Poll: How much do you, as in the person reading this, like Doctor Who? (If you like it at all) Vote Now!
Author has written 10 stories for Psychonauts, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Doctor Who, My Little Pony, Supernatural, Homestuck, ParaNorman, Kane Chronicles, Sherlock, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. My Tumblr: authorloremipsum A little about myself: Okay, maybe a lot. I mostly right adventure, a little mystery, but not much romance or horror. Because I haven't dealt with any! Talk about lame. I'd just like to go out and say, I am a Psychonut. A Psychonauts fan, player, and story teller. Psychonauts led me to this site, and to the three way crossover that is my first story. "Mysterie Kids" and no that's not a typo. It's not! I am also A huge fan of all Rick Riordan's books, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Lost Hero. All of it! I'm proud to say that I've re-read all three series twice. And to all the other Riordan fans, in the new paperback copy of Serpent's Shadow, there's a Percy Jackson Kane Chronicles short story written by Rick Riordan himself! I have to admit, I am a bit addicted to Doctor Who. Currently watching season five on Netflix and I really recommend it to any sci-fi fans. To be brutally honest, it was My Little Pony that got me addicted to the Time-Lord's brilliant show because my friend told me about Doctor Whooves and Derpy and the Tardis. And not knowing about any of I wikied it and guess what popped up. I then begged my dad to let me watch Doctor Who 'cos he used to say it was to scary for me, luckily he said yes! And here we are today. Doctor who: longest running sci-fi television program, been playing since 1963, and its 2013. Take that Star Trek! (No offense intended to any trekkies) And speaking of colorful magical mares, I've got what I like, and you have what you like. And for those of you who say "I can't talk about it because my friends will think I'm girly" here's my reply to that: Friends who think what you like is stupid, ridiculous, lame, or for little girls, aren't really your friends. If they dislike it, but they don't hammer you for liking it, those are proper friends. And if they like it, whatever it is, if they like it too, those are the best kinds of friends. The ones who you talk about what you like openly. Don't go hide in a closet, find somepony you can share your brony-ness with and enjoy it. Spread the word! Don't hide what you like! Love and Tolerate. If you believe this, turn it into a copy and paste chain. I recently started watching Supernatural, and though the show has given me minor paranoia, I LOVE it. (Even though I'm only on season 2) this show is by far the creepiest thing I've ever watched but also one of the coolest. Doctor Who and Sherlock notwithstanding. Sherlock Holmes, the single greatest detective in fiction history. Don't you tell me someone else is, because I bet they can't give you your life story by looking at you. I believe in Sherlock Holmes! I've read all seven Harry Potter books, and it only took me a month to do it! Not sure If I'll be writing HP fan fiction but, whatever. The books rule either way. Portal, both one and two are the bestest most clever games ever! I've played them both and though I haven't beat number two, I officially love Portal. Wheatly... sniff... 1 h4v3 0ff1c14lly b33n suck3d int0 H0m3stuck. Th3 w1ld w3b c0m1c h4s th0r0uly c4ptur3d my 4tt3nt10n. 1 m4y 0r m4y n0t wr1t3 HS f4nf1cs, but f33l fr33 t0 dr0p m3 HS rp's. F1n1sh3d 1t, w0w, n0w 1 c4n s33 why 0th3r f4ns 4r3 s0 1mp4t13nt, cl1ff h4ng3r 3nd1ng. I need a Homestuck Buddy! All my friends are MLP and DW, which is fine and good but I've got no one to bounce Fandomstuck and Homestuck ideas off of! If you happen to like me, and Homestuck, please drop me a line! And maybe someone who is also interested in Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. I've started watching that and despite how intense it is, it's really cool. But, if you're going to check it out, be warned. There is a lot of blood and violence, and I mean alot alot. My motto is: Write as it comes to you, don't force it, have a plan but not to much, don't try too hard to impress. Trust me, it happens. It really does. :P Derp. Favorite Quotes: "They've got a cave troll!"- Boromir, Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring-movie "Fantastic!"- 9th Doctor, Doctor Who "Allons-y!"