Kori: Okay this is my first multi-chapter Homestuck story! The main couple is JohnKat (or communism whichever name you prefer)

Full summary:

In light of the previous hundreds of years of fighting between the two species, the human and troll governments decided to implement the "Alternian Exchange Program" in which a certain number of troll families would be moved from the troll-only country of Alternia to humans cities around the world for schooling and the same number of human families would be moved to Alternia. All of this to promote better relations between the two. Twelve of these families are moved to John's hometown and John and his friends find themselves being pulled into the troll's strange world as things begin to take a turn for the worst.

Couples: Johnkat, GamTav, Dirk/Jake, EriSol, Rosemary, etc.

Read and Review my pretties!

The Alternian Exchange Program


John Egbert pulled aside the curtains on his window for the third time in as many minutes and peeked out to stare at the moving truck across the street. There were two humanoid's carrying boxes from the truck into the house. They looked so normal from here that John would not have been able to tell they were trolls if he hadn't known. He put his binoculars up to his glasses to watch them closely. Did that make him a stalker? No, no, he told himself. He wasn't a stalker, just…curious.

One of the figures was wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up over his head. The other wore another hoodie in the same manner except that his was a bright red. The black-clothed one seemed to yell quite a bit and sometimes received a smack to the head from the other one, just like normal siblings. But they weren't normal.

John had learned of the newest inhabitants of his street just a week before they moved in and a month after the instigation of the 'Alternian Exchange Program.' The program was meant to improve relations between humans and the inhabitants of the all-troll country of Alternia. The trolls had remained separated from the humans and only engaged with them when the two were at war, but now both governments had decided that more peaceful negotiations should be sought after, or so the news said. All John knew was that twelve troll families were moving to his town and twelve human families were moving to Alternia. Twelve! That was more than any other town in the country was accepting and John didn't even think that the program would do any good. After the mandatory six months in the opposite country, the families could choose to stay where they were or move back home and John was certain that the trolls would be gone as soon as the program allowed.

He knew that the troll's presence at his high school would only cause trouble and probably fights. Tensions between the two species were higher than ever since the program was introduced.

John saw the red one's hood slide back and he took in the troll's appearance with interest. He'd heard about the differences between troll's and humans in class when they'd learned about the other species. They'd studied the anatomy, caste system and cultural values of the troll's, but the only pictures had been drawings of the trolls and seeing one in real life was so much different.

Black hair was fluffed up slightly around his, John assumed it was a he because of the hair style, head with pointy dark ears poking out. John frowned. He thought trolls were supposed to have horns. Then the troll-boy turned around, talking without taking a breath, and John saw two small, nubby horns sticking slightly out of the hair. He could also see the trolls face clearly now. The skin was gray and appeared to be a bit tough but otherwise he looked like a human. Well, except for the sharp teeth that showed with every over-exaggerated word he spoke. His eyes opened and John gasped as the bright red of the irises that matched his hoodie. If John remembered correctly, though he wasn't sure he did, that meant that this troll was 17-18 at least and that red was his blood color.

The other troll turned to the still blathering red one and yelled something, showing a mouth of shark-like teeth. John pulled away from the window for a moment as a shiver rolled down his spine. Those teeth were even more evidence that the "Alternian Exchange Program" was a bad idea. Trolls were dangerous.

He looked back through only to jump a mile when he found the smaller troll to be staring directly at him with a loathing glare. The troll dropped the box he was holding and flipped John off with both hands, earning a hard smack from the older one, who picked up the box and dragged the smaller into the house.

John hurriedly pulled his curtains closed and dropped his binoculars. Damnit, he'd been caught spying on his new neighbor. Who was a dangerous troll who hated his guts now and who was probably going to his school. Well, maybe not. He was short enough to be in middle school, but knowing John's luck this troll would be a freshman as well.



Karkat shook off his older brother as Kankri dragged him into the stupid human hive they now lived in. The older Vantas dropped him on the ground in the middle of the living room and left him there while he began to unpack the boxes. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Karkat shouted, not getting up.

"You mustn't act so vulgar towards the new neighbors, Karkat," Kankri sighed. "Although most of your friends are used to your…less than hospitable acts, we cannot be sure that those same acts will not trigger the humans that we now live among. This is their home after all and we must be respectful of the original inhabitants and attempt to be friendly instead of trying our hardest to trigger them on our first day here."

Karkat groaned as the lecture continued, even though he had heard variations of it hundreds of times. "But he was fucking spying on us through those damn binoculars."

Kankri whacked him on the head with the wooden spoon he had just pulled from the kitchen box. "Language?"

"English?" Karkat answered sarcastically, earning him another whack with the spoon. "OW!" The younger whined, holding his sore head.

