This is a notice of my reasons why I stopped updating this fanfic.
First: Star Wars canon went to a place I don't want to follow.
At the start of writing this fanfic I decided to use as much of canon as I could. Basically only the midichlorians would be cut out + add a few EU stuff to the mix. Now, Disney simply destroyed any chance of that happening. Rebels started this, but that was workable. Force Awakens wasn't too bad, though general logical inconsistency was there. The Last Jedi however was a total disaster in that regard.
Second: I honestly had trouble how to make the Jedi Order work without bashing on them. After trying out a few sceen in my head it (a couple gotten written down as well) I just couldn't get it work.
Third: Losing interest in SW. Basically the continuation of the first reason. I didn't see Solo and won't see the 9th film. At least not in the cinema and on the first or second week.
So,this fanfic is up for adoptation. PM if you want it and I can tell you my plans for it if you want to hear.