The Cullen Job
Disclaimer: Twilight is owned by SM and Leverage is the property of TNT, I'm just borrowing the characters for some fun.
Ch. 1: Diamonds, Visions and Beatings
*Vancouver, British Columbia*
I checked my watch and saw there was still two hours before the big unveiling. Kelso Industrial Solutions was one of the world's leading suppliers of automated equipment, drills and the like, and the largest employer in British Columbia. During the testing of one of their new mining drills, the design team discovered a new diamond strike. The very first stone pulled from the strike was a rare pink diamond the size of a man's fist. Instead of cutting it into smaller stones, the CEO of Kelso decided to put the valuable rough stone on display as a sign of the company's success. It was going to be shown to the public for the first time at a press conference. While doing research for the heist, I came across evidence that Jim Kelso, the current CEO and grandson of the company's founder, sold faulty equipment to a mining operation in Africa which caused a cave in and the deaths of all the minors.
I opened the access panel then clipped wires from the mini notebook computer to the fiber optics that connected to the security mainframe. Fifteen minutes of shifting through murky human memories later, I recalled my early lessons and set the cameras in the auditorium on a twenty minute loop then shut down the motion sensors. Next, I climbed into the open skylight and gripped the tiny lip at the bottom of the opening with one hand then closed skylight before dropping thirty feet to the floor. At vampire speed, I flashed over to the display case but paused for a second to admire the raw gem. Because it wasn't the permanent display, Mr. Kelso had opted out of putting sensors on it. In my need to do most of this job old school, I pulled a glass cutter from the small backpack I wore. Suddenly, the alarm went off and there wasn't enough time to even do a smash and grab before Security Guards poured into the room.
Very slowly, so that I wouldn't disturb the air too much, I walked out of the room while the uniformed goons searched for whatever had triggered it. My pace picked up after I hit the lobby but I was outside and around the corner before I felt safe. The presence of four of my family members on the edges of my awareness was the first clue that I was in big trouble. The slender blonde vampire twisted my ear as she dragged me to a rented SUV with darkly tinted windows.
"You tried to steal a diamond without me," she hissed as she shoved me inside the vehicle and my traitorous brother laughed.
"It was going to be cut up into birthday and anniversary presents for you," I whined back and she scowled.
"Children, behave. You shouldn't have used one of my old aliases when you bought your plane ticket. After that, it wasn't hard to track you every move and learn everything you did. Several files were leaked to the press and we cleaned out Jim Kelso's off shore accounts. Minus a small processing fee, the money has been used to set up a trust fund for the families of those dead minors. Your father and I thought that not getting to steal the diamond was a suitable punishment," my mother chided from the passenger seat.
"Add four months of no sex to that then it will be fair," the blonde added from beside me.
"WHAT," I screeched but was interrupted by my dad's cell phone going off.
"Hello Jenks," he said when he answered it. Out of curiosity, the rest of us quieted down to listen.
*Denali, Alaska*
I hadn't done any real shopping in four years, not since my masochistic idiot of a brother forced us to Forks and my human best friend/sister, Bella Swan. The family had fallen apart shortly after we relocated to Ithaca, New York. Edward fled to get away from our pained and hateful thoughts, in truth he just hadn't wanted to admit what a douche bag he really was. Emmett stopped pulling pranks and just moped around the house. Rosalie had to drag him off to Africa to cheer him up. Esme just locked herself in her room while Carlisle threw himself into his work to avoid spending time at home. My Jasper spent all of his time blaming himself for his lack of control. As for me, when I wasn't comforting my mate, I stared at pictures of the human we'd left behind. Only in the past few months had we tried to pull ourselves out of our depression.
During a fund raiser, Carlisle had been approached to help with opening a clinic in Mexico. The compassionate vampire had taken one step further and offered to build an entire hospital. Most of the funds were going to come out of a couple of the family accounts but several of the other guests pledged financial support as well. The ground breaking was going to be in a couple of weeks and Esme thought we needed a vacation before going down to oversee the project. That's how we ended up in Alaska, staying with our extended family – the Denali Coven.
Irina nearly died when she found out how long it had been since I'd gone shopping and dragged me out of the house this morning for an all day spree. We'd spent the last couple of hours in a specialty boutique and were waiting for the cashier to ring up our purchases. I handed over my shiny black credit card.
