Doctor Whooves
Parting Of the Ways
Part two of our Dalek infested grand finale! This is one of my more favorite episodes, due to the just pure amazingness of- never mind, I've said too much!
"You know the Doc-tor, you un-der-stand him. You will predict actions!"
"I don't know! And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," Roseluck said stubbornly.
"Predict!" the Dalek roared, "Predict! Predict!"
"Tar-dis de-tec-ted, in flight," another Dalek croaked.
"Launch mis-siles, Exterminate!"
"You can't!" Roseluck protested, "The Tardis hasn't got any defenses, you're going to kill him!"
"You have pre-dicted corr-ectly."
The Tardis was flying to the Dalek Mother-Ship, spinning through space towards the bronze disk. Two large missiles came flying out of the ship straight for the Tardis.
"We've got incoming!" cried Captain Jack Harness, as he and the Doctor piloted the blue box. The missiles struck the Tardis, but it had vanished leaving them to explode by striking nothing. Inside the Tardis, the Extrapolater was glowing and flashing as it worked.
"The extrapolater's working, we've got a fully functional shield," Jack reported. The Doctor smirked, "And for our next trick…"
"Tardis detected!" cried a Dalek. Roseluck watched in awe as it materialized around her, and the Dalek next to looked back at the Doctor.
"Roseluck get down!" She dropped to her knees as the Dalek fired at the Doctor and Jack took it out with a blast from his modified defabricator. The Dalek's head exploded and it ceased firing. Roseluck got to her hooves, she looked over at the Doctor. He smiled, she galloped over and hugged him, "You did it."
"Told you I'd come and get you," he replied. They broke apart.
"Never doubted it."
"I did, you alright?"
"Yeah. You?"
"Not bad, been better."
"Hey don't I get a hug?" asked the Pegasus.
"Oh come here," said Roseluck giving Jack a hug.
"I was talking to him," Jack said, hugging her anyways, "Welcome home."
"Oh I thought I'd never see you again."
"You were lucky," Jack said, breaking away, "That was just a one shot wonder. Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just space junk." The Doctor knelt next to the destroyed Dalek, inspecting it. It was no doubt one of those infernal creatures, but how? They'd destroyed the last one long ago.
"You said they were extinct," Roseluck said, looking at the Dalek, "How come they're still alive?"
"One minute, they're the greatest threat in the universe," Jack explained, "Next they vanish out of time and space."
"They went off to fight a bigger war," the Doctor muttered, "The Time War."
"I thought that was just a legend." The Doctor stood up, "I was there. The war was between the Daleks and the Time-Ponies, with all of creation at stake. My people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them. I almost thought it was worth it, now it turned out they died for nothing."
"There's thousands of them now. We could hardly stop one, what're we going to do?" asked Roseluck. The Doctor thought for a moment, "No good standing round here chatting. Equestrians, you'd gossip all day. The Daleks have the answers," he smiled, "Let's go meet the neighbors." He ran for the door, "You can't go out there!" But he did. And almost immediately all the daleks began firing at him. But none hit the Time-Pony. The lasers just stopped midair, as far as three meters away from the Tardis.
The Doctor looked at them, "Is that it?" One Dalek fired again.
"Useless!" the Doctor confirmed as his friends stepped out of the Tardis, "Nul points. It's okay you guys, this force-field can hold back anything."
"Almost anything," Jack corrected.
"Yes, but I wasn't going to tell them that thanks."
"Sorry." The Doctor turned back to the Daleks, "Do you know what they called me in ancient legends of Skaro? The Oncoming Storm." He walked up to the nearest Dalek and looked it straight in the eye.
"You might've removed every single one of your emotions, but I reckon right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left. And that's fear. Doesn't it just burn when you face me? So, let's hear it, how did you survive the Time War?"
"They survived through me," a deep voice said. It sounded like a Dalek, but deeper and more evil. The Doctor turned around, and the Oncoming Storm was face to face with the Dalek Emperor. The lights came on, revealing a giant three legged Dalek stand with a massive head and eye stalk. Under that was a fish-tank like thing housing a large thing, with a head shaped like a brain, multiple tentacles, and only one eye.
"Roseluck, Captain," the Doctor said, eyes wide, "This is the Emperor of the Daleks."
"You destroyed us Doc-tor," the Emperor growled, "The Dalek race died in your inferno, but my ship sur-vived, falling through time, crippled but a-live."
"I get it," the Doctor interrupted.
"Do not interrupt!" a Dalek cried.
"Do not interrupt!"
