And now the conclusion...

The Prom, Part 2


Ron gasped, "Yori? Hirotaka? Coolio! The real deal, and in just the nick of time!"

Realizing that he was now seriously outmatched, Synthodrone #902 mumbled, "A thousand pardons…"

Throwing Kim at them as easily as he would toss a rag doll, he nearly knocked the two down as he dashed out the door.

Bonnie raced out the exit after him, yelling, "Hiro, darling! Wait for me!"

Kim quickly began to revive. "Whoa, what hit me?"

Ron helped her up. "Try a Hirotaka synthodrone, programmed to get under, over, around and through just about any resistance to his charms you might try to put up, just like that Eric synthodrone did last year."

She sighed, "Oh no, not again… just how ferociously sick and wrong is that? But now we've got to catch those two before they can get away."

Ron quickly addressed the two ninjas. "Okay, Kim and I will chase 'em down while you two circle around in front of them, and we'll head 'em off at the pass!"

Yori giggled, "Oh, Stoppable-san. You and your humorous use of tired American-style clichés…"

"But it is a good plan, Stoppable-san," agreed Hirotaka.

And without another word, they all took off after the two beguiling tricksters. Quickly pursuing them as they ran across the parking lot toward Drakken's van and dubious safety, the impostors had almost reached the vehicle when Yori and Hiro dropped directly in front of them, Kim and Ron catching up with them a second later. All four instantly assumed a defensive stance around the two villains.

Kim commanded, "Okay, you two, you're surrounded. Game's over. So let's start by spilling on your plot and who's behind it. As if we don't already know…"

Synthodrone #902's half smile turned into a grimace of pure evil, his eyes beginning to glow red. "I think it is a bit late for that, Kim-chan..."

A low hum began, rising in pitch and intensity.

His voice quivering, Ron queried, "Uh, what's that noise?"

Kim responded, "I don't know, but I don't like it. Sounds too much like a doomsday device on overload to me. And it's coming from the Hirotaka clone."

Inside the van, Drakken had just pushed the synthodrone's self-destruct button. "Shego, how are your skeet-shooting skills with that plasma of yours?"

"Pretty good, but why?"

"Quickly, take this, toss it at Team Possible and their friends and blast it open."

He handed her a canister of his special Area 51 memory loss spray.

"We need to ensure that they have no memory of at least the past few hours. And while they're all knocked out by the gas, we'll simply load our soon-to-be-candy-coated Kim Possible into the van and drive off into the night. Plan B succeeds! Mission accomplished!"

"You got it, Dr. D." Shego carefully opened the van door and threw the canister, which arced perfectly through the air directly toward Kim and company.

Rushing toward Kim, Synthodrone #902 intoned, "I am for you, Kim Possible…"

With a terrified yell, Ron screamed out a warning. "NO! Kim, LOOK OUT!"

With a desperate leap, he knocked her out of the way just as Bonnie flung herself at the synthodrone.

"Hiro, no! Don't leave me!"

Expertly firing a percussive plasma bolt at the canister, Shego hit it dead center at virtually the same instant as the Hirotaka synthodrone exploded into a huge sheet of glutinous chocolate goo, encasing not Kim, but Bonnie instead. And as fate would have it, the synthodrone's viscosity absorbed literally the entire contents of the memory loss canister, avoiding everyone else completely.

"Oh, snap!" raged a now infuriated Drakken, followed by a string of profanity which, if recorded, would have gotten a particular fanfic writer banned permanently from the site.

"Hey, watch the mouth, Dr. D! I may be no lady, but I do have my limits."

By now, all eyes were glued on the van from where the plasma bolt had just been fired from.

"Shego…" growled Kim.

"Ah, the green woman with no honor?" conjectured the lithe ninja.

"You got it, Yori-girl. And Drakken to boot! So now it will be our honor to apprehend the villains," Ron snickered. "CHARGE!"

As the four heroes raced toward the van, Shego warned, "Time to leave, Dr. D!"

