Author has written 8 stories for Final Fantasy VII, and Harry Potter. July 20, 2015 - Adorable Violence As a challenge to myself, I will be attempting to publish one chapter a day in my newest drabble series, Adorable Violence, for the next month. I needed a break from other long form stories that I have been working on and the premise for this one allows so much flexibility that I just had to explore it. Most will be short, about 1000 words, but maybe some longer ones will find their way in. Join me as I explore the life and times of the Adorably Violent Hermione in her quest to protect her books, her study time, and her Harry. November 21, 2014 - Problems with Logic I'm currently working on several pieces, one of which is looking to be short novel length. While working on this I came across a glaring issue in the Harry Potter universe (one of many but I'll focus on the one for the moment). Any kind of traditional travel, by road, from the Burrow to Kings Cross Station would take about four hours and be horrendously expensive. Given the Weasley family's financial state, I felt it extremely odd. However, rather than focus on that, I wondered what might happen on a four hour taxi ride through southern England. The four drabbles composed by myself and Pax Humana posted in Interludes and Vignettes are the result of that question. November 4, 2014 - Men Like Beautiful Women in Lingerie The simple truth is that any heterosexual man will enjoy looking at beautiful women. This is especially true if they are wearing beautiful lingerie. There is something undeniably sexy about a woman confidently wearing flattering lingerie that can't be duplicated any other way. It is not misogynistic or degrading in any way but rather appreciation of remarkable specimens of the female form. Yes, cosmetics do create an artificial standard of beauty and tall heels to highlight the legs can be incredibly painful for women to walk in, but women like the Victoria's Secret Angels would not do what they do if they felt it degrading. I choose to be thankful that there are some women that feel expressing their sexuality is a wonderful thing. As such, I felt inspired by a viewing on YouTube of the 2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion show to write multiple drabbles. Those written by myself and Pax Humana have been posted under Interludes and Vignettes. Besides, no matter how hard they try, no man will ever look that good on the catwalk. October 22, 2014 - New Harry Potter Drabble Collection Created a new drabble collection for my non "I have an Idea, Harry" themed Harry Potter works. It will also act as a repository for drabbles/one-shots composed by Pax Humana for ideas that he and I jointly decide to explore. October 13, 2014 - Six months later I have a new drabble. This is one of my longer ones even though it is still only about 3300 words but I had a bit of fun with it. April 13, 2014 - And somehow in less than 3 days I manage another drabble. A plot bunny of someone else spawned this plot bunny, and after encouragement from the original plot bunny creator, I pumped out 3000 words in a matter of days. I hope you all enjoy. April 10, 2014 - Another oneshot that spawned from a discussion with PaxHumana. This time an approximately 3,800 word oneshot in the Harry Potter Universe that originally started as the prologue and chapter 1 of a much longer story. After about 2,000 words, I started struggling, knowing the intent for my story was darker than my mood would agree with so, on a spur of the moment decision, I converted it to what I posted today. What is posted is stand alone, and any continuation of the original plan will be entirely separate of what was posted on this day even if the first few thousand words are identical to what is already published. September 30, 2013 - Random Discussions Over three years since my last update. Tonight I posted a roughly 1,500 drabble oneshot for the Harry Potter Universe. I could give all sorts of excuses as to why I haven't done anything with any of my other works in 3 years, but the true is simple: I stopped caring. However, about a year ago, I made an offer to beta a story for another writer, which put me in touch with another beta, working on the same story, who put me in touch with a man that I now call a friend. He had an idea for a story and I have spent the last 11 months helping him bring it to fruition. In one of our many, many tangential discussions, this idea popped into my head. I had no intention of ever publishing it when I began writing it, but he convinced me to upload and publish it. I'm curious to see what kind of reaction my 1,500 word piece can draw buried among the hundreds of thousands of Harry Potter stories. To those of you who were hoping I was updating an existing story, I am sorry