JoeEngland: You caught me :).

MatthewC: I agree it wrapped up pretty quickly. That's in part because I wrote most of the chapter in one sitting (as I usually do). I hit most of the things I had in mind for the climax (the firepit was one of them) and I may have gotten caught up in wanting to see how things ended and rushed a bit. I'm glad, though, that you enjoyed the chapter despite those weaknesses.

FAH3: Not at this time.

MrDrP: I agree with you on that point. I was trying to interject a little humor, and may have tried too hard (or not hard enough, and took the lazy way).

Triaxx2: I wondered about the scene changes, but at the time they seemed to fit the mood (fast paced action). Each scene probably could have been a bit longer for pacing purposes.

Mike9: I've never been a fan of the endlessly returning villain, and never intended to introduce one.

Daywalkr82: I've always wanted to see the good guys do that to a villain :).

DominusExMachina: Sorry, but I've already done the Fortress. I borrowed the take I used from 'Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman'.

Thanks to: surforst, noveler00, Psycho King, GargoyleSama and lady-of-tormentdeath.

Ten Years Later

Kim lounged on the couch in the living room of her parents' house. Ron was seated beside her, and she was leaning against him, half asleep. Her brother Jim was seated in a nearby chair, watching a GWA wrestling event on TV. Ron was supposedly watching it as well, but he was drowsy too, and wasn't paying much attention. Jim's wife, Alicia, was in the kitchen with Kim's mom, helping get supper ready. Kim's dad was still at the science center, but had promised he'd be home in time for dinner.

Kim opened one eye and glanced at the TV. Seated on the floor in front of it was her nephew, Jim and Alicia's four year old son James III (Jimmy to everyone), who was surrounded by a score or so of naked mole rats. Kim smiled at the sight. One of the things she and Ron had done after learning what Drakken and Shego had done to Rufus was track down all of his fellow research subjects. It hadn't been easy, but they had located about half of them. There had been some talk of destroying the lot of them, or shipping them all back to Africa, but in the end cooler heads had prevailed, and now the hill behind the Possible home was the site of a growing warren of tunnels, and the largest naked mole rat colony in North America. Rufus, now getting on in years, had found a mate and was a grandfather several times over. Most of the mole rats clustered around (and on) Jimmy were Rufus' children or grandchildren, and had inherited their sire's fascination with the spectacle that was professional wrestling.

Kim sighed happily. It was good to be home again, surrounded by friends and family. Of course, the house she and Ron shared was 'home' too, but this place still came first in her mind in that regard. She closed her eyes again, snuggled against Ron, and was on the verge of dropping off to sleep when the wrestling program ended.

"I want to see the news, Jimmy," Jim said, and Kim heard the channel change.

"Leading off our coverage tonight," the anchor said, "Middleton's most famous son and daughter return to attend their ten year high school reunion. Kim groaned softly. Jimmy clapped excitedly.

"Auntie Kim's on TV!" he exclaimed.

Kim opened her eyes again. Flickering on the screen was footage of her and Ron in action. She was hefting a car over her head, before throwing it at something off screen. Jimmy clapped and cheered like he was watching his beloved Son of Steel Toe on WrestleMayhem.

"Kim Possible," the anchor intoned, "Strange visitor from another planet, with powers and abilities far beyond those of human beings; and Ron Stoppable, master of monkey kung-fu, wielder of the Lotus Blade, adept of the Mystical Monkey Power. Each by themselves is a formidable foe to any would be villain. Together they form a team that can only call...The World's Finest!"

That was the cue for the lead segment, a recap of Kim's and Ron's careers that segued into the upcoming reunion.

Kim was sitting up by then, glaring at the TV.

"Remind me," she said, "to smack Bonnie Rockwaller the next time I see her, for coining that 'Strange Visitor' line."

Jim gave his sister a teasing glance. "It's not Bonnie's fault you went public with the whole 'I'm an alien' thing, Kim," he pointed out.

"Ok," Kim parried, "I'll allow the 'Visitor from another planet' part, but I am so not strange."

Ron chuckled. "Look on the bright side, K.P.," he advised. "'Strange Visitor' is a heck of a lot better than, say, 'freakish invader' or something like that."

The reunion itself went better than had expected. There had been TV crews and reporters outside, but they kept a respectful distance, and stayed outside. There was further embarrassment in the form of a 'where are we now' video presentation that saved Kim and Ron for last, but in the main Kim enjoyed herself, catching up with old friends. Ron had a good time too, especially since he'd feared that the social awkwardness that had dogged him all through high school would still be a factor. His fears had proved groundless, though, and he found himself at the center of a knot of people that included some girls who wouldn't have given him the time of day before.

