Saga #1: Prologue
Saga #1 Blurb: "Meet Ash Ketchum, a trainer from the Kanto Region's Pallet Town with a deep love for Pokemon and the ultimate goal of becoming a Pokemon Master. Ash's love for Pokemon enables him to uncover many hidden gifts he didn't know he has and accomplish many feats that others look at with awe, admiration, and envy. For anyone to understand his future, it is a must to recap his past."
Chapter #9: Battle Dimension Heroes
Chapter #9 Blurb: The journey in Sinnoh continues with Ash and company. Paul makes a tough decision with Chimchar prompting Ash to give Chimchar an opportunity of a lifetime, and the rivalry between Ash and Paul continues heating up. All the while, Ash must figure out how to help Chimchar gain his confidence back and control over his true powers. Meanwhile, Dawn must rebound from her loss at the Hearthome Pokemon Contest and find the right inspiration to rekindle her dreams of becoming Top Coordinator. Brock continues searching for love but is chaperoned by his Croagunk. When Ash and company cross paths with Pokemon Hunter J, they rescue a special Pokemon who would be key for Ash's destiny going forward. The Team Rocket Trio continue the usual schemes. Furthermore, a mysterious crime syndicate called Team Galactic appears from the shadows with aims to create a new world.
August 2009
The day after the Hearthome Pokemon Contest, Zoey left Hearthome City and bid farewell to Ash and company. Ash, Dawn, and Brock registered for the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament and were situated along with the other competitors in the battlefield of the Hearthome Stadium where tens of thousands of spectators packed the bleachers and seats. The Team Rocket Trio and their Pokemon disguised themselves as employees handing out snacks and refreshments to the spectators while spying on Ash and his friends undercover. All 32 competitors were given cards numbered 1 through 32.
"IT'S BATTLE TIME! GET READY FOR ACTION WITH TRAINERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD COMPETING HERE!" Enta the Hearthome City Mayor and MC of the tournament announces to the entire stadium.
"It's just like the Pokemon League Championships!" Brock exclaimed.
"I can't wait to get this going!" Ash added, and Pikachu squealed excitedly.
"It's so exciting, isn't it?" Dawn asked, and Piplup nodded in agreement.
Enta proceeded to explain the rules and showed the prize for winning the tournament: a pair of Soothe Bells. The Team Rocket Trio set their sights on the Soothe Bells.
"Now it's time to randomly decide our tag battle teams!" Enta announced and generated the bracket and number pairings.
"I'm number 16 in the E-block! I'm looking for number 21!" Brock called out.
"Okay, I'm in the A-block with number 28. I'm looking for number 9." Dawn said while Piplup held the card with number 28.
"How are you, number 28?" A nerd asked as his Slowking held a card with number 9.
"I'm fine." Dawn replied shyly at her tag battle partner.
"That's good. Conway's the name, a pleasure." The nerd named Conway said.
"I-I'm Dawn. Nice to meet you." Dawn replied a little creeped out by Conway's vibe.
"Dawn, eh? Heh, heh, heh. My now that's a cute name, the perfect name for our tag battle partner. Well Dawn, I think Slowking has taken quite a liking to you." Conway said.
"Well, isn't that special." Dawn squeaked as she and Piplup felt a bit awkward, but their attention transitioned to Brock who apparently was excited.
"WOW! IT'S A GIRLLLLLLLL!" Brock yelled out of jubilation as he runs towards a girl about his age who is his tag battle partner, but he freezes as he nearly gets side-swiped by her Winggull.
"So, do you wanna play tag with me?" The girl asked teasingly to Brock.
"The name's uh Brock." Brock replied in his super-infatuated state.
"Hi Brock, I'm Holly." The girl named Holly said. As Dawn checked out her Winggull, Brock took a knee.
"Winggull is at rest, but not me, not with your pretty face." Brock said dreamily trying to flirt with Holly. Croagunk came out ready with a Poison Jab on hand.
"I'm so sorry, but I'm just not interested in younger men." Holly replied in a teasing voice.
"WHAA!?" Brock screeched and whited out while Croagunk's eyes darted back and forth between him and his Poison Jab.
"Wow, that was some performance." Dawn teased at Brock.
"Man, Dawn and Brock found their tag team partners. So where's mine?" Ash asked as Pikachu held card number 15.
"Of course, you had to be number 15!" A familiar grouchy voice replied.
"And I'm ready to win!" Ash exclaimed and turned around only to be face-to-face with none other than his rival Paul with his Elekid by his side.
"Whoa, Paul is here too." Brock whispered.
"Yeah, talk about the luck of the draw." Dawn added watching Ash and Paul staring at each other.
"I have no choice. You just make sure you stay out of my way!" Paul vented.
"Now hold it! That's not how you talk to your tag battle partner!" Ash exclaimed. The tension continues as Pikachu and Elekid also didn't get along.
After lunch, the first round of the tournament got underway. First Dawn and Conway used Piplup and Slowking respectively to win their first-round match with Dawn doing offense and Conway doing defense.
"Dawn has got herself an interesting tag team partner." Brock commented.
Still, the rift between Ash and Paul continued as the latter refused the former's offer to train together.
"Paul, why did you enter this thing anyway?" Ash asked as Pikachu, Brock, Dawn, Holly, and Conway watched the interaction.
"So I can meet Fire-Types." Paul responded while walking away.
"I get it. I bet Paul wants to battle Fire-Type Pokemon to boost up Chimchar's firepower." Brock deduced.
Then Brock and Holly had their first-round tag battle and won with their Sudowoodo and Winggull respectively thanks to Brock making some key calls.
"We won!" Holly cheered.
"YES! And you were a sensation!" Brock exclaimed and grabbed Holly's hands but realized what he was doing and retracted his hands.
"Oh, sorry about that." Brock apologized, but then Holly grabbed his hands much to his surprise.
"I'm so impressed by the brilliant calls you made and how well you worked with Sudowoodo." Holly said with a sincere smile.
"Yeah?" Brock muttered still caught off-guard.
"We could be the greatest tag team partners the world has ever known." Holly finished with hope in her eyes as her smile grew more radiant. Brock stared at Holly out of awe while Croagunk watched bemusedly at the pair.
"Brock is moving on too!" Dawn cheered.
"Yeah, now it's our turn." Ash said with determination as he and Pikachu stared at Paul, Elekid, and Chimchar.
Eventually it was Ash and Paul's first round tag battle, the last one for the first round and the day.
"Pikachu, let's do this!" Ash cheered, and Pikachu leaped forward.
"Chimchar, stand by for battle!" Paul commanded as he summoned Chimchar. Their opponents, a Scientist and an Ace Trainer, used Rhydon and Magmar respectively.
The tag battle got underway, but the teamwork between Ash and Paul was non-existent which caused their opponents to take an early lead even if Paul did manage to get Chimchar's firepower boosted from the Magmar's Lava Plume. Still Ash and Pikachu managed to keep it close as Pikachu holds off the Scientist's Rhydon with Iron Tail. Despite some close calls, Pikachu and Chimchar prevailed.
"Alrighty then! The team of Ash and Paul moves on to the next round. That concludes the first round of the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament. See you tomorrow!" Enta announced. Even with this victory, Ash and Paul argued while Pikachu and Chimchar watching out of concern.
"So Ash and Paul managed to win." Dawn said.
"Yes, they won with excellent, but separate, efforts." Conway added.
"It may work today, but the question is how long that can last." Brock stated rhetorically.
Later that night, Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, and Piplup witnessed Paul brutally training Chimchar by having him go up against his Torterra, Murkrow, Ursaring, and Elekid all at once!
"You've done more than enough!" Dawn exclaimed scoldingly at Paul.
"That's it! I'm taking Chimchar to the Pokemon Center! You understand!?" Ash exclaimed furiously while holding on to an extremely exhausted and injured Chimchar.
"Hmph! Be my guest!" Paul snapped arrogantly.
Not too far away, the Team Rocket Trio watched the scene. Despite being bad guys, these villains knew right from wrong and had empathy.
"Thank goodness poor Chimmy will get a break." James said.
"That rude twerp won't show any mercy. At least the twerp we know and love sure knows how to love." Meowth replied sadly.
"Then let's get cozy with dear Chimmy and add in that Soothe Bell." Jessie chimed in.
"Right!" The Team Rocket Trio chorused followed by Wobbuffett and Mime Jr.
Soon at the Pokemon Center, Ash and Dawn joined Holly and watched Brock treat Chimchar.
"Wow, I'm so impressed with Brock. At first I thought he was flirting with Nurse Joy, but boy I was wrong. It's like having another Nurse Joy around." Holly commented while watching Brock with admiration.
"Yeah, Brock is one-of-a-kind, and we're lucky to have him as a friend." Dawn replied.
"With Brock as my tag team partner, I'm sure we're going to win!" Holly declared confidentally.
"I don't think so!" Ash replied with a grin.
"We plan on winning too!" Dawn chimed in agreement with Ash.
Then Ash and company learned about why Paul was so desperate in brutally making Chimchar his strongest Fire-Type Pokemon. Paul remembered after just coming to Sinnoh and catching his Ninjask, he witnessed a beat-up Chimchar activating his Blaze Ability and used his devastating firepower to fend off a pack of rogue Zangoose.