"One step ahead of you, Shego!" he replied, flooring the van and peeling out, laying down a smoking patch of rubber as they roared off into the night.

As they watched Drakken and Shego escape, Yori breathlessly suggested, "Quickly, Possible-san! We can use your amazing rocket car to pursue the perpetrators and capture them!"

But Kim could only offer a sad reply. "Sorry, Yori, but Ron used his dad's car tonight to take me to the prom. No way can that boat possibly catch up with Drakken and Shego now. But at least that synthodrone is toast."

Ron crinkled his nose. "No, KP, not toast. It actually smells like… chocolate?" Curious, he broke off a piece of the weird statue and carefully began to nibble it. "Mmm…*smack*… tastes okay I guess, but those Cadbury chocolate bunnies are a whole lot better, let me tell you."

Suddenly, Ron began to feel faint. "Ooh, Kim. All of a sudden I don't feel so good. Crummy in the tummy…"

Passing out, he collapsed on the ground. "Ron!" she yelled, rushing toward him. "What's wrong?"

Everyone immediately gathered around Ron as Kim activated her Kimmunicator.

"Wade! I need a scan of Ron, stat!"

"You got it, Kim," was his immediate reply. A soft blue light emanated from her Kimmunicator, bathing Ron in its glow.

"He's okay, Kim. He's just out cold. What happened?"

"Well, he took a bite out of what appears to be a chocolate statue created right after the Hirotaka synthodrone exploded, and then he simply passed out."

"Whoa, a Hirotaka synthodrone? Sounds like another one of Drakken's crazy plots. Let's get a scan of it."

Kim obliged, and new blue glow enveloped the statue, which had now hardened into rock-like consistency.

After a few moments, Wade's eyes widened in incredulity. "Kim? This is really, really weird. There are several different components to this material. It's definitely chocolate, but it appears to include a substance that can induce a catatonic state, if not suspended animation. There's also another component, one that could cause unconsciousness and possibly temporary amnesia. And it's suspiciously similar to a formula I'm familiar with that's used at Area 51 for experiments in missing time."

"Wow, thanks Wade. We just saw Drakken and Shego roar off a moment ago, so we know they were behind the plot, which seems to have been an attempt to kidnap me for some reason. Maybe he swiped that formula from Area 51 during that Commodore Puddles sitch a few years ago?"

"Could be, Kim, but that's not all. I'm also picking up traces of aftershave, specifically Old Spice."

Kim burst out laughing. "Yeah, I guess that the Hirotaka synthodrone thought that scent would sweep me off my feet. Boy, was he wrong."

"Don't get too smug, Kim. I'm also picking up traces of a powerful floral-based pheromone, and it's geared to someone's specific DNA."

Fearing the answer, Kim asked, "Uh, and whose DNA would that be, exactly?"

He paused for a moment. "Yours, Kim."

She felt a chill go up her spine. "Wow, that's way beyond creepy, Wade. But it didn't work. Other than a pleasant surprise at seeing who I thought was Hirotaka, I didn't go all truly-madly on him."

"Hmm, maybe something counteracted it somehow. Were you wearing perfume of any kind?"

"No, hate the stuff. But I was wearing Ron's corsage, which does have a bit of fragrance to it."

Wade activated his scan ray once again, this time focusing on Kim's corsage. "Kim, this is a rare Aurora Orchid, the same type that Drakken tried to use years ago to embarrass you out of existence! Somehow, that same orchid must have prevented those pheromones from affecting you!"

Kim marveled, "Wow, Drakken's become totally self-foiling! I wonder if Ron had any idea about the plot or how that orchid could protect me?"

"I highly doubt that, Kim. Or else he definitely would have warned you and me what was about to happen."

"But Wade, that means that Ron had no idea that what he was doing would help me, but it did. What are the odds?"

"Incalculable, Kim. Shades of the Ron Factor if you ask me."

Yori softly whispered, "Kim Possible, this is yet again incontrovertible proof that Stoppable-san is your destiny, just as you are his. There is now no doubt whatsoever in my mind. The Universe has again revealed its awesome confirmation."

