A/N: I am such a bad person oh my gosh somebody just slap me in the face.
I made you followers wait for so long with this one. Hopefully it will match up to your expectations? I don't know. I should stop talking and let you get on with it! Ahaha. Enjoy!
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"I'm guessing this is the place, huh?" mumbled Dave as he checked the address written down on a sheet of paper. Getting off of his bike, he rolled it over towards the garage in front of him and placed his bike down, where he saw some other bikes were placed. He didn't need to worry about locking his bike, for he knew the area he was in was pretty safe and friendly. The week went by faster than he had expected. And new changes had appeared so fast. Faster than he had expected. And it all happened because of her.
Dave clenched his fist at the thought of this week. There had been so many times he had utterly embarrassed himself in front of her. So many moments he wish he could just take back and make everyone forget. Just remembering one specific event, he clenched his fist tighter than before, and his face looked somewhat like he was frustrated and worried. A bit of both, actually. Ahh that girl was such a pain.
Speaking of her, she was walking up the parkway now. More like skipping. It looks like she was enjoying this whole thing. "Wow! This house is so big!" Jade exclaimed in awe. Dave didn't see what was so great about it. It was a simple house. It looked like it only had one floor to it. It wasn't anywhere near as big as his house.
"It isn't that great. My house is bigger." Dave said as started to walk down the path towards the front door.
"But it's still a great house, isn't it?" said Jade happily has she skipped behind him.
"Maybe. I wouldn't know, since I haven't been in here before." Walking up a small ramp, he reached the front door of the house. Looking around, he searched for a doorbell of some sort. Once locating it, he reached over and pressed it. At the sound of doorbell, Jade jumped a bit. Turning around to face her, he asked, "You nervous or something?"
"A little… but who wouldn't be?" Dave nodded in agreement and went to face towards the door again. After a couple seconds, the door was suddenly unlocked and swung open by a strange individual. It was a boy with crazy hair and some kind of face paint on him. His clothes were a bit lazily put on. Like he had quickly put on the shirt in a couple of seconds, not caring about his appearance in the slightest. He had an apathetic look on his face. At least, Dave thought he did. Now that he thought about it, it definitely looked like he had just woke up. He wasn't sure, though. Seeing this, Dave had some second thoughts about joining this group.
The boy gave him a blank stare as they continued to stare at each other. Neither really knew what to say to the boy. Did they arrive at the wrong house? They just continued to stare and stare at each other awkwardly. Sooner or later, the strange boy spoke in a very slow and relaxed voice, "Heeeeey… you wouldn't happen to be that new kid appearing today, right? I heard he likes his shades, if you know what I'm gettin' at."
"Uh… yeah," He said slowly, a bit uneasy, himself, "Dave's the name. I think I was supposed to be joining a crazy group, today?"
The strange boy gave a large smile, which creeped out both Dave and Jade, as he opened the door wider and tried to invite them in, "Well, shit! I should have known. Sorry about that whole staring thing. Come in before people start wondering why the door all up and opened on its own." His sleepy look had quickly vanished and his eyes were even bigger than he thought was possible.
A little bewildered by the strange boy's behavior, Dave and Jade cautiously entered the house, where they could hear many people talking and laughing about various things. It was a simple house. Nothing was really scattered around the house like how Dave's house usually was. It was plain, comfortable looking house. A family photo and several potted plants were around the house. It was obvious that this family liked to keep tidy. Dave looked back at the strange boy. Judging the boy's behavior and what he has said so far, Dave concluded that this boy was a spirit himself. He thought it should have been obvious, seeing that all spirits were creepily weird in their own ways.
Jade and Dave walked down the hall towards what seemed like the living room, where many people were talking and doing all sorts of nonsense. It was a pretty large room, indicating to Dave that this family was a bit wealthy. To his left, were several people his didn't know, chatting with each other about some unknown topic. To his right, he could see several more people that were standing and chatting and a couple of people sitting on the couch. One kid was toying with his cellphone, presumably playing a game, with one person watching him from behind. Three others were watching TV that was directly in front of the couch.
As Dave continued to intake his surroundings, his feelings to burst out the front door and get away from everyone increased more and more. His chest started to pound in nervousness, and his eyes started to dart back and forth towards the front door and the living room. Just as he was about to excuse himself from the room and get away from everyone, Rose spotted him started to walk up to him.
"Ah, it seems like you're finally here!" began Rose, "I was wondering if you got lost. You arrived pretty late, you know?" As she walked over, her feet tapped against the wood floor, making the floor creek every now and then. She had crossed her arms, waiting for an answer from his dark spectacled friend.
He didn't want to get the blame for something like this from her, so Dave held out his hand, blurting out, "Blame Jade."