"I'm sorry, miss, but your card was declined," the sails clerk said gently then handed back the card. My eyes glazed over with two visions and Irina stepped in and paid for everything.
J. Jenks walked into his upscale office and found the furniture overturned, paperwork scattered over the floor and his computer missing. He pulls out his cell phone and makes a call.
"Nathan, I think some of my clients and I are in need of your assistance," he said then made arrangements for a video conference.
IRS Agents kicked in the door of our house in Ithaca and started searching. As some of them started to fill boxes the leader made a call.
"Issue a BOLO for one Carlisle Cullen, it looks like the anonymous tip was right," he said then ended to call then helped his underlings.
"We need to get home, now," I told Irina as I pulled her out of the shop after she picked up the bags.
Eliot and I were laughing as we ran back to my family's house from our hunting trip. We'd first met two years ago and had been dating ever since. At first, I thought the attraction was just my "Bad Boy" complex rearing its ugly head but soon realized he was perfect for me. After a rather passionate night, the two of us stopped tap dancing around the issue, admitted our feelings and became mates this morning. The hunting trip was to give us some alone time before we told everyone. His brother, Hardison, had called after we finished off a couple of elk and told us how their baby sister had tried to pull of a heist without anyone finding out and how he and the rest of their family were going to punish her.
The familiar scents of my "cousins," the Cullen family reached as we cleared the trees. I was excited to see them again so I rushed to the front door. My mate followed behind me at an almost human pace. Edward came around the corner from the backyard, there was a blur along with a thunderclap then he was on the ground fifty feet away. A very pissed off Eliot was on him before he could get up.
"Hope you believe in God because you're about to meet him," my lover fumed a second before a spinning back kick put Edward on his ass for the second time.
I'd seen Eliot's violent side during the few jobs I'd helped him with but that was a controlled violence. This was pure rage and ten times scarier because he was moving on pure instinct and Eddie didn't have a chance. My mate was the kind of man that only let loose like this when his family had been hurt. Understanding dawned on me in that instant and I moved back onto the lawn and placed myself between the combatants and the vampires that flew out of the house. I crouched into an attack position when Emmett and Jasper moved to help their brother then stopped.
"What's going on, Kate? Why are you keeping us from defending Edward from an unprovoked attack? You'd stand with a stranger over your own family," Jasper demanded, his Texas drawl more pronounced than normal.
"That piece of shit is no family of mine. He deserves to die for what he did to our sister and my mate is about to take care of that," I spat back and everyone looked shocked at the venom in my voice.
"He hasn't done anything to me," Tanya commented confused.
"This isn't about Cullen turning you down repeatedly, you can stand up for yourself," I told her truthfully. Emmett tried to sneak past me but my hand shot out and I shocked him with full strength. Rosalie rushed over to her mate then glared murderously at me.
"Please do not let my son die. I'm sure this is all just some misunderstanding," Esme pleaded. The heartbroken expression on her face shattered my resolve.
"Eliot, stop it." I said then continued slyly, "You wouldn't want to deprive little sis a chance for revenge."
Eliot had looked at me with incredulity at first then smirked. He stopped kicking the pansy's ass then with the sound of grinding metal, tore off one of his arms then stalked toward me. When he reached me, he tossed the arm to Jasper then kissed me. The Southern vampire and Carlisle rushed to aid their wounded family member. Esme gave us a thankful look and Eliot let all the residual anger flow from his body.
"I'm sorry, ma'am. My little sister, Bella, is precious to me and mine; what your boy did nearly destroyed her and we all promised he'd pay if we ever found him," my love explained. All of the Cullen's stiffened when he said her name, including Alice who'd arrived with Irina when Eliot tore off Edward's arm.
"Bella Swan," the Cullen matriarch asked sorrowfully.
"Yes ma'am," Eliot answered her.
"It looks like that's just one more thing we need to discuss," Alice stated then moved inside.
AN: I thought I might start another crossover story. If all goes well, The Calling, The Twilight Walker and hopefully Pure of Heart will all be completed this week. Maybe even Tidings of Comfort and Joy, as well. I'll then try to focus on my remaining stories and possibly this one if there is interest. The Whole of the Law will be joining Sun and Moon on hiatus until I can find the flash drive that has all of my research on it. I might also put out some one-shots.