The Fox and the Sloth

Chapter 9

By Captainkodak1

Bat Yam, Israel

Kim held onto Ron's hand as they entered the Zikim Cemetery in the city of Bat Yam in Israel. Wade had found the graves of his parents and he was bound and determined to visit them. Basil about had fit when Ron announced that he was going there. Covington went into a twenty minute rant about maintaining their secrecy and how hard it would be to do so if they went. Also any attention to those graves could bring on some unwanted attention. Ron virtually told him to perform an unnatural sexual act with himself and got up and left. Kim swore later that Covington looked like he was about to explode till Kim told him that she would have said the same thing if she had been in Ron's place. Basil calmed down and nodded silently, then told her to watch out over him. Her reply had been that the hounds of hell would not prevent her from doing so.

Now, they slowly walked down the line of graves until they came to the simple stones set into the ground. Ron stopped and slowly knelt by the graves. His hand brushed some grass from the stone with their names on it. Kim was about to take a step back to give him some privacy but his hand shot out to grab hers and pulled her up beside him. He placed her hand on his shoulder and covered her with his. Tears leaked from her eyes as she felt him shudder under his hand. They stood that way for several moments with the wind slowly blowing past them. Birds sang in some nearby trees. After a few minutes he stood up and turned to face her. His face was pure sadness and misery. Kim didn't think she had ever seen such a pitiful sorrowful face in her life. She took him into her arms and held onto him. She felt his chin press onto the top of her head and even through her hair she could feel the wetness of tears. They stood like that for a few minutes more until he moved away. She looked up at him as he composed himself.

"You okay?"

He nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go. I needed that. Right now I feel like a good meal."

Kim took his hand as they turned and headed away from the graves. He let go of her hand and for a moment she was a little disappointed until his arm settled over her shoulder and pulled her close to his side. Sighing slightly, she put her arm around his waist and settled her head on his shoulder; she felt the tenseness of his body subside as he relaxed. They made their way out of the cemetery to the car that they had rented. He opened the door for her and she settled in her seat as he made his way around to the driver's seat. He drove to a restaurant on the beach near their hotel. After the meal they returned to the hotel. Ron stretched as he entered the room.

"Hey KP, want to go for a swim? It is a really great day and the beach looks great."

Kim smiled. It was a great suggestion as it was a nice day and if it would help Ron she wanted to do it. Besides she had bought that new swimsuit she had recently purchased, it was sure to get a reaction from him. While it was one piece there was more of it not there than there. Also she would get to see him in one of his suits that she had also purchased. While he was not ripped, he was very fit. He did have a six-pack it did not stick out like on those body builders. It did her ego a little bit of good to walk around on the arm of man that got a lot of looks from other women. Rather envious looks that told her that they wanted her man. The look she gave them was that he was hers and it was hands off. Ron in his particular Ron-ness clueless way never noticed.

"Sounds good to me Henry, why don't you wear that blue swimsuit that I got you and I'll wear one to match."

Ron opened his suitcase and pulled it out along with a t-shirt. He smiled as he noticed Kim pulling out the suit he really liked her to wear. It was a one-piece it had a lot of open places in interesting places. She was a stunning beautiful woman and he loved to have her at his side. He noticed the glances of the other women and noticed Kim's reaction to them. She may have thought that he didn't notice but he did. It was funny to him the way Kim would react. He also noticed the glances Kim got when she walked down the street. He made sure that the other guys looks got the message that she was hands off. She went into the bath while he changed in the room. Soon they were walking down to the beach. The desk clerk called out to them as they walked through the lobby toward the beach.

"Mr. and Mrs. Meskhi! The concierge has made your reservations for dinner. They are at 7:00."

Ron turned and answered in Russian as they were acting as a Russian couple from the Georgian area as their cover. Bat Yam as a noted vacation shot for people from that area.

"Thank you, we will be ready."

Ron followed Kim out onto the beach and found a couple of chairs under an umbrella. There were a number of couples already out as were a few families with children. One family was nearby with a couple of children playing with a ball while a third played in the sand. It was a calm peaceful day as they settled into their chairs. It was not often that they had time to just sit back and relax. This was really nice. After a little while Kim decided on a little walk.