"With Chimchar unleashing that kind of firepower, I'm certain I would win the Sinnoh League for sure and make Chimchar the strongest of all my Fire-type Pokemon, but since that day, we haven't been able to duplicate that power." Paul replied.
"Hold it Paul! You need to let Chimchar rest!" Ash exclaimed followed by Pikachu squealing in support.
"But if I don't…" Paul began.
"You have to! Chimchar's health depends on it!" Brock interjected.
"Brock said Chimchar needs plenty of rest." Dawn added out of concern while Piplup squeaked in agreement.
"You got to listen to them! The only reason you are pushing Chimchar so hard is because you are impatient. I insist that Chimchar be allowed to rest." Nurse Joy said after overhearing the conversation. Ash and Pikachu watched sternly as Paul walked away.
Next day, the second-round tag battle matches got underway. Dawn and Conway managed to win with Pachirisu and Aggron respectively. Brock and Holly also won with Croagunk and Nosepass respectively, and Brock was unaware of Holly flashing heart-eyes at him during their celebration.
Then it was Ash and Paul's second round tag battle, and their opponents were a Black Belt and a Psychic Trainer.
"Alright Turtwig, I choose you!" Ash exclaimed and sent out Turtwig.
"Chimchar, stand by for battle!" Paul exclaimed and sent out an already exhausted Chimchar much to the shock of Ash, all his friends, and even the disguised Team Rocket Trio.
"Go Metagross!" The Psychic Trainer exclaimed and summoned his Metagross.
"Zangoose, come forward!" The Black Belt exclaimed and sent out his Zangoose. The sight of Zangoose stirred fear in Chimchar as he remembered his encounter with the Zangoose horde, but Paul grinned at this situation.
Things gone off to a rough start for Ash and Paul due to their lack of cooperation and Paul's lack of concern for Chimchar's fear of Zangoose. Plus Turtwig and Chimchar took damage. As the battle progressed despite everything Chimchar tried doing, he lost his will to fight when getting pinned down by the Zangoose.
"I guess that's it." Paul said as he gave up on Chimchar.
"Turtwig, help Chimchar out by using Razor Leaf on Zangoose!" Ash exclaimed, and Turtwig sends Zangoose back with Razor Leaf. Suddenly, Turtwig collapses.
"Fire Blast, go!" The Black Belt ordered, and his Zangoose fired a kanji-shaped stream of flames at Turtwig.
"Turtwig!" Ash exclaimed, and Pikachu squealed worriedly, but then Chimchar steps in and absorbs Fire Blast and powered up himself as Turtwig barely gains consciousness. Then Chimchar screeches at Paul awaiting his next command.
"C'mon Paul, give Chimchar a command!" Ash yelled at Paul who continued to stare at Chimchar silently.
"Metagross, use Bullet Punch!" The Psychic Trainer ordered, and his Metagross homes in with Bullet Punch. Chimchar once again calls out to Paul.
"Paul, what are you doing?! Give Chimchar a command!" Ash yelled again. Paul then turned his back on Chimchar.
"Grr! Chimchar, use Flamethrower!" Ash exclaimed surprising his friends, Chimchar, the Team Rocket Trio, and the entire stadium.
"Yes, that's it! NOW!" Ash commanded, and Chimchar knocks out Metagross with a direct powered-up Flamethrower.
"Metagross is unable to battle!" The Referee declared.
"Great job Chimchar! Alright Turtwig, let's finish this up!" Ash exclaimed, and Turtwig took care of the rest and defeats Zangoose.
"Zangoose is unable to battle! The winners are Turtwig and Chimchar!" The Referee declares as cheers erupted. All of Ash's friends cheered but were also surprised at the turn of events.
"Wow, I'm proud of you guys." Ash praised to both Turtwig and Chimchar, but concern took over as Chimchar stares worriedly at Paul.
Later that evening, Paul brings out Chimchar from his Pokeball in blue light with some very bad news.
"You're out of here!" Paul snapped rudely at Chimchar who whimpered out of disbelief. Ash and company were there to see the whole thing.
"You're just going to give up Chimchar like that?" Ash asked out of concern.
"What happened to the two of you getting stronger together?" Dawn questioned.
"All of that progress, and you're throwing it away?" Brock inquired. Paul simply ignored them and continued walking away. Before a saddened Chimchar had a chance to leave, Ash takes the chance.
"Chimchar, come with us!" Ash proposed which got everyone's attention.
"Wait Ash, are you sure?" Dawn asked out of concern.
"Of course, we'll have a blast and work hard together. You see Chimchar, the way you work so hard makes me want to have a tough Pokemon like you." Ash affirmed as he took a knee and extended his hand out to Chimchar who gazed back at him.
"You deserve each other! You both are pathetic!" Paul spat.
"Why that's an awful thing to say!" Dawn shouted back at Paul as he left the area.
"Just ignore him. Chimchar and I will show how wrong Paul can be! Chimchar, it'll be me and you." Ash replied, and the rest of his Pokemon cheered and encouraged Chimchar to join Ash.
Before Chimchar could say yes, the Team Rocket Trio abushes Ash and company and nabs Chimchar, but Chimchar blasts them off with a powerful Flamethrower and was falling fast. Ash manages to catch Chimchar and prevent him from getting hurt.
"Chimchar, I'm glad you're okay." Ash said, and Chimchar expressed his gratitude by accepting Ash's pokeball. Ash welcomes Chimchar.
"That's one way to catch a Pokemon." Dawn said while smiling with admiration for Ash.
Ash and company speak on videophone with Professor Oak who was also watching the Hearthome City Tag Battle.
"Just like how trainers and Pokemon must work together, trainers must do the same. I know you like to win the next two battles. So do you best, and you're sure to beat the rest!" Professor Oak advised poetically making Chimchar cheer.
The next day, the third-round tag battle matches got underway with Dawn and Conway locking one of the slots in the finals. Ash and Paul go up with Staravia and Torterra respectively and face Brock and Holly who send Croagunk and Farfetchd respectively.
"Chimchar, I want you to watch with Pikachu on how we do things." Ash said, and Chimchar joined Pikachu in cheering on Staravia. Ultimately, Paul powered through with his Torterra's devastating attacks and won the tag battle for him and Ash without much care for the safety of Staravia.
"Brock, I'm so sorry. It was all my fault." Holly apologized sadly.
"Holly, you mustn't blame yourself. It's all part of battling." Brock responded reassuringly.
Moments later at the Pokemon Center, Brock learned some devastating news.
"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE JUST LEFT!?" Brock yelled out of disbelief.
"You see Brock, she told me it was all her fault that you lost the tag battle in the first place. So she is going to spend every waking hour training as hard as she could so she can become the kind of tag team partner you deserve." Nurse Joy replied.
"Hey that's sounds cool to me." Ash said.
"Yeah, no need to worry." Dawn added with confidence.
"Finally, I find a woman who likes me for what I am." Brock muttered and then turns around.
"Ash, you go out there and show everyone who's the boss, and you'll do it for me!" Brock exclaimed.
"Count on it Brock!" Ash exclaimed with Pikachu squealing with determination.
"You're pretty psyched." Dawn complimented.
"Yeah, so are you." Ash replied.
After lunch was the final round of the Hearthome Tag Battle Tournament. Ash and Paul use Chimchar and Elekid to go up against Dawn and Conway who used Piplup and Heracross respectively. Chimchar and Elekid won the tag battle, and Elekid evolved into Electabuzz during the battle. During the award's ceremony, Ash and Paul received the Soothe Bells.
"If you ask me, Paul's greatest reward is his Elekid evolving." Brock commented.
"Don't forget that he entered this competition only to power up his Pokemon." Dawn added.
"It's rather ironic that the least-suited tag-battle team has managed to win. I guess every rule must have an exception." Conway summarized.
Later that night, Paul gave his Soothe Bell to Ash.
"What was that for?" Ash asked slightly angered.
"I have no need for it." Paul retorted and left. Chimchar growled angrily.
"Don't worry about him. C'mon, we're a team." Ash said, and Chimchar grunted in agreement.
"I got an idea. Why don't you head over to the Veilstone Gym in Veilstone City? Heh, heh, heh." Conway suggested with his creepy laugh before leaving.
"Hey, isn't Veilstone City where Paul is from?" Brock asked.
"Yeah you're right. Veilstone City, here we come, and I'll earn my next badge there!" Ash exclaimed with determination.
The next day, Ash and company set their sights on Veilstone City for Ash's next Gym badge challenge. Chimchar tries to adjust to his new life with Ash and company and much to his surprise received lots of camadarie from the entire gang, but all the bad flashbacks of his time with Paul continued haunting him in many ways.
"Hey Chimchar." Ash called out to Chimchar who snapped back to reality. All of Ash's, Dawn's, and Brock's Pokemon were doing some training.
"How about some battle practice?" Ash asked. Upon hearing that, Buizel stepped right up. Chimchar was not sure initially.
"Looks like Buizel is ready to help you. You and I will work together, and Buizel will take us on." Ash added.
Soon, Chimchar and Buizel had a practice battle which was highly contested. In the end, Buizel had the edge and dealt the last blow. Chimchar who felt that he lost the battle had more flashbacks of him feeling like a total failure with Paul.
"Chimchar, you okay? That was a great battle. You nearly defeated Buizel despite the disadvantage." Ash complimented.
