Chapter 25

Part 1

The Dream and The Reality

"Mom?" Shouta's annoyed voice snapped Miyu back into reality. Not to mention the animated waving with that adorable frown on his face.

"Are you daydreaming?" he asked, not even bothering to mask the irritation from his voice.

Miyu blinked and shook her head absent-mindedly, wondering if it was that evident on her face for a ten year old to figure out when she was daydreaming. Although she was doubtful whether thinking about a dream would amount to actually "daydreaming".

"Was it really a dream?"

"What?" asked Shouta, looking up from his cereal, his annoyed frown back on his face.

"Damn Miyu," Miyu cursed internally, "keep your thoughts to yourself".

"Mom, when will you realize that you are actually thinking out loud?" Shouta enquired, his frown now replaced by an amused expression.

Miyu smiled.

"Is 'never' an answer I can give?"

Shouta chuckled and finishing his breakfast answered, "isn't it always your answer?"

He got off the chair from their small dining table and walked over to the kitchen sink. Climbing onto the tiny stool, he rinsed his bowl quickly and hurried into his room to get ready, going, "don't laze around too much. You might end up late on the last day of School before winter break".

Miyu couldn't help but wonder how her son could be more of a parent to her than vice versa. Smiling to herself, she followed his steps and within what felt like moments the two of them were walking out of their compact apartment and onto the chilly morning.

Miyu gave her son a parting hug outside the Elementary division of the school, which he returned reluctantly. smiling at his retreating figure, his brunet hair appearing darker due to the climate, Miyu smiled. She felt content.

She is happy where she is.

Just with Shouta.

No drama.

No tears.

Closing her eyes momentarily, she prayed, "Let it just be a dream".

A chilly breeze blew, making her shiver, as if only to tell that this time her prayer shall not be answered.

"So," the blond wiggled his eyebrows, his azure eyes twinkling and his lips curved in a smirk, "who is this mystery woman who has gotten you all flustered?"

His brunet companion gave a nervous laugh, pushing his hand through his hair unconsciously.

"Is she a lover you abandoned during your blackout stage?" Seiya asked jokingly.

"That is a thought," the brunet replied unconvinced, "but I doubt it's possible".

It was late evening and the two were walking along the almost empty beach, their sandals on their hands, sunglasses on their noses and in Seiya's scase, a sun tan lotion in his pocket.

"I wonder how you thought there would be enough sun light at this time that warrants a sun tan lotion", Kanata asked, deliberately trying to change the subject of their current discussion which had been going on for a while now.

Seiya shook his head and coming to a halt, suggested with an air of confidence, "we should find her. She might be important".

Kanata, now a few steps away from his crazy assistant, stopped as well and raising his eyebrows mildly, asked, "what makes you say that?"

The blond smirked and said, "I just have a hunch".

Shaking his head, Kanata walked on.

"Right, wait..." Seiya jogged to catch up with him and said, "wait! I know why!"

Kanata stopped again and with a smirk asked, "why?"

"Cause you didn't insult her once!"

The brunet's smirk vanished to be replaced by a blank look.

Renewed by his boss's silence, Seiya continued, "you always complain about all the women you've dated the last ten years. Sometimes even insult them to their face, which is very weird if you ask me.. But"

Kanata shook his head and said off handedly, "no.. I'm pretty sure I insulted this one to her face as well.. Inside the ATM vestibule".

Seiya's face fell but he recovered almost immediately, "you've been thinking about her for quite a while now, aren't you?"

The brunet gave him an incredulous look and started walking again.

"We need to find her," Seiya said again as he fell in pace with Kanata.

Pushing his hands into his khaki trousers, Kanata breathed in the cold beach air.

It felt new.

Very unlike the kiss that the blonde had given him before disappearing into the night.

She felt familiar.

The kiss felt too familiar.

But he didn't want to tell Seiya this, out of fear of him getting too encouraged to go search for her.


Maybe he should search for her.

Or maybe it's time he headed back to Tokyo to figure out the blanks in his memory.