"Hey, what did I do?" exclaimed Jade as she puffed her cheeks angrily in response for his excuse.
Dave gave out a small huff as he gave her a stare, "Don't act innocent on me. It's your fault we arrived late."
Jade crossed arms and looked away from him, "Look, it was your fault! You just don't want to admit it!" He did realize it was partly his fault. After all, he had gotten the directions wrong several times as he tried to find the meeting spot out of all the similar looking houses. Of course, he didn't want to admit that. He just hoped Jade had forgotten he did have some hand in being late.
"Well, you didn't have to go through my whole entire closet and look for something 'acceptable' for me to wear!" exclaimed Dave as he pointed his finger at her, trying to find something to pin on her.
"W-well, you're meeting with friends!" stammered Jade as she looked back at him with a slightly guilty look to her face, "I thought when friends do things like this, they dress up nicely for them!"
Rose sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just… get along for now. This isn't the place for an argument. Let's have fun, alright? But first…" as she said this, she turned to face the others in the living room and clapped her hands together twice, drawing their attention to herself.
"Rose, what are you doing?" whispered Dave as he tapped her shoulder, "I don't want to get any more stares than necessary."
Ignoring him, she said loudly, "Sorry to draw your attention away from whatever you're doing, but I have an announcement to make!" Several heads turned from her sudden outburst while a girl grabbed a remote on the coffee table and turned the volume on the T.V. down.
Jade tried to give her biggest smile even though she was clearly nervous, while Dave's idea of just flat out running away just seemed to be more convincing every second he stood there. The room had turned dead silent, and he could feel all the stares people were giving him through his dark shades. Dave looked towards Jade, and she looked back at him. She was trying to give her biggest smile, but she did seem somewhat nervous. Dave turned his head back towards Rose, making sure to keep up his cool façade.
Rose cleared her throat a bit as she continued on with her announcement, "From here on out we have a two new members. Their names are Dave and Jade respectively. Jade is the spirit that watches over him. Please make them feel welcome as they join our activities from here on out!"
What Dave was not prepared for, was a dead silence throughout the room. The once lively room had now become very silent, increasing Dave's urge to run. His legs started to feel like they were turning into jelly. Trying to keep up his façade now, was one of the most challenging things he had done in a long time.
A loud moan of annoyance filled the room, coming from a singular girl, lazily sitting on the plush couch in front of the TV, "Whaaaaaaaat? Another boy? You're kidding! We seem to always get boys around here. What a bummer." She had long, thick hair and a large bang covering most of her forehead. She was wearing a rather causal outfit. The only thing that really struck out about her was something that looked like half of a shade on one side of her glasses, making her look somewhat like a pirate. The shoes also somewhat stood out, considering they were bright red in color. But the glasses definitely were the thing that stood out the most.
"Now now," said another female as she tapped the girl on the back, "I, personally, don't think it's that bad." She tried to give a smile towards the fuming pirate girl, but completely failing in her attempt to calm her down. She had a red skirt on, that matched the other girl's red shoes. From afar, it was obvious she had some sort of elegance to her.
"Have you seen the amount of human males in the room? It's insane!" exclaimed the girl as she raised his hands in the air out of frustration, "Please don't tell me I'm the only one who has noticed this."
The other girl gave a quiet chuckle as she tried to introduce herself, "Hello, Dave and Jade. My name is Kanaya. The one complaining is the human I'm supposed to be watching over."
The girl sitting on the couch gave a huff as she said, "The name's Vriska."
There was suddenly a loud yell from the left corner of the room, "Oooooh! Me next! Me next!" A girl floated towards Dave and Jade and held out her hand for the both of them. Rose moved out of the way, not wanting to block them from her, and moved towards where Vriska and Kanaya were, "Pleased to meet you! My name is Feferi! I hope we become friends!"
A little nervous, Jade took out her hand and shook Feferi's hand, "Hello! I'm Jade!"
"Silly, I know that!" Feferi said with a grin as Jade laughed the comment off, "Oh oh! You should meet my human! His name is Eridan, he's kind of touchy, but I know he's got to have a good heart in there som—"
"Fef, please," said a man wearing a more formal attire than the others were wearing. He looked rather average, though, "I can introduce myself just fine, thank you." He walked over towards Dave and Jade, saying, "The name is Eridan, if you haven't heard already. Now, I must warn you of certain things, so please pay attention. First off, I highly suggest you watch your words around me, because—"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you come from an overly high and prestigious family we GET it Eridan! Enough of this bullshit already!" Vriska sarcastically said with a loud voice.
"Hey, don't you interrupt me! And don't you dare talk to me about bullshit, because I already get plenty of that from you." Eridan yelled back as he walked towards Vriska with an angry look on his face.
"Oh, yeah?"