"Do not interrupt!"
"I think you're forgetting something," the Doctor said, "I'm the Doctor, and if there's one thing I can do, its talk. I've got five billion languages, and you've got not one way of stopping me. So if anypony's going to shut up, ITS YOU!" he roared, the Daleks all backed away, afraid. "Okey doke, So, where were we?"
"We waited here in the Dark space," the Emperor continued, "damaged, but re-building. Centuries passed, and we quietly infil-trated the systems of Gaia, harvesting the waste of Eques-tria. The pri-soners, the ref-u-gees, the ev-icted. They all came to us. The bodies were filtered, pulped, sifted. The seeds of Gaia are perverted, only one cell in a billion was fit to be nur-tured!"
"You created an army of Daleks out of the dead…" Roseluck looked around them at said Dalek army, "That makes them only half-Dalek."
"Those words are blasphemy!" the Dalek Emperor roared.
"Do not blaspheme."
"Do not blaspheme."
"Do not blaspheme," the Daleks repeated.
"Everything non-Dalek has been purged. I cultivated pure and bless-ed Daleks," the Emperor replied. The Doctor looked back at the Emperor, "Since when do Daleks have a concept of blasphemy?"
"I reached into the dirt and made new life. I am the God of all Daleks!"
"Worship him!"
"Worship him!"
"Worship him!" The Doctor stared wide-eyed at the chanting Daleks, "They're insane, hiding in silence for hundreds of years, that's enough to drive anypony mad. But it's worse than that. Driven mad by your own flesh. The stink of Gaia's lost, and that makes them more deadly than ever." He turned back to his friends, "We're going."
"You may not leave my presence!" cried the Dalek Emperor. The ponies walked back to the Tardis, ignoring them.
"Stay where you are!" cried a Dalek. They walked inside the Tardis.
"Exterminate!" They began firing at the Tardis.
"Exterminate!" Just as the doors closed.
"Exterminate!" The Doctor closed the doors, he leaned his head against the door, and sighed in defeat.
The Tardis rematerialized back on Floor 500. The Doctor was the first one out.
"Turn everything out! All transmitters full power, wide open. Now! Do it!" he commanded.
"What will that do?" asked Sky.
"It'll stop the Daleks from transmatting on board. Did you contact Gaia?"
"Well, we tried to warn them, but all they did was suspend our license because we stopped the programs," Sky explained.
"So the planet's just sitting there defenseless. Lynda, what're you still doing on board? I told you to evacuate everypony."
"She wouldn't go."
"I didn't want to leave you," Lynda protested.
"There weren't enough shuttles anyway, or I wouldn't be here. We've got about a hundred ponies stranded on floor zero." Sky gasped suddenly, "Oh no, the Fleet is moving, they're on their way!" The Doctor ran over between the computer terminals and began tearing out wires, everypony watched him as he did this.
"Dalek plan, big mistake, becasuet hey left me with? Anypony? Anypony? Oh come on, it's obvious. A great big transmitter, this station, if I can change the signal. Fold it back, sequence it, anypony?"
"You've got to be kidding," Jack said.
"Give the stallion a medal!"
"A Delta wave?"
"A Delta wave!"
"What's a Delta wave?" asked Roseluck.
"A wave of Van Cassadyne energy," Jack explained, 'It fries your brain. Stand in the way of a Delta wave and your head gets barbequed."
"Well, get started then!" cried Lynda.
"Trouble is, wave this size, building this size, brain as clever as mine, should take about," the Doctor thought for a moment, "Oh, three days? How long till the fleet arrives?"
"Twenty-two minutes."
"We've got a forcefeild so they can't blast us out of the sky, but that doesn't prevent the Daleks from physically invading," explained Jack.
"Do they know about the Delta wave?" asked Sky, glancing back at the Doctor.
"They'll have worked it out at the same time. So, they want to stop the Doctor, that means they've got to get to this level, five hundred," Jack pointed at the top floors on the blue print. "I can concentrate the extrapolater around the top six levels, five hundred to four nine five. So they'll penetrate it there and fight their way up."
"Who are they fighting?" asked Sky.
"Us," Jack replied.
"And what are we fighting with?"
"The guards had guns with bastic bullets, that's enough to blow a Dalek wide open. Plus, w've got something they don't."
"Magic. Any unicorns who are going to help can use spells to freeze the Daleks in place and disable shields."
"But there's only five of us."
"Roseluck! You can help me," the Doctor called. Roseluck trotted over and began helping him build the Delta wave.
