"HP: Heroes Never Die"
Chapter One
- Well, Shit -

A/N: Don't own squat, 'cept the plot.
None of the canon you know will apply here. At All.

{Foreign Language}

Note: Explanations will come at the end of this chapter.

"Colonel O'Neill! Our positions been compromised! We're not gonna be able to hold the gate very long!"

"Colonel! I need more time to stabilize this patient! He can't be moved yet!"


Senior Airman Wells was whimpering and begging Daniel to turn off the video camera, as he didn't want his wife to watch him die. Explosions and sounds of weapons fire were getting closer to their position.

Dr. Fraiser took the airmen with both hands on either side of his face. "Simon, Simon! Look at me. You are not going to die, OK? I did not come all the way out here for nothing. Now, we've stemmed the bleeding. We're going to get you to a stretcher, and get you home with your family in no time, OK? Now you hang in there Airman!"

The hairs on the back of her neck went up, and she glanced up in time to see a staff blast heading straight for her. With a gasp of 'shit!' she twisted in place and vanished with a small pop of noise that wasn't heard over the sound of the blast zipping through where she disappeared from.

Daniel blinked rapidly, half stunned from what happened. Bosworth turned his rifle towards where the blast came from. His eyes found the Jaffa just in time for them both hear Janet shouting in Latin, and the Jaffa's head exploding. Diffringo? Daniel thought to himself.

There was a crack of noise and Janet was standing there again, holding a stick. "Oh, I'm in it now," she muttered to herself as she crouched. "Nothing else for it."

Daniel watched with wide eyes, as Janet waved her stick over Wells, muttering. He couldn't hear the words over the sound of the battle, but his eyes got bigger as the bleeding stopped completely, and Airman Wells fell unconscious.

Shoving the stick up her sleeve, she turned to his curious face. "Not now, Daniel. We need to get him to the gate. Daniel. Daniel!" When she finally got him to respond, she pointed at her bag. "Give me that, and help me get him on the stretcher! Focus, dammit! Airman… Bosworth!"

"Yeah. Sure," Bosworth stuttered, opening the stretcher. "We're clear," he tacked on lamely.

Janet grabbed her radio. "Sierra Golf One, Charlie Mike Oscar! Stabilized! Rapid Evac! Covering Fire!"

The sounds of machine guns increased dramatically as Carter's voice came over the radio. "Charlie Mike Oscar, Sierra Golf One Bravo. Sierra Golf One Alpha Down. Sierra Golfs Seven and Fiver covering. Sierra Golf One Bravo and Delta Evacing Alpha. Over."

They had Wells on the stretcher at this point. Bosworth was at the front, with Daniel holding the back of the stretcher, who flinched at Sam's statement. Janet had her pistol out, covering the rear. "Roger. One minute. Out."

Janet had shot two more Jaffa in the head by the time they passed SG-5. "Cover our six!" she shrieked at them.

Colonel Dixon from SG-13 ran up shooting past them, only to stop and run backwards with Janet. "How's he doin' Doc?"

"I don't know yet, dammit!" she snapped. "Stable for now, but we need to get out of here, Colonel!"

"Working on it!" He grabbed his radio. "Sierra Golf Niner, Sierra Golfs Thirteen, Fiver and Seven Evacing now. Set 'em off!"

Three foomp noises from shoulder mounted missiles sounded in the distance, which was followed by an arcing noise over their heads, before the half battalion that was following them were blown to high hell.

Seeing the open gate, Janet checked Wells as they ran, trusting the others to watch her back. She barely noticed going through the wormhole, and they were coming down the ramp in the SGC. She looked up to see Sam look up at her at the same time, with a hand to her head and trying not to cry.

"Colonel O'Neill all right?" she asked as they rushed past her.

Sam grabbed her hand briefly but tightly, following along with a look of relief on her face. "He was hit in that new armour plate. Damned lucky shot, but I think he's got some broken ribs."

None of them noticed Bregman as they went through the halls, but he noticed how the two women were looking at each other, including the hands that let go. Sighing, the Documentary Director turned to go to where they set up shop, mumbling, "Don't ask. Don't tell. God, I'm an idiot."

"When this is over, I'm going to need a drink," Janet complained loudly.

Sam finally smiled. "I'll join you."

"Have one on me," Wells wheezed from the stretcher.

Turning with surprise, Janet bent over him as they entered the infirmary. "You're awake!" She then started barking orders at her people to get the operating theatre in gear.

Stopping to let them do their thing. Sam bent to rest her hands on her knees while leaning against the wall, just to breathe. They were alive. They made it. This was the first time Janet was off world in a combat situation, and she finally understood what Janet had been going through with her. She absolutely hated it, and had almost felt her heart stop when she heard her screaming. Then she remembered what she screamed.

"Oh, shit," she said under her breath. Turning, Sam bolted towards Hammond's office.

She stopped at the door just long enough to knock before opening it. "Sir?" Seeing him through the glass in the briefing room, she rushed through the office. "Sir?" she tried again.

"Major?" General Hammond turned from the inside window to the gate room. "How are our people?"

"Airman Wells is entering surgery now. Colonel O'Neill was shot. Fortunately, it hit one of the new armour inserts dead centre. Aside from what I think are broken ribs, he's going to be fine. No other casualties to speak of, except bumps, bruises and sanity… sir."

