He said such awful things tonight. He told me to leave him alone after calling me such awful things. I let him go off to his tent alone despite not wanting to. He turned off the light in his tent, rustled around a bit more, and finally left me in silence. With the campfire embers still glowing, I gazed up towards the heavens. The stars twinkled in the clear sky as my vision began to blur. Tears welled up in my eyes. Did he have to call me such things? Do I really upset him as much as he claims? Do I truly matter so little to him?

I should be sleeping right now. We've traveled so far the last few days and I'm simply worn out. My tent is set up, my sleeping bag warmed, but I feel as if I don't belong there. I know I should be somewhere else. I shouldn't be sitting here, crying, waiting for him to remember what he used to feel. I should be feeling loved. Come to think of it, from today on I should be loving, I should be living. Part of me is saying that I need to move on and let him do what he will do. Yet, most of me is trying to reach out to him, trying to pull him from the darkness he has wrapped himself in.

It sure got bright all of a sudden. Wait, the sun isn't even up yet. I must have fallen asleep here by the fire. I had better go wash the tears and dirt off my face. I kind of wish I had made it back to my tent first but oh well; there isn't anything I can do about it now. This stream water feels nice on my face. It is so cool and clean; it makes me miss baths back home. Wait, what made that sound? Why is he up this early? I wonder if he still feels the same as last night. He seems different but I can't put my finger on it. He does seem calm, and honestly, warmer. I should at least be civil. "Good morning, Cloud. Did you sleep well?"

His eyes, they seem so bright. He's even smiling. I haven't seen him smile so genuinely in such a long time. What has come over him? He seems to be so much happier, so much warmer, and so much more alive. What happened to him after last night? He even looks a little bit handsome this morning. When was the last time I remember thinking of him as attractive? I can't even remember anymore. "Yes I did, Tifa. And thank you."