Author has written 10 stories for Soul Eater, Gravity Falls, Kim Possible, Pokémon, and RWBY. I'm a huge lover of books, anime, and games. Nintendo being my favorite game makers, I have read all the Artemis Fowl, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and much more. I collect many books, anime, and games just because. I also love music, my favorite being rock. I am a writer for Soul Eater, RWBY, and Pokemon. I always dreamed of adventure! Of having a legend of my own that I can tell to my kids, to fall in love and be a hero to all that see me. A far off place that I will have the hero's welcome, the crowds will cheer and be happy. I chose the name light to push away all the darkness in the world and be someone that will stand with the good guys and I won't accept defeat! I'll never lose hope that people are truly good and they can all be great if given a chance! To look past glory and fame is hard but the real power we all have is in our hearts and souls I believe that! My friends and Iwill never give up, we will go the distance and find our places in the world. Not the snow and not the rain could change my mind the sun will come out to greet us wait to trust me. The real beauty of the earth will lift your heart and you'll see that we have so much to live for as long as we're together. I believe that with all my heart. |