but, while I would like to someday complete the stories I started, I do not foresee myself completing them, or even continuing them, anytime in the near future. June 20, 2010 - A New Muse Seventeen days later I post a new chapter of Repairing Wounded Souls. There is a rather long author's note at the end of the newest chapter (which I will trim later so as to not artificially inflate my word count). The premise of the note is that I am seeking a new prompt for either a Final Fantasy VII Cloud and Tifa pairing or a Final Fantasy VIII Squall and Rinoa pairing based story. I see this as an external challenge and I want to rise to the occasion. The alternative is that if there is enough interest expressed in me continuing my other story, Home is With You, then I'll work on that instead. June 3, 2010 - Back in the Swing Over the last two and a half weeks I have been taking a very condensed junior level college statistics class, occupying several hours a day. I have another few days to go before my schedule lightens any, but when it does I will continue work on Repairing Wounded Souls. As it stands, (and as you can probably guess) there is a new chapter of Repairing Wounded Souls out there for you to enjoy. Feedback is what feeds authors egos so they want to continue to write. In other words, it is always appreciated so take 30 seconds and leave a comment. It lets me know how I'm doing, and hit counts don't tell the whole story (just ask my statistics professor). May 18, 2010 - Pressing Forward Sometimes what drives us is completely unknown, other times nothing is more obvious. I have publish the sixth chapter of Repairing Wounded Souls, and I hope people are enjoying this story. I know where I want this story to go, but I am certainly not be the best judge of what makes for a good read in terms of content or style. Feedback is always appreciated as it does help me decide how to express certain things. Please enjoy the latest chapter. May 8, 2010 - Sentimentality a.k.a. Thank you Reviewers Okay, okay, okay. I know I said that Repairing Wounded Souls was going to be labeled complete, but after going back and reading the reviews for it, I've decided I will write a chapter that better wraps up the story arc. I might end it there, I might still write a sequel to it, or I may just continue after the additional chapter, either way, expect more Repairing Wounded Souls in the next few days or so. Wow, I must admit to being surprised at myself for finally promising additional works with a time frame! edit: Once I started writing, it just flowed. Repairing Wounded Souls now has a new chapter, first time in 18 months. I'm very happy to be back at writing, so hopefully this newfound inspiration will continue to flow. May 5, 2010 - Apologies and explanation Several years ago I started writing fan fiction stories as an expression of love for a particular woman I was dating at the time and had every intention to marry. That expression of love manifested itself as my CloudxTifa pairing works. It has been approximately two and a half years since she and I parted ways under less than amicable circumstances and during that time I have been afraid to continue those two works. Life goes on and I have come to terms with much of my life from the time I was involved with the young woman. Enough time has passed that I no longer see myself and her in those stories and I might pursue their completion at some point. As of this message, Home is With You is officially (I'm two years late declaring this) on indefinite hiatus and Repairing Wounded Souls is going to be labeled complete with the possibility of a sequel. I have begun reading fan fiction again, predominately romantic stories from Final Fantasy VII with the CloudxTifa pairing (I may be asking for trouble with this) and from Final Fantasy VIII with the SquallxRinoa pairing. The result of reading particular high quality works of extended length has inspired me to attempt to write again, not for anyone but myself (admittedly also for those that followed by incomplete works that I did not exactly finish yet, sorry people - I do feel guilty about that detail). However, all comments, reviews, e-mails and all that kind of wonderful stuff helped inspire some of my earlier works and I hope that people will continue to do so in the future. One of the most amazing things in this universe is the ability for one human to inspire another to action. WORKS: DRABBLE SERIES - Adorable Violence DRABBLE SERIES - I have an Idea, Harry DRABBLE SERIES - Interludes and Vignettes Home is With You - (Indefinite Hiatus) He Must Dream to Remember - (COMPLETE - revision planned) She Must Cry to Remember - (COMPLETE - revision planned) Some Day I Will Awaken - (COMPLETE - revision planned) Repairing Wounded Souls - (Indefinite Hiatus) |