Why hello, fancy seeing you again after all these years. I haven't written the next part so I don't know when the next update for this fanfic will be. I make no promises!

Good bye!

Disclaimer: I forgot who the creator is...on purpose.

Warning: Bah! Nothing.

Note: I'm going to use both Kurama and Kyuubi to refer to the same character (Naru's big bro) just cause. Also thank you for being here even after all these years. Thank you! And good bye again.

Naruto was...confused. He had been scared and angry when Sasuke first entered, then he just felt scared when Sasuke went around his bedroom doing things, then angry when he peered over the offensive paper that was still lying on his desk and finally confused when Sasuke did nothing but walk back to his initial standing spot. Naruto was still standing defensively with his hands over his chest as if trying to protect his fragile heart. Never mind, he really was protecting his heart as well as his body in case his bastard does something again. His trust towards his spouse was totally gone by then.

"How did that get here?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't know. It was on my bed when I got here last night," Naruto answered a little coldly.

"How did you figure out the-," Sasuke paused to come up with a better word but sighed heavily when none came, "the message?" Naruto's face became harder.

"I didn't. Whoever drew those lines made me see the message," Naruto said sarcastically. Sasuke nearly flinched at the acidity in Naruto's tone, damn he deserved that. He breathed in deep before saying anything else.

I have to explain everything but if I say that he's not going to listen to me. Fuck! How the hell did this mess get so big? Damnit Kami Sama, give me a break! Please! Sasuke mused internally as he racked his brain for the best way to explain everything to his beloved.

Fuck you Uchiha, never. Hahaha.

"Do you mean it?" Naruto's words shook him out of his musing. He turned to look at the blond and saw tears forming in his eyes. What do I do? What do I say? Shit, give me an answer damnit! Sasuke mused wildly while still retaining a neutral expression.

"Do you really mean what you wrote in your vow? Do you really want me to stay away? Did you really want me to stay away even before we were married?" Tears began to streak down the scarred cheeks as Naruto's voice began to waver at the words that were escaping his lips. Sasuke's face finally managed to show signs of being human. He paled a shade paler than his usual tone.

Oh shit.

"T-then when we were together on the island," Naruto continued as sobs began to wreck across his body, he couldn't stop, "was it- was it just a front? Did you hate it? D-did you hate me?" Tears fall freely down Naruto's cheeks. There was no stopping it now and Sasuke could almost guess the next words that came out of Naruto's mouth.

"Then the rules, the things with my friends, with my brother, is it because you h-hate me? Why, why keep me around if you hated me from the start? Why?" Naruto almost wailed the last part but he couldn't help the shaking that his body was making due to the immense emotional pressure he was feeling. His whole world was coming crashing onto him and there was nothing he could do about it. It was all a lie, the sweet nothing Sasuke had whispered to his ear were just that…empty.

It's now or never Uchiha, he thought to himself. The full truth, no more lies and no more deflections. Not telling is just as bad as lying if not worse and this has already taken a turn for the absolute worse. What else could he possibly lose if he was blunt to the point? He was already losing Naruto as it is.

"I did hate you."

Naruto stopped breathing.

"But what I hated was the idea of you, not the person I came to know after I married you," Sasuke added. He could see Naruto struggling to compute the words that just came out of his mouth but at least the blond was breathing albeit a tad bit struggled.

"What do you mean?" Naruto managed to ask. Sasuke took a deep breath.

"I didn't want to be married," he started, "I was against the idea the moment I heard about it. The Uchiha family is very controlling and you know that first hand," Naruto scoffed at that. Yeah controlling is a tad bit of an understatement. "I forgot what it was like to be in your place and I was there before. My family controlled everything about my life. Where I go to school, what I do with my time, where I can and cannot go- except for those few times that I did get to choose what to do.

The idea I had about you was that you'd be the one to seal the deal. The deal to keep me under the control of the family forever. I thought you were someone like the rest of my family. Eagerly following tradition and separate from the rest of the world. Turns out that was what I was- am." Sasuke paused to look Naruto straight to his eyes.

"You were the exact opposite. You weren't this person who was eager to please my family or even fit the Uchiha family. You are bright and exuberant and far beyond what I could ever even imagine. You are the happiest person I have ever known and the most human person I have ever been around." Sasuke could begin to see the tell-tale sign of a smile on Naruto's face. "Maybe except for Tatsuya and Tatsuki but they were almost like Uchiha zombies themselves until you came. You saved them…and me.

