly followed. The tensai sighed, an attempt at relieving some of the bound-up… bound-up… Irritation. Was that it? It was the closest word he had.

But as to why he was irritated… It probably went back to Ichigo.

It usually did.

The trio went back to the teen's house after visiting Masaki's grave, where Yuzu was getting the table set for dinner. "You're just in time!" she greeted them. "Come sit; dinner's about ready!"

"Gladly," Toushiro remarked.

"You all right?" Rukia asked with a chuckle.

"I just feel more tired than I should, for some reason."

"I know what you mean. It's odd."

"It must be contagious," Ichigo added. "I feel like I just kicked Aizen's ass all over again."

"Language, Ichigo!" Yuzu scolded him.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Hey Toushiro," Yuzu added to the tensai. "Ichi-nii told me you wanted another plushie for Hinamori-chan's birthday."

"If possible," he replied. "She really liked the last one."

"I'm glad! But I'm getting my payment first this time; you disappeared pretty quickly for awhile after I gave you the last one."

"That was completely unintentional," he tried to assure her. "But I can agree to that. Whenever you're available."

"Pretty much any day after school," she told him.

"It may be a few days, but I'll let you know."


"You could make a business off those, Yuzu."

"I already kind of do," she replied. "A bunch of people from school ask for them around Valentine's Day, White Day, sometimes birthdays. But I charge them money."

"As you should."

"If you're staying the night, we can get that pesky payment out of the way," Yuzu offered with a smile before taking another bite.

"Tonight, I don't know," the tensai carefully told her. Once they'd eaten, he actually been very much looking forward to finding a corner in Ichigo's room and not moving till morning. "If not, probably tomorrow afternoon, if that'd be all right."

"Sure," Yuzu replied with a smile. "Let me know."

The meal was delicious, as Yuzu's meals always were, but the nourishment just seemed to make Toushiro and his lovers even more tired, even if none of them were sure why. All they knew was that crashing for the night was the best idea ever, and got to it as soon as they were done.

Toushiro had to admit that even though they had a bigger sleeping surface in Soul Society, he liked falling asleep here. Because the space was smaller, they had no choice but to be lumped together. There were nice ways to fall asleep, but to be able to while basking in both Ichigo's warmth and Rukia's cool scent definitely ranked highest.