"I'm going for a little walk. Want to join me?"

Ron shook his head.

"No go ahead. I think I'll take a little snooze or read a little."

Kim nodded. While growing up it took a threat from a teacher to read a book before he would do so. Now he had become quite a bookworm reading a great deal of history. He seemed to be interested in the Civil War and World War II. He also read a lot of science fiction. The book he was reading now as a best seller about this girl who lived in a post apocalyptic world was divided into different factions. She apparently was really not set to live in any one faction and that caused problems. He had already finished a series where the girl "he seemed to like stories with a strong young female main character" was forced to fight in some kind of a death game. She gave him a pat on the head and turned to go up the beach. The beach stretched out before her with the surf on her right. This was a rather popular beach and there were several people from many countries. The fact that she and Ron were fluent in several languages made it easy for them to fit in anywhere. Her Russian was acceptable but Ron was the best.

She angled over so she could walk along the water's edge. The water felt good splashing over her feet. She had walked some distance when she felt like someone was watching her. It was not a bad feeling just that someone was giving her more attention that just the rest of the group of vacationers. Glancing to her left she noticed a well muscled man was staring at her. She knew the type. All muscle and ego. Their entire vanity was wrapped up in their body and the adoration of the women around them. She tried to avoid this type at all cost. They seemed to be attracted to her like bugs to an outdoor light.

She sped up her gait hoping to get past him before he made any move. The last thing she wanted now was someone calling attention to her. Glancing around he seemed to have disappeared into the crowd of other people on the beach. She turned around and hoped that she would be able to avoid him on the return trip. No such luck, no sooner than she had turned around when he appeared from out of nowhere speaking German.

"Hello, what is your name? "

Kim gave him a strange look like she didn't understand although she did know German.

He smiled and tried again Russian.

"Hello, what is your name?"

Kim stopped for a moment and slowly lowered her sunglasses so that she could look at him over the top of the rims. She gave him a cold look and answered in halting Russian.

"My name is Andrea, excuse me."

She brushed by him and continued on her way. He turned to catch up with her and stepped in front. He spoke Russian again.

"Please beautiful Andrea, I would like to talk to you. My name is Sergei."

Kim stopped and took off her sunglasses and shook out her hair.

"Yes Sergei?"

Sergei slid his hand through his hair and flexed his muscles a little before speaking.

"I don't think I have ever seen you around. Are you visiting?"

Kim looked him over again knowing that he would be watching every move she made and every move of her eyes. She licked her lips and starting to chew on earpiece of the sunglasses.

"I am just visiting. Is there something I can do for you?"

Sergei smiled.

"I was hoping you would like to join me with my friends."

Kim looked over to the side and notices three other men with three women drinking under a cabana. She turned back to Sergei.

"No thank you Sergei, have a good day."

He stepped in front of her.

"Please, I really would like to get to know you better."

Kim shook her head.

"No thank you. I have someone else to meet."

He stepped closer in front of her.

"Surely I am better then he is."

Before she could answer a familiar voice came from behind Sergei.

"I think she said for you to have a good day. Now leave her alone and continue to have your good day or continue to annoy her and have a very bad day."

Sergei spun around to find Ron standing behind him. Kim walked around Sergei to stand with Ron. Sergei sneered at Ron who was a few inches shorter and several pounds lighter.

"And just who are you to stop me speaking with who I want."

Ron stared back at him.

"She declined your invitation and is leaving. Let's leave it at that."

Kim noticed that Sergei's two friends had stepped up behind him. They were all at least as big as him.

Sergei growled.

"I haven't finished talking to her yet."

Ron replied as he turned away taking Kim's arm.

"I think you have. Come on KP let's get out of here."