"I agree. Chimchar had lots of variety in his moves and attacks." Brock added.
"Chimchar, your Flamethrower rocks!" Dawn cheered. The rest of Ash's, Dawn's, and Brock's Pokemon all cheered which got Chimchar to break down crying.
"Whoa Chimchar, everyone thinks you're great." Ash said as Chimchar buried his face in his chest.
"Who knew about Chimchar's softer side?" Dawn asked.
"Well maybe Chimchar just had to let it out. After all, he had to contain his emotions with Paul around." Brock deduced.
"Chimchar, you're going to be fine." Ash whispered while comforting Chimchar.
Later that night, Chimchar had a nightmare of being attacked by the same horde of Zangoose from his past and Paul commanding him to use Blaze. Chimchar stayed awake until Aipom woke up. Despite her normally playful side, Aipom gave a pep talk to assure Chimchar about the awesome things to look forward to when with Ash and company.
Next day during breakfast, the Team Rocket Trio cause some trouble trying to steal Ash and company's Pokemon, but a horde of Zangoose comes out of nowhere and brings down the balloon. The villains prevented Seviper from going toe-to-toe with the Zangoose and hid inside the container with Pikachu and the others.
Ash and Chimchar rushed to the scene where Brock and Dawn confronted the villains and the Zangoose. After seeing the Zangoose, Chimchar became scared and Ash knew the extent of Chimchar's fears and pain.
"I get it. You're scared because you were attacked by those Zangoose back then. I know it's strange and scary, but you are the only one who can save everybody." Ash said. Chimchar sees Ash and company's Pokemon pleading with him to save them and cheering him on at the same time. Upon gazing at Aipom, he remembered what she told him the previous night. Then Chimchar became confident.
"That's the spirit! Look Chimchar, we don't need Blaze. We won without it in the Tag Battle Tournament. You just need to believe in yourself and be strong for all of us here." Ash said. After a small pep talk, Ash and Chimchar defeated the horde of Zangoose using basic tactics and no Blaze! Then with some assistance from Ash's and Dawn's Pokemon, Chimchar sent the Team Rocket Trio blasting off. Everyone cheered for Chimchar as he finally feels at home with Ash and company.
Next day, Ash and company meet up with Gardenia the Eterna City Gym Leader again who was hosting a session with some young kids on Pokemon battling. Then the Team Rocket Trio arrived at the scene ready to capture Pikachu, but Gardenia immediately went gaga after seeing James' Cacnea.
"That lovable Cacnea is so CUTE!" Gardenia squealed.
"NOOO! Go and grow your own Grass-Types!" James yelled pulling Cacnea away. Then several of those young kids demanded Pokemon battling.
"Oops! Let's have a tag battle. It will be me and that blue-haired guy…" Gardenia proposed.
"Um, you know I have a name: it's James!" James interjected out of annoyance.
"… against Ash and Dawn." Gardenia finished. Dawn eyes Ash with a blush as she's happy to be paired with Ash.
"Alright! Let's do it!" Ash exclaimed.
"Yeah I'm in. Brock, we will need a referee." Dawn stated.
"Sure, I can referee." Brock said.
Soon, the tag battle commenced as Ash and Dawn sent out Aipom and Pachirisu respectively. Gardenia sent out her Turtwig while James went with Cacnea. Gardenia saw Cacnea's potential after seeing it pull off a strong Needle Arm attack.
To everyone's surprise after Gardenia recommended that James order Drain Punch, Cacnea managed to pull it off once, but ultimately it failed to use Drain Punch subsequently causing Aipom and Pachirisu to win the tag battle.
After the tag battle, Gardenia had a proposition.
"I would like to train Cacnea to master Drain Punch. I see so much potential in it." Gardenia said before leaving. James then became deep in thought.
"What?! The nerve of that green-grassy-know-it-all!" Jessie shrieked.
Later at the outskirts of the town, Ash and company met the Team Rocket Trio where James and Cacnea were training to learn Drain Punch.
"Well, let's give them a hand." Ash said feeling compelled to help James and Cacnea despite their differences.
"Wait, won't that put us in trouble if they master Drain Punch?" Dawn asked out of caution.
"C'mon, anyone who is doing special training deserves help." Ash replied.
"Wow, you're kindness knows no bounds!" James exclaimed happily while Cacnea squeaked out of appreciation. For the rest of the day and the following day, Ash and company helped with the special training. Even Gardenia came to observe. Still, James and Cacnea still had no success. After watching Cacnea get beaten up badly by Aipom during a practice battle, James went up to Cacnea.
"Cacnea, that's enough. It's over. You did your very best." James said sadly while helping Cacnea up to its feet. Everyone watched silently.
"Aipom, you did great. Return." Ash said while recalling Aipom.
As James walked away, Cacnea followed.
"No Cacnea. Stay with the Gym Leader." James said as he was close to tears. Everyone watched while stunned at this turn of events.
"James!" Jessie exclaimed.
"What are you doing?" Meowth asked.
"Cacnea needs a great trainer to learn Drain Punch, but it's not me." James muttered. Cacnea pleaded again.
"No, stay away!" James yelled while maintaining a straight face. Cacnea hesistated for a moment and then hardened its resolve. Feeling satisfied knowing that Cacnea has accepted the new challenge, James recalls Cacnea in its Pokeball for the last time while remembering his fond memories from meeting it in Hoenn up to the present.
"Here, Cacnea is all yours." James said close to tears as he hands Cacnea's Pokeball to Gardenia.
"I promise that I will take care of it and train it well." Gardenia replied. James then ran away in tears with Jessie and Meowth checking on him.
Ash and company continued their trek to Veilstone City. Later that night while training, Ash accidentally destroyed a Keystone tablet which releases a terrifying Pokemon called Spiritomb. Ash and company walked into a town which looked devastated; people were clearing out the destruction and trying to help their Pokemon recover. An old woman screams that a Spritomb was behind this. It turns out that the Spiritomb from the night before was the same Spiritomb that destroyed this town. The old woman mentions a legend from 500 years ago in which an Aura Guardian with a Pikachu managed to defeat the Spiritomb and seal it in a Keystone tablet.
"No, the stone tablet is in pieces! You pipsqueaks did this didn't you!?" The old woman asked with a devilish glare.
"We're sorry! We're really sorry!" Ash and company apologized quickly.
"500 years ago, Spiritomb got sealed by an Aura Guardian and his Pikachu. Now, Spiritomb has been unsealed by a reckless group of kids, one of them being a young man who also happens to have a Pikachu. Strange how fate can be in so many ways." The old woman mused.
"It's our fault that Spiritomb is out loose. We've got to stop it!" Ash exclaimed.
Realizing that Ash and company were the ones responsible for releasing Spiritomb, the old woman chastised them until they promised to stop Spiritomb.
Then it was the showdown between Pikachu and Spiritomb. The battle was very hard fought and lasted until the night, but Ash and Pikachu persevered and locked Spiritomb in the Keystone tablet.
"Well, history repeated itself. Once again, an Aura Guardian and his Pikachu thwarted and locked up Spiritomb." The elderly woman stated as she thinks Ash and Pikachu resembled the Aura Guardian and Pikachu from the legend.
"Me an Aura Guardian? I'm going to be a Pokemon Master!" Ash declared with Pikachu squealing. Brock nodded while Dawn gazed at Ash out of admiration.
"Pokemon Master eh? Fine, that works!" The elderly woman cheered, and the group went with her to the town for dinner that night.
Few days later, Ash and company reached the Battle Arcade located on the foothills of Mt. Coronet, and they meet the Frontier Brain there.
"No way! Dahlia! You're the Frontier Brain? The Battle Arcade's Arcade Star!?" Dawn gasped staring at the young lady who wore a yellow sweater and light blue jeans
"I don't believe it! Dawn, it's been a long time!" Dahlia squealed as she and Dawn giddly hugged each other.
"Wait, they know each other? That's a new one on me." Ash muttered while Pikachu squeaked out of curiosity.
"Yeah, this is interesting." Brock replied.
"Oh yeah, these are my friends. I've been traveling with them since the beginning. Also, meet Piplup, my very first partner." Dawn said while Piplup squealed and pumped his chest.
"Wow, so cute!" Dahlia exclaimed while gushing over Piplup who blushed out of embarrassment.
"Hi, I'm Ash, and this is Pikachu." Ash said while Pikachu squeaked.
"I'm Brock, nice to meet you." Brock added.
"It's nice to meet all of you. Why don't we all go inside? And Dawn, we've got to catch up!" Dahlia squealed again.
"Yeah!" Dawn cheered.
Soon inside, the group had lunch and got acquainted with Dahlia with Dawn's help.
"Dahlia and my older brother Lucas grew up together in Twinleaf Town before becoming Pokemon Trainers and rivals. Through Lucas, I've gotten to know her. We've had sleepovers and playdates all the time." Dawn explained.
"Ah, the good times." Dahlia added dreamily.
"That makes sense. So what did it take for you to become a Frontier Brain in Sinnoh?" Brock asked.