A tear formed in one eye as Kim softly remarked, "So Ron inadvertently saved me from being kidnapped, or worse. He really does have my back, even when he doesn't even know it..."

She looked down longingly at Ron, who now began to groan as he regained consciousness. As he rubbed his head, he asked painfully, "Oooh, what happened?"

Kneeling down beside him, Kim whispered, "It must have been something you ate."

Next, she planted a long, lingering kiss on the teen's pleasantly surprised lips.

"Wow, KP. What was that for?"

"That was for saving my life."

Ron gave her a perplexed look. "What? What are you talking about? When did I do that?"

"Why, just now, when you…" A look of dismay appeared on Kim's face. "Oh, no! You don't remember?"

"Probably an effect of that chocolate he just ate, Possible-san," Hirotaka surmised.

Ron answered, "No, Kim. Honestly, I don't remember a thing. And what am I doing on the ground here in the high school parking lot?"

"Ron, quick. What's the last thing you remember?" Kim queried.

He grinned up at her, "Well, I remember having a bon-diggity dinner at Chez Couteaux with my extremely hot girlfriend, and then starting to drive us both to the prom, but, uh, nothing after that."

"So you don't remember going to the prom, dancing with a duplicate of Yori, or defending me against a Hirotaka clone?"

"No, but that does sound totally coolio! Uh, the 'defending you' part that is, not the 'dancing with Yori' part." He gazed up into Yori's smiling face. "Sorry, Yori."

The cute Japanese teen giggled, "That is quite all right, Ron-san."

But Ron instantly panicked as soon as he spotted Hirotaka as well. "Gaaah! It's the evil impostors! Run, Kim! Save yourself!"

Kim tried to calm her anxious boyfriend down. "Chill out, Ron! These two are the real McCoy. They helped capture the duplicates. Well sort of, anyway."

Placing one fist on her hip, Kim continued, "And by the way, you two haven't explained exactly how you knew what was going down here tonight. So, care to spill, please and thank you?"

"It would be my honor, Kim Possible," Yori began. "A few days ago, we recaptured Fukushima, who had escaped from prison one month ago with help of Monkey Fist, right before he himself was turned to stone and imprisoned by the Yono. Using our usual methods of persuasion…"

Ron instantly blanched. "Ooh, you mean, torture?"

Yori laughed lightly. "Oh, no, Stoppable-san. We merely threatened to withhold any further transcripts of his from the Yamanouchi school, and he sang like stuck pig. He quickly revealed existence of devious plot to break up Team Possible, but did not have complete details, though he knew it would occur night of Senior Prom. We were tempted to warn you and Possible-san, but did not know if any of your communications had been compromised. With all due respect for Wade-san's formidable abilities, we felt we could not risk direct contact, so we came in person to assist our esteemed friends in their time of great need."

Ron chuckled, "Well, I guess Sensei could have written me a note in mystery meat, but then everyone at lunch would have known."

"Yes, Stoppable-san. And we are honored to have assisted you tonight, but sadly, that is all we know."

Kim continued with a moan, "So I suppose if Ron doesn't remember anything, I guess we're back to square one in solving this mystery."

"Perhaps, Kim Possible." Yori opined. "But there is someone else who might still enlighten us… " Yori frowned as she observed the chocolate statue. "My evil impostor is currently imprisoned within that confection-like exterior. If she still lives, there is possibility that further truth may be discovered."

A muffled voice suddenly began to emanate from the statue.

"Well, whoever it actually is, she's alive," Kim suggested. "Let's find out exactly who our mystery guest is, shall we? Yori, if you'll do the honors?"

"With pleasure, Possible-san." And with a few deft strokes of her tessen, followed by a powerful kick, the hard shell cracked open and the pieces fell away to reveal the statue's occupant.

"Bonnie Rockwaller!?" Kim and Ron gasped at the same time. So shocked were they that neither of them had the presence of mind to say, "Jinx, you owe me a soda."

