Reviews for Jaded Brother
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 2 . 6/12
This scentence is a bit confusing...

"Vader did consider all the Jedi involved to be idealistic weaklings and cowards even Anakin Skywalker,"

Did he mean even HIM back when HE was still Anakin?
I mean... Darth Vader IS Anakin Skywalker.

It was just confusing. Lol

But I can totally see the Emperor paint the Jedi as Evil. Both sides are kinda assholes. The Sith is just less hypocritical about it. Palpatine not included.

I mean... I don't remember his personal belifs, but I know a few of them is beyond tragic by Sith standards. (Weakening the whole group by choosing apprentices that he won't or that can't grow stronger than him? Bane and the old Sith Lords are rolling in their graves.)

Anyway. I like the story thus far. And I hope Harry prove stronger than Vader in the end.
ClaireR89 chapter 6 . 3/4
I kinda feel that being Mara’s brother is pointless at this point. She was barely around in general and now he’s left the empire and obviously hasn’t thought/doesn’t care about her
ClaireR89 chapter 5 . 3/4
Since when did Sith use healing? Last I knew dark side couldn’t do that. But I could be mistaken
ClaireR89 chapter 2 . 3/4
Needs serious editing
Konnir chapter 6 . 11/28/2019
You can't stop the blade of a lightsaber with a hand. There are very few things that can stop a lightsaber. Flesh is not one of those things
Axccel chapter 23 . 11/13/2019
Fay was active during the New Sith Wars. She’s one or more centuries older than Yoda.
Ironshot chapter 23 . 1/6/2019
Great story so far, but I thought you said Hogwarts would get involved at some point? Looking forward to the next chapter.
jh831 chapter 1 . 10/5/2018
or become a grey force user...almost nobody has done those stories, it either, he is dark, then turns light or vice versa
Blake Tourdner chapter 1 . 6/20/2018
to Face Yourself Red Saber Crystal are Force Crystal that were Bled READ THE BOOKS AND COMICS even googling will tell you this
Thepankekesman chapter 23 . 6/11/2018
Plaz continue this it was just starting to get good.
Face Yourself chapter 8 . 12/20/2017
'Meditate on the crystal for it to gain color?' That's... blatantly wrong, why would you even include something so absurdly untrue while also being fairly inconsequential? I doubt it's relevant to the story, so seriously, why? The color of a lightsaber is determined by the crystal's mineral composition and cut angles, there's no meditation involved. The only reason Sith lightsabers are often red is because that's how synthetically made crystals usually turn out, since they've historically had less access to naturally formed crystals.
Face Yourself chapter 7 . 12/20/2017
Was wondering why there wasn't more mention of Mara before now, since he left.
The whole attempt on the Emperor and such felt very, very rushed, could have done with a couple more chapters leading up to that, as well as showing more time with Mara.
So far this doesn't feel at all like a Star Wars / HP crossover fic. It feels like a Star Wars fic with an OC, because "Hunter" has yet to do or show anything remotely Harry-esque.
Face Yourself chapter 3 . 12/20/2017
Wait, now you're making Mara a year older than Luke, rather than (canon age of) a year younger? Well... okay I guess, whatever. Doesn't really affect much of anything...
Face Yourself chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
3 years old is the upper end of toddler. 4 years old is definitively outside 'toddler' range, and into 'child.'
Fencer22 chapter 11 . 12/17/2017
The concept is interesting and engaging but your writing leaves a lot to be desired. There are bits of dialougue where it seems like you are missing whole words. lack of commas makes many sentances hard to understand properly. You also spend little to no time describing where any of this is taking place. They are planet hopping near constantly a bit of effort put into describing their current environment would go a long way. Also your plot is... disjointed I guess? There is little to no explanation of why they are going to wherever they go next, shouldn’t they be reporting to some kind of rebel command structure for their assignments?
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