In the Blood

Disclaimer: SM owns Twilight and Michael Kripke owns Supernatural. The only thing I own is this story and this is the last time you'll see any disclaimers.

Prologue (Chapter Song: Turn the Page by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band)

The road so far…

Edward Cullen leads Bella Swan into the woods behind her house and she has a bad feeling he's still hung up on the accident that happened during her 18th birthday party. He'd been distant for days and now she was starting to worry but she tamped down on her panic and hoped she was wrong. A dozen yards into the trees the vampire spins around quickly to face the mortal girl.

"My family and I are leaving," he began then held up a hand to cut off the girl before she was able to interrupt and continued, "After over 300 years of building something meaningful, Carlisle admits that he was wrong; all because some clumsy mortal girl couldn't open a simple gift without bloodshed. I never loved you, only your blood and now that my family is no longer bound by that stupid morality I can't bring myself to drain your pathetic ass. I guess I'll just have to leave you to Victoria."

He smacks her across the face which split her lip and knocked her to the ground. She feels a breeze and knows that the one she'd given her heart to was gone but her mind is numb with shock. In a daze, Bella gets up then stumbles deeper into the forest. Part of her mind tried to protect itself from what had just happened but that just wasn't in the cards for long. Eventually, intense pain crippled her and she fell to the ground. It felt like her heart had been torn from her chest while fire caused her blood to boil. Once more her mind tried to protect her and she surrendered to the numbness.

Jo Harvelle sat behind the wheel of the pos Nissan she had to steal to stay one step ahead of the Law when things went south after she finished her last job. She'd thought that the craptastic car would've died by now but she wasn't about to complain as long as it lasted until she reached the next large town. The young blonde woman reflected on how busy the past few years had been. From surviving her first Hunt with Sam and Dean to the destruction of the Roadhouse and finally the start of the Apocalypse life had kept her on her toes.

She had been born into the hidden community of people that Hunted down all the things that went bump in the night to keep mundane people safe. As much as her mother, Ellen, hated Jo hunting it was in her blood. Her father had specialized in hunting werewolves and other kind of shape shifters and had taught her how to track and shoot by the time she was six. Working as a waitress for her mom at the Roadhouse, an out of the way dive that caters to Hunters, had taught her how to fight. Nowadays, mother and daughter often worked jobs together but still Hunted on there own most of the time.

The sign she'd just passed read Welcome to Port Angeles and she slowed down to the legal speed limit and looked for a place to dump the hot vehicle then go in search of a new ride. Of course, if she wanted to push her luck then she could push on to the town of Forks, Washington, which was only another hour up the highway. She knew that she could get some new wheels there, as well as a hot meal and a place to crash for the night. It had been forever since she'd been to that little haven nestled in the Olympic peninsula and the more she thought about it, the more the idea of pushing on appealed to her.

It was after dark when Jo entered the town limits of Forks and she decided to swing by Charlie Swan's place and check in with the ever helpful Police Chief. Like the majority of Hunters out there, she had a Forks PD badge and was listed as an auxiliary officer which came with a stipend of a couple hundred a month. It wasn't much but then every little bit helped. She pulled up in front of his house and notice the Chief was standing near his cruiser with a frantic expression as he talked on a cell phone. Two Native Americans were next to him, the older one in a wheel chair and a teenaged boy.

Charlie ended the call then his head snapped in her direction when she killed the engine. The older man instantly recognized her when she stepped out the car and rushed over.

"Jo, thank God you're here. My daughter is missing in the woods and I just called to round up a search party," he said in a calm tone that still had a trace of worry in it. She looked at him confused because her mother had told her how Charlie's infant daughter, Annie, had died from SIDS.

The older man realized the cause of her confusion and continued in a whisper so the other two men couldn't hear, "Renee's brother, Bobby, gave us Bella to raise a few days after our Annie died, they were about the same age so we just told everyone she was ours. He said that he wanted her kept safe and away from the supernatural."

He cast nervous glances at the Indian in the wheelchair and she guessed that the man was from the nearby La Push reservation. Tribal legends told how the tribe was descended from wolves and whenever there were Cold Ones, vampires, about certain men would change into wolves in order to protect them. According to Jo's dead father's journal, the truth was less honorable. Once the shape shifting gene was triggered, the so-called Protectors were corrupted by the power and only defended the tribe if the Elders looked the other way while the Pack raped, extorted and murdered as they wished. There was no way Charlie was going to want those bastards looking for a helpless girl.

Jo reached into the backseat of the car through the open window and pulled out a pistol and a sawed off shotgun from a duffle bag. When she turned around it hadn't escaped her notice that the wheelchair bound man was putting away a cell phone. Without missing a beat, she rushed into the woods as the first car of searchers pulled up. As the blonde girl vanished into the trees she was secretly happy that her last job was taking out a skin walker because both weapons were loaded with silver.

Rain had started to drizzle but after a couple of minutes it turned into a regular downpour. Three miles into the bush the young Hunter came across the missing girl curled up on the bracken. The prone girl looked shell shocked and like a half drowned rat but regardless, Jo noticed that her innate beauty but pushed those thoughts aside because they weren't relevant to the task at hand.

