"Evening Mother"

"Draco I wasn't expecting you today"

"I won't take long, just a flying visit"

"Either way it's a lovely surprise Draco, please come get some tea"

"I need to talk to you, about GOT"

"Got? What have you got? like you've caught something? From Potter?" the pitch and size of Narcissa's eyes changing with every question.

"Noooo, nothing like that!"

"That's good" his mother released her breath

"I mean Game of Thrones, it's shortened to GOT"

"O that TV show we are going to watch tomorrow"

"So I've done some research, and this isn't exactly our cup of tea mother"

"Good that's exactly what we need!, A change, something different from our normal"

"No, I mean I don't think we should watch it"

"Draco" Narcissa pauses to sip her tea, "You know for the longest time we held a certain prejudice, and now it's time to change it and as the muggles say 'push the boat out' "

"I'm not saying we don't, I'm just saying perhaps another way"

"Draco" Narcissa paused taking a deep breath "we are in the wrong, I know this goes against everything I've raised you to believe, but trust me it's for the best"

"Mother" Draco whined, well in a voice that's as close to whining as it could get while still maintain the decorum his family lived by.

"Draco, enough of this, we will start watching that muggle show tomorrow, I'm doing this for your own good Draco, just you wait and see"

"Yes Mother"

"Well, that went well" Draco stated, seconds before falling onto Harry's lap.

"But now the plaster has been ripped off it's over and we don't have to think about it again"

"About that, we are still watching GOT after lunch tomorrow with mother"

"Wait, what I thought you were explaining why that's a bad idea"

"I did"


"She's my mother"

"That's not explaining anything"

"I vote we let her watch the first episode then she'll realise how wrong she is and we can move onto something more boring, like Coronation Street! You like that show, you two can bond"

"First thanks for calling me boring" Harry joked, starting a tickling war he knew it would win.


~ A few weeks later ~


The small glimmer of hope fills Harry's heart. He knew it shouldn't but it did. The more he tried to not think about it, the more it grew. Draco was on the phone and he was not happy.

"Mother no. I love you, I really do, but you are wrong!"

'O this is good' Harry thought, slowly creeping closer to the living room. It had been four weeks since the stupid situation had started. Maybe now it would finally come to the end and he'd be free. It's not that he's against the actual idea it's just the people around when it's executed.

"No, I'm not listening to this"


"Fine. Bye"

'Ooo hanging up without apologising, this was also a good sign'

"Yes I'll see you Sunday"


Just like that, all traces of hope were gone, Harry could feel his stomach drop as he came crashing down to reality. He was so close and so sure that Sunday would be cancelled. Why couldn't it come true?.

"You can stop hiding in the corridor now Potter" Draco's cynical voice carried out from the open door.

"Hi" he mumbled coming into the room like a child caught with his hand in the biscuit tin.


"You okay?"

"I just don't get how she can't see how much of a rubbish character Cersei is!"

"Well, I can kind of see why"

"Well mind explaining, because I can't"

"They are very similar"

"Who? And don't you dare say my mother and Cersei!"

Harry chose to not answer pulling a face which says, the words came out your mouth not mine.

"WHAT?! How on this entire planet, is my mother similar to Cersei?!"

"I just mean" pausing to choose his words carefully before he continued "they both have similar views and personalities on certain topics"

"Seriously, What?! Name two ways they are similar!"

"Both loving mothers and powerful women"

Draco's eyes narrowed, "Nice try" he paused "while I'll accept those points, I'm not accepting the argument"