"Right, now there's four of us," Sky grumbled.
"Then let's move it!" ordered Jack, "Into the lift, isolate the controls." Sky nodded, he and a friend ran into the lift and began doing just that.
Lynda walked up to the Doctor, "I just wanted to say, thanks, I suppose. I'll try my best."
"Me too," the Doctor replied. They shook hooves and she walked away.
"It's been fun," Jack said, "But I guess this is goodbye."
"Don't talk like that," Roseluck said, "The Doctor's going to do it. You just watch."
"Roseluck," Jack smiled, "You are worth fighting for." He leaned forward and kissed her, then turned to the Doctor.
"Wish I'd never met you Doctor, I was better off as a coward," he hugged the Doctor, "See you in hell." Roseluck watched him as he joined the others in the elevator lift.
"He's going to be alright," she said, confidently. She looked at the Doctor, "Isn't he?"
Down on Floor Zero it was utter chaos. Everypony panicking, and running about. Captain Jack raised his machine gun and fired a round in the air, getting everypony's attention and causing them to stop.
"One last time," he called, "Any more volunteers? There's an army about to invade this station and I need every last citizen to mount a defense-"
"Don't listen to him!" cried Thunder, the same self-centered jerk who'd gotten Roseluck eliminated, "There aren't any Daleks. They disappeared thousands of years ago." Despite these claims, a mare stepped forward and joined the volunteers.
"Thanks," Jack said, nodding at her, "As for the rest of you, the Daleks will enter the station at flor four nine four and as far as I can tell, they'll head up, not down. But that's not a promise. SO here's a few words of advice. Keep, quiet." His tone became deadly serious, "And if you hear fighting up above, if you hear us dying, then go on and tell me that Daleks aren't real. Don't make a sound." He turned to the volunteers, "Let's go."
"Never mind."
"You said suppose." Roseluck removed another wire cover then glanced up at her Time-Pony friend, "No, I was thinking. I mean, obviously you can't, but what if we could go back a week and warn them?"
"As soon as the Tardis lands in that second, I become part of events, stuck in timeline," the Doctor explained, attaching another wire to his Delta machine.
"Yeah, thought it was something like that."
"There's another thing the Tardis could do," the Doctor said, "It could take us away. We could leave. Let history take its course. We could go to the Crystal Empire the very day it returned and watch Sombra get defeated."
"Yeah, but you wouldn't," Roseluck replied, "You'd never do that."
"No, but you could ask. Never occurred to you did it?"
"Well I'm just too good," Roseluck replied handing him one last wire. He plugged it in, there was a burst of electricity inside the wave generator. He stepped back.
"The Delta wave's started building. How long does it need?" They ran over to the front computer. The Doctor looked at the results, and his face fell.
"Is that bad?" asked Roseluck, the Doctor looked up at her, "Okay it's bad. How bad is it?" Suddenly his eyes widened and he smiled, "Roseluck you're a genius!" He kissed her on the cheek and ran over to the Tardis, "We can do it, If I use the Tardis to cross my old timeline. Yes!" They ran into the blue box.
"Hold that down and keep position," the Doctor instructed.
"What's it do?" asked Roseluck, doing as he instructed.
"Cancels the buffers. If I'm clever, and I'm more than clever I'm brilliant, I might just save the world… or rip it apart."
"I'd go with the first one."
"Me too. Now, I've just got to go and power up the Game Station. Hold on!" he galloped out of the Tardis, but stopped outside. The Tardis doors had closed behind him, he turned around and looked at them. He sighed, pulled out the Sonic Screwdriver and aimed it at his precious time machine. He activated the device, and the Tardis engines activated. It began to fade out of existence.
"Doctor!" Roseluck cried from the inside, "What're you doing? Can I take my hoof off? It's moving!" She let go of the switch and galloped over to the doors.
"Doctor! Let me out!" she pushed and pulled trying to get the Tardis doors open, but they refused to budge. She tried again, no success. Bwip.
"This is Emergency Program One," Roseluck whirled around, a holographic form of the Doctor was standing behind her.
"Roseluck, now listen," it said, "This is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing. We must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape."
"NO!" Roseluck protested.
"And that's okay, hope it's a good death," the holo-Doctor said, "But I promised to look after you, and that's what I'm doing. The Tardis is taking you home."
"I won't let you!"
"And I bet you're fussing and moaning now. Typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The Tardis can never return to me. Emergency Program One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hooves on this machine." Roseluck walked around the hologram, watching it from the side. "So this is what you should do. Let the Tardis die, just let this old box gather dust. Let it become a strange little thing sitting on a street corner.