"Bella… Bella… have you been hurt," the blonde asked as she knelt down beside the other girl and inspected for any visual injuries. She wasn't surprised when there wasn't a response to her inquiry.

A twig snapped and Jo pulled the pistol from her waistband then turned in the direction of the sound. The horse sized black wolf that padded from the shadows would've scared most people but not her. She smirked at the confusion in the animal's too intelligent eyes then put three silver bullets in its oversized head and a dead Native American fell to the ground. There was no time to waste because the Hunter wasn't sure how many more of the creatures lurked in the woods.

"Charlie sent me, I'm Jo Harvelle, he's worried and sent me to find you. It's not safe in the forest, we need to go… now," she said hurriedly to Bella and saw the flash of recognition to her father's name.

Jo helped Bella to her feet and supported most of the brunette girl's weight. She pressed the shotgun into her hands then started back in the direction of the Swan house as quickly as was possible. Minutes seemed to pass like hours and the Hunter's nerves were stretched to the extreme as she kept a constant vigil for any shape shifters. She let out a sigh of relief when they broke through the trees and into the Swan's backyard.

"BELLA," Charlie screamed when he noticed the two girls and dropped the radio he'd been using to stay in contact with the rest of the search party.

Three things happened simultaneously; a shape shifter ran out of the woods on the other side of the property then jumped over the cruiser to attack an unsuspecting Charlie Swan, Bella raised the shotgun then shot a silver slug into the giant wolf mid-leap which killed it but drove the Chief into the ground when the body collided with it, and the shell shocked girl screamed in pain and fainted after she whispered, "I understand now…"

Ellen Harvelle held sat huddled with her dying daughter, a detonator held in her hand. She and Jo had been part of the group that had gone after Pestilence and the younger woman had her stomach ripped open by a Hellhound. Now a pack of the animals was about break into the store they were hiding in and the older woman was going to send the beast back to the pit at the cost of their lives. The doors burst open and the hounds rush toward the two humans. Ellen pushes the button at the same time a hand touched her shoulder.

The Winchester brothers, Dean and Sam, watch the explosion then fight back the pain of knowing that nothing survived the blast.

Ellen had closed her eyes as she pushed the detonator but found herself sitting in a wing backed chair in an all too familiar house. Her daughter was laid out on the nearby sofa and through the ripped and bloodied mess that used to be a shirt she saw that Jo's wound was completely healed.

"There was no way I was going to let you die," a woman's voice commented softly from behind her.

The Crossroads demon, Crowley, stood apart with the Winchesters and watched the Angel, Castiel, and a wheelchair bound Bobby Singer load up a van for the little assault mission those two were going on with Sam while he and Dean tracked down Death. He taunts by asking the crippled Hunter why he was still in the chair. Then he went on to explain how the human had wasted his bargain with the demon but he went ahead and added an addendum to the deal. A shocked Bobby got out of the wheelchair with full use of his legs.

Crowley watched the van with its occupants drive off then tells Dean that he'll catch up with him in a bit. After the Impala heads out, he stepped into the shadows created by a pile of junked cars where somebody waited for him.

"Thanks for that," Bella said then kissed him on the cheek before she turned and started to walk away.

"No worries, Sweetheart, but I rest assured that I'll be collecting for that little favor," the demon called after her.

Crowley stood in shock as Castiel burned his remains and killed him. He was pleasantly surprised when he found himself not in Purgatory but a well furnished mansion. A genuine laugh burst from him when he looked at Bella lounging on the plush leather couch and he realized he was still very much alive.

"That was close, lucky for you that I got to your remains before Cass," she commented casually then got up and walked over to the bar and poured two glasses of scotch, one of which she offered to him.

"And the pain," the demon asked as he accepted the glass and sipped the amber contents.

"An added bonus, I had to make look good after all," the girl smirked unrepentantly.

"Clever girl; until next time, Sweetheart," Crowley replied with a matching smirk while Bella downed her glass and made her way to the door.

"By now, Meg has spread word of your demise. I can only image the chaos going on in the Pit right now; you'll have your hands full reasserting yourself as the King of Hell. That should be enough to keep you too busy to look for Purgatory. Do yourself a favor and don't include it your little expansion plans. There are other planes that are Hell adjacent that would be much more to your liking. Besides, think of Purgatory like the Russian front; you'd only make the same mistake that Napoleon and Hitler did," Bella explained in a tone normally reserved for small children.

He rolled his eyes then asked, "What about my remains?"

"They're safely hidden where you'll never find them. Balthazar put an Enochian Sigil on them in exchange for the location of a couple occult treasures the Nazi's hid at the end of the War. I did leave you a couple of presents on your desk in the study," Bella answered as she closed the front door behind her.

"Bollox," Crowley muttered then trudged off to the study. On the desk one of his femurs was perched on top of a new game of Risk that was still shrink wrapped. He couldn't help himself as he threw back his head and laughed.

"Very clever girl, a regular chip off the old block," he commented then went back to refill his now empty glass.


