Author has written 43 stories for Twilight, Kindred: The Embraced, Alpha and Omega series, Highlander, Book X-overs, Misc. Movies, Firefly, Cthulhu Mythos, Misc. Tv Shows, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Mercy Thompson series, Leverage, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Mummy, Lost Girl, Game X-overs, Deadlands, and Marvel. What can I say? I'm just a book reading, tv and movie watching, writer type looking for an outlet. *IMPORTANT - As of 6/9/12, I've started to move my stories that are facing the chopping block to two new sites. You can find me under the same pen name at The Writer's Coffee Shop and Twi Write. I keep adding updates both here and on my current stories to let everyone know what my progress is. The links to the other sites are www (dot) thewriterscoffeeshop (dot) com and www (dot) twiwrite (dot) net.* 9/26/13 - Just in case people hadn't guessed it yet, I stopped transferring my stories to the other sites because it was taking up time I really didn't have. It's also kind of obvious that since the Moderators seemed to have toned down their deleting of stories that I've started to post here again. Due to a massive crash of my PC at home, all my writing projects were totally wiped out - a few survived by being placed on a flash drive but nothing is left of the others. Anyone who wants to adopt one of my unfinished stories is more than welcome to but PM to let me know first. |
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