You got me out of this pity hole I dug for myself but as soon as I got out I dug this pride hole that sucked me in like there's no tomorrow. And I nearly lost you. You are not something that I can hold back or shackle like a pet. You are an amazing creation that was brought into my life and being the stupid person that I was, I didn't know how to care for you…until now." He dared himself to approach the still blond. When he see no backward or opposing movement from Naruto he reached out slowly for his hands.

"The one I thought I'd marry and the one I did marry were completely different. That vow was written for an idea but when you look at the message, I think I really meant it for you." He pulled Naruto closer, bringing their faces closer, eyes closed and whispered softly;

"So long as we maybe; till the time we separate, always be with me. You must never, at all forget your duties towards me. While I am far, always think of me, -as I of you-, yet still managing the house for me, for us. Rest assure that till the time you get old, I will watch over you, and care for you. My time, my strength, will be for us both for, ever."

He opened his eyes and stared straight to Naruto's ever dazzling pair of sapphire and for the first time whispered

"I love you Naruto."

Naruto's breath hitched. That was the first time any of them had said those three words to one another. What was more, he wasn't the one who said it first like he always imagined. Sasuke had said those three words to him first and now he was lost for words. Why was he angry again? Oh yeah, that…but he explained and then he said he loved me. Naruto did not know how to even feel. Elated? Angry? Happy? Furious? Confused?

Yeah, confused sounds just about right but Sasuke wasn't being fair. How could he be anything but happy when the man he was in love with told him that the feeling was mutual?

"You're cheating, you bastard," Naruto whispered. Needless to say Sasuke was confused by the sudden accusation and it showed on his face. His guard was really down for emotion to be showing on his face like that. He wasn't expecting anything other than more shouting and anger from the blond and he was ready to face that…but not this…

"Saying you love me before I say it to you. How the hell am I supposed to remember what I was angry at you about…," Naruto's face lighten up and he looked away. All of a sudden he felt that Sasuke's face was far too close to his own. "And repeating the vow like that. You even said things that weren't in the original text teme." Sasuke smirked. So Naruto was happy after all.

"I just said the truth." And Naruto pouted at that though he looked more adorable than irritated with his face all red. Sasuke sighed and backed away. At least Naruto wasn't rejecting him anymore. He's happy enough with an adorable expression from his beloved blond, though he'd rather they did something a little more…reassuring. You get the idea.

For a second there Naruto was confused when Sasuke pulled away. He half expected to be kissed by Sasuke but then realised that maybe this was for the best. Going too fast have proven not to be the best thing most of the time.

"You know that's not all it is gonna take to get me back." Naruto said still holding on Sasuke's hands. Sasuke somewhat shrugged, he was still trying to get used to all this out of character things but it didn't feel as alien as it did the first time.

"I know." He said with a genuine smile which Naruto reciprocated. Sasuke's heart felt lighter when he saw the smile he hadn't seen in a while. "I still have a lot of things I need to explain to you about."

"No shit Sherlock," Naruto chuckled. "But for now the vow thing is okay. You owe me about the divorce thing and the no nii-san and my friends visiting rule too." Sasuke decided he kinda liked the out of character thing and pulled Naruto into his arms. The moment Naruto was secured in his embrace he sighed in relief.

"It has been was too long," he sighed. Naruto thought hugging might be a bit too much but what the hell. He missed the asshole too.

"It was your fault," Naruto pointed out while returning the hug. "Oh yeah, what happened with granny? I thought I felt the mansion shaking before you got here."

"Oh, she broke the dining table in half," Sasuke replied and that was when he froze. She was still in a murderous rampage when he ran out on her. "Naruto, you might want to start planning my funeral."

"What?" Naruto looked up at him incredulously.

"Everyone knows about the vow and Tsunade-sama was extra pissed off at me about it," Sasuke tried to explain, "now that I think about it the whole mansion is out for my blood really." Naruto's reaction was simply a raised eyebrow with a bored expression that probably said 'Ya think?!'

"I'll go talk to granny," Naruto said and he detached himself to go out the doors, only to have Sasuke holding him back.


"Yeah, and you come too. It was your fault to begin with," Naruto replied in a straight voice. His eyes said he was laughing inside though.

"You're enjoying this aren't you dobe?" Naruto snickered.

"I have no idea what you are talking about teme," Naruto said feigning innocence and with that pulled Sasuke with him towards the angry lady who could possibly bring down the whole mansion with a flick of her finger.

It took a whole week before Sasuke could dine with Tsunade without her going psycho on his ass. Naruto had sort of forgiven the raven and was dining with them at meal times- he sat between Sasuke and his grandmother so that she won't find any excuse to accidentally-on-purpose kill him. Sasuke had just finished explaining the rule thing to Naruto in the tree house after lunch and Naruto had to fight the urge to roll his eyes at his childish husband.