The two proceeded to yell at each other some more as both of their spirits tried to calm both of them down. Dave simply shook his head as Jade stared at them in confusion. Dave chuckled, "This isn't the place for an argument, huh?" gaining a sigh from Rose who had obviously heard him.
A little girl then tapped Dave on the shoulder, causing him to look at her. She was a very small girl. Very short. She waved at him saying, "Hello! I'm Nepeta! Sorry about those two. They like to argue like that from time to time. But purrhaps you would be interested in talking to us?" she said as she smiled happily.
Oh my God. That girl did not just say that. Who does she think she is? A cat? Dave had such a hard time keeping his poker face in check. What he would do if he could just go into an empty room and start expressing his distaste in everyone.
"Hi, Nepeta!" replied Jade as she turned her head and faced the small girl, "Sure! We would love talking to you guys! Where's your friend?"
Nepeta giggled as she pointed towards the window, where a large man stood, "Over there!" Skipping over to him, she grabbed his arm, "Equius! Stop staring out the window and introduce yourself!"
"Do I have to?" asked the man in a deep voice.
"Yes! Come on!" said the persistent girl as she tried to pull him over.
The man sighed as he walked on over with Nepeta still pulling onto his arm, "I'm Equius. Pleased to meet you." The man then tried to turn around and go back to the window.
"Equiuuuuus!" Nepeta complained, "You can't just end it there! Say something else!"
"Like what?" asked Equius with a confused look on his face.
"Umm… tell him what you like to do! A hobby or something!" the girl said enthusiastically.
The large man had to think about this for a bit, "I… uh…. like building robots."
"Robots…." confirmed Dave as he repeated what he has just heard, "What kind of robots?"
"Uh… punching ones," said the man nervously as he continued, "I fight them myself. It feels good to punch through their hard exterior," Dave and Jade looked at each other, nodded their heads and nervously laughed. Equius nervously looked back at his friend and asked, "Did I say something funny?" She just shook her head and laughed.
"Which one is the spirit again?" Dave said in a confused voice, not knowing which one was weirder than the other, "I think cat girl is the one?" Nepeta nodded and giggled a bit.
"Well it was very nice to meet you!" said Jade with a smile on her face.
"Likewise!" The two of them said at the same time. They then turned around to face the window once more.
Dave gave a sigh of relief as he turned to face the others once again. They were sure a weird crowd. He wondered what Jade was thinking about all of this. She seemed nervous at first, but every couple of minutes, she seemed to be getting more comfortable around the group. Not him, though. These people were far weirder than he expected. He didn't want to be caught hanging around this group in public. It would just embarrass him.
"Woah, shit. Who are those two?" said a boy with a bit of a lisp as he looked up at both Jade and Dave from the couch.
Dave raised an eyebrow, "Have you not noticed us or something? I mean, we've been standin' here for the longest fucking time."
"No, not really. I'm too engrossed in my game," he said while pointing at his iPhone. "I'm just going to assume you two are new members or something. That's always the case around here."
"Yup! I'm Jade and this is Dave!" Jade answered back, "What's yours?"
"Sollux. That's Aradia," he said quickly, pointing to the girl who was watching him behind the couch.
The girl gave them an extremely large smile, which caused Dave the physically flinch, and waved at them. She then started to watch Sollux play his game again.
"Creepy girl," mumbled Dave, suddenly being grateful that he got Jade of all people.
Jade turned towards him, and asked, "Sooo, what now?" Dave simply shrugged.
"Oh, Jade! You're here!" said a voice from right. It was John, again. He ran up to her and gave her a hug, "Good to see you here! When did you arrive?"
Jade laughed as she replied, "Ah, a while ago! We were a little late, but we're here now!"
"Congratulations on not getting lost!" he said with a grin on his face, "I must have not seen you come in because I was talking with Tavros."
"Tavros…?" questioned Jade.
"Oh, yeah! This is his house! We meet up here because we knew it would be a hassle for him to come over to any of our houses. And so, we just made things easier for him. Being considerate, y'know?" Jade nodded while Dave gave a slightly confused look.
"A hassle…?" he asked slowly, "What do you mean?"
"Ah… you'll see in a moment," replied John, "C'mon! I'll introduce you guys to him!" John walked off towards the door on the right-side of the living room with both Jade and Dave following after him. They soon entered the kitchen. It was a rather large and open one. A couple of Faygo bottles were situated on the table with a couple of plastic cups next to them. Several chip bags were also open as well.
Looking in front of her, Jade saw a young boy with a smile on his face as he stared into his cup of Faygo. She out a small, sad, "Oh…" when she saw him. He was in a wheelchair. Noticing he was being looked at, he turned his head towards the people that had just come in and said, "Oh, hey! You must be those two I heard that were coming in, today! I'm Tavros."