Sergei's fist shot out towards Ron's head where it was intercepted by Kim's hand. Kim squeezed the hand as she gave a twist. Sergei's grin turned to a scowl of pain as he grunted and dropped to his knees; she kicked him in the chest three times and twice in the head before the other two could move. Sergei fell forward out cold into the sand. Ron turned and moved between Kim and other two. Kim stayed back. Ron could handle this, especially against these guys. One threw a number of punches while the other moved to get around behind him. Just as he did he charged trying to envelope Ron in a bear hug while the other threw a haymaker punch. Ron did a split, dropped down and rolled out of the way. The second man went right over Ron and ran straight into the punch thrown by the other. His eyes rolled back in his head and he fell like a rock. The third man was so shocked by what he had done he stood there in shock.

Ron stood up and looked down at his unconscious attacker. The third man stepped up to look over Ron's shoulder his mouth agape. While he was standing there Ron flipped up his fist and struck the man in a pressure point. He went down like a sack of potatoes. Brushing the sand off of himself he walked back to Kim.

"Sorry about that KP. I finished a chapter of the book and thought I would join you."

Kim smiled.

"It's okay Henry. I appreciated the help."

The sounds of police sirens and the approach of a couple of police officers interrupted their talk.

Officer Banechek turned to Kim and Ron after speaking on his radio. Sergei and his two friends were sitting on the side of the street glaring at them. All of them held icepacks to various parts of their bodies.

"Mr. and Mrs. Meskhi. I am sorry that these three interrupted your vacation in such a rude manner. They have been a problem for some time around here. I am glad that they finally got what they deserved. Do you wish to file charges? Not that it would do any good."

Kim's face struggled a little.

"Why do you say that?"

Banechek guided them over around the building out of sight of Sergei.

"Sergei is the son of a local drug lord. We have arrested him before only to have the charges dropped when either the witnesses left town or the lawyers hired by his father filed so many counter suits that the courts just give up."

Ron rubbed his head.

"It's okay. We were not going to press charges anyway. Right now we would like to just go on back to our hotel."

Banechek nodded.

"That will be fine. We have all your information. If we have any questions we will contact you back at the hotel. I will hold them for a few more minutes to teach them a lesson."

Kim took Ron's arm.

"Thank you. We will only be in town for a few more days. We have to return home and get back to work."

They shook hands with Banechek and walked around the building back onto the beach. Banechek walked back to the three sitting on the curb on the side of the street. He spent some time talking with some of the other tourists in the area. After about thirty minutes he nodded to the officer watching over Sergei and his friends. The officer walked off, got in his car and drove off. Banechek turned back to Sergei.

"You idiot. I warned you before about messing around with the tourists. I told you that one day that you would cross someone that you didn't need to cross. Looks like I was right."

Sergei stood up.

"I don't care about what you think. My father pays you good money to take care of things. Now where are they staying? Who are they? We have some unfinished business with them."

Banechek stared him down.

"You will leave them alone. Those two took you three down by themselves. Only someone trained would be able to do that. Something tells me that you best leave the two of them alone. Yes, your father pays me good money. But he pays me more to keep you out of trouble. That is why I am telling you to leave them alone."

Sergei just spun around and walked away. His two friends fell into step on each side of them. The one to his left spoke up after he put away the phone he was speaking on.

"Cindi followed the two of them. They went into a hotel about a kilometer up the beach. She went in and went to the desk, with a little money under the desk she found out their name and what room they were in. She also found out that they had dinner reservations at a restaurant tonight."

Sergei grinned.

"We got plans to make."

Ron held the door open for Kim as they left the restaurant. After they had gotten back to the hotel they had cleaned up and called Wade. It didn't take long for Wade to get the run down on Sergei and his dad. Sergei's dad was head of one of the big drug traffickers in Georgia and Russia. He made some of the cartels in Mexico look like angels. Not to be ones to hide they didn't cancel their dinner reservations. However, they did make plans to leave the next morning. They started carrying a number of their own "toys". If someone wanted to cause a problem, they were not going to go down not fighting.

They walked down the street toward their rental car. Both had their eyes and ears open. It was a wide open street and there were a lot of people walking around including some families. They were about to the car when Kim remembered that she needed some things from a local drug store. As they were just walking past one. She grabbed Ron's arm.

"I need something from in here."

Ron nodded and joined her going into the store. Kim got her items and walked to the checkout. She paid for her items and walked out the door with Ron. Just as they came out the door two people, a man and a woman approached them. The man had blond hair while the woman had red hair. The man produced a gun from behind him.

