Going through some writers block for Grimm tamer/Golden Dragon that why I'm writing this. Jaune is based of Shifu from BattleRite. Give it a play its free on steam and just about anyone can run it, it kinda like a MOBA but different I guess? Idk how to describe it. It's different from other MOBA's like smite and LoL but fun. So try it out you'll have fun, maybe.. until you run into a rook. Then it's over.

This is also a reboot of the idea I had, wrote it, it was god awful. Anyway live and learn you'll see what I'm talking about soon

Anyway start now!

Jaune's POV

I looked at his family sword, I couldn't have it of course. I wasn't worthy. I couldn't use it like Joan could. I couldn't save people's lives like my father, or my grandfather or great-grandfather. I wasn't a hero like them, like the rest of my family. I sighed and walked away from the case it was in over the fire place. I walked in my room and saw it. The rejection letter from beacon.

I've looked at it forty six times by now. Even though my transcript were faked, it shocked me. It didn't shock me that I didn't get in. It shocked me that I wouldn't be able to live out my dream. That I'll work some desk job for forty years before finally putting a bullet in my head because my wife left me.

That's a little too descriptive.

I look at the letter for the forty seventh time, and I was done. My fist balled up and my teeth gridded I punched the nearest wall and punched it again and again and again and didn't stop until my hands were bleeding. I was breathing hard and standing in front of the wall I just destroyed. Not really I'm not that strong and walls are brick.

Why my parents haven't came busting in yet, I don't know. Nor do I care. I look at my bleeding hands, they don't heal. I don't have my aura unlocked. My parents didn't want to do it. My mother has come to hate huntsmen. My new father though? I can't tell you what side he's on. I don't hate him though.

If my real father was here he would… he would of trained me like he said he would of and I wouldn't be looking at a rejection letter from beacon.

At least I'm not crying dad… I run my now stinging hand through my hair and wince. I should get this wrapped up.

I walk out my room and to find the first aid kit. When I walk down stairs and to the kitchen where I usually is I see Todd. My moms new husband, and he has the first aid kit with him. Great.

He looks at me and waves me over. I sigh and walk over to him. I show him my hands and he chuckles. "What was it your dad always said to you?" He asked. "Men don't cry, punch a wall if you have to?" He and I said at the same time. He opened the first aid chuckling. I don't hate Todd. I don't like the fact my mother married her ex-husband best friend but that doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done.

"How bad is the wall?" He said. "Does he regret fucking with you?"

I chuckled again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean wake you up, Todd." I said. "Also mom wouldn't like you using that language."

"I think she'll be fine if she never knows." He said.

He sat there and wrapped my hands tight. I winced a couple time but hid them well enough. After he was was he got up and started to walk away. "What I'm supposed to do now?" I asked. "I got rejected from just about every school. I have no chance."

He turned around and looked at me. "Juane I was rooting for you. I really was." He said. "But your mother is well your mother. She afraid of losing you too."

"I know but…" I trailed off because I didn't know what to say.

Todd sighed. "Look don't tell your mother." He started. "But not going to a huntsmen academy, isn't the end of your dream. There are other ways. There are test held every year to get your license. Anyone can sign up, but you'll have to train to pass it. Every forth year beacon, shade, all of them will be there."

My eyes lit up. I looked at him in shock. "But how am I going to get trained?" I said "You can't do it mom will flip out."

"Oh I'm not gonna do it." He said with his hand up. "Just as you said, Lura would flip. That doesn't have to stop you though. Train yourself or find a trainer. Your choice."

"So-" I started but was cut off by Todd yawning

"I'm tired," Todd said "I'm going to bed, I'll tell your mother not to worry." He said walking away. "Good night, Jaune.

I looked at my hands again and walked back to my room. I smiled and with new found determination I punched the wall again. I cringed in pain though.

"GO TO BED, JAUNE!" I heard my sister Joan yell in the next room scaring me.

"I'm sorry." I said, before getting in my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day was go time. I can train myself. should be easy right? Was my thoughts before I was started doing push-ups got distracted by some girl walking by in the park I was at and tried to talk to her and got Ignored.

I sighed.

Okay, training my self is not as easy as I thought. What is it that I need? self discipline? A weapon? I can't use Crocea Mors, that's Joan's weapon… Maybe… a trainer is the way to go. Where am I going find one though?

"Jaune?" I heard a voice behind me say.

I knew the voice, it was my only friend from my hell of school Alexis. She had a few freckles and had red hair. She wore a white t-shirt and skinny jeans. Her converse shoes looked good too I have to admit. New probably. She looked like she was about to go on a date. This is Alexis though, she's pretty popular with the guys. "Hey, what are doing out here?" She asked, smiling. "And why are dressed like that?"

