Hello readers.

Shoutouts to my Beta reader Valerian Candidate.

Chapter 0 (Edited)

Childhood memories

We lay our scene in the a forest on the outskirts of Pallet town. It was early morning. Light was peeking through the trees. The sun was high in the sky.

Walking through this forest was a little girl about seven, with honey blond hair and on her head a straw hat. Her name was Serena. The child was suppose to be with Proffesor Oak's camp, along with other kids who attended. She was wandering around and about, hopelessly seeing as she was separated from the group. This girl was shaking in fear and tried to look for the exit anxiously.

The little girl wasn't just scared because she was alone, but sad because of the berries that were in the forrest and reminded her of how her mom and dad taught her how to bake pokepuffs. It was also her last memory of her father before he left.

Walking around, for seemingly about a half an hour she had encountered a rustling bush and moved towards it at a slower pace, she catiously approached it. Not knowing was was to come out.

Out of a bush came a pokemon. The sudden movement from the pokemon startled the little girl. She feared for the worst. Trying to get away she twisted her knee and slipped falling down face first. Not only just after tripping that Serena noticed it was just a little poliwag.

Serena filled tears up in fear as she cried out. "I knew I didn't want to come to come... Mommy!"

Coming out of the same bush was a little boy with black hair. He was about the same age as Serena.

"Poliwag?" he asked before noticing Serena and his eyes widened as looked at her asking, "Are you alright?"

"Huh?" She asked frowning slightly. She was a little intimidatedby him because she was too shy to talk to anyone and was a bit ant social. He approached her casually as she tried to figure him out. She was somewhat frightened of this stranger

"Hey, what's wrong? I'm Ash, Can you walk?" Ash asked.

"I hurt my knee." She answered.

"Don't worry." Ash proclaimed. He pulled out a handkerchief and knelt across her before wrapped it around her knee. "This will make it feel better."

There was a response she made when trying to get up. She said "Ow" because of the pain shot through her leg.

Now regretting to have ever trusted him."Now watch this."

Moving his hands and fingers randomly, as if he was casting some sort of spell. "Feel better! Feel better! Feel better right away!"

She tried to get up again, "it still hurts I can't get up."

Now the boy got up and said, "Don't give up until it's over... okay, come on" reaching for her hand and grabbing it to pull her up.

Using up too much of his strength to pull her up she fell into his arms. They were now in a sudden embrace.

A few seconds after that unexpected hug, Serena had pulled away and was a little surprised.

In that brief amount of time she had felt a little something. She blushed slightly.

"There you go." He said smiling because he had helped her up. He gave out a toothy grin, "We should head back to the camp site, okay, come on."

Ash guided her out of the forest still holding Serena's her hand.

From a glade of the forest, the two kids had then entered their little town and went in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Going through the entranced they saw Professor Oak, along with the other children, huddled around a Fennekkin.

"Okay, Kids, this is a pokemon from the Kalos reg-" Professor Oak was explaining.

"Sorry to interrupt." Ash now tugging on the Professor's lab coat.

"Oh. Hello Ash." The Professor replied.

A voice from their audience a remarked at them holding hands "Ohh, Who's your girlfriend Ash?"

Ash Turning his head towards the voice, it was none other than Leaf . While Serena's reaction was of panic inside of her head. On the outside she stayed almost come with her cheeks pink.

"Girl...friend?" Ash asked obliviously.

"Nevermind!" Leaf said frustrated.

Ash diverted his attention to Proffesor Oak, "Anyway Professor there is something wrong with her leg."

In about half a week later, camp ended and Serena's leg had healed up.

Before she had to leave Ash made a promised to the straw hat girl and promised to come play with her once camp was over. Due to that promised, Serena rushed to the door Everytime there was someone at there.

At a morning there was a knock upon the door. Serena rushed through the house to get it. She anxiously waited for Ash. When she opened the door she saw Ash. She was overjoyed.

"Wanna go play?" He asked.

"Sure," she said as she shouted so her mom, "Mom, I'm going to play with Ash."

"Okay, just be safe, and I'll have some lunch for you when you come back" her mom replied, as Ash grabbed her hand, which made her blush, and they ran outside together basked in sunlight laughing and running.

A month has passed and both had a great time with each other. They played various games and gotten to know things about each other so they gotten close. They almost knew everything about each other. Like that when Ash turned ten years old he was going to travel the world and become a pokemon master, he even asked her to come on his journey. Ash learned that Serena has a pet ryhorn.

They spent every waking moment with each other and their parents became friends and as they watched their kids play together. One conversation stood out in years to come.

"Hey Delia," Grace said to Ash's mother.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Have you notice my daughter's crush on your son?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, it's fairly obvious but My Ash probably hasn't noticed, since he is so dense, it's so adorable. Do you think they'll end up together?" Delia asked.

"I don't think so, because we're moving in a couple of days. Since I'm a ryhorn racer and there's not much competition here in Kanto and most of our income is from my competitions. Also, I haven't told Serena yet because it will just break her heart. Don't tell ash until we leave. He might tell her and they'd both be sad"

"Oh, that's a shame, still though, I still think they'll meet again and get together. Hey you wanna make a bet, ten dollars I say they'll end up together."

"You're on," Grace said as they shook on it.

A few days later, Serena kept crying saying, "Mom I don't wanna move."

"I'm sorry Serena but this is for the best," her mom answered as she dragged her daughter and put her into a car and locked the door.

"But what about Ash?" Serena asked.

Meanwhile at Ash's house her Mother had recently just told Ash that Serena was gonna move and just rushed out of the house to say one last goodbye to her. "I gotta catch up to her, I gotta say goodbye one last time." He thinking to himself, having tears in her eyes.

He then saw Serena in a moving car going slow enough for Ash to catch up and run along side. When she saw as she quickly rolled up her window to talk to Ash She was tearing up because she was losing her first friend.

"Delia, why did you tell him?" Grace thought.

"Ash!" Serena shouted.

"Hey, I came here to say goodbye and also have this," Ash said as he gave her a handkerchief as a gift, "hey don't be cry I promise I'll meet you again...," then became silent for a moment since he forgot to ask for her name in this month they knew each other. "Hey, I have been meaning to ask you, what's your name?"

"Oh no," she thought to herself, then tried to answer his question but Ash soon grew tired of running and lost his breath. The car sped up leaving him in the dust before she could answer his question.

Both Ash and Serena wept for days after that. For both were now on different sides of the world.

Both of them were distraught at losing their friend. In Kanto a boy looked at the sky wondering where she was and Kalos a young girl wished upon a shooting star to meet Ash soon.