"Definitely a lot of training and traveling around. Though Lucas and I went on our own paths, we meet up and have Pokemon battles and quality time together. I learned a lot from just Lucas as he really could figure out my weaknesses. All my learning, training, and experiences paid off when I won multiple Pokemon League Tournaments and got promoted to Elite Trainer status as I have held my own against various Elite Four members from all over. The Sinnoh Battle Frontier took notice of my achievements and skills and reached out to me. I accepted the post as a Sinnoh Frontier Brain and established the Battle Arcade right here." Dahlia explained.
"Wow, you're amazing. Lucas would be happy to see that." Dawn praised.
"What is Lucas up to these days? Is he on a journey?" Brock asked.
"He's not on just a journey! He's on the path to become number one in the world as he has been an Elite Trainer competing in Elite-level tournaments!" Dahlia shouted with spirit with her cheeks blushing red.
"Yeah, he's strong and has been on a roll lately. I've been keeping up with his battling." Dawn added.
"Same here. I remember his early days as an Elite Trainer. After winning last year's PWT-Aces Cup big time, Lucas was determined to ascend the ranks. But it wasn't easy at first due to the tough competition. Plus, he has broken a few bones from time to time while training and even caught the flu last winter." Dahlia said.
"Uh huh, I remember all of that. He was really stressed out physically, mentally, and emotionally. But he never let all of that bum him down and has always aimed to be strong just like my father and surpass him." Dawn replied almost with tears.
"That's right! That kind of will has encouraged his Pokemon to also aim for new heights along with him. Now they are stronger than ever together! I just know that Lucas will be the best and keep soaring!" Dahlia exclaimed passionately.
"I bet he's one of a kind." Brock mused.
"I'd like to battle Lucas one of these days." Ash commented while Pikachu squealed in agreement.
"I'm looking forward to seeing that. I bet it will be an awesome battle." Dawn replied while beaming back at Ash.
"But let's talk about you Dawn! Just like Lucas is following in your father's footsteps of becoming World Champion, you are following your mother's footsteps of becoming Top Coordinator. You have to just dig deep!" Dahlia cheered.
"Yeah, I do dig deep, but even then I did lose the Hearthome Contest really badly. I feel like there are so many expectations on me." Dawn said sheepishly.
"Yeah, I bet having a World Champion for a father and a Top Coordinator for a mother does that to you." Brock said.
"Hey don't feel down Dawn. No matter how tough things get, you must stay strong along with your Pokemon and have fun together. Lucas always says that. So, no need to worry!" Dahlia cheered.
"Yeah, you're right! No need to worry!" Dawn cheered in return.
"That phrase." Ash muttered out of surprise.
"Yeah, I guess Dawn isn't the only one who says that." Brock chuckled.
"I know! Lucas is currently in the finals of the PWT-Hoenn Major! We both could use some inspiration from him by watching him live!" Dahlia squealed.
"Yeah, that will be fun, but aren't we forgetting something?" Dawn asked.
"Wait, I'm here to challenge you Dahlia for the Print!" Ash exclaimed.
"Oh right, sorry I completely forgot." Dahlia apologized sheepishly.
"It's alright. I'm glad to see you're doing well as a Frontier Brain." Dawn said.
"Yeah, it's cool. Besides, according to the TV broadcast schedule, Lucas' match will air tonight." Brock said while checking the TV schedule.
"Okay let's start! The Battle Arcade challenge will require 2 Pokemon each in a Pokemon battle. The rule is that we both only need to reveal our first Pokemon prior to the battle." Dahlia said and immediately brought out her Nosepass.
"Wow, a Nosepass." Ash said while checking out Nosepass with his Pokedex.
"Yeah, I just caught it recently. As the Pokedex says, Nosepass could evolve into a Probopass after being exposed to Mt. Coronet's magnetic fields. The same holds true for Magneton to evolve into a Magnezone." Dahlia replied.
"Did you say Magneton could evolve like that as well? Hold that thought!" Ash exclaimed and immediately went to the videophone booth.
"I see. Ash has a Magneton which is being kept by Professor Oak. He probably wants to have Magneton evolve further as well." Brock deduced.
"So we could be seeing two Pokemon evolving today in the battle. How cool is that?" Dawn asked.
"Yeah, it's going to be a fun match! No need to worry!" Dahlia cheered.
After Ash received Magneton from Professor Oak, he and Dahlia began their battle on the Battle Arcade's outside terrace on top. Ash sent Magneton to take on Dahlia's Nosepass. During the battle, both Magneton and Nosepass evolved into Magnezone and Probopass respectively due to their exposure to the magnetic energy around Mt. Coronet. It was a hard-fought battle, but Ash's Magnezone defeated Dahlia's Probopass, but it eventually lost to Dahlia's Blaziken.
Ash recalls Magnezone and sends Gallade out for battle, and Gallade beats Blaziken. Ash defeated Dahlia 2-1 and earns the Arcade Print. Ash sends back Magnezone to Pallet Town in Professor Oak's Lab.
"Ash just based on our battle, I say you definitely could give Lucas a run for his money." Dahlia said.
"Wait, you think I can match up with him? He's probably miles ahead of me in terms of training and skill." Ash replied wearily.
"Oh Ash, no need to worry! I know you can give Lucas a match he'll never forget!" Dawn chimed in happily.
"Yeah, no need to worry!" Dahlia cheered.
"Funny, when you say that, that's when I start to worry the most." Ash replied teasingly earning lots of laughs.
"Now we got to get ready to see Lucas battle on TV!" Dawn squealed.
"It's going to be awesome! Let's make this a watch-party!" Dahlia shrieked giddly along with Dawn.
"Man, those two are so psyched!" Ash exclaimed while Pikachu squeaked.
"It's party time!" Brock cheered. Soon, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Dahlia, and all their Pokemon were eating food and watching the Finals of the PWT-Hoenn Major. They listened to the Announcer in the TV making color commentary. The long match approached the climax.
** PWT-Hoenn Major TV Live Broadcast **
"Lucas and Drake of the Hoenn Elite Four are down to their last Pokemon! Will Lucas and his Dragonite prevail, or will Drake and his Salamance take home the PWT-Hoenn Major Winners' Trophy?" The Announcer commentates. All spectators, live in the stadium as well as those watching on TV, watched with anticipation as Lucas' Dragonite and Drake's Salamance battle fiercely. The battle reaches a tense standoff as the final set of attacks resulted in a huge explosion. Soon the smoke cleared.
"Salamance is unable to battle! Dragonite wins! With Drake out of Pokemon, the winner of this match is Lucas!" The Referee declared to the cheering crowd.
** Attention away from TV Live Broadcast **
"All right! All right! ALL RIGHT!" Dawn and Dahlia squealed while hugging each other tightly while their faces were streaming of happy tears.
"He won! He actually won the tournament and even beat the most powerful member of Hoenn's Elite Four along the way!" Brock exclaimed.
"Man, now I'm so going to challenge him when I see him!" Ash vows while Pikachu squeaked in agreement.
"I'm so proud of him! All of his hard work paid off, and now he won his first regional Major tournament!" Dahlia croaked.
"That's my big brother, so no need to worry!" Dawn cheered.
"Right! No need to worry!" Dahlia repeated. The celebration continued for the remainder of the night.
Next morning, Ash and company were about to bid farewell to Dahlia.
"So, have you thought of the next Sinnoh Battle Frontier facility you want to challenge next? I recommend the Battle Hall." Dahlia suggested as she pointed on her map to a location in northern Sinnoh.
"Fine, the Battle Hall it is!" Ash exclaimed with determination while Pikachu squealed excitedly.
"We'll see you again, Dahlia. Thanks for having us over!" Dawn said happily.
"Well thank you for stopping by! And Dawn, no need to worry! We'll see each other again, and I know you will have more Contest Ribbons to show me! Best of luck to all of you!" Dahlia cheered.
"Bye!" Ash and company chorused as they headed on their way.
Few days later, Ash and company arrived in Solaceon Town.
"The Pokemon Contest is going to take place in a few days. I've got this." Dawn said with determination.
"Yeah, that's the spirit." Ash cheered.
"It's going to be like a regular Pokemon Contest, so Dawn just needs to use one Pokemon per stage." Brock said. Then Ash sees a sign indicating the Solaceon Ruins.
"The Solaceon Ruins? Is says, 'Here lies a site constructed in ancient times by people who desired to pay homage to Dialga and Palkia.' Wait, Dialga and Palkia!?" Ash wondered as he and Pikachu examined the sign.
"Let's check it out!" Dawn squealed.
"Yeah, sounds good with me." Brock added.
Soon Ash and company arrived at the Solaceon Ruins containing statues of Dialga and Palkia at the entrance. Both statues had a message written in Unown characters.
"'When one life meets another life, something will be born'. Hey, that's what Cynthia said when we first met her." Brock said after reading the text.
"Yeah, that is cool. I wonder if that has got to do with Dialga and Palkia." Ash replied.
"You know, I've always wondered what has been placed within us when we met the first time." Dawn said while eying Ash with a radiant smile as she stood on
the steps of the Solaceon Ruins.
"Hmm? Perhaps a Contest battle might answer that question. What do you say?" Ash suggested.
"Sounds good with me! I'll use Pachirisu here as well as in the Pokemon Contest in a few days." Dawn affirmed and brought out her Pachirisu.
"Alright, then I'll choose Aipom!" Ash exclaimed while bringing out Aipom.
Suddenly, rays of red energy erupted from the Solaceon Ruins, and the stairs to the entrance began lifting as if folding inwards.