I looked down and I was in short shorts. "Hey they let me have room to stretch…" I said. "Anyway I'm training for the next Huntsmen Exam. I didn't get accepted into beacon so this is all I can do. What are you doing out here?"

"Going on a date. Cardin said he'll met me here soon." She said. First, I called it. Second I cringed, Cardin Winchester. He'll probably be here soon to rub in my face that he got into beacon and I didn't. I don't get it. Alexis is such a innocent nice girl, then you have the turd that is Cardin. Why does she like him? The only reason he doesn't beat me up now is because he wants to get on Alexis' good side.

"I saw that cringe." She said.

"Cringe? Whaaat nooooo. Me? Never." I said sarcastically. "It's not like your going on a date with biggest scum on this planet."

"Jaune, he's not so bad once you get to know him." She said.

"He'S NoT So BaD OnCe YoU GeT tO KnOW HiM." I mocked.

"You're a child." She said.

"And your best friend." I said "look I'm just looking out for you."

"You don't need to," She said "I've already proved I could beat you in a fight."

"Hey! I told you I went easy on you!" I said.

"Yeah we-"

"You." I man behind me said. "You seem different."

Confused I looked at Alexis face which is more confused so I turn around and saw a man who looked like some kind of monk. His head bald, he wore robes and his blue eyes were extremely bright. "Uhhh… umm thank you?" I said cautiously. I looked to Alexis and she just shrugged.

"May I talk to you?" He said "alone."

"Uhhh," I said "my mom says never to go with a stranger sooo-"

"I have what you seek, Jaune Arc." He said. "I am no stranger…"

My grew shocked. Could he mean… no… there's no way. I don't believe it. "Come this location later this evening and I'll have the answer you seek." He said walking past me and nodding at Alexis.

"Well that was… weird." She said looking at the man.

"Yeah… weird…" I said.


There is no way in hell I'm going to meet this dude at night.

No way!

There is no way I'm actually doing this…

I said putting on a jacket because it was cold outside. I looked at my clock and saw it was 9:30 pm. Pretty late. I wonder if he's still there in the first place. I sigh and open my door.

"Where are you going?" I saw Joan as soon as I opened the door. I yelped and fell down on my butt.

"What?" I asked. Why the hell was she standing there of all places? Was she waiting for me to open the door?

"Where. Are. You. Going?" She asked a little more demanding.

"I'm going out Joan, I'm 17 years old, I don't need my twin sisters permission to go out." I said. I really did just want here to leave… I don't need to be talking her right now. After all she was accepted into beacon… while I wasn't.

I moved pasted her she grabbed my shoulder. "I just want to know here your going." She said soft and gentle.

"It doesn't matter to you…" I said shrugging her off and moving as fast I could to the exit of this house. I don't hate her. I just… I don't know. I don't want to snap on her for no reason. Because she got what I couldn't, I should be proud of her. I feel jealous instead. I'm sorry Joan I really am.

As I walk through the park that freezing cold at night. I ask myself: what if this guy is some rapist after my Arc booty? Or what if this guy is some scam artist who after the Arc Clans money. We're pretty wealthy and decently known. We've had a few people come after our money, but I could be walking into a trap. He could a kidnapper and wants a ransom for the only Arc Scion.

"I Guarantee I'm not after your family's money, Arc." I heard a voice say. "Nor am I after your 'Arc Booty' as you call it." He said chuckling. I spun around and saw the monk looking guys from earlier.

Okay that was freaky! He just read my mind! THAT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME!

"I agree it is pretty cool." He said. "Now on to Business. I know you have questions."

"Alright, you said you have what I seek." I said "what is it I seek?"

"Training, Arc." He said, surprising me. "You seek Training… and I want to help you."

"Okay why me?" I asked. "Why not anyone else? Why some kid whose never been trained, except potty trained, to help? Why not someone else?"

" because as I said before," he said "You are different from the others."

"Different how?" I asked.

He then pointed towards my chest. "My heart?"

"No." He said "Your soul. I see a soul that's wants to be hero, to help people and to save many. To live up to your family standers and be like your idol. When I look at your soul I see my soul. What I wanted to be, but failed."

I'm not good with reading people, never have been. Probably never will. But the way this guy said it, the way he moved… I could tell he was being genuinely honest. Todd's words come to my mind. "Your choice…" I remember

"Okay.." I say. "Want to train me then do it. Show me."

"This will take years." He says "are you sure?"

I hesitated at first but with my eyes lit up with determination, I said.

"I accept…"

End of pilot chapter…

So I hope to god this doesn't suck.

I don't have to much to say. I changed Juane a little , he more of a jokester that fails at being a jokester. I tried holding on the original while doing it but also putting my own spin on him as well. Also I haven't implemented anything from battlerite yet so next chapter I will. Be prepared.

Also leave the most honest review possible, I want the truth even if it hurts.