Sun and Moon

Prologue: Three shots at midnight


It was the week before Christmas and I could not stop thinking about the human daughter I had been forced to leave behind in Forks three months ago. After Bella's tragic 18th birthday party, Edward demanded that we leave in order to protect her. Of course, Rosalie and Jasper sided with him. Emmett, Alice and I fought against the rash decision. In the end, Carlisle made the choice and sacrificed one of our children so that our family was preserved.

Edward abandoned us mere days after we left Forks. Emmett lost his lust for life and Rose had taken him on an extended "honeymoon" in the hope that it might save their marriage. Jasper had been wracked with guilt and spent much of his time alone in his study. Alice refused to hunt or speak. She just stared at a picture of her and Bella taken during one of their many sleepovers. Carlisle worked at the hospital almost non-stop. It had gotten to the point that I needed a break, so I left to visit the Denali's in Alaska.

I had been with them for a little over a month and could not fight the need to check on my human daughter any longer. I made a snap decision to go to Forks. There had been no way that I could have handled a plane ride, so I ran the whole way. After a quick detour by our old home to get a car, I pulled up to the Swan house at midnight.

The chill winter wind meant little to me as I exited the Mercedes. My senses told me two humans were in the house, both in Bella's room. There was also a steady beeping and the distinctive whir of electronics, as well as Charlie Swan sobbing. Before I had time to reach the front door, three gunshots pierced the night…