Burning Ice

Chapter One: Secrets to be Feared

This story came to me when I was looking at an amazing picture montage of Pitch talking about Elsa and her dangerous powers. I LOVE reading fanfiction! JELSA is AMAZING! :D First fanfiction ever, so please write a quick review and help me figure out what to fix! ENJOY! :3

They were beautiful. So many colors. Blue and green. Purple and pink. Yes so beautiful. The Northern lights. They were shown at every tip of the world. Even in the darkest corners of the earth, the bright light shimmered. It was such a sight to behold. Just amazing. It seemed to have no flaw. They danced in the wind, as if telling the whole world everything was perfect.

But that wasn't the truth.

The truth had been that this was an emergency. The truth behind the beautiful dancing lights was that something had happened. The children were in danger. North (Known as Santa Clause to children) had pulled the lever in his globe room, which was the official meeting place to the five guardians. North, Tooth, Sandy, Bunny, and Jack. Whenever the lights shown in the sky, it was an immediate response to travel to North's Work shop. And travel they did.

They had all seen the lights. They were now very worried. Something was wrong. But nothing had been wrong since the defeat of Pitch Black almost ten years ago. And if something was wrong now, after almost ten years of peace, much was to be feared.

Those were the exact thoughts racing through Jack Frost's mind as he neared the work shop. The blizzard he was flying through blinded his eyes. He was almost there. He could feel it.

He saw a bright white light in front of his eyes. Thankfully it would have seemed one of the guardians pushed a window open for him, so he could fly right through. He landed inside, although not stopping to catch his breath; he walked into the other room where he could hear the talking of his fellow guardians.

All of them turned to face the youngest guardian. He could instantly tell they were talking before he had arrived. One look was plastered on every guardian. Fear. He felt a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. Even the regularly cheery elves had abnormally sad faces. There would be no joking between anyone today. No laughter. And that meant that somthing really was wrong.

"Jack," North started, "you might need to sit down." He whispered in his Russian accent.

"That's never a good thing to hear…" Jack muttered under his breath. Whatever the other guardians needed to tell him, it had to be horrible. And judging by the stares of horror directed at his face, it had to do something with him, personally. And that always seemed to just make things worse.

Jack flew over to the near by tabel, where instead of putting himself on the table, as he would usually do, pulled out a chair at sat down.

Jack then looked to his other guardians for guidance. Sandy had many sand figures flying over his head. His face was full of aggravation. The only symbol Jack could possibly make out was a moon.

Jack was so confused. Mentioning Manny just made him even more so. The Man in the Moon never bothered to talk to him. Not since he had died saving his sister, and became Jack Frost. That was the only time he ever spoke to him.

"Sandy," Tooth began calmly, "Why don't we leave the explaining to someone else." Sandy blew a somewhat smokey looking sand out of the sides of his ears, then just gave a much exaggerated silent sigh.

"Something has happened mate." Bunnymund said in his thick Australian accent. "Something you're not going to like." His voice was shaking uncontrollablyevn though Jack could see that he was trying his best to stay strong.

It was horrible to see him like this. Even though Jack was never on very good terms with Bunny, but they still looked out for each other. They both protected the children of the world, and nothing was going to change that. They were guardians. That was what they had to do.

But what he whispered next almost made Jack jump out of his chair, slap him across the face, and throw so many curses, a sailor would be embarrassed. He couldn't believe it! It was impossible.

"The Man in the Moon says that…..Pitch is back…" were the words he whispered. They were dripping with acid.

Oh the pain Jack felt when he heard those words. Horrible and unbelievable pain. The other guardians' faces froze in fear when they heard those words all over again. They were so worried what Jack would even try to do now. They wouldn't be able to stop him if he tried to hunt Pitch down! The fear of any of them not being able protect Jack, it was just infuriating.

He gripped the edge of the chair. He gritted his teeth. It took everything he was made of to not scream at all of his friends. He kept his head down, not looking at their faces.

Horrible thoughts raced into his mind. The children. The children were in danger. Oh when he got his hands on Pitch, he would make him incredibly sorry. Sorry he even endangered anyone the first time. They weren't afraid of Pitch. Or at least they hadn't been before. But the thought of him now, returning after the Great Peace…Ugh… just sent chills up their spine.

"Not only that Jack," North growled, His russian accent barely audible behind the rasp in his voice. "He needs to speak with you… Alone."

It seemed that North was the only one who knew this, because in fact the other guardians immediately started to shout their protests. North had a special connection to the Man in the Moon. It seemed most of the time that he was the only one directley spoken to. But even though he kept this from the guardians, he immediatly regretted it.

Sandy seemed to be flickering a million symbols over his head a second. Tooth seemed to be screaming at North along with Bunny, probably listing a gazillion reasons why he shouldn't even try showing his despicable face, or even thinking about talking to Jack alone.