"Give us the keys to your car."

Kim was about to make a move when Ron signaled for her not too. There were too many people around and any shooting might lead to someone else being hurt. Ron handed the woman the keys and backed up showing his hands. The two thieves ran up the street and got in the car they had rented. The instant the man turned the ignition the car erupted into flame.

They both dove for the ground. Ron pulled a pistol from a hideaway inside his jacket while Kim produced one from a thigh holster. They carefully looked up and around as the screaming started. The street was in shambles. Several people lay immobile or slowly moving. There were also a couple of fires. Sirens sounded in the distance and were getting closer. Ron grabbed Kim's arm.

"Let's get out of here. That was meant for us."

Kim nodded and jumped to her feet. They both ran up the street and across several more blocks. Ron then hailed a cab and they made their way back to the area where their hotel was. Ron paid the cab driver and they got out to walk on the beach. The area was deserted and dark as Kim scanned the area.

"Henry, we can't go back to the room and walk in. Whoever was after us would know that we were not dead and right now we need to stay dead."

Ron nodded.

"That does not mean that we can't break into the room. We can mess up the room like it was robbed."

Kim shook her head.

"Nope, that might look funny to someone. We DO need to break in though. We need our equipment and then we need to get into contact with Wade."

Ron nodded.

"Let's go."

Covington was working at his desk when the man who had been Kim and Ron's driver walked in handed him a newspaper with an article highlighted. Basil read it for a moment and then dropped the paper. The article talked about a young couple who had been killed in a mistaken car bombing. The names were one of the names that Kim and Ron used.


The driver shook his head.

"Hold for a moment sir. I have obtained some reports of some events before and after the incident. I also have some other information for you."

The driver handed Basil a folder. He quickly read through it and then went back and reread several items. Two of the items were a preliminary autopsy reports on the bodies found at the car. He closed the folder and laid it down.

"If I read this right Fox and Sloth have crossed paths with one of the worst drug cartels in that area. That group for some reason attempted to kill them and missed. Now the two of them have disappeared using the fact that only we would know the difference from the autopsy reports. The report said the room was cleared out and the items held pending notification of relatives. I read the list of items and I noticed a few items missing from their personal effects. Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

The driver nodded.

"Fox and Sloth have gone deep. They are letting the bodies cover for them. Two innocents were killed, thieves yes but still innocent. Several other innocents were injured in the blast including two children. We both know that nothing would make them madder than other being hurt especially children. The items you mentioned were the special equipment they normally carry. I can only guess by the report on their room that they silently broke into their room and retrieved their equipment or they were already carrying it. Now they are loose in the area with almost everything they need. I am sure their "Wade" can supply them with whatever they will need. They will go after those responsible with a vengeance."

Covington groaned and laid his head in his hands.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it now. The best we can do is notify certain parties that the Fox and Sloth are operating in their area. Maybe they can give them support if needed."

The driver thought for a moment.

"Is that wise sir? I mean if the Cartel has infiltrated the government and law enforcement in the area as deep as we suspect we could tip off the Cartel."

Covington nodded.

"You do have a point. However I trust and his group not to be a problem. I will let him know. At least he can be prepared to pick up the pieces when this is all over. After that, if they survive that is, I am going to sit on them for a little while.

Two weeks later

Kim and Ron floated just below the surface of the water underneath a boat that was filled with drugs belonging to Volkov. This was to be a major shipment and several people had been paid off to make sure the transfer would be successful. They were going to make sure that the shipment would not make it to the destination. They could not just blow the boat out of the water. Most of the boat's crew were just innocent sailors afraid for their lives. Kim and Ron had placed charges around the seal where the propeller shaft went through the hull. They also place a few other charges that would cut holes in the hull. The boat would sink with its cargo aboard.

Kim tapped Ron on the shoulder and motioned that they needed to get out of the area. The boat would be leaving soon and they didn't need to be anywhere around when it did. Using the underwater motor scooters they had they quickly left the area and made they way to a deserted beach near the mouth of the harbor. They climbed up on the rocks to watch. Just after the boat cleared the harbor there were several rumblings from across the water. The boat slowed to a stop with smoke pouring from the stack. The crew abandoned the boat into the water and into lifeboats.