Kim, who had been chatting with Monique, was thinking about heading Ron's way and prying loose some of the girls who were trying to be overly friendly, when a familiar chime sounded.

"What's the sitch, Wade?" Kim asked as she activated her Kimmunicator. Ron was at her side before she finished speaking, having slipped out of the crowd around him without them noticing he'd done it.

"Sorry to interrupt your reunion, guys," Wade apologized. "Double trouble, I'm afraid. Kim, heavy rains in New Hampshire have a dam there threatening to burst. The locals asked if you could help."

"Absolutely," Kim nodded. "What's the other trouble?"

"The Toyman is at it again, in Dallas. He's holding the attendees of a toy convention hostage."

Kim darted a glance at Ron. "Split up?" she asked.

"You get the dam, I'll deal with the crazy curio creator," Ron nodded. The tiny pink head of a naked mole rat popped up out of the pocket of Ron's jacket. It belonged to Dexter, Rufus' eldest son, who had taken over from his father as far as going on missions was concerned.

"Augh, bad pun," Dexter chirped, shaking his head in disgust.

The crowd had gathered around, listening.

"Sorry, folks, but Ron and I have to go," Kim announced. "See you again in five years," she added, then reached up and pulled open her blouse to reveal the world famous 'S' shield.


"So, Kim Possible is at it again, eh?" Drakken snorted as he watched the news report.

"What do you expect?" Shego asked sarcastically. "Saving innocent people is what goody-goodies like her do."

Drakken snorted again and turned away from the screen. His latest lair was on the small side, but was the most lavishly equipped on any he'd ever had. It was also the most secure, he supposed, since there was almost no chance of anyone ever looking for it. Or at least, not of looking for it where it was. Drakken smiled a cold but immensely pleased smile.

It had been a stroke of pure genius, really, letting himself and Shego get captured by Kim Possible and her sidekick. Both of them had been sentenced to life without parole, as expected. Thanks to some prearranged string pulling and behind the scenes manipulation, Drakken and Shego had been sent to the Federal Penitentiary at Terra Haute, Indiana. Since the prison's rules forbade mixed gender cell assignments, he and Shego had been housed separately. Not that it made any difference. The tunneling machines Drakken had placed there beforehand simply bored passages to each cell. When the breaches were made they were fitted with trap doors and concealed by holographic projections that blended perfectly with the cell floors. Cellmates were dealt with by fitting them with neural compliance chips while they were sleeping. The chips were used whenever Drakken and/or Shego wanted to leave their cells, inducing their wearers to go to sleep at the uttering of a command phrase. The tunnels led from the cells to the lair, where synthodrone copies of Shego and Drakken stood by to take their places in their cells, should the two need or desire to be away for extended periods. A memory swapping machine allowed the real and faux pairs to keep each other current on what had happened in the prison during each others absences.

The scheme had worked for ten years, allowing Drakken and Shego the opportunity to work almost unhindered. After all, no matter what might be said in the criminal underworld, whenever Kim checked, her arch foes were still safely locked away.

"Brilliant," Drakken muttered to himself. "Absolutely brilliant." Then, loudly, "Shego!"

"Uh, I'm still standing right next to you, Dr. D. Keep it down."

Drakken growled irritably before forcing a pleasant expression onto his face.

"I have something for you, my dear," he proclaimed.

"Oh really? What is it?" Shego cooed mockingly, eyelashes fluttering in feigned anticipation.

"A little something the henchmen found near Lake Middleton a few days ago," Drakken said smugly, lifting a metal box and opening the lid.

Within, on a bed of black cloth, lay a stone that seemed to glow with a baleful inner light.

Shego's eyes widened. "Is that...?" she asked hopefully, looking up at Drakken.

"Kryptonite," Drakken nodded. The stone in the box was only the second piece known to have been found of the mineral that could weaken Kim Possible. It had taken years to find, but now at last they had the means to defeat the one foe that stood between them and global conquest.

Shego must have realized the same thing, if the cruel, hate filled smile that split her face was any sign.

Well, that concludes this little exercise. I'm honored so many people took the time to review it. I'm still not sold on fusions (as opposed to crossovers, which are an entirely different animal) but I think I learned a few things by doing this one. Thank you all very much for reading it.