Lightly smiling in relief, Hammond chuckled. "That's good to hear, Major. Now, why the frown?"

"Sir… I'm not sure, but there may be a blue phone incident," she stated with a wince.

All business, the General pointed to his office. After entering it and closing the doors, he stood next to her. "Report," he ordered quietly.

"As I said, I'm not sure, sir," she replied just as quiet. "Dr. Fraiser was over a small hill with Daniel and Airman Bosworth, seeing to Airman Wells. In the middle of it, I heard Dr. Fraiser shout what I think might have been a spell. We may need to read the rest of SG-1 into the Statute, but not 13, yet. Unless of course it happens again. This will be Daniel's fourth, if we obliviate him again, sir."

"Damn," he cursed. "All right. We'll do a pre-debriefing with Dr. Jackson and the two Airmen, one at a time. If Dr. Fraiser thinks Dr. Jackson and the rest of your team can handle it, we'll do it. She'll have to modify the Airmen's memories, though."

"She hates that," Sam grimaced.

He smirked. "Then this will be a good punishment for her, if she broke the Statute again."

"Sir, did I see that Woolsey person wandering the corridors?"

Hammond frowned. "Oh, yeah. Think we need to confine him?"

Chuckling, Sam shook her head. "No, sir. Was thinking we could have Janet read his mind to see which desk jockey is after us this time."

"Kinsey, I would think, but you didn't hear that from me," he smirked. Seeing her face crack again, he put a hand on her shoulder. "Major… Sammie, what is it?"

Blinking rapidly, Sam was trying not to hyperventilate. "Sir, I… I… I heard her scream… and I froze."

Sighing, he got her to sit down. "This is why we don't have spouses in the same chain of command."

"Janet's not in my command!" she protested.

Shaking his head, he sat against the edge of his desk. "No, Major Fraiser, but you were both on the same mission."

Her face screwed up again, and she wiped her eyes. "She's a Doctor! A Healer! She's not supposed to be in combat!" she complained. "I think she killed today!"

"I know, Sammie," he said quietly. "Is it time for your backup plan?"

Breathing a huge inhale to try to calm down, she shook her head. "No. Not yet. Let's see what happened first. I'm sorry, sir."

He patted her shoulder. "Everyone has their moment. This was just yours. Now, go hit the showers."

Nodding, Sam stood up wiping her face. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

Thoughtful frown on his face, General Hammond sat at his desk and opened the lower most drawer on the left side. He sat there for a moment, quietly complaining in his head about the necessity of that damned blue phone he was staring at.

Sighing, he shut the drawer. Each time Dr. Fraiser broke the secrecy statute, someone's life was on the line and the Major had used magic to save someone's life. Hammond wasn't sure why she was even in the Air Force, then he shook his head. Of course she was. Her wife was already fast tracked in the Academy, so she followed her.

He really hoped that their backup plan wouldn't explode in their faces. Still, the both of them were large assets to the program. While they could get in trouble while still in the military, two civilian contractors wouldn't be looked at twice.

He still wondered what sort of pull Dr. Fraiser had with the magical government.

Fourteen hours and two trade-offs with her 2IC, Janet and her team worked through Airman Wells' intestines to stitch them into a semblance of order. In the end, the young man lost three feet of his intestines and his left kidney, but he was alive.

In the female showers, Janet had just dried off and sat down on the bench in front of her locker, a bit bleary and mostly dressed. Leaning forward, she rested her head on the cool metal, sighing. Some time later, she felt a hand rub her shoulder, before running over to the other shoulder. Someone hugging her from the side woke her up a bit.

"You okay," she heard Sam ask.

She nodded at first, then shook her head. "Are we alone?" she whispered.


"I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"It was either apparate or get hit with a staff blast," Janet said. "I almost didn't get away in time."

Sam nodded. "I heard you scream."

"Well, I was pissed off," she griped.

"Seriously, Janet. What happened?"

She was quiet for a moment, before sitting up straight and nodding. "Killed a Jaffa with an explosion hex. His head popped like a melon."

Leaning to look her in the face, Sam saw tears starting to trail down her cheeks. "Oh, Janet. I'm so sorry."

"On the way back, I shot two more between the eyes with my pistol," she whispered. "I'm a good shot," she chuckled mirthlessly, before it turned into hiccuping tears. "I killed three people today, Sammie."

Turning, Sam lifted the smaller woman sideways into her lap and let her cry into her neck and shoulder, rocking her gently.

"I'm killing again," Janet said under her shuddering breath. "I don't wanna kill again."

"You were protecting your patient," Sam whispered in her ear. "You did your job, and were able to save your patient on your table."

"I love you, Samantha."

"I love you, too, Harry. I will always love you, no matter what."

A/N2: Yep. Janet Fraiser is Harry Potter, who was turned into a woman and blown back in time, much to her complete annoyance.

The only people on base who know of her magical background are Sam and General Hammond. Sam is the only one who knows her full history, though. In the Arcane Territories of America, they're listed as Mrs. and Mrs. Potter. In the United States of America, they're Major Carter and Major Fraiser. Hope that clears things up, since they were mostly speaking in code.