It did not take long for the boat to sink. Packages began to rise to the water surface and float. About that time the area rescue service and several Police boats arrived on the scene. There was no covering up this shipment. Kim smiled at Ron.

"That was number one. How about a few more?"

Ron grinned.

Pyotr Andrevich "the Wolf" Volkov stared at the report before him. Someone or some ones were making his life and business miserable. It all started with the boat sinking with one of his biggest shipments on board. The inquiry had said that the seals around the shaft wore out and started the leak. When the ship flexed as it took on water more seals along the hull were opened to the point that the boat sank. However, his investigation had shown that explosives had been planted very expertly to simulate an accident.

After that it was one disaster after another. Shipments picked up by authorities that he had not and could not bribe. One factory caught fire and destroyed the entire product inside. The thing that bothered him was that normally the site didn't hold a lot of product, but the night that it burned was the one night that year that the facility had the most product on site.

Several of the people he had been paying off had been discovered and dismissed. In whole his operation was in shambles. Someone was very expert in causing trouble. He had been looking into several of his competitors but nothing was coming up on them. However, there were some reports from a number of his people of "ghostly figures" around his operations. He had laughed at first, but quit laughing after awhile. Now he had some of his best men looking into the events of the past month to see if something had occurred that he had not heard about.

The door to his office opened and Johann stepped into his office. Johann was his right hand man and had served him well over the years. The expression on Johann's face told him that he might not enjoy what he was about to hear. Johann placed the folder on the desk and Pyotr opened it. After reading it for a few moments he laid the folder down and groaned.

"Get the idiot in here."

It was not long when Sergei opened the door to his father's office. He walked slowly into the room.

"You asked for me Father?"

Pyotr stared at the young man. So vain and so uninterested in the business. All he wanted to do was spend time with his worthless friends on the beach primping for the single ladies on the beaches. If he wasn't on the beach then he was with that idiot son of Senor Senior Senior. The elder Senior was sort of a colleague of his. While the Senior didn't approve of his drug trafficking he was not above letting Pyotr use his shipping network to move some equipment or other items as long as they were not drug related. Pyotr thought it funny that the old man would act in such an honorable way. That way was long past.

Pyotr pointed to the chair across from the desk.

"You used some explosives without my knowledge. You killed someone and now someone is attacking my business."

Sergei blanched.

"I just wanted to get revenge for a slight against my honor. I didn't mean to kill anyone. That woman and the man with her. They embarrassed me in public, in front of my friends. I could not let that go."

Pyotr stared at the man.

"So you loaded their car with enough explosives to take out a truck. You didn't think that that would KILL them. How about bystanders? You are lucky that only the two in the car died. There were many injured. And this is because a woman turned you down? When you tried to force the situation you had your head handed to you. So you KILL someone for that?"

Pyotr slowed for a moment.

"Now someone is making shambles of my operation. I don't know who you crossed but apparently they are not someone to be taken lightly. Banechek did a little checking later. While a normal check came clear a little deeper check showed that they don't exist. Do you have any idea the pull that takes? And you want to pick a fight with them? Now I have to pick up the pieces. Do you have any pictures of these people?"

Sergei nodded.

"Yes, father. I took a couple of pictures of the woman and my friends took some more of her and the man with her."

Pyotr nodded.

"Good, get me those pictures. Somehow those two are part of this. I want to know who they are. Give me all the information that you have on them NOW."

Sergei jumped up and ran for his room. When he got to his room his friend stopped his music practice. Senor Senior Junior turned to greet his friend.

"Sergei. I am so glad you have returned. You must give me your opinion of my performance so I can become the next pop star."

Sergei shook his head.

"I can't right now Junior. I need to get some pictures for my father along with some other information."

Junior walked over and watched over Sergei's shoulder as he scanned through his pictures and called the pictures of Kim and Ron up on the screen. Junior gave a small screech.

"Sergei, where did you take these pictures?"