"So basically you were jealous," Naruto said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"No. I was angry they left you sad." Sasuke responded.

"Yeah right. You were jealous they had all my attention when they were around. Me being sad is just your head coming with a different explanation than jealousy," Naruto laughed. Sasuke huffed as if to say 'No it was not!' but Naruto just laughed some more. "Okay, I forgive for that one." He put in his ever bright smile making Sasuke smile too.

"Thank y-"

"Wait, I have a condition for forgiving you," Naruto interjected. Sasuke waited for Naruto to continue. "You will take back that stupid rule." Sasuke wanted to object but grumbled his consent. "Good. If you get jealous then just do something like join me- and my friends- maybe…" Naruto trailed off with the suggestion.

"Ravishing you in front of your friends might traumatise them dobe," Sasuke said smirking. Naruto glared.

"Like I'm gonna let you ravish me in front of my friends," Naruto scoffed. "You're gonna have to work a bit to get to ravish me when even we're alone," he added triumphantly when he saw irritation on Sasuke's face. At least they weren't getting all mushy with each other. That bit was a refreshing change from their past dynamic. They've never had this friendly sort of relationship before. They just jumped into the romantic phase and got screwed by it when they hit a roadblock. Now, everything felt calm and even the jabbing didn't hurt the other's feelings.

"So, what about the divorce thing? You ready to hear the explanation now?" Sasuke asked after a few minutes of quiet and enjoying the view. They were sitting right by the edge of the tree house, Naruto's head on Sasuke's shoulder and his eyes closed. To Sasuke, Naruto was radiating tranquil and it was affecting him as well. He doesn't remember when he was last as calm as he was with Naruto right then…

"No, not right now," Naruto mumbled.

"Are you getting sleepy?" Sasuke asked.

"A bit," came the reply accompanied by a yawn.

"Naruto sama!" They two heard Shizune calling from afar. Naruto perked up and waited to see if Shizune would call her again and she did. Not soon after they saw her exiting the door to the garden and Naruto quickly answered back his location.

"Ah, Naruto-sama, there you are," Shizune said as she hastened her pace towards the tree house.

"What's up? Granny wants something?" Naruto called from above. For some reason neither males felt like going down just yet.

"Yes and you have guests," Shizune answered.

"Guests? I thought granny locked the place up," Naruto hollered from above.

"She did but these quests are important. They travelled over the desert to get here," Sasuke frowned at the tone of voice Shizune was using. She was sharing something that he didn't understand. Since when did anyone who came from god-knows-where mattered? And more importantly, they didn't know anyone who lived across the des-

"You mean they finally came?" Naruto replied enthusiastically much to Sasuke's annoyance.


"Yep! You have to greet them. They haven't seen you in ages Naruto sama," Shizune cut off Sasuke in her moment of excitement. Before Sasuke could get another word out Naruto jumped down and excitedly walked back into the house, chattering enthusiastically with the female ninja. And yeah, Sasuke was forgotten just like that.

Who the fuck, Sasuke thought angrily, is so important that Naruto completely forgot about me? Hell, he practically shut me out the moment he heard about the sand garden! Sasuke quickly jumped down and followed after the two who had ignored his presence. He quickly fell behind their steps but that wasn't enough to distract Naruto out of his conversation with Shizune. Interest peaked in Sasuke along with irritation so he decided to shut up and just follow them.

Soon they trio arrived at the main gate. Sasuke finally saw what it looked like opened wide. With guards standing along the gate and the path towards the mansion decorated to receive the mysterious guests, it looked simply majestic. Sasuke's interest rose even more when he saw Naruto's father standing by Tsunade in front of the house. Whoever the guest were, they were more important than Sasuke had earlier thought.

"Sasuke, hey, are you in there?" Naruto was waving his hand in front of the raven trying to distract him. Sasuke turned to look at Naruto with a raised eyebrow. "Hi, there you are." Naruto teased with a big smile. "Grandma wants us up front with her and dad. My friends from Suna Gakure finally got the time to come and visit me since they missed my wedding," Naruto said. "Since you haven't met them, let's hurry up to granny and dad."

"Wait, Naruto, who are they?" Sasuke managed a sentence but the blond was so focused on getting them to Tsunade and Minato that he didn't even hear a word. "Dobe, did you even heard a word I said?"

"Huh? You said something back there?" Sasuke almost scoffed but decided to repeat himself.


And it seemed like Sasuke had the worst luck that afternoon when once again he was cut off, only this time by the sound of cheering from outside the wall. Who the heck are these people? Sasuke was really confused.