Bella climbed out of the driver's door of her first baby, a fully restored fire engine red 1973 Ford Maverick. She gave the abandoned church down the street a brief glance then moved to the trunk. After she popped it open, she opened the hidden door at the bottom and revealed her secret cache of weapons and other essentials Hunters needed. She hid a sawed-off double barreled shotgun loaded with rock salt inside her leather jacket then put extra rounds, a box of salt, lighter fluid and an electronic device into a canvas messenger bag. Next, she picks up a foot and a half long iron bar with duct tape wrapped around one end with a hole drilled through it that held a thong. She slipped her hand inside the thong then gripped the makeshift handle and gave the club a couple test swings before she let it hang loosely from her wrist and shut the trunk.

She made her way to the church and searched for a way inside. Around back, she noticed that somebody had pried open the boarded up back doo. The brunette Hunter mentally reviewed everything reviewed everything she knew about the case.

Back in the '70's, the church congregation was dying out and the parish priest went bat shit crazy. Not only had he been molesting the children, the sick puppy started doing weird occult rituals that he thought would bring parishioners back into the pews. He sacrificed a total of nine people before the cops caught him with his last victim. Unfortunately, not all of the bodies were recovered. The Archdiocese quickly had the church closed permanently then shelled out a fuck ton of money to keep the truth out of the papers. Even the official Police reports and case evidence mysteriously vanished. Reports of local teens being terrorized after sneaking into the building showed up in the local paper every few months but the activity had increased over the past month after the city made plans to finally tear it down.

The only true account of things was written down in the journal of the lead investigator, which eventually made its way into Charlie's possession. She'd stumbled upon it a couple of days ago as she was cleaning out his house. Since Jo was already working a case back East and not due to hook up with her again for another week, she thought it would be a good way to pass the time.

The hairs on the back of her neck rose as she cautiously made her way into the former place of worship. Her left hand reached into the messenger bag then came out with the electronic gadget. She flipped the switch that turned it on then watched as the needle on its display and the row of colored lights went nuts.

"Fuck me," she muttered and put the meter away and retrieved the shotgun from inside of her jacket.

Bella had only taken ten steps before the backdoor slammed shut and an angry growl reverberated throughout the structure. Chunks of fallen plaster flew at her and the temperature rapidly dropped then climbed. The sudden cold then hot was like nothing the Hunter had experienced before, at least not one right after the other. She felt bruises forming as she kept the debris from hitting her face while running into the sanctuary. Despite the decades that the building had been left to rot, she was shocked to find that the sanctuary remained in pristine condition. There was no dust, the paint hadn't peeled from the walls and the pews were still in neatly arranged rows. On a dais in front of the pews was an intricately carved wooden alter. In shown like it had been recently polished but darkened bloodstains could still be made out. Angry organ music filled the room but her eyes remained transfixed on the relief that had taken up the central panel of the altar base. It depicted the pews filled with people while a curly haired cherub floated above the altar with a cornucopia in its hands and a smile on its lips.

The puzzle pieces snapped into place and the young woman knew she wasn't dealing with the ghost of one of the priest's victims. The whole church was the ghost and it was pissed off about being left to decay. The angry building must've guessed that she was there to put an end to things because the music stopped and it flung more crap at her. Bella ducked and dodged as she rushed around in search of the basement stairs. Eventually, she found it and headed down to the basement. The church was ready for her because the furnace fire burned brightly as it pumped waves of stifling heat at her. She jammed the release valves then threw everything she could find into the furnace. As the pressure gauge on the unit started to hit the red, the brunette hauled ass back upstairs and managed to kick open one of the boarded up windows.

She dove out seconds before the furnace blew and the old church shook from the explosion. White hot pain erupted from her body as a piece of shrapnel pierced through the back of her shoulder. Bella ignored the injury with great effort and ran as fast as she could. It wasn't going to be long before the Police and Fire Department arrived and she needed to get someplace safe. She stumbled along in the opposite direction of her car and kept to the shadows as she made her way to the only safe place in town that she knew of.

AN: I want to take the time now to answer some possible questions you might have right off the bat. Just to clear up the timeline, this story takes place after the Cullen's left in NM and during the current sixth season of Supernatural.

This Supernatural aspect of the story will not center around Dean and Sam but on the secondary characters of Bobby Singer, Jo and Ellen Harvelle. The brothers may show up as a cameo type thing but I'm not sure yet.

This is a Bella/Jo femslash pairing.

Bella is actually Bella Singer, Bobby's daughter. If you know anything about the show then you can guess when she was born when his wife was possessed. I'll won't say who her demonic parent is but will give a special mention to the first one that figures it out.

The Cullen's will make appearances starting with chapter one but the only members of the family that will have a strong presence in the story will be Jasper and Rosalie. Peter and Charlotte might come in at some point as well.

I already have a good idea who the main antagonist is going to be but let me know who you want to see in the story and I'll see what I can do.

As for my other stories, the final chapter of Wyld Child will be posted tomorrow and an update for Spurs will be out sometime this week.

The Then/Now parts of each chapter will be in the third person and I'll try to come up with a chapter song as well, that way the story has that Supernatural vibe.