I took the long way getting to the University, knowing that I had a sufficient amount of time to get there. I would have even stopped at a McDonalds or something, but I knew that I needed to save money until I got my next paycheck to buy groceries and gas.

But I enjoyed my little cruise through town, playing some techno station from Pandora. I didn't know if it was a stereotypical computer-nerd thing, but I had a fondness for highly computerized and upbeat music. Not so much dubstep and club music, but more like trance. Karkat would always poke fun at me for my taste in music, but I could always retaliate with the fact that he was once so obsessed with Taylor Swift to the point that he had a cardboard cutout of her. I knew that it was still hidden away in his closet, no matter how much he tried denying it.

When I had run out of ways to go, I decided to finally go towards the school. After rolling into the student lot, I parked in my usual spot, hung my parking pass on the rear-view mirror, grabbed the Frappuccino sitting in the cup holder, and got out of my car. I was wary of the slush covering the asphalt as I headed towards the building that housed the majority of the English and other language classes. I saw a few other students milling around, all bundled up to their noses. A little voice in the back of my mind was nagging at me for forgetting something warmer than an old winter coat, but I pushed it aside and racked my thoughts for the room number that I had forced myself to memorize last night. It took me a few seconds, but then I remembered: 413.

I looked around, and saw that I was still in the 200's. I quickened my pace slightly, power-walking through the 300's and finally, with a sigh of relief, the door marked 413 came into view. I checked my phone. Three minutes. I could do this, I could outlast the cold for three measly minutes. I was determined.

But as it turned out, I had a hard time standing there in front of room 413 for the longest three minutes in the entire universe. A lot could have gone on in those three minutes. Babies could have been born. I remember reading a statistic somewhere that about seven babies were born each minute. Twenty one little infants were given life in the three goddamn minutes that I spent standing outside that fucking door, holding a dumb vanilla-bean Frappuccino that I was sure was going to freeze my hand off just as fast as that wind was going to take away my nose, which had gone numb in the first forty five seconds.

And then it opened.

A wave of relieved college students filed out, muttering to each other about how their testing experience was, what they got for the extra credit questions and so forth. I started to get antsy as I looked at the people who walked out. What if he had skipped class? What if he left early? What if, somehow, he had been abducted by aliens while taking the test and nobody noticed?

And then he walked out.

He looked exhausted. He wasn't wearing one of his usual, expensive-looking outfits, but instead, some light blue jeans that clung to his legs and a University sweatshirt. His hair was tousled, his glasses were askew, and he seemed to have more freckles on his face than the last time I saw him. But before I could ponder that fact, he looked up and saw me staring at him.

"Sol..? What are ya doin here?" he asked, his eyes wide in surprise.

I froze in my spot. Fuck, I wasn't supposed to be here. He thinks I'm a creep. I fucked up. I was just about to turn and leave before he spoke again.

"Did you bring me a Frappuccino?"

"Uh, yeah," I said, and I held it out to him quickly. "You didn't come in this morning, and I thought that you might want it."

He eyed it for a second, and soon the shock was replaced by a thankful smile as he took it from my hands and drank quickly from the straw. "Holy shit, I don't know how ta thank ya for this. I just had this huge test an practically fell asleep because I didn't have like, any caffeine in my system whatsoever," he paused to take another long sip. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. It seems like you really needed it," I laughed.

"Wait," he said. "How did ya know what class I was gonna be in?"

Shit, he caught me. I was going to have to run right now if I wanted any chance of escape. He was looking at me, one of his eyebrows was raised questioningly. I felt my face heat up as I tried to form an answer.

"Oh, wait, you've come in a few times with the projector shit from the library, haven't you?"

I had to contain a sigh of relief. It was true that I was in the library quite a bit, working on projects, checking out books and even helping the librarians fix computers and classroom projectors and stuff. I don't ever remember going into Eridan's classroom, but it was good enough.

"Yeah, of course. I remember seeing you a few times, and just thought that you'd like your coffee this morning.."

"Aww, you're so sweet," he crooned, and he started digging in his book bag, pulling out his wallet.

"Uh, you really don't have to pay me for that," I stuttered.

He gave me an exasperated look. "Well a course I do. Ya were kind enough to bring it ta me, so I really ought ta pay ya for it."

"No, it's fine, really. I just wanted to be nice, I wasn't expecting anything out of it."

"Hmm, fine," he grumbled, pushing his wallet back into his bag. "But I refuse ta not give ya somethin for this kind service."

"Don't even think about it, Ampora," I threatened playfully as we started walking in the direction of the parking lot.

Eridan was quiet for a moment before he perked up, "When's your next class?"

"Fifteen minutes, sadly," I replied, zipping my coat up all the way.

"Okay. An how many do ya have today?"

I thought about my schedule for a minute. "Three in total. I get out around 6:15."

"Okay, perfect," he smiled mischeviously.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "How is that good?"

"Cause afterwards, you're gonna go home, change into something warmer, and we're goin out to dinner."

"Okay, while that does sound nice, I don't think I have enough money to-"

"Oh, hush, you aren't payin," he smacked my arm, which surprisingly hurt. "I am. So go to class, learn some shit. Try to be ready before seven."

Before I could protest, he kissed me on the cheek and walked quickly to catch up with some people who I assumed to be friends of his. I felt my skin heat up where his lips had touched, and I pressed a cold hand to the spot. That minimal contact seemed to warm my entire body. I bit the inside of my cheek before turning away and heading towards my calculus class.

As I walked, I heard that little voice in my head telling me that I shouldn't be so excited over some stupid guy. I pushed it aside and kept walking, letting of a small smile.