"I'm Jade. This is Dave," she said with a slight smile as she pointed towards Dave, who gave a slight nod.
"Nice to meet you both, I guess," he said with a smile, "I'm sorry if there are a lot of people here. It must be, uhh, a big shock for you?"
Dave shrugged, "Yeah, there are a lot more people here than I expected." Looking towards the table, he decided he would help himself to a snack of some sort. He decided he would go for a cup of Faygo, just to try it out.
"Agreed! I only expected 3 or 4 people here! There are so many!" said Jade as she placed her hand on her cheek and looked out a window, "But surprises are fun!" she laughed.
"Well, we used to have less people," assured Tavros as he took a sip of his drink, "Back then, it was just me, Gamzee, Vriska, and Kanaya. But, I guess times change, huh?"
Jade giggled, "Hehe, I guess!"
"Wait, who's Gamzee?" asked Dave as he started to write his name on his plastic cup with a sharpie he found on the table.
"Uhh, him?" Tavros responded, "I think you met him already… he met you by the door? He's my spirit."
"Oh, the clown," said Dave as he started to pour Faygo into his cup, "Cool. Where is he?"
Tavros scratched his head, "Exploring, I think? He likes to wander around the house. Sometimes he's gone for days with no sign of him. But I've gotten used to it."
Dave nodded, "Kinda weird, if you ask me."
"Well, yeah, I guess," Tavros nervously laughed, "But he's nice. So I can't complain."
"I see…." responded Dave as he took a sip of his drink. Dave widened his eyes as he tasted the drink. He gulped it down quickly and wiped the drink off his lips with his sleeve. He slammed the cup onto the table, causing Tavros, Jade, and John to jump a bit from the sudden movement, "W-what the fuck was in that drink? Isn't it supposed to be soda?"
John was looking at the window for a moment, holding his hand to his mouth, and shaking a little. Dave could tell exactly what he was trying to stop himself from doing. It took him two seconds to realize what had happened. Jade, on the other hand, was clueless.
"John, are you alright?" asked Jade as she placed a hand on his shoulder with a worried look.
John turned to look at her, turned to look back at Dave, and started snickering. John couldn't hold it in anymore, and started laughing really loudly. He tried to speak in between laughs, which caused Dave to get angrier, "Y-your face was, pfffffft, priceless. And the w-way you slammed your drink down w-w-was…. Hahahaha!"
Oh, if only looks could kill.
Jade could tell that Dave was getting angry and went towards him, saying, "C-calm down, Dave! It was only a prank!"
Tavros gave a sympathetic look at both of them while John started to calm down, "Ahahaha… I'm s-sorry! I decided to add a lot of salt to the drinks. But your face was sooooo worth it. I-I'll stop laughing, now."
Dave gave a huff as he poured his salt-filled drink into the sink and opened a new bottle. "You better be. I don't want to be the victim of one of your idiotic, pranks."
"Sure thing, man! Maybe!" John gave a devilish smile. He looked back at the bottle Dave was opening and his face turned a bit grim, "U-um… I wouldn't…"
But it was too late. For the bottle had just been opened and the bottle exploded.
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"Well…. that was fun!" said Jade enthusiastically as Dave continued to ride his bike all the way back to his neighborhood.
Dave gave a huff, "Says you."
Jade puffed her cheeks and said, "Well I thought it was fun!" Dave didn't respond for a while, causing Jade to worry. Floating a bit faster to look Dave in the face, she asked, "You're not still upset with John about that thing that happened, are you?"
"Well, he could have said something like, 'Don't open it! I shook the bottle!' or something like that." Dave said with a grimace.
Jade gave out a laugh, "Yeah, he had all the time in the world to react." Dave growled at Jade's sarcastic response and looked back onto the empty road. They were silent once more. Jade wasn't very sure what to say. Dave didn't seem to want to be talked to, after all. But she continued on, anyways, "Well, besides the pranking, didn't you have fun?"
Dave turned a corner and continued to pedal, "Do you want me to lie or be honest with you?"
"Honest sounds good!" smiled Jade as she continued to float after him.
"Well, it wasn't all that good," complained Dave, "All we did was talk. It was really boring. Plus, half of the time, I didn't really even talk to anyone."
Jade gave him a sympathetic smile, "Well, today is the first day, after all! You shouldn't expect that much."
"Hmph. If you say so," said Dave as he started to pedal faster, "By the way, when we get home, don't bother me. I want to rest."
"Ahaha, alright!" Jade said cheerfully as they continued on their way home.
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A/N: I... hope that was good enough. I'm not exactly sure anymore. I just feel bad for delaying everyone. Ughhhhh.
If you have time, I would greatly appreciate a review, a rating, or whatever you can do! Thank you for your time!