Soon a few horse riders entered the gate followed by an extravagantly decorated carriage pulled by three horses. Sasuke glanced over the marking and was surprised. That was the official envoy from the Country of Sand. Usually ministers or dignitaries used such carriages to send messages or to travel between countries. The carriage entered and more horses rode behind it with another carriage Sasuke assumed carrying luggage.

"You better mind your manners Naruto, they are grandma Tsunade's visitors first," Sasuke heard Minato say to Naruto.

"Yeah right, he's here because he's my friend dad," Naruto replied. Sasuke stopped listening as soon as he heard the word 'he'. The friend is a guy? What the hell! Were the thoughts exploding in Sasuke's head. He was about to say something to his blond before once again being cut off, this time by the arrival of the carriage right in front of them. The door opened and then a blond female came out followed by an oddly dressed male who seemed to have ears on top of his head with the hood he was wearing.

"Temari! Kankuro!" Naruto shouted their names beside Sasuke while waving frantically at them. The girl saw Naruto first and quickly bounded towards Naruto.

"Hey Naruto, long time no see" She called him as soon as she was within earshot and the two hugged.

"You guys sure took your time getting here," Naruto replied. The girl laughed before replying.

"It's not my fault. I'd gone the day you got married if it weren't for work. Kankuro got caught up too so neither of us could make it to your wedding," Temari replied with an apologetic tone in her voice.

"Hey blondie, you're as bright as ever," the male Sasuke assumed was Kankuro stepped into Naruto's view and quickly hugged him. Sasuke instantly got annoyed at the thought that this man is the 'he' Naruto had mentioned earlier.

"Hey puppet man," Naruto greeted Kankuro and returned the hug.

"Sorry we missed the wedding. You know how busy the three of us can get especially when he starts to get into that mood of his," Kankuro said motioning to the carriage. Apparently there were three and the third one was also a guy. Kankuro turn to look at Sasuke. "You the man?" he asked bluntly.

"What?" was Sasuke's first reaction.

"Oh, yeah this is him," Naruto answered for him and he laughed at Sasuke's reaction towards his friends. "Guys, meet my husband Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke, these two are my friends from Suna Gakure, Temari and Kankuro. There's actually three of them, Ga-" this time Naruto was cut off by his grandmother greeting someone.

"Welcome back to Konoha. We haven't seen you in a while Kazekage Gaara," she said while shaking hands with a red-haired male who looks just about Sasuke and Naruto's age. Sasuke would have gawked if he hadn't seen the carriage before any of the occupant exited. He recognised the red-haired male, heck everyone knows him. He was the youngest person to have ever held the Kage position in all five countries combined.

"Gaara!" Naruto shouted attracting the attention of the sullen looking Kazekage. At the sight of Naruto he broke into a small smile which by now surprises nobody. Everyone knows that only Naruto can make the puppet like Kazekage show different expressions…except Sasuke. He never even knew that Naruto knew the Kazekage!

"Naruto," Gaara nodded at the blond and walked towards him completely ignoring anyone else including Minato and Tsunade. If it were anyone else, they would have considered Gaara rude and impolite, but Minato and Tsunade knew better. They shouldn't have let Shizune call Naruto in the first place. They knew that once those two (Gaara and Naruto) got together, no one can get between them. They had been the best of friends since they were kids after all.

"You owe me an apology and a proper explanation as to why you didn't come to my big day," Naruto said shaking hands with the solemn young man and smiling even brighter than he did to Temari and Kankuro. Gaara returned the hand shake and smiled.

"We have to camp down if you want to hear everything," Gaara replied earning a big laugh from Naruto.

"We have a big back garden and I am not going anywhere. So let's camp!"

"Naruto, can you please let us finish greeting him first before you two go off to who-know-where?" Tsunade chided while Minato sighed behind her in defeat.

"I'll get back to you soon, Kitsune," Gaara said in a monotone, but he managed to sound apologetic.

"Sure thing Tanuki." Gaara turned to greet the rest of the people who mattered. Naruto turned back to Temari and Kankuro with the intention of introducing Sasuke to them again but Sasuke was intent on not getting cut off this time.

"You guys are the Sunagakure no Sankyoudai, how do you guys know my Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"Easy, we spent time in each other's places when we were growing up," Temari answered without missing a beat.

"Blondie here went everywhere his dad went so when Uncle Minato visits Sunagakure, he stays with us. And when our dad says he's gonna come to Konoha, we hitched a ride and stayed with the Uzumaki family," Kankuro added.

"Oh yeah, where's Kurama and Aunt Kushina by the way? They didn't come to greet us?" Temari asked looking around for the other red-heads she knew.