As the pieces of her chocolate prison crumbled away, they took both her Yori wig and synthetic skin away with them, but left her clothed in her dress, now dyed a deep rich brown with Synthodrone #902's chocolaty remains. Dazed, Bonnie began to speak in her own voice, Drakken's VQA effect finally having worn off as well.

She began to babble, "Possible? Stoppable? What in the heck happened? What am I doing here? What are you doing here?"

"Uh, oh. Sounds like Bonnie's lost her memory too." Kim quickly ordered, "Bonnie, calm down and we'll try to explain what we know. But first, what's the last thing you remember?"

With a perplexed look she began, "Well, I was driving to my monthly psychic reading after my weekly kelp wrap, so it must have been Saturday, the week before the prom, and…"

Kim interrupted her. "Bonnie, news flash. It IS the night of the prom. I think you must have forgotten everything that's happened over the entire past week!"

Wade chimed in, "Totally plausible, Kim. There's easily enough of that Area 51 concoction to account for a memory loss of that length of time."

But Bonnie would have none of it. "Wade, are you crazy? That's impossible!" She glanced over and noticed the other two onlookers, swooning at the sight of her old crush. "Ooh, Hiro! And that Yori chick Kim was jellin' over that one time."

She sauntered up to Hirotaka and purred, "So tell me, Hiro darling, what's the real scoop here?"

He answered evenly, "Exactly what Kim Possible has stated. You have apparently lost your memory of the past week, and somehow tried to impersonate my Yori-chan this evening, for reasons unknown."

Bonnie gave him a horrified look, but for a different reason. "What do you mean, 'your Yori-chan?' Don't tell me you're dating her now?"

He nodded with a smile. "Yes. Bonnie-san. Apologies, but you are no longer my Number One girlfriend."

"Or even appearing on scale of one to a hundred…" Yori demurely, yet mirthfully added.

Bonnie stomped the ground in frustration. "Well, fine! See if I care!"

Ron smirked, "Well, it's definitely Bonnie."

Kim agreed, "Yeah, totally clueless and completely self-absorbed."

Suddenly a voice was heard from across the parking lot. "Bonnie, my love! There you are!"

Señor Senior Junior came running up, sweeping up Bonnie in his arms. "Here I am! So sorry I am late, but the stores were all out of the corsages, so I had to travel to another city just to pick one up for you."

Bonnie purred, "Oh, thank you, Junior! You're so sweet to think of me. Now, let's go to the dance so I can show you off to all my friends…"

And without another word, Bonnie swept by the foursome and back into the prom, with Junior in tow.

Kim yelled after her, "Bonnie, wait! You gotta lotta splainin' to do!"

But Ron gently reached out to touch Kim's shoulder. "Let it go, Kim. We'll figure this all out later. The important thing is that we're all alive and well."

Agreeing, she began to relax. "Yeah, Ron, you're right. Whatever it was, the plot failed, and we're still standing. I'd just like to discover what Bonnie's role was in all of this."

She turned to Yori and Hirotaka. "Thanks again, you two. And you're welcome to stay for the dance too, if you'd like."

"Thank you, Kim Possible, but we must be going," Yori said with a slight bow. "So until the next time, it will be our honor to keep in touch…"

And with that, they both disappeared into the shadowy night.

Kim and Ron reentered the prom to the wild applause of everyone present. Josh motioned for them to come up to the bandstand.

Kim was surprised by all the attention. "Wow, what's the sitch, Josh?"

Josh began, "Ron and his two ninja friends just saved you, Kim. And then you all took down both of the perps. We were all watching from the window. You're all heroes once again."

He lowered his voice as he continued, "And I'm glad now that things didn't ultimately work out between us. I know now that you and Ron were meant for each other from the very beginning. So I prepared a special song just for you two. You might even remember it from last year's Junior Prom..."

He cued the band as he grabbed the mike. "Our next song is dedicated to Kim and Ron. We hope you enjoy it." Josh started to sing.