"What's going on?" Brock asked worriedly.
"ASH, HELP ME!" Dawn shrieked as she, Piplup, and Pachirisu fell into the entrance which had a strange red light.
"Dawn, we're coming!" Ash exclaimed as he, Pikachu, Aipom, and Brock rushed inside the Solaceon Ruins just in time before the entrance got sealed shut. Then at the top of the ruins, three people emerged. These three mysterious people were wearing outfits that resembled space suits with a stylized yellow 'G' insignia. Two of them appear to be underlings marked by their light blue wigs while the third one appears to be more senior and had dark blue hair. Floating next to them is a golden cube with a light blue outline.
"HQ, this is Saturn. Team Galactic can now commence the next phase with the Spear Key in our possession. We're one step closer to the Spear Pillar." The mysterious dark blue-haired man named Saturn stated. Then a gray-colored chopper with the same yellow 'G' insignia arrived and took the three individuals away.
Meanwhile in the ruins, things turn ugly when Ash and company were surrounded by several hordes of angry Unown closing in. Aipom jumped high and her body began glowing.
"Whoa, Aipom is evolving!" Ash exclaimed. Soon in place of Aipom was Ambipom who used a powerful Swift attack to calm down the angry Unown.
"The Unown are back to normal." Dawn said.
"That's a relief, all thanks to Ambipom." Ash said while Ambipom blushed.
"Look, the entrance is opening up! Let's go!" Brock hollered, and the group exited the Solaceon Ruins. Relieved that they were all safe, Ash and company headed back to the Pokemon Center where they meet up with Kenny.
"Whoa, Kenny it's been a while." Dawn said.
"Yeah, it sure has. I saw what happened in the Hearthome Contest. Too bad you lost." Kenny said showing sympathy.
"No it's alright. I'm ready to win the Solaceon Contest with Pachirisu. There's nothing that will stop us!" Dawn vowed.
"That's nice, but it'll be sweet if I win this Contest if Ash enters." Kenny said while staring at Ash intensely.
"Huh, you want me to enter? Sorry Kenny, but I'm giving myself and my Pokemon a break from Pokemon Contests for now after pulling all the stops to win the Hearthome Contest." Ash replied.
"WHAT!? Why in the world would you do that!?" Kenny asked out of rage.
"Kenny relax. It's Ash's decision." Brock assured.
"Yeah Kenny, no need to worry! You'll get a chance to face Ash someday, just not this time." Dawn added.
"Right, what they said." Ash said.
"Whatever Ash, but I'll beat you next time! You'll see!" Kenny vented and then walked away.
"Man, he won't let up." Ash muttered while Pikachu squeaked in agreement.
"He's determined to beat you. It's like you are his model, his mark to surpass." Brock said.
"In other words, you are awesome." Dawn added while flashing a radiant smile and a wink.
Next day, the Solaceon Town Pokemon Contest gets underway with Dawn, Kenny, and Jessie as Jessilina participating and Ash watching.
In the Appeals Stage, Dawn went with Pachirisu, Kenny went with Breloom, and Jessilina went with her Dustox.
Out of all the coordinators who participated, only 8 moved on. Kenny and Jessilina made the cut, but Dawn – much to her shock – was not one of those 8! In the end, Jessilina wins the Solaceon Town Pokemon Contest by beating Kenny in the Finals.
The following day much to the surprise of Ash and his friends, Zoey stopped by.
"Hey Zoey, what's up?" Ash asked.
"I'm here to see how Dawn is doing." Zoey replied.
"Well…" Brock muttered seeing that Dawn was still depressed.
"Feeling down again? Alright Dawn let's have a Contest battle and go over what you did yesterday." Zoey suggested.
"Uh…okay." Dawn replied hesitantly. Dawn had Pachirisu repeat the same sequence of moves from the day before.
"The moves are flashy, but where is Pachirisu?" Ash asked.
"That's a good point." Brock chimed in.
"Dawn, did you hear what Ash just said? In other words, in the middle of all that flash, Pachirisu simply disappeared. The Pokemon is the star of the appeal, not the moves." Zoey said.
"Wow, I didn't think about that. Thank you, Ash and Zoey." Dawn replied gratefully.
"You'll figure it out." Ash said encouragingly.
"Yeah, what Ash said." Zoey assured. Soon, Ash and company parted ways with Zoey and left Solaceon Town.
Few days later while continuing their journey to Veilstone City, Ash and company visit a town where it is plagued with a group of Gligar led by a Gliscor.
Ash and friends help Officer Jenny try to remove the flying Pokémon, while Ash's rival Paul sets his eyes on capturing the Gliscor.
In the end, Paul captures the Gliscor on his team. Ash captures one of the Gligar that keeps showing up, and that Gligar has one unusual habit concerning Ash.
"Well, he sure loves to crash-land on Ash." Dawn commented.
"Ash does have his work cut out for him if he wants Gligar to control his flying." Brock added.
"Gligar! Get off me!" Ash exclaimed while he and Pikachu tried with their might to pull Gligar off from his face.
Few days later Ash and company chose to take a break and play in the sandy desert. While they played in the sandy pit, a Hippowdon, the evolved form of Hippopotas, appears from within.
However, Dawn's over-curious Pachirisu can't help peeping into the Hippowdon's mouth and accidentally falls into it.
"No! Pachirisu!" Dawn exclaimed.
"Come back, Hippowdon!" Ash yelled, but the Hippowdon dug through the sand using Sand Tomb.
Then Ash and company encounter the Hippopotas from before who seemed sad.
"Hey, don't you think Hippopotas misses Hippowdon?" Brock asked, and Hippopotas nodded.
"Hey don't worry! We're looking for Hippowdon just like you. So let's go together." Ash said, and Hippopotas agreed.
The situation gets worse when Hippowdon becomes the target of the Team Rocket duo Butch and Cassidy and the regular Team Rocket Trio. In the end, Ash and company, Hippowdon, and Hippopotas sent the villains blasting off. More importantly, Pachirisu is safe.
"Man, I know dealing with one group of Team Rocket is bad enough, but two of them?" Dawn asked out of disbelief.
"Yeah, but the main thing is that we're all safe." Ash replied as he and his friends watch Hippowdon and Hippopotas play together during the sunset.
A week later in the forest just outside Veilstone City, Ash and company witness a young female martial-artist and a Lucario sparring fiercely.
"Whoa, that's a tough Lucario, and check out those Aura Spheres!" Ash exclaimed.
"What are they doing? Are they training?" Dawn asked out of disbelief watching the two.
"It looks like Lucario is training the trainer." Brock commented.
Suddenly, Pikachu and Piplup got provoked by a familiar Electabuzz and got into a brawl which prompted the Lucario to break up the fight with a powerful Aura Sphere.
"I'm so sorry! Lucario, wasn't that a bit too much? Please say you're sorry." The female martial-artist pleaded with her Lucario who grunted out of indifference.
"Maylene! What happened!?" A Pokemon Breeder yelled and runs up to the scene.
"Hi Reggie." The female martial-artist revealed to be Maylene greets the Pokemon Breeder Reggie. The Electabuzz decided to sneak away.
"And where are you going, Electabuzz?" Reggie asked scoldingly as he catches the Electabuzz red-handed.
"Hey Pikachu, don't you think that Electabuzz looks like Paul's." Ash commented while Pikachu nodded.
"That means you know Paul. Hmm, so this must be the Pikachu that can use Volt Tackle. So that's why Electabuzz has been giving you all grief." Reggie commented while eying Pikachu and then revealed he is Paul's older brother who looks after his Pokemon.
"My name is Ash, and I'm here to challenge the Veilstone Gym Leader. Did Paul battle there?" Ash asked.
"Yeah, he beat her." Reggie replied while revealing that Maylene is the Gym Leader. Maylene however sighed sadly.
"Wow, you got a Lucario. I like to challenge you." Ash proposed while Pikachu squealed in agreement.
"Um, sorry but would you mind going to another Gym?" Maylene asked but then gets struck by her Lucario's Aura Sphere. Soon, a few Black Belt students arrived trying to convince Maylene to come back to the Gym, but Maylene kept refusing.
"Is it because of Paul?" Reggie asked prompting everyone to stay silent as Reggie recalled Maylene's one-sided defeat against Paul the other day and her being called weak by Paul.
"I really appreciate what Lucario is doing for me…I'm sorry! Just stay away!" Maylene yelled and ran away.
"Master Maylene!" One of the Black Belts called out.
"Connolly, let Lucario and I handle this." Reggie suggested.
"Very well, Master Reggie." Connolly, one of the Black Belts, agreed.
"Ash, I'm sorry you had to come all this way and not get a Gym battle opportunity." Reggie apologized.
"It's okay. It would have been fun battling Lucario." Ash replied.
"C'mon Ash. Let's find another Gym." Brock suggested seeing there's no point in pressing the matter further. Maylene's Lucario roared as if calling out for help from Ash and company.
"Hold it! Ash wait, I've got to say something! Reggie, if it's okay, may I talk to Maylene?" Dawn proposed.
"Sure I guess." Reggie said.