-10th Doctor, Doctor Who "House of life, fussy old magicians who hate our family because dad was a bit of a rebel, whom, by the way, you could take a lesson from."- Sadie Kane, The Red Pyramid "Hey! Those were my Doctor Who specials!"-Ash Mistry, The Savage Foretress "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?"-Ronald Weasly, The Chamber of Secrets-movie "Louder!!!!!" "*deep breath then very quiet* yay," "Gah!"-Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, My Little Pony, Sonic Rainboom "Anderson stop talking, you lower the IQ level of the whole street."-Sherlock Homes, Sherlock, A Study In Pink "Sam, I don't mean to be rude, but your girlfriend is a *!"-Dean Winchester, Supernatural, not sure the episode, will check "Gallifrey falls no more!" -The War Doctor, Doctor Who Fifteith Anniversary, the Day of the Doctor "Reverse the polarity of the normality flow! I got it!"-Me Current Story and Statuses Adventures in Time 4 hiatus: indefinite Planned Stories Fandomstuck Minis (no plot, posted randomly) PM me for details. Stories I want to be written but I can't write myself please let me know if you found/wrote them Dipper and Mabel Winchester's great uncle goes missing while on a hunt, and he hasn't been back in a few days. While insisting he'd given up hunting for good, Dipper and his sister set out to find him. (Gravity Falls X Supernatural with the twins as the Winchesters) John Watson used to be John Egbert, Sherlock Holmes used to be Eridan Ampora, now turned human. After the events of sburb they were given new lives on earth. And neither knew who the other used to be. But, after a case involving sixteen other missing people who are suspiciously familiar turns up, all the dark secrets come tumbling out. (Sherlock x Homestuck post Sburb AU) Breakfast Club X Homestuck crossover with Eridan as John, Equius as Andrew, Kanaya as Claire, Terezi as Allison, and Tavros as Brian. Five young trolls get stuck in Saturday detention, and despite their different blood castes and personalities, they have more in common than expected. A 50's Homestuck Outsiders/Grease-ish Humanstuck AU with everyone on Earth in the Fifties with the Midnight Crew as a rival gang to the Highblood gang. (Eridan, Gamzee, Equius, and Vriska) And the chaos that ensues. Attack on Equestria- an Attack on Titan pony parody with the cutie mark crusaders as Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. More stuff about me: TV show(s): Doctor Who or Firefly Cartoon: Gravity Falls or My Little Pony Movie: Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire Book: Beautiful Chaos Song: Waiting for the End, Linkin Park Youtube Series: Doctor Whooves Adventures by Pony in a Box Productions Doctor: Ten Companion: Martha Jones (h8rs b h8ing her, she was awesome!) Doctor Who fan song: Bad Wolf by Forest Rain Sherlock Soundtrack: Pursuit Web comic: Homestuck (obviously) Troll: Feferi Peixes or Karkat Vantas A website in case you ever need noise, but not music, sound, but not words. Just try it. Oh, and for writing to music that actually helps, try using the soundtracks from said show, movie, cartoon, etc. Helps get you in the mood of the scene your writing. You people are brilliant. I mean it. You sit there taking the time to read my, little tiny me, my profile. My complaints, fangirling, useless info, and I want to say thank you. All of you are fantastic, brilliant, marvelous, cool, unique, stunning, amazing, extraordinary, creative people And thanks to each and every one of you awesome people. we now return you to your regularity scheduled profile. I have made a discovery that will change the world of Doctor Who! Sort of. There is a Children in Need special for Doctor Who, an earlier one, between "Parting of the Ways" and "A Christmas Invasion". But how is there an episode nobody knows about? Because nobody cared that much for the first season. But I'm spreading the word! This is the episode, watch it if you wish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IylzJNaW5k And when you are done, copy and paste it onto your profile and spread the word! There is a secret episode! Well, that's my profile. Hope you lot found my rambling non-obnoxious and my advice helpful. But, until you work up the courage to PM me, this is the Wholocked Brony signing off. Allons-y! And Bro-hoof /)(\ if you're a brony. If not, hive-five for you. (Insert High five symbol here) |
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