"I know we've been friends forever
But now I think I'm feeling something totally new
And after all this time
I've opened up my eyes
Now I see you were always with me

Could it be you and I
Never imagined
Could it be, suddenly
I'm falling for you

Could it be you were right here beside me
And I never knew
Could it be that it's true that it's you
And it's you

It's kind of funny you were always near
But who would ever have thought that we would end up here
And every time I've needed you
You've been there to pull me through
Now it's clear
I've been waiting for you

Could it be you and I never imagined
Could it be, suddenly I'm falling for you
Could it be you were right here beside me
And I never knew
Could it be that it's true that it's you
It's you

Today is the start of the rest of our lives
I can see it in your eyes
That it's real and it's true
And it's just me and you
Could it be that it's true
That it's you

Could it be you and I never imagined
Could it be, suddenly I'm falling for you
Could it be you were right here beside me
And I never knew
Could it be that it's true that it's you
That it's you
Could it be that it's true that it's you
That it's you
Oh, it's you…"

While Josh crooned the romantic balled, Kim and Ron danced together, now more in love with the other than ever before. And invisible to all, even to Kim and Ron, their two angel avatars began dancing in perfect unison, floating on gossamer wings as they shared the beautifully romantic moment.

Even Bonnie and Junior began enjoying the song, slow dancing in time with the beat.

"Thanks for coming, Junior. I'm glad you could make it."

"Of course, my sweet."

"And maybe later we could go out for a hot fudge sundae? For some reason I have this incredible craving for some chocolate..."

Meanwhile, two villains rode in silence back to their lair, one green, the other blue. At last, one began to speak.

"Shego, all I ask is that one plan, just one, actually succeed. Is... is that really too much to ask?"

A few moments passed by before the young woman answered. And unlike she ever had before, she began speaking in a consoling tone.

"No, Doc, that's really not too much to ask. And I have to admit, you really, really came close this time. It was just Stoppable's typical dumb luck that he found that stupid orchid and messed up your plans."

She began rubbing Drakken's tense shoulders while she continued, "But tomorrow is another day, right?"

"I suppose," he griped.

"Well, you know what they say."

"What's that, Shego?"

"Be careful what you wish for. You may just get it..."


The next day…

"Kim, Bueno Nacho may not be the most romantic place for our anniversary, but after last night's excitement, a nice safe familiar place seemed the best."

Kim smiled back, "You're not kidding, Ron. That was one ferociously weird evening. And nothing personal, but with the luck we've had at high school dances, let's never go to another prom again. Ever."

Ron chuckled, "Totally fine by me, Kim. Oh, and before another super villain tries to split us up…"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny box. "Here…"

Kim eagerly unwrapped the box. Upon opening it, her eyes lit up with joy as she saw the tiny diamond in the center of the ring.

She gasped, "Oh, Ron! It's beautiful!"

"It's a promise ring, Kim. Not an engagement ring, like you thought it might be. It's just my way of saying, that someday, I will ask you to marry me. But not until the time is just right."

His old fears dogging him once again, he nervously reached up to scratch the back of his neck. "You, uh, okay with that?"

Tears began to stream down her face. "Ferociously…"

After giving him a tender kiss of thanks, she reached into her purse and pulled out a small box of her own. "Here, I got you something too."

He opened the box. Inside was a senior class ring with a sapphire blazing directly in the middle.

"Wow, coolio! My birthstone!"

"And that, Ron Stoppable, is my promise ring to you. Because I feel exactly the same way."

As they both placed each other's rings on the other's finger, Ron continued, "Kim, I still don't know what the future holds for us, and I can't promise that I won't freak out again over it. Aw, with my luck I'll probably freak out again next week! But I do know that I love you. And as long as we're together, I promise you that I'll always have your back."

Kim softly stroked her boyfriend's face. "Ron, I know you've always majorly freaked over change, but I've got a good feeling you'll get over it eventually."



The End, For Now…