"Ok Lucario, take me to Maylene. Piplup, come with me." Dawn requested, and Maylene's Lucario agreed eagerly. Soon at a nearby creek, Dawn talks with Maylene discretely revealing about her latest struggles in her Pokemon Contests. Then Dawn suggested that she and Maylene battle to build up confidence. Maylene still seemed unsure despite agreeing, but her Lucario is eager to accept.
Meanwhile, Ash and Brock got to know Reggie a bit more while having tea and learned about how Maylene and her Lucario ascended to the position of Veilstone Gym Leader. Also it seems Chimchar knows Reggie evidently from enjoying Reggie petting him.
"So Ash, I bet Paul has been showing you his battling strategies." Reggie said.
"That jerk! The most important thing is being one with your Pokemon! I'll beat him good by a landslide one day!" Ash grunted while gripping his cup furiously.
"I like to see that, you battling against Paul. How about you battle me?" Reggie suggested.
"Me battle you?" Ash asked.
"I know it's no substitute to battling Maylene, but I like to see how you stack up. Paul talks about you quite a lot which got me intrigued." Reggie replied.
"Sure! Let's make it a 3-on-3 battle with best two out of three!" Ash exclaimed agreeing to the challenge. Then he, Pikachu, and Chimchar ran outside.
"Chimchar has grown up all thanks to Ash's hard work." Reggie commented.
"Yeah true." Brock agreed. Then Brock noticed that Reggie was a well-seasoned trainer himself having already won Gym Badges in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh; winning two out of those four regions' Pokemon League Championship Tournaments, and earning 6 out of 7 Kanto Battle Frontier Symbols. The missing Symbol was the Brave Symbol.
Ash better be on his guard if battling Reggie. Brock thought to himself before following Reggie outside.
Before Ash and Reggie had their Pokemon battle, Ash brought Gligar out so Gligar could watch a Pokemon battle for the first time along with Pikachu and Chimchar. Then Dawn and Piplup arrived along with Maylene and her Lucario.
"Maylene, come on and watch the battle." Reggie said.
"Okay sure." Maylene agreed.
Ash's Turtwig defeats Reggie's Bibarel with a well-aimed Energy Ball after an intense battle. Ash gets an early lead.
"Your Turtwig is something else with that speed and those attacks." Reggie complimented.
"Thanks for the praise! I'm proud of you Turtwig!" Ash cheered while recalling Turtwig.
"Ash is amazing. He and Turtwig have been working on Energy Ball, and their hard work paid off after training like crazy!" Dawn praised.
"You're right. I can say that Lucario has been training a lot as well." Maylene said.
In the second battle, Ash's Staravia loses to Reggie's Swalot.
"I'm impressed with your Staravia's athletic skills, but there is a move I can show you." Reggie said.
"Yeah, I love to see that." Ash replied.
"I bet I know who Reggie will call out next." Maylene said while smiling knowing Reggie's Pokemon line-up well.
Soon Ash's Pikachu goes up against Reggie's Staraptor who used the move Brave Bird which struck Pikachu hard. Pikachu still had enough strength and won with Volt Tackle in the air.
"That's two out of three, so Ash wins!" Brock announced as Ash wins 2-1.
"Wow, Ash won!" Dawn cheered happily.
"I'm impressed by you as a trainer, Ash! I believe what Paul told me about you is an understatement. As for your Staravia, I bet teaching him a new move could really help." Reggie said.
"You mean Brave Bird?" Ash asked.
"Yes, right." Reggie confirmed.
"This must be valuable battling experience and a lot of praise coming from a guy like Reggie." Brock added and then revealed Reggie's achievements from few years ago.
"Wow Reggie, you are great as well." Ash complimented.
"Yes, Reggie is quite the trainer and breeder too." Maylene added.
"Now Maylene, don't you want to have that battle with Ash?" Reggie proposed.
"Well…" Maylene thought hesitantly, but Dawn stepped up.
"Now hold it! I'm having a battle with Maylene and I asked her first!" Dawn interjected surprising everyone by this turn of events.
"Sure, but let's have it tomorrow. I need to get ready." Maylene said.
"That's fine. Tomorrow it is." Dawn replied.
Later that day, Dawn begins preparing for her Gym battle with Maylene with help from Pikachu and Buizel. Through lots of trial and error, Ash successfully trains Staravia Brave Bird with assistance from Brock and Reggie. Ash served as a moving target for Staravia to practice Brave Bird.
"I feel like I have to stop him. Ash is the opposite of Paul." Reggie said as Paul's Electabuzz stares at Ash out of amazement.
"Seeing Ash train like this has gotten me fired up for tomorrow! So team, if you're ready, let's do this!" Dawn cheered along with her Pokemon.
Next day, Dawn challenges the gym leader of Veilstone City, Maylene, in hopes of helping Maylene get over her defeat. Ash, Pikachu, Brock, and Reggie all watch this gym battle. Maylene's Meditite defeats Dawn's Buneary, but then it loses to Dawn's Pachirisu. Maylene's Lucario defeats Pachirisu and Piplup.
"You battled well Dawn." Ash said.
"Did I? I mean I lost to Maylene the Gym Leader." Dawn replied with a blush.
"Even then I enjoyed our battle today." Maylene replied gratefully.
"Yeah, and you'll definitely enjoy Ash's battling style when the two of you battle!" Dawn cheered.
The next day, Ash and Maylene have their Gym battle.
"With Maylene's battle spirit fully restored, this is going to be one intense Gym battle." Reggie commented. Indeed he's right.
Using his newly learned Brave Bird move, Staravia defeats Meditite and Machoke giving Ash a 2-0 lead. However, Lucario defeats Staravia and Chimchar in succession.
The battle between Buizel and Lucario intensified the Gym battle, and Buizel activated his Swift Swim ability and learned Water Pulse enabling him to barely defeat Lucario.
"Awesome! You all battled very well! I'm proud of you!" Ash cheered along with his Pokemon.
"Thank you for a great battle. I know I'll have to do a lot better from here on out. As proof of your victory here and my gratitude for everything you all did, here is the Cobble Badge." Maylene said and eagerly gave Ash the Cobble Badge.
Later that night, Reggie takes the group to a park with several meteoric stones known as the Veilstone Meteorites. Later that night, all telecommunication throughout Veilstone City has been jammed by Team Galactic, and the power is on the fritz. Team Galactic Commander Saturn uses the Spear Key to cause a reaction with the Veistone meteorites.
Ash and company along with Reggie and Maylene rush to the park.
"Lucario says it all has to do with the meteorites!" Maylene exclaimed.
"Did you call Officer Jenny!?" Brock asked.
"I sent Connolly as messenger as the phones were down!" Maylene replied while panting as she ran.
"Check out those choppers!" Ash exclaimed pointing to several Team Galactic choppers. Soon they all come face to face with Team Galactic and noticed the Team Rocket Trio in the vicinity.
"Team Rocket, are they your friends?" Ash asked sternly.
"YEAH SURE! BEST FRIENDS JUST LIKE YOU!" Jessie screamed sarcastically towards Ash and company.
"Fashion freaks or not, they stole our meteorites and are no friends of ours!" Meowth yelled.
"Hey, I think I remember now." Brock said with concern as the Eterna Museum incident comes into mind.
**Flashback to Chapter 8: Sinnoh, Space, and Time **
June 2009
"Oh please, save the history for school. Give us some cash!" Jessie teased again.
"We've been generously commissioned by fashionable fans of Team Rocket to steal this valuable rock for their boss' collection of rocks." James chimed in.
**End flashback **
"Hmph! We don't care about the landmarks. All of this is part of our grand plan of building a whole new world!" Saturn taunted.
Then Officer Jenny arrived after getting the tip-off.
"You think the Sinnoh Special Police Force is unaware of the secret activities your organization is up to? You think we are clueless to all the incidents at various Sinnoh Space-Time ruins and the repeated thefts at the Eterna Museum? Well you are busted! You're Team Galactic!" Officer Jenny charged.
"Of course, that makes sense." Ash mused as he remembered the incident he and his friends were in at the Solaceon Ruins with the angry Unown.
Several skirmishes followed as Ash and company battled Team Galactic. The Team Rocket Trio got caught in the skirmish and got sent blasting off by the explosions. Pikachu and Paul's Electabuzz put aside their differences, took out the Team Galactic's group of Golbat, and destroyed some of the mechanical arms of the Team Galactic choppers that carried the meteorites.
"That was an awesome combination by both Pikachu and Electabuzz!" Ash praised.
"You know, I think Electabuzz was paying off a debt." Reggie added. Team Galactic fled with some of the stolen meteorites and evacuated their secret Veilstone City base.
"We're sorry that Team Galactic got away." Ash said to Officer Jenny.
"It's alright. At least we managed to recover some of the meteorites. We're grateful for your assistance." Officer Jenny replied.
The next day, Ash and company were about to leave Veilstone City. Reggie and Maylene were there to see them off.
"Now Ash, you better earn your fourth badge at the Pastoria Gym. Paul was there just the other day." Reggie advised.
"I sure will! You can count on it!" Ash exclaimed.
"Also Dawn, all the best in your next Pokemon Contest!" Maylene cheered.
"Thank you, Maylene! No need to worry!" Dawn cheered right back. Soon, Ash and company left the next day for Pastoria City for the next Gym challenge.
Roughtly a week later along the way to Pastoria City, Ash and his friends walked peacefully in a mountaineous forest area until Ash felt a strong telekinetic presence and saw a blue flash in his mind.