But Jack couldn't hear any of it. He could only see them arguing. All he could hear was a heartbeat, beating slower… and slower… and slower….. Almost coming to a stop. But he came upon reality. His heart was frozen. Never to beat again. It was cold and lifeless within him. So whose heart was it? Whoever it was, they were dying. He could feel himself falling sideways and right off the chair. The last thing he saw was the guardians turning to see him, lying on the floor, looking almost even more lifeless in his already lifeless immortal body.

That was when he just let the darkness over come himself.

Jack awoke on his back in black sand. Mounds and mounds of black sand. He looked all around, but yet he saw no sign of his magical staff. Now all he wanted to do was get up out of this disgusting nightmare mountain he was laying upon. Jack struggled to get up, but immediately found that his hands were tied to the ground with chains. Chains made of the very material he was laying on. Then he heard it. The horrible, despicable laughter.

"Oh poor, poor Jack. You just look all miserable down there. Maybe one of my nightmares can keep you company?" Laughed Pitch as he appeared on a higher mound of sand in front of him. He gave a dark chuckle again.

"What do you want this time Pitch!" hissed Jack through his teeth. "The children believe in you, they're just not afraid of you anymore! And neither am I."

It was true. Jack wasn't afraid. He was worried. Worried about the children of the world.

"And that my little Jack Frost," he started "Is EXACTLY the problem!"

Jack was even more confused than ever. Even more confused than when he first found out that he had a life and a family before he was Jack Frost. So much confusion.

"You see Jack," he started as he crept closer to Jack. "I SHOULD be feared! Before any of you became guardians, in the dark ages, I WAS feared. People were afraid! I haven't felt fear like that in a long time Jack." he sany almost tauntingly. "And as I said before, what goes together better that Cold and Dark!

Jack could see where he was going with this. Trying to get him to be in this horrible plan of his. But no. No he would never ever go through with it. He wanted to be believed in, Not feared. He would never forgive himself if the children were afraid of him. He wouldn't do that. Never.

"No!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. "I'll never help you!"

Pitch's yellow eyes narrowed as he showed his pointy teeth in a grim smile. He cackled once again.

"But my dear Jack," he snickered "I don't need you anymore. I've found someone else…"

Jack froze. Who in the world would even think about helping Pitch? What exactly did he mean by he found someone else? Just so much confusion.

"You look confused Frost. Do you want to hear the story?" he said in his voice dripping like venom. "Well about 2 years before you became a guardian, before I knew how great Dark and Cold went together, I traveled to a little country by the name of Arendelle."

Jack's brain was clouded with confusion. What in the world was he talking about? What does Arendelle have to do with any of this? All that was in his mind was confusion, confusion, and confusion.

Before jack could even beginning to work it out, Pitch continued with his story.

"And you know. I once met someone very much like yourself. With powers like yours."

Jack snapped out of the clouded fog that was now his mind.

"What?" he hissed through his teeth. "That's impossible."

"Remember Frost! You're supposed to be listening to the story!" Pitch yelled. Jack only gritted his teeth and did his best to stay quiet while a million thoughts raced through his mind.

"Oh yes. Someone just like you. With powers of ice and snow. Although she was a human, she had been gifted with amazing powers."

At this, Jack was becoming excited. Could there really be others like himself out there?

Before he could even start to think farther Pitch continued.

"But sadly she was merely a child. And you would know how prone children are to fear… at this he gave an evil chuckle. "In the end, she ended up sacrificing a great deal for her little sister." He paused before continuing. "Well not as much as you I mean. You died so your sister could live… but this little girl, every day, died so her sister could be safe. From herself. From the monster she was."

At this Jack froze from fear. The monster she was? But these powers were a gift. Something must have changed her mind for her to ever think of herself as a monster.

"And now Jack Frost… You must have realized something." Pitch whispered menacingly. He was now standing right beside Jack. Just looking down at him. With his evil smile and bright yellow eyes. "I. Don't. Need. You." He tauntingly whispered.

And that's when it hit him hard. He was going to use this girl-whether she like it or not- to make the world full of nightmares and fear. He instantly started to struggle in his chains again.

"NO!" he shouted, desperately trying to break those accursed chains. he needed to get out and find the girl. he needed to save her from the terrible fate pitch had in store.

"Oh yes Jack." Said pitch as he started to twirl black sand in his hand. " I only need Elsa." He whispered as the sand started to grow larger in quantity. He put in his palm and blew a light breezefrom his mouth. "Goodnight Frost..."

An all that was left, was the darkness.

Thanks for reading! first fanfic so go easy on me! please review! I am only 13 and i do lots of things like Cheer/soccer/Gymnastics/art/track/crosscountry/archery... so yes... a very tight sched. i will update atleast once a week. expect my writings to come saturday. See you next chapter! ;)