"Ahaha, actually there's a story to that," Naruto replied with a nervous laugh. "They can't come here. Dad was allowed in because Gaara was coming. If it were only you and Kankuro, I don't think you guys could even get into the house."

"Oh yeah, I heard Tsunade sama did the lock down thing again," Kankuro answered.

"Yeah, that's the story," Naruto again laughed nervously.

"We know that's not the whole story but it can wait," Temari said ruffling Naruto's head, "let's head inside first."

So the small group followed the bigger group with Tsunade, Minato and Gaara into the large living room. Once there, most of the people present dispersed save for the seven (Kankuro and Temari acts as Gaara's personal guards as well). They were headed directly to the large dining room where a feast was already served.

In a normal procedure where another Kage visits the Konohagakure, they'd go to Minato's workplace, have an official welcoming ceremony where everyone is introduced to each other, an official tour of the Hogake building, a small feast and then the visiting Kage would go to his official lodging. All that is done in that order. It wasn't like the Kazekage had special treatment but it became such when Gaara became the Kazekage. It wasn't that he didn't know the proper etiquette as a visiting official but none of the three Sunagakure siblings could help themselves. Naruto always trying to break the rules only make things worse. So to curb the damage, every time Gaara and his siblings come to Konohagakure, they will always go to Tsunade's mansion, dine with Minato and his mother and then leave the three siblings to Naruto. At least for the first night of their stay.

So they did just that. Tsunade sat in her usual seat, Minato to her left and Gaara to her right. Kankuro beside Minato with Sasuke besides him. Naruto sat opposite Sasuke and Temari between the blond and Gaara.

Yes, Sasuke did not like the seating arrangement. Reason number one, Naruto was a table across from him, far too far away from reach. Reason number two, he was seating beside a guy who Naruto called puppet man. What's up with that? Reason number three, Naruto was not focusing on him. Reason number f- we'll stop at three. His reasons are all going to concern Naruto in some form or way. Also, one reason that didn't concern Naruto was Kankuro was a total stranger to Sasuke and that was no comfortable for the raven head.

"Hey, there's news that something horrible happened when you two were on your honeymoon in Whirlpool. Is that true?" Kankuro suddenly asked Sasuke who had been watching Naruto laughing with Temari. Sasuke was slightly taken aback with the question.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

"I heard you guys got stranded in Whirlpool cuz of the weather. Is that true?" Kankuro elaborated. Sasuke employed his Stare of Doom. His honeymoon is not a topic he'd want to talk about to strangers, period.

"That's none of your business, isn't it?" Sasuke replied icily. Kankuro who had been staring expectantly suddenly burst out laughing. That prompted Naruto to ask him what was funny.

"I like your dude, sunshine. He's just like what I heard about the Uchihas," Kankuro answered, still laughing. Aside from that burst of laughter, the feasting went about well. Once they food were all munched up, it was time to let Naruto entertain the guests. After all they were pretty much his guests every time they come to Konohagakure.

"Naruto, don't go too overboard alright. The Kazekage sama and his siblings are staying at the mansion during their visit so you can see them whenever they're here," Tsunade said to Naruto who was eager to take his Sunagakure friends to the garden for a lengthy chat. Sasuke would've shown the shock on his face but he was saving face. The Uchiha face to be more precise.

Why the hell are they staying here?! Sasuke thought in panic. Not only was his time with his spouse cut short, his Naruto was going to have access to distractions for as long as the desert siblings were there! I'm trying to win over my Naruto here for fuck's sake! He screamed internally.

"Got it granny," Naruto answered enthusiastically, "May I take them to the garden now?"

"Hold it chibi," Tsunade stopped him, "Your father is leaving now. Would it kill you to wait a couple minutes and say goodbye?"

"You're throwing me out so soon mother?" Minato said half joking.

"It's a partial lock down so yes, I'm throwing you out son," Tsunade answered stoically. Minato sighed. He finally saw his baby boy again and couldn't even spend two seconds with him.

"Bye dad! I'll see you soon. I made him promise," Naruto waved to his father who waved back.

"I did?" Sasuke commented.

"Yes, you promised to take the rule down so it's a promise to see my dad too." Naruto's reasoning would've had Sasuke sighing but he couldn't deny that megawatt smile anything. "Alright, let's go to the garden. I'm going to introduce you to the friends of mine who you've never met." Naruto pulled his spouse's arm towards the garden where the three Sunagakure siblings were waiting.

Hey, if nothing makes sense then I apologise again.

Also! My memory of Naruto only exists till before he met the Octopus guy so don't expect to see the characters past that point of the manga. ALSO! I'm still so sad!

Good bye!