"Whoa, what was that?" Ash asked.
"You okay?" Dawn asked out of concern.
"I'm fine, but I felt something for sure." Ash mused, and then he and Pikachu encounter a mysterious Pokemon.
"That's a Riolu." Brock said while identifying the mysterious Pokemon as Riolu. Riolu was clutching his arm out of pain.
"Riolu, you're hurt. Let me help you!" Ash exclaimed as he and Pikachu ran up trying to help Riolu. However to everyone's surprise, Riolu knocks Ash back with an Aura Sphere.
"Ash! Are you okay?" Dawn asked worriedly as she, Pikachu, and Piplup ran up to check on Ash.
"I'm fine, so don't worry." Ash replied while getting back up.
"No way! That Riolu can use Aura Sphere!? Given that a Riolu normally learns Aura Sphere upon evolving into Lucario, this Riolu must be very special." Brock mused.
Then when Riolu was about to attack Ash and his friends again with Aura Sphere, a Top Pokemon Ranger named Kellyn intercepted the Aura Sphere.
"Is everyone still in one piece?" Kellyn asked.
"Yeah we are. Whoa, Riolu come back!" Ash exclaimed seeing Riolu run away into the forest.
"Don't worry. Leave this to me." Kellyn reassured and went after Riolu.
"We still got to help! Let's go!" Ash exclaimed as he and Pikachu took off running.
"Ash, wait!" Brock and Dawn hollered and followed suit. Soon they caught up with Kellyn and learn that Kellyn plans to take Riolu back to the Lucario Kingdom, his home where he rightfully belongs. Suddenly, Hunter J's henchmen arrive in their Humvees and sent their Crowbat out to attack and capture Riolu prompting Ash and Pikachu to intervene.
"You crooks back off!" Ash exclaimed as Pikachu fires Thunderbolt at the group of Crobat. Then Riolu fires barrages of Aura Spheres at Hunter J's henchmen as well as Ash and Pikachu.
"I won't allow this!" Kellyn yelled and intervened as well and used his Vontanage Styler to recruit an Ariados and a Nincada to incapacitate Hunter J's henchmen and their Crobat.
"Wow, you're a Pokemon Ranger!" Ash exclaimed as Kellyn checked on Riolu.
"Yeah that's right. Come on, let's go." Kellyn replied. Then he managed to gain the trust of Riolu for the group by nursing him back to health and handing him a doll resembling a Riolu. Riolu became emotional and remembered the memories of his home of the Lucario Kingdom and his memories of his caretaker. That moment, only Ash sees Riolu's memories much to his surprise. Then Ash calmly approached Riolu.
"You used your Aura to share those memories. Those must mean so much to you." Ash said calmly surprising everyone.
"Well, I believe this isn't the first time for you, right Ash?" Brock asked rhetorically.
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean." Ash replied. Then he remembered something important during his adventure in the Kanto Battle Frontier when he and his friends visited Rota and the Tree of Beginning
**Flashback to Chapter 5: Kanto Battle Frontier**
February 2009
Just after winning the Rota Festival Battle Tournament and being crowned Guardian of the Aura for that year, Ash and Pikachu accompanied by May, Max, and Brock attended the banquet and ball at Cameron Palace. At the end just when Ash was told to copy Sir Aaron's pose in the portrait above, the scepter's jewel erupts and a blue jackel-like Pokemon appears much to everyone's shock.
"It's Sir Aaron's Lucario from the legend." Lady Ilene said as the crowd gazed out of surprise.
Lucario used his power of Aura, and his Aura showed Ash outlined in blue.
"Sir Aaron? You're still here!" Lucario exclaimed in his Aura as he rushed up to Ash.
"Wait, this must be some mistake. I'm not Sir Aaron. I'm Ash." Ash said. Then Lucario opened his eyes and realized his mistake, and then he rushed out of the ballroom and investigated the palace area to understand his situation.
Soon Ash, his friends, Lady Ilene, Jenny, and her Mime Jr followed him.
"Lucario, please understand that you have been asleep and sealed in that scepter for millennia." Lady Ilene said.
"Then who are you?" Lucario asked.
"I am Lady Ilene. Lady Rin, whom you served along with Sir Aaron, is my ancestor." Lady Ilene said earning gasps from Ash and company.
"So the legend is true!" Brock exclaimed.
"But wait, what legend are you talking about? There was supposed to be a war going on, yet why is everyone celebrating? How come I could sense Sir Aaron's Aura inside that man?" Lucario asked while pointing at Ash.
"What is Aura?" Ash asked.
"Oh dear, please accept my apologies. There is a lot to be explained." Lady Ilene said. Soon Lady Ilene led everyone back to the palace.
"According to the legend of Sir Aaron and his Lucario, there were two armies waging war. To prevent the war from escalating, Sir Aaron channeled his Aura and sacrificed his life at the Tree of Beginning. The Tree of Beginning glowed so brightly which caused the warring sides to stop fighting. Thus peace was brought across the land." Lady Ilene narrated from a book.
"Lucario sensed Sir Aaron's Aura inside me. What is Aura?" Ash asked.
"Aura is a source of energy present in humans and creatures alike as it is based on emotion and spirit. However, only a select few like my master Sir Aaron can manipulate Aura. As for you Ash, your Aura is identical to Sir Aaron's which means you can also manipulate it too." Sir Aaron's Lucario said telepathically.
Moments later in the Tree of Beginning, Ash approached Sir Aaron's Lucario whose Aura was completely used up.
"Lucario, are you okay?" Ash asked seeing Sir Aaron's Lucario almost fading.
"I'll be fine. I'll join my master Sir Aaron in the afterlife. Ash, you should consider mastering Aura. I'm sure that will help you and your Pokemon grow together, much like how Sir Aaron and I did. You would make Sir Aaron proud if he were to meet you." Sir Aaron's Lucario said.
**End Flashback**
Ash snapped out of his thoughts when Riolu prodded him.
"I saw your memories. You can use Aura like I can." Riolu spoke telepathically.
"Huh, Riolu did you just say you saw my memories?" Ash asked while Riolu nodded shyly.
"That can only mean one thing. Ash, your Aura and Riolu's Aura are perfectly compatible which means the two of you can exchange thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Such a perfect match is very rare given that every living thing has a unique Aura." Kellyn said.
"Wow Ash, that's incredible, amazing!" Dawn exclaimed out of awe.
"Riolu, I'll help you get home safe. Don't worry about Hunter J. You can trust me." Ash reassured while Riolu stared back at him.
Kellyn then gets a call, and Ash and Pikachu knew the identity of the caller.
"It's Solana." Ash said while he and Pikachu greeted her. Solana is the Pokemon Ranger Ash remembers from his Kanto Battle Frontier journey.
"Ash and Pikachu, it has been a long time." Solana replied cheerfully.
"You know a Pokemon Ranger? Wow, a girl with awesome clothes! I'm Dawn!" Dawn squealed excitedly. Then Brock butts in pulling Ash and Pikachu away.
"I hope you haven't forgotten little ole me!" Brock said while being super infatuated.
"Nice to see you Brock. You're still aiming to become top Pokemon breeder?" Solana asked.
"Yes, but I'm also working on another thing, which is for you to use your Capture Styler to capture me…AAAH! Capture…incomplete!" Brock exclaimed as Croagunk uses Poison Jab on him to knock him out.
"Ash is an amazing trainer with far too many achievements under his belt to name. He will be a big help for you." Solana said while showing Ash with lots of praise.
"Right, will do. So Solana, any news?" Kellyn asked now on a serious note.
"Officer Jenny and I have located Hunter J's client who wants Riolu. His name is Lupus, and he seems to have his own henchmen." Solana said.
"Okay, we will be on our way to our rendezvous point." Kellyn informed. Soon the call ends.
While sailing on a river in a ravine assisted by Buizel and Piplup, Kellyn tells Ash and company about Riolu's importance to the Lucario Kingdom as the Inheritor of the Aura and how he was being chased by all these poachers, hunters, and other bad guys who wanted him for their own evil purposes. Just as Ash and Riolu start to bond with their shared Aura, Hunter J and her henchmen arrived and attempted to ambush the group and capture Riolu. During the commotion, Riolu loses his special doll prompting both Ash and Hunter J to go after him.
"Salamance use Hyper Beam!" Hunter J ordered, and her Salamance uses Hyper Beam to cause several giant boulders to fall aiming for Ash and company. This caused Ash, Pikachu, Buizel and Riolu to be separated from Brock, Dawn, and Kellyn.
"Ash!" Dawn yelled worriedly as she and Piplup tried swimming after Ash, Pikachu, and Riolu.
"Dawn, stay here! For now, we can only hope that Ash and Riolu are safe." Kellyn said.
Riolu continued swimming trying to rescue his cherished doll but nearly ended up drowning.
"Buizel, dive underwater!" Ash exclaimed, and he, Pikachu, and Buizel dived underwater and rescued Riolu and recovered the doll.
"Thank you, Ash." Riolu spoke through his Aura to Ash. Then while running through the forest trying to regroup with the rest of the group, Hunter J appears ordering her Salamance to start a devastating forest fire.
"I've warned you to stay out of my way!" Hunter J taunted.
"No! You won't have Riolu!" Ash yelled back.