Sergei looked over his shoulder at Junior.

"At that beach like I told you. This is the woman and the man that caused me such trouble. What is going on?"

Junior stepped back from the screen shaking his head.

"This cannot be possible. My Blue Fox is dead!"

Sergei turned to face Junior.

"Do you think you know them?"

Junior stopped of a moment then told Sergei the tragic story of his Blue Fox. Tears fell from his eyes as he told how Kim and Ron got into trouble and then died trying to save the world. Sergei looked at Junior and then back at the picture.

"Are you sure Junior? I mean it has been many years. People change and you said they were dead."

Junior looked Sergei in the eye.

"You said the woman defeated you without a problem. That would have been/was my Blue Fox. She could defeat any man. The man with her is her friend."

Sergei stood up.

"You mean you think those two are Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable?"

Junior shrugged his shoulders.

"I cannot tell. As you say it has been many years. But beauty such as hers does not change only matures."

Sergei pulled the flash drive from his computer and grabbed Junior by the arm.

"Come, we have something to discuss with my father."

Kim sat back in her chair on the veranda of the chalet they had rented. The house had been their base of operations for the past week or so as they had made trouble for the cartel. She picked up the Kimmunicator when it buzzed. Ron stepped out from the room drying his hair with a towel. Kim motioned him over as she answered the device.

"Go Wade."

Wade's face showed up in the screen.

"Karen, we may have a problem. I always monitor any sites about your former lives and names. All of a sudden there have been a lot of searched on Pyotr's computers asking about your history. Have you seen or done something that might have tipped him off?"

Kim looked at Ron and they both shook their heads.

"Not that we can think of Wade. I mean what we have done so far could not be traced back to us. Why would he be searching for our old names? I mean we haven't gone by them in years."

Wade nodded as he was typing.

"Well, someone there is definitely trying to look for you. Wait a minute...Ohhhh man you will not believe this. Someone else has also started a deep search. Someone you may remember."

A picture of Senor Senior Jr. came up on the screen.

Junior has been doing a little searching, nothing like the other guys, but definitely looking."

Kim nodded.

"Okay Wade. It's time to finish our little game with this dude and then deal with Junior."

Wade nodded.

"Ok Karen. Everything is ready. I'll be waiting when you are done."

Kim shut down the Kimmunicator and turned to Ron.

"Let's finish this."

Pyotr scanned through the files on his computer on the two people he had been searching for. At first it was a little frustrating. The two were dead by all accounts. Their funeral was on of the most watched television events of that year. His search of the families and friends of the two dead heroes has shown all of them had gone on with their lives. Her parents had visited Europe twice, but just for vacation. The girl's mother was asked to help at a military hospital during one trip but that was just for some severely injured soldiers. The boy's parents were killed by terrorists in Israel. There was no trail. Nothing.

That made him really interested. The screen to his computer blurred for a moment and the camera came on. The screen was filled by a masked face. The voice came through was computer generated.

"Do not attempt to modify the screen or touch any controls. We have total control of your system and are watching you. Do not attempt to start or use any tracking software. Recently your son accosted a young woman on a beach. She didn't wish any contact. Your son pressed the issue and was rebuffed. Later your son attempted to harm the young lady and the man she was with. He failed yet in doing so he also injured several innocent people. We have already shown our displeasure. We know you have been searching for us. This must stop. As evidence that we can strike when and where we want to please look out the window behind you."

This face unnerved Pyotr to no end but he did as he was instructed. The window behind him he glanced out over the rear yard of his home. As he looked the garage where he kept a number of his collectable cars he acquired over the years erupted in a blast. The roof flew straight up as the walls bulged out. He watched in horror as millions of dollars of autos went up in smoke. He turned to the screen snarling. Before he could speak the voice continued.

"Do not try and threaten us. It would be demeaning to us and stupid of you. We have shown that we can strike when and where ever we wish. We have sent information on all of your operations to the appropriate authorities. It would be in your best interest to cooperate with them. You may go to jail, but you will be alive. Also, your son will be alive. He will have to face his own charges. Good bye and live."

