![]() Author has written 1 story for Homestuck. H3llo th3r3! S1nc3 1'd rath3r not hav3 a bunch of random p3opl3 on th3 1nt3rn3t know my r3al nam3(no off3ns3), 1 th1nk 1'm go1ng to us3 th3 al1as 3r1ka for th3 t1m3 b31ng. 1 borrow3d 1t from on3 of my OCs(not th3 on3 1n my prof1l3 p1c though, that's Kar1n). Ag3: Wouldn't you l1k3 to know? G3nd3r: 1f you gu3ss3d f3mal3, you'r3 probably r1ght. Cosplays: Thus far, zomb13stuck!Roxy, (som3t1m3s n3ko or punk)John, w1zard!Vr1ska, and Jan3 from Hom3stuck, and banka1!1ch1go from Bl3ach. 1 m1ght do punk Jak3 1nst3ad of John du3 to my sh1tload of punk skull j3w3lry, but 1 don't know. 1'm also th1nk1ng of do1ng, a Huss13, a fancystuck Arad1a, and a f3m!3r1dan. Locat1on: Land of Daydr3ams and Fanf1ct1on. Works 1n progr3ss: 1 hav3 a sup3r long OC 1ns3rt Tsubasa R3s3vo1r Chron1cl3 and Hom3stuck crossov3r that 1 m1ght try to do, but 1 want to f1n1sh th3 whol3 th1ng b3for3 1 start post1ng 1t, b3caus3 1f 1 don't 1t'll n3v3r g3t f1n1sh3d and just s1t th3r3 on my account mak1ng m3 f33l gu1lty. 1 also hav3 a mor3 ach13v3abl3 JohnxDav3spr1t3 or P3ps1Fanta(sh1p nam3 court3sy of my mo1ra1l :3) f1c 1n th3 works. 1t may b3 a on3shot, or 1 could wr1t3 mor3 chapt3rs 1f 1 g3t 3nough pos1t1v3 f33dback. Favor1t3 Hom3stuck AUs: 1 lov3 Zomb13stuck. Pract1cally 3v3ry RP 1 do 1s a Zomb13stuck sh1pp1ng party. Bl1nd charact3r AUs and Asylumstuck ar3 also r3ally aw3som3. 1 also hav3 an AU for my JohnxDav3spr1t3 f1c, but 1 can't t3ll you b3caus3 spo1l3rs. 1t's only a t1ny chang3 r3ally, but 1 n33d3d 1t for plot purpos3s. Words 1 l1v3 by: 1'm too Hom3stuck for your bullsh1t. |