"Then don't be a smart-butt," Kankri said. "Anyway, if it really triggered you so much then just tell him so. He looked about your age. You'll probably see him in school, so just explain that his curiosity could be better satisfied by him talking to you rather than spying on you and that the preformentioned spying triggered you so you would like him to stop. You should also apologize for your triggering behavior as it most likely did not leave a good impression of you on his mind." He tapped against Karkat's back with his foot. "And do please move. The second truck will be here shortly with the furniture and I would rather you not be in the middle of the room as we try and get it situated." He began to dig in another box, this one labeled CLOTHES. He pulled out a red sweater and unfolded it to reveal a framed photograph. "Karkat?"

Karkat sighed and looked at his older brother. "What, Kankri?"

"Please think about what I said. We live here now and I'd rather that you not burn all possible bridges with the humans before they can be built. I know that your friends also are part of the exchange program but it's not healthy to keep to just that small group. You need to branch out to get to know the humans. That is the entire point of the program. Who knows, you might even make some new friends."

Karkat forced himself to his feet and glared at the slightly taller troll. "I don't want to make any new friends. I don't want to get to know the idiotic humans. I want to go home. I want to go back to our old hive."

Kankri sighed and looked at the picture in his hands. "You know why we can't do that, Karkat."

"YEAH," Karkat yelled, his hands curled into fists and shaking with rage. "BECAUSE YOU'RE RUNNING AWAY! YOU DON'T WANT TO BRANCH OUT TO THE HUMANS ANYMORE THAN I DO! YOU'RE JUST TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO STAY THERE AND FACE WHAT HAPPENED TO-TO," Karkat choked a little and wiped tears away from his eyes.

Kankri moved forward to hug Karkat, but the smaller one pushed him away. "I know it's hard, but we need to move on and start fresh. That's why we're here-"



Kankri watched his little brother run away, crying, and sighed helplessly. He really had done this for both of them, but he couldn't blame Karkat for thinking otherwise. The death had affected him more than it had Kankri. The elder Vantas rubbed his temples to ease the throbbing before crouching pick up the now shattered frame. He picked up all the pieces of glass and carefully extracted the picture before throwing away the glass.

He stared at the photo for a moment. It had been taken when Karkat was barely past the grub stage of his life, only about a sweep old. It showed a tiny Karkat with fluffy hair and an angry expression, as always. Kankri remembered that this particular scowl was caused by the very idea of having his picture taken, but he hadn't been able to wriggle out of the event. Next to Karkat was a wide-eyed Kankri, both of the boys being held by a troll who looked like an older version of both of them. His dark hair hung slightly in his eyes, which glowed a bright red with happiness as he held his sons. His horns were only a little bit bigger than Kankri's were present day. He wore a cloak and was laughing slightly as Karkat attempted to wrap himself in the cloaks hood. A small red drop wet the paper next to the father's head.

Kankri quickly set the photograph on the mantle and wiped his eyes. Karkat might think he didn't care, but he did. He really did. He looked at their father's smiling face one more time before he broke down sobbing quietly. "I'm trying, I really am," he whispered. "I know you would probably be doing a better job but I'm doing my best. What would you have done?" But the picture didn't answer, it couldn't. He would have to solve this on his own.


John was now hanging out in his backyard, sitting on an old spring ride from his childhood. His fences were high enough that no one could see over them and he was glad of that. That troll across the street seriously scared him. Maybe it was the absolute hatred he saw in the glare that he gave John. Maybe it was just the fact that he was a troll.

John shook his head quickly, he knew he shouldn't be stereotypical but it was hard not to be when all he heard was horrible things about that particular species.

Suddenly a soft voice reached his ears.

"Vwoom vwoom!" squealed a young child from the other side of John's fence. It wasn't often John heard children around and he was certain he'd never heard this voice before.

The voice cut off and a deep male voice reached his ears. "Where do you think you're going, freak?"

John jumped as he recognized the owner of the voice. It was Guy, a senior from his school that enjoyed picking on those who couldn't fight back. John had been on the receiving end of this for years before he'd met Dave, Rose and Jade. Hopefully this kid would be smart enough to run while he still could.

"I'm going home," said the voice again, speaking with a lisp.

"You must be new, freak. This is my street."

"Nuh uh!" the kid lisped. "Tholluxth thaid that we lived here now. It'th our threet too!"

John felt his blood go cold at that. There was no way that Guy would take that sitting down, especially from a kid. But he wouldn't beat a little kid to a pulp…would he?

John scrambled off of the spring-horse-thing and ran to the gate where the voices were coming from and peeked through the pickets to see what was going on. He didn't want to face Guy, but he would if it looked like he really was going to beat up the kid.