The computer screen died as the face disappeared. Pyotr's hands shook as he sat down in his chair. Outside he could hear the sounds of sirens approaching his home. Pulling open the drawer to his desk he removed the Tokarev pistol he kept there. Glancing at the pistol for a moment as one of his men started to knock at the door to his office. He placed the barrel under his jaw and pulled the trigger.

Sergei was heading for his father's office with several police officers with him. He saw some more officers along with two of his father's main men standing outside his father's office knocking on the door. There was no answer until there was a single gunshot inside the room.

Ron dropped his bag on the floor inside the door as Kim passed by him and dropped her bag in the door to the bedroom. Walking straight into the kitchen she opened the refrigerator and then quickly slammed it. Closing and locking the door Ron looked up as Kim pulled a can of air fresher out of the cabinet next to the frig and sprayed the air.

"We will need some air masks before opening the frig again. There is something growing in there that I don't want to identify. Drakken would have been proud to have produced something like that. It could be the thing he would have tried to take over the world with."

Ron smiled.

"Sorry about that KP. I forgot to clean it out before we left. We can go down the street and get something to eat and then shop around to fill up the frig again."

He walked into the kitchen area and pulled the trashcan over to the front of the frig. Opening the door he quickly went to work removing most of the food in the frig and wiping down some of the shelves. Dumping the dirty cloths into the trash he pulled the trash bag from the trashcan and quickly tied the bag shut. He lifted the bag and shuffled quickly out the door, down the steps and out the back of the building where the trashbin was for the building. He tossed the bag into the bin and made his way back to the apartment were Kim was finishing spraying air freshener. Putting down the can she picked up a list off of the counter.

"I made of list of some of the things we need and other things we might need. What do you say we walk up to the street to the Hornblower Arm's pub for something to eat, and then drop by Ben's market to get what we need? No need to go to the bigger market, we don't need much and we and always get the other stuff later."

Ron nodded.

"Sounds good to me. Let's head out."

At that moment, Kim's phone played a tone noting that she had received a text. Checking the screen she noticed a simple message.

"Heard you had an interesting vacation. Need to talk to you about some thoughts that have come up. Please come by the office ASAP. Buzz."

Kim rolled her eyes and showed Ron the message. He sighed and nodded. It was a coded message from Basil in ordinary language but told them some entirely different. Their boss wanted to see them and wanted to see them yesterday. Ron grabbed their jackets and they headed out of the apartment. They walked to the nearest Metro station and took the train nearest the university that was the front for their operations.

Walking in the front door of the building, they walked past the receptionist who gave them a nod. When they got in the elevator Ron pressed the buttons that sent them to their subterranean HQ where they were sure Basil was waiting for them. They walked quickly to the door to his office and knocked.

"Karen, Henry, please come on in."

Kim opened the door and walked in with Ron right behind her. Closing the door after they entered, Ron took the far seat and Kim took the closest one. After they settled into their seats they waited as Covington seemed to be reading from a file folder in his hands. After a minute, he placed the folder down and looked at them over steepled fingers. As they were used to the silent treatment, Kim and Ron merely waited until he was ready to speak.

"You started an operation without authorization and any consideration for the local authorities. You caused quite a ruckus among certain parties and that causes us some concern."

Kim opened her mouth to speak but was silenced by a wave of Covington's hand

"Let me continue. You were the direct cause of a death of one person and could have blown your covers. You continued with the operation when you knew that the possibility that your covers had been blown or someone had a suspicion as to whom you really are."

Covington stopped for a moment then continued.

"Now, I have been in contact with my counterparts in the area and they are quite upset with you."

Covington paused again to make Kim and Ron sweat a little.

"They are upset as you were able to do what they have been trying to do for years."

Covington broke into a slight smile.

"My counterpart in the area sends his thanks. Your actions broke up one of the larger drug cartels over there and caused quite a disruption among the others. The rumors of some "ghost figures" shook up some of the informers and others there that the authorities have been able to infiltrate some of the other organizations and hurt them. Now, here are my thoughts."