"I've had enough!" Hunter J yelled and captured Riolu using her cement cannon.
"No! Riolu!" Ash exclaimed.
"Salamance, get rid of them by using Flamethrower!" Hunter J ordered malevolently.
"Lookout! AAAAH!" Ash along with his Pokemon yelled as the Flamethrower seemingly hits them.
"Mission complete. Retrieve the target!" Hunter J ordered to her henchmen who transported the captured Riolu to her airship. Ash and his Pokemon with assistance from Chimchar managed to escape the forest fire.
"Whoa, good thing this rain is here to put out the fire." Ash mused. Then he and his Pokemon see Hunter J's airship and snuck aboard. Soon, Ash and Pikachu come face-to-face with Hunter J.
"I've noticed your intrusion. Now Drapion, grab him!" Hunter J yelled, and her Drapion appears and grabs Ash with its pincers.
"ARGH! Why didn't you deal with me sooner?" Ash asked while in pain.
"So I can personally punish a young fool like you and rid this world of you!" Hunter J replied with a sinister smirk. Pikachu struck Drapion in the eye thus freeing Ash, but Hunter J activated a trap door which sent Ash and Pikachu falling out of the airborne airship.
"This could be it!" Ash exclaimed as he and Pikachu braced for their end until Kellyn arrived with a newly recruited Staraptor and saved them.
"Ash, you okay?" Kellyn asked.
"Thanks Kellyn, but Hunter J got away with Riolu." Ash mused as Hunter J's ship turns invisible. Soon, Ash, Pikachu, and Kellyn reunited with Brock, Dawn, and Piplup. Ash updated everyone on the situation. Then Solana called in with grim news of her own.
"Officer Jenny and I were so close and did everything that we could, but Lupus escaped." Solana said sadly.
"Hunter J escaped with Riolu. That means Hunter J and Lupus would meet at an undisclosed location, make the exchange, and then cover up their tracks." Kellyn added.
"No, at this rate, we would have lost Riolu and failed the Lucario Kingdom." Brock concluded worriedly.
"I won't let that happen, ever!" Ash growled angrily.
"Ash." Dawn whispered out of concern for Ash as he faced in the direction Hunter J's ship flew off.
"Riolu, if you can hear me, tell me where you are! Tell me! TELL ME!" Ash hollered. Then he sees the familiar blue flash in his mind followed by a vision of an open field, a mountain pass, and a gorge with large cliffs.
"What is it Ash?" Brock asked.
"Riolu, that's where you are. Guys, Riolu is that way beyond the open field and mountain pass in a gorge!" Ash exclaimed pointing in the direction.
"Solana, we're going after Hunter J to save Riolu. Notify Headquarters and then meet us at the location." Kellyn advised.
"Okay, will do." Solana replied.
Soon, Ash and company were riding on newly recruited Dodrio towards Hunter J's ship.
"I can't believe Riolu still managed to share Ash his location despite Hunter J holding him prisoner!" Dawn exclaimed out of awe.
"That shows that the connection between Ash and Riolu is very strong." Brock added.
"Yes, this strong connection makes it possible for Ash and Riolu to communicate and exchange their whereabouts no matter where they are or how far apart they are." Kellyn concluded. Then Ash felt Riolu's Aura much stronger than ever followed by his voice.
"Ash, hurry!" Riolu called out.
"The Aura is stronger than before, so we must be getting close!" Ash alerted everyone.
Soon they arrived at the location where Hunter J and her henchmen gave the captured Riolu to Lupus and his henchmen in exchange for monetary payment.
"We found you Hunter J!" Ash yelled.
"You won't get away with this!" Kellyn shouted.
"What are they doing here!?" Lupus asked angrily.
"Annoying brat!" Hunter J grunted.
"Riolu will go with us to the Lucario Kingdom!" Kellyn added.
"No! I won't let you have Riolu!" Lupus roared.
"Staravia, use Quick Attack, and then destroy the van's tires with Wing Attack!" Ash ordered, and Staravia knocks Lupus back with Quick Attack making him lose his grip on the captured cemented Riolu. Then Staravia punctured Lupus' getaway van's tires with Wing Attack. Soon Ash and company on their Dodrio rush down ready to rescue Riolu.
"We got our money, so move out!" Hunter J ordered to her henchmen, and then she and her henchmen flew off just as Solana and Officer Jenny arrived at the scene.
"Riolu will be mine no matter what, so I'll let you deal with my men! Get him!" Lupus yelled while flying away on his Fearow, and his henchmen sent out large hordes of Rock-Type and Ground-Type Pokemon ready to battle.
"YOU WON'T GET RIOLU!" Ash boomed angrily, and a majority of the large swat of Lupus' henchmen and their Pokemon were swiftly knocked out by Pikachu, Butterfree, Espeon, Tyranitar, Gallade, Staravia, and Ambipom. A few of Lupus' henchmen were still there preparing to attack.
"Ash, you and Kellyn go after Lupus and rescue Riolu!" Solana advised.
"The rest of us will handle the remaining men." Officer Jenny added. Ash, Pikachu, and Kellyn go after Lupus while Brock, Dawn, Officer Jenny, and Solana fight Lupus' henchmen. With help from his Aura connection with Riolu and from Kellyn recruiting local wild Pokemon in the caves to break through large rubbles of boulders, Ash, Pikachu, and Kellyn managed to catch up with Lupus.
"How did you all find me!?" Lupus asked out of disbelief.
"Riolu told me!" Ash replied.
"What the!? I still won't let you have Riolu! Aggron, use Double Edge! Fearow, use Drill Peck!" Lupus ordered.
"Pikachu, use Volt Tackle!" Ash exclaimed, and Pikachu knocks back Lupus' Aggron and Fearow into Lupus causing him to lose hold of Riolu's capsule. Lupus' Fearow was down for the count, but his Aggron still remains. Ash freed Riolu who happily hugged Ash.
"Oh Ash, thank you! Thank you!" Riolu exclaimed with gratitude via his Aura.
"Don't worry Riolu. It's going to be okay." Ash reassured.
"We're not done! Aggron, Hyper Beam!" Lupus ordered as his Aggron fires Hyper Beam, prompting Riolu to jump into the action.
"My turn! AURA SPHERE!" Riolu roared via his Aura and overpowers the Hyper Beam with his super powerful Aura Sphere which strikes Aggron.
"Oh no!" Lupus yelled as he and Aggron became incapacitated.
"It's over Lupus! You're finished!" Kellyn declared.
Soon, Lupus and his henchmen were all defeated and arrested by Officer Jenny who ordered her squad to take the villains away to jail. Later that evening, Ash and company, Solana, Kellyn, and Officer Jenny all reached the Lucario Kingdom and got a grand welcome and a huge feast by the people there including Riolu's caretaker named Icar.
"Mission safely accomplished. You all were great!" Kellyn said.
"Don't forget that I told you that Ash would be a big help." Solana added while winking at Ash.
"Haha, it wasn't much." Ash replied sheepishly while Dawn smiled at him radiantly.
"On behalf of our wonderful people of our Lucario Kingdom, we are very grateful to all of you for bringing Riolu safely back here." Icar said.
"Thanks, and with all of Riolu's previous pursuers behind bars, you all can rest easy." Brock reassured.
"You take good care Riolu. Also take good care of this." Ash said while handing Riolu his special wooden doll.
"Hold it! Wait! There is something important that you all must hear!" The Lucario Kingdom's priestess hollered while bringing out a scroll.
"Huh? What is it?" Ash asked.
"Most likely it is about the destiny Riolu could have. Would you all like to hear it?" Icar asked.
"Sure okay." Ash replied while his friends nodded.
"The prophecy reads, 'The Inheritor of the Aura in the from the date of this premonition shall rule and protect the Lucario Kingdom with his extraordinary power, but if the Inheritor and his compatible companion choose to journey together, they would reach a state of pure happiness, attain greatness like no other, and protect the entire world for years and generations to come.'" The Lucario Kingdom's priestess narrated.
"Compatible companion? You mean me?" Ash asked.
"Correct Ash. That would be because of your perfect Aura compatibility with Riolu's. It's a wonder that this prophecy was written thousands of years ago, yet it predicts about this Riolu's and your destinies. Of course, it all depends on what the two of you decide to do." Icar explained.
"Well, I would be happy no matter what Riolu decides." Ash said.
"Wow, so noble and generous of him." The Lucario Kingdom's priestess said of Ash.
Riolu pondered and then decided.
"Ash, please bear with me and let me join you." Riolu said via his Aura while placing his special wood-carved doll in Ash's hand.
"Whoa, you mean it Riolu? You want to join me?" Ash asked, and Riolu nodded happily.
"That's wonderful Ash!" Dawn praised.
"Awesome!" Brock cheered.
"We agree wholeheartedly with that decision." Icar said encouragingly.
"Ash, be sure you keep your word. You're making a commitment that is putting the trust of the Lucario Kingdom on the line." Kellyn advised.
"Oh Kellyn, you worry too much. Ash will never fail because he's an amazing and caring trainer." Solana chimed in while flashing a radiant smile at Ash.
Soon, Ash and his traveling companions bid Kellyn, Solana, and Officer Jenny goodbye and continued their journey with Riolu as part of the family.
Next update to come around end of June 2018