Just outside the fence stood Guy, a tall, blonde jock, two or three of his dimwit friends, and a small kid. The kid couldn't of been more than five and he was most definitely a troll. He was wearing a yellow helmet with a visor colored red and blue, like 3D glasses. Black dark stuck out of the sides and four small horns stuck out the top. The bottom half of his face showed, crooked teeth poking out of his scowling mouth. He was wearing a yellow shirt and black pants, standing on a striped skateboard and holding a rocket ship toy.

"What did you say, troll-boy? And here I was trying to be nice. I was gonna let you off this time, but now you have to pay the fee."

"F-fee?" the kid stuttered.

"Yup," Guy smirked, sticking out his hand. "Pay up."

"But I don't have any money!"

Guy and his group strode forward, surrounding the kid. "Well, that won't do at all, now will it?" He snatched the rocket from him.

"HEY!" The kid shouted, reaching for it. "Give that back! That'th mine!"

"It'th mine now," Guy taunted, mocking the kids lisp.

One of the friends kicked the skateboard out from under the kid, causing him to fall to the ground. "Oops," he snickered.

The kid sniffled and tried to stand, only to be pushed down again.

"You shouldn't even be here," Guy snorted. "You and the rest of the trolls are just freaks. You should all be put down like dogs. And look you, a freak among freaks. Aren't trolls only supposed to have two horns? And what's with this stupid helmet." He yanked the helmet off and held it up. The kids hair was insanely fluffy and fell in his eyes.

"It'th not thupid! You're thupid! Give it back!" Yellow tears streamed from under the hair and red and blue sparks crackled between his horns.

John finally built up his courage and slammed the gate open as hard as he could, shouting at the top of his lungs. The bullies jumped and ran, dropping the helmet and rocket to the ground.

John sighed in relief and kneeled next to the kid. "Hey there," he said softly.

The kid jumped and leaned away from him.

John held up his hands innocently. "I'm not going to hurt you. Those guys are just jerks. My name's John." He put out a hand to help the kid up.

The kid wiped his face and ignored John's hand. "I'm Mituna."

John just looked at him for a minute. "Where do you live?"

"Down the thtreet." He sniffled again and rubbed his arm.

"Are you hurt?" John asked.

"No, but they were tho mean! They took my helmet away." He had started to cry again. "And my thip and my thakeboard! Thupid humanth!" The red and blue sparks appeared again and surrounded John. He felt him self get lifted and thrown into the fence.

The wind was knocked out of him as he fell to the ground, gasping.

Mituna stood up quickly and ran to where John was. "I'm thorry! Oh, I jutht got mad!" He seemed to be freaking out, so John forced himself to sit up.

"I'm fine. See?"

Mituna's lip trembled. "I'm gonna be in trouble!'


"I'm not thupothed to uthe my powerth."

Suddenly a figure ran around the corner, yelling Mituna's name. He was an older troll with the same horns as Mituna, only slightly bigger. He wore 3D glasses and a black t-shirt with the Gemini symbol on it. "Tuna!" He yelled, also lisping. "What did I tell you? Don't wander off like that-" He cut off as he saw Mituna's crying face and John.

"You," he growled at John. "What did you do to my brother?"

Mituna jumped to John's defense. "No! Tholluxth! He didn't do anything! He chathed off thome thtupid humans who were bullying me! They took my helmet and thip!"

'Tholluxth' stopped and stared John. John looked back with fear evident in his eyes. He probably shouldn't show his fear, but he was terrified.

"Well, then. Thankth," the larger troll said awkwardly. He helped John up. "I'm Tholluxth Captor. And you," he turned to Mituna. "You know better than to uthe your powerth! I could thee them from a block away!"

"I'm thorry," Mituna said quietly.

Sollux sighed. "It'th alright. Jutht don't do it again. Bye, human." He put Mituna's helmet on his fluffy hair and set the boy on the skateboard. The strange energy crackled between his horns and a soft glow covered the boards wheels, rolling it forward. Mituna waved goodbye to John and proceeded to 'fly' his rocket, making engine noises.

John waved a little and went back inside. Maybe the new students wouldn't be so bad. At least, some of them.

"JOHN!" His dad yelled from inside the kitchen.

John walked in and covered his nose against the overpowering scent of Betty Crocker hell. His father shoved a plate of cookies into John's hands. "I want you to take these to the new neighbors. The ones who just moved in across the street."

John held the cookies as he was shoved out the door. He forced himself to walk to the dreaded place and rang the doorbell with a shaking hand. Maybe the older one would answer, he seemed nicer.

The door opened and black eyes glared at him from under a black hood. John gulped. Oh, shit.

Kori: Well there's chapter one! Hope you enjoy and I'll update as soon as I can! Review please!