He paused for a moment. Kim and Ron heard the dry snap of hammers firing in pistols right behind their heads. Both of them jumped up to face their assailants. It was the driver that had carried them around and was Covington's right hand man. Kim and Ron stood for a moment trying to get their hearts restarted as the man turned to leave. Kim turned red faced toward Covington when the cold look from his eyes stopped her.

"Sit down both of you and do NOT say a word."

They quietly complied as he continued.

"You are my employees and will do as I say. The British government has spent too much money on you for you to go off on your own like that. If you ever EVER do that again I can promise you those pistols will be loaded the next time and I will drop your bodies off in the deep ocean and never think twice about it. Do I make myself clear?"

Kim and Ron nodded quietly.

Covington nodded.

"Good I think we understand each other. Now get yourselves cleaned up and get back in here. I think we have a special job for you. Now get out of here. Be back in two hours ready to work."

Kim and Ron got up and numbly left the office. Kim turned to Ron as they closed the door.

"Clean up? What did he …"

Kim looked over at Ron and noticed the front of his pants were wet. She looked down and noticed her was the same. Blushing she grabbed him by the arm and they headed for their own office that had lockers with a complete change of clothes plus showers.

Sitting in new chairs, Kim and Ron faced Covington as he scanned another file. He placed the file on the desk in front of him.

"We have another mission for you. As you know Mr. Brotherson was the main contact twice for the purchase of an atomic bomb. You have been able to stop the process both times. Mr. Brotherson is no longer with us but all his information as well as his computer assistant were recovered from the remains of his mansion. His assistant was quite talkative and had quite an impressive amount of information in his possession. Apparently he made a backup of the entirety of Brotherson's computer system before Brotherson fried it. He had the backup in his possession when we took him into custody. We know who was supplying the bombs for sale."

Kim and Ron looked at each other and then back at Covington as he continued.

"He is a highly placed General within the Russian Armed Forces. He also has many contacts within the present Russian government. As you already know the leadership of Russia has not done many things to endear themselves to other nations in the area. He may be acting with the knowledge of the current government. However, there are those within the government who would support the general's removal or exposure. Exposing him would be a major embarrassment for the present leadership. So, your mission is to enter the area of his headquarters. Gain the necessary information to confirm our suspicions or to execute him with extreme prejudice."

If Kim and Ron's jaws could have hit the floor they would have dug a hole in the paneled floor of Covington's office.


Covington nodded.

"That will be your mission. As you are not part of any government there are no ties to anyone other than you have a residence within the British Isles nothing can be traced back here. You have been declared dead in your native country and the world considers you that way. If you are captured or killed nothing will ever be known of it."

Kim nodded.

"So we are expendable."

Covington nodded.

"You have known that for sometime so don't be surprised."

Ron nodded.

"How long do we have to prepare?"

Covington picked up another file.

"You have all the time you need, but we do need to move forward. The first thing will be to meet with my Russian counterpart here in London."

Ron raised his hand.

"Uhhh, sir, if this dude has the blessing/support of his government wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to someone connected to the government."

Covington nodded.

"Yes for the most part that would be true, but this gentleman was the same person who helped with your last mission and provided the team of Special Forces that helped you. He is fully in support of your mission and will supply you with ID's and other documents to help you complete your mission.

He will also provide whatever support he can once you are in country. As this will be an extremely difficult job and frankly your chance of survival is low, I will give you some time off before you leave on the mission. I would say that you could visit your family Karen, but that would most likely endanger them if the mission would go south. If you do visit them you should use whatever precautions that you would deem necessary."

Kim thought about it for a minute before nodding. Covington stood and stepped around his desk to face his two agents. Both of them stood as he approached them. Engulfing them in a huge hug, he held onto them for a few moments before releasing them. He turned his back and headed back to his desk when he stopped with back to them.

"Go ahead get out of here. I'll be in touch when everything is ready."

Kim and Ron didn't waste time leaving the office and hurriedly closed the door behind them. What they didn't see was the tear sliding down Basil's face. He turned to take his seat and wiped the moisture from his face.

"I really hate this damn business sometimes."

He took his seat and picked up his phone.

"Contact Krashtinov and let him know we need to meet. The mission is on."

Hope you liked this update. Hopefully the next will not take as long.