I woke up with a disgruntled sigh at the shrill beep of my alarm clock. I was tempted to hit snooze and resume sleeping, but I knew that I had the morning shift at work. So I took a moment to turn off that annoying little device before sitting up, rubbing my face slowly before slipping my glasses on. I climbed out of my bed, but instantly regretted it. Damn, my room was cold. I stumbled quickly to the bathroom to avoid standing around for too long. I stripped off my boxers as I waited for the water to heat up, shifting from foot to foot in anticipation. I was relieved when I stepped into the shower and felt the hot water pounding on my back.

I tried not to take too long of a shower, but I couldn't help from standing there and enjoying the water heat my chilled skin. When I eventually stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist, I had about fifteen minutes to get ready and get my ass out of my apartment. I really should have set my alarm earlier, but no way in hell would I have gotten up after staying up so late coding and kicking KK's ass at video games. Poor bastard always ended up rage quitting after losing too many times.

After putting on my uniform and combed my wet hair in a half-assed attempt to style it, I grabbed my phone, keys and apron before walking out the front door into the cold December morning. It hadn't occurred to me to grab a jacket, but it was too late, as I was already in the parking lot. I got into my car, throwing some schoolwork and other shit that I didn't even know what to do with into the back seat and drove out of the complex, going just a tad over the speed limit.

Like I gave a fuck – I was NOT going to be late.

I made it to work in just over ten minutes, and I hurriedly put my apron over my head and knotted it in the back. Upon stepping through the door, I was hit with warm air and the smell of coffee. One of the perks of being a Starbucks employee, I guess.

"Sollux, you're late!" my co-worker said from behind the register.

I shrugged as I made my way behind the counter. "Calm your tits, John. Nobody's even come in yet."

"Well, still," John retorted, hands on his hips. "Being on time shows integrity and the proper motivation-"

"Oh, quit rambling and do your job already, Mr. Integrity," I smiled, earning a huff from John.

As customers began to flow in, I remembered how much I hated the morning shift and how hard I tried to avoid it. Most everyone was grouchy, demanding that I give them their Caramel Frappuccino or latte right fucking now or else they'd be late for work. I kept my mouth shut to avoid trouble with my boss, though I managed to sneak my smart-ass comments to John while I prepared the drinks, and he always had to keep himself from laughing too hard.

Whilst I endured the monotonous routine of serving bitchy customers, I spotted a tall, familiar figure, a silly strip of purple in his blonde hair distinguishing him from everyone else. He was obviously tired, thick-framed glasses slipping down his nose, yet he still looked like a sort of male hipster model. I grinned when he had made his way to the counter, and he smiled sleepily in response.

"Hey, ED. How's it going?" I asked.

"Mornin', Sol," he yawned. "An honestly, fuckin' shitty. I didn't sleep at all 'cause I was workin on a stupid English paper."

I nodded understandingly. "Sorry to hear that. And you know, if you ever need help with schoolwork you could just ask me. Apparently I'm smart or something."

"Oh, uh, sure. I'd appreciate that," he said. It looked like he was blushing, but that might have been the warm temperature in the room.

"So, you want a vanilla bean Frappuccino, I presume?" I questioned.

He already had the money out. "You know me so well."

I smiled as I took the cash and handed him his change. As I prepared his drink, I couldn't help but remember how much I thought I'd hated him. He always seemed like such a douchebag, covering his neck in silk scarves and adorning his fingers with extravagant rings. His accent had gotten on my nerves on more than one occasion, along with a stuttering habit he had – though now he seemed to have it under control, much like my lisping issue. Eridan Ampora had probably been my rival for the first quarter of freshman year in college.

But then he started coming into the shop every day, ordering almost the exact same thing ever time. I'd gotten to know him a little better, and then realized I had totally misunderstood the guy. He may have been raised a spoiled rich kid, but he had a decent personality, save some few annoying quirks. I even grew fond of the times when he'd stutter over his words when he got nervous or excited. Eridan Ampora was now a close friend of mine.

I looked over at him, seated in the corner of the shop, nose buried in a thick book. Instead of bothering him, I carried his drink over and set it on the table.

"Oh, thanks, but I coulda gotten up an-" he tried to argue.

"Shut up and enjoy, ED," I said, mussing his hair before returning to my work station. When I glanced back, there was no doubt that his face was bright pink.