Red eyes glinted behind mirrored shades. Hovering over the smaller boy, he allowed no escape, a smirk plastered on his features. The smaller aforementioned male, who sat on the couch, was truly a sigh to see. A dark blush covered his cheeks and a light sweat covered his body. He was nervous and overheating. Due to extensive squirming, his shades were tilted. A familiar puppet in hand, he clung to the cloth desperately. Pink lips parted, a groan expelled "B-Brooooo..." Of course, to the older, seeing his brother like this was...

... fucking hilarious.

"Go away, Bro. Seriously." Dirk Strider whined. In response, his brother laughed. "You wish. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me about him." he chuckled, arms crossing. "There's nothing to tell. He's just a kid from school. Lay off, man." Again, neither Strider backed down. "What's he look like? What grade is he in? What's he into? Dirk, if he were just another kid from school, this wouldn't be a big deal. I know. I've been there. When I was younger. Bro sighed, collapsing on the couch beside Dirk. "Tell me about him. Is he hot?" Dirk's blush flared. "BRO!" Chuckling, Bro raised his hands in surrender. "Just curious." Dirk sat in contemplation for a second, then speaking. "Tell me about him. Your little boy toy, huh?!" Bro shook his head slowly. "This is about you, not me. Now... Tell me about this Jake English."