"Nopony can open it. Nopony will even notice it. And over the years, the word'll move on and this box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all, one thing." The hologram turned and looked at her, meeting her eyes, "Have a good life. Do that for me Roseluck. Have a fantastic life, like I never could." The image flickered out, leaving Roseluck alone in the Tardis, her eyes filling with tears.
"You can't do this," she cried, "You can't!" she ran over to the Tardis controls and began pressing buttons and flipping switches. "Take me back! Take me back! No! Come on fly! How do you fly! Come on Tardis, help me!" The engines stopped, she'd landed. Roseluck galloped outside, she was home. She stood there, staring up at the sky.
Gear came running down the road, his large brown jacket flapping behind him.
"I knew it!" he cried with a smile, "I was all the way down at the shop and I heard the engines. I thought, there's only one thing that makes a noise like that." He stopped when Rosleuck looked at him, face wet with tears, "What is it?" Roseluck hugged her old friend, now sobbing uncontrollably.
"Roseluck," Jack called over the intercom, "I've called up the internal laser codes. There chould be a different number on every screen. Can you read them out to me?"
"She's not here," the Doctor replied grimly, working on his Delta Wave.
"Of all times to take a leak, when she gets back, tell her to read me the codes."
"She's not coming back," the Doctor corrected, averting his eyes.
"What do you mean? Where'd she go?" asked Jack.
"Just get on with your work."
"You took her home, didn't you?"
"The Delta Wave, is it ever going to be ready?"
"Tell him the truth Doc-tor." A menacing voice insisted. It was the Dalek Emperor, somehow he'd hacked into the floor 500 view screen. "There is ev-ery possi-bil-ity that Delta Wave could be complete. But no possi-bil-ity for refining it. The Delta Wave must kill every living thing in its path, with no dis-tin-ction between pony, and Da-lek.
"All things will die, by your hoof."
"Doctor, the range of this transmitter covers all of Gaia," Jack explained.
"You would destroy Da-leks and Ponies together. If I am the god, what does that make you Doc-tor?"
"There are colonies out there," the Doctor replied, voice wavering, "Ponies will survive in some shape or form, but you're the only Daleks in existence. The whole Universe is in danger if I let you live," the Doctor looked at Jack, "So you see Jack? That's the decision I've got to make for every living thing. Die as a stallion or live as a Dalek."
"You sent her home, she's safe, keep working," Jack encouraged.
"But he will exterminate you!" the Emperor said.
"I've never doubted him, never will." The Doctor stood up from his work and walked over to the holo-screen, he looked up at the Dalek Emperor.
"Now, you tell me, God of all Daleks, because there's one thing I never worked out," the Doctor said seriously, "The words, Bad Wolf, spread across time and space, everywhere, drawing me in. How'd you manage that?"
"I did nothing." The Emperor replied.
"Oh come on, there's no secrets now, 'your worship'," he retorted sarcastically.
"They are not part of my design. This is the Truth of God." The Doctor looked up at the Bad Wolf Corp. sign, if it wasn't dalek god, how'd those words get everywhere? And what did they mean?
Roseluck stared at her salad, pushing it around absentmindedly. Her mum and Gear chattered away, not a care in the world.
"Oh Roseluck, have something to eat," Lilly-luck insisted.
"Two hundred years in the future, he's dying," Roseluck mumbled, staring out the window, "and there's nothing I can do."
"Well it's like you said, two thousand years. It's way off," Lilly replied.
"But it's not! It's now!" Roseluck protested, "That fight is happening right now, and he's fighting for us, for the whole planet, and I'm just sitting here eating chips!"
"Listen to me, Celestia knows I have hated that stallion but right now, I love him and do you know why?" asked Lilly, "Because he did the right thing. He sent you back to me."
"But what do I do every day mum?" demanded Roseluck, "What do I do? Get up, go to work, come back home, watch telly, eat chips, and go to bed? Is that it?"
"It's what the rest of us do," Gear replied.
"But I can't!"
"Why, because your better than us?"
"No, I didn't mean that- but it was, it was a better life. And I don't mean all the travelling and seeing aliens, spaceships, and things. That doesn't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living my life, you know, he showed you too Gear. That you don't just give up, you don't let things just happen, you make a stand, you say no, you have the guts what's right when everypony else just runs away and I can't just- agh!" She slammed her hooves on the table in frustration, then leapt up and galloped out of the tiny shop.
"Right, Lynda, you are my eyes and ears," Jack explained, showing her how to access the computer terminal, "When the Daleks get in, you can follow them on that screen and report it to me."
"Understood," Lynda Moss replied.
"They'll detect you but the door's made of Hydra Combination Steel. It should keep them out," he said pointing at the door.
"It's the best I can do." Jack pressed a button on his wrist computer. "How long till the Fleet arrives?"
"They've accelerated."
"This is it mares and gentle-colts, we are at war!" called Jack.
The Fleet had indeed arrived at Game Station, one thousand flying saucers filled with two thousand killing machines each. The Daleks began streaming out of the ships flying through space towards the satellite. Hundreds of them, thousands, and almost no way to stop them.
"You can't keep thinking about the Doctor your whole life," Gear told her. Roseluck stared ahead at the graffitied wall, "But how do I forget him?"
"You've got to start living your own life," Gear said, looking over at her, "You know, a proper life. Like the one he never got to have. The sort of life you could have with me." Roseluck looked at the wall, then at the concrete. Her eyes widened in surprise. Because written there, in yellow and white chalk, were the giant words, BAD WOLF. She stood up and walked over to it, then she saw it on the walls as well.
"Over here, it's over here as well!" she cried, galloping over.
"That's been there for years, it's just a phrase," Gear cried after her, "It's just words."
"I thought it was a warning," Roseluck muttered, "Maybe it's the opposite, maybe it's a message! The same words written now and two hundred thousand years in the future. It's a link between me and the Doctor! Bad Wolf here, Bad Wolf there." She turned and ran past Gear.
"But if it's a message, what's it saying?!" he called.
"It's telling me I can get back! The least I can do is help him escape!"
"Stand your ground everypony, follow my commands, and good luck," Jack ordered, every volunteer and soldier fighting against the Daleks could hear this. Lynda kept her eyes glued to the satellite schematic.
"You were right. They're forcing the airlock on four nine four," she relayed. The whole satellite shook violently as the killers broke through the airlock into Game Station.
"All the Tardis needs to do is make a return trip," Roseluck explained, tapping her hoof on the console while she thought.
"Yeah, but we still can't do it," Gear grumbled.
"the Doctor always said the Tardis was telepathic. This thing is alive," Roseluck explained, "It can listen."
"It's not listening now is it?"
"We need to get inside," Roseluck mused, kneeling down next to the console, "Last time I saw you, with the slitheen, this middle bit opened up, and there was this light, and the Doctor said it was the heart of the Tardis. If we can open it, I can make contact, I can tell it what to do."
"If you go back, you're going to die," Gear said, worried.
"That's a risk I've got to take," Roseluck replied, "Because there's nothing left for me here."
"Okay then, let's get this thing open."
"Okay, activate internal lasers! Slice 'em up!" One of the volunteers tried to activate them, but there was a shorting out bzzrt, no lasers.
"Defenses have gone offline," Lynda relayed, "The Dalek's have overridden the lot." Daleks were swarming floor four nine four, the few volunteers there were trying to shoot them. But the bullets were simply vanishing in midair before even hitting the robots. And one by one, those on flour four nine four were 'exterminated'.
"Pull!" Roseluck and Gear pulled on the chain with all their might, they'd attached one end to the Tardis console, and the other to a plow. Both of them were pushing on the plow, pulling on the chain, pulling on the console.
"Faster!" cried Roseluck, Gear flapped his wings, they both pushed. But nothing was happening. From a distance, Lilly-luck watched them pull fruitlessly against the chain.
"Come on!" cried Gear, Roseluck looked back, "It's not moving!" The chain snapped before the console budged. Roseluck and Gear fell forward as the chain gained slack. She slammed the pavement in frustration.
"Advance guard have made it to four nine five," Lynda said.
"Jack, how're we doing?" asked the Doctor.
"Four nine five should be good," the Captain said, "I like four nine five." Because on four nine five was an Anne Droid, her transmat replaced by an actual laser.
"Identify yourself!" the approaching Dalek commanded.
"You are the weakest link, goodbye!" zapzapzap- three Daleks in one five second period. Jack hooted in celebration upstairs.
"You are the weakest link," Anne Droid began as another Dalek approached. It blasted off her head before she could finish. "Goodb-"
"Proceed to next level," the Dalek ordered.
"They're flying up the ventilation shafts," Lynda said, terrified, "No, wait a minute. Oh Celestia, why're they doing that? They're going down!" Indeed, the ruthless Daleks were flying down the ventilation shafts, all the way to floor Zero. Lynda heard the screams all the way up there, the laser fires, those Daleks were killing everypony down there. Only moments later, it all stopped.
"Floor Zero, they killed them all," she whispered.
"It was never going to work sweetheart," Lilly-luck said, Rosleuck looked up at her from the Captain's seat, "And the Doctor knew that, he wanted you safe."
"I can't give up," Roseluck replied.
"Just lock the door and trot away," Lilly insisted.
"Dad wouldn't give up," Roseluck muttered.
"Well he's not here is he? And even if he was, he'd say the same."
"No, he wouldn't," Roseluck corrected, "He'd tell me to try anything. If I could save the Doctor's life, try anything."
"Well we're never going to know."
"Well I know I know because I met him. I met Dad."
"Oh don't be ridiculous."
"The Doctor took me back in time, and I met dad," Roseluck insisted.
"Don't say that," Lilly snapped.
"Remember when Dad died?" asked Roseluck, trying to keep her voice from cracking, "There was somepony with him. A mare, an earth mare. She held his hoof. You saw her from a distance Mum. You saw her! Think about it, that was me. You saw me!"
"Stop it!" Lilly-luck snapped.
"That's how good the Doctor is."
"Stop it! Just stop it!" Lilly-luck turned and galloped out of the Tardis, leaving Roseluck there, crying alone.
"Lynda! What's happening on Gaia?" asked the Doctor.
"The Fleet's descending," Lynda replied, "They're bombing whole kingdoms." She watched, as each bomb fell, a group on her screen would become distorted and break. "Equestria, Grinillia, the Crystal empire, Dragon Island's just gone."
"This is perfection," the Dalek Emperor mused, "I have created Heaven in Hell."
"Floor four nine nine, we're the last defense," Captain Jack instructed, "The bullets should work if you concentrate on the Dalek's eyestalk. I've got the force-field at max so Dalek lasers should be at their weakest." The last soldiers were hiding behind a make-shift wall of metal and plastic, with little openings just big enough to fire a spell or gun. No Dalek's had arrived yet, but tensions were high. Any minute now, the battle would move onto them.
"There's got to be something else we can do," Gear said.
"Mum was right," Roseluck said, staring at the Tardis, "Maybe we should just lock the door and walk away."
"I'm not having that," Gear protested, "I'm not having you just-just give up now. No way, we just need something bigger." Gear looked down the road and broke into a smile, "Something like them." Roseluck followed his gaze, and gasped. Lilly was galloping down the road with Daisy, and a few others in tow. She walked up to Roseluck.
"Okay, they don't know about the Tardis, they think they're helping you get it unstuck from the side of a building," Lilly explained, "But they won't be fooled for long. So get on with it."
"Mum, where the hell did you find all of them?" asked Roseluck.
"Two owe me favors, one wanted to help, and one's my best pal," she explained, "Never mind though, but you were right about your dad sweet heart. He was always full of mad ideas, and it's exactly what he would've done. Now get on with it before somepony gets suspicious."
"Open fire!" called Jack as the Daleks rolled in. Bullets almost immediately began to rain down on them. But it didn't do anything, they kept getting closer.
"It's not working!"
"Concentrate your fire!" Jack cried, "Eyestalk two o'clock!" Somepony hit the blue light dead on, shattering it.
"My vision is impaired!" the injured Dalek cried, "I cannot see!"
"We did it!" somepony cried, but they were exterminated only a second later. The remaining ponies kept firing, but they were dropping like flies.
"Doctor, I've got a problem," Lynda called.
"Pony femal de-tec-ted."
"They've found me."
"You'll be alright Lynda, that side of the Station's reinforced against meteors," the Doctor insured.
"Hope so!" Lynda replied. She looked at the door, a red hot spot was beginning to form. Because outside, the Daleks were cutting the door open with a super blow torch. Slowly, the metal melted away. Lynda was scared enough as it was, but when she felt the hair on her neck stand up, she became terrified. Slowly, Lynda Moss turned around and looked out the observation window. Three Daleks were floating outside, the closest one's lights flashed three times, then it fired. The exoglass shattered, Lynda screamed, once.
"Last pony standing!" Jack cried, firing at the Daleks as he flew backwards away from them, "For Celestia's sake Doctor finish that thing and kill them!"
"Finish that thing and destroy Gaia," the Emperor hissed. The Doctor glared at the Dalek God, but he kept working, scrambling to plug in wires and insert memory cards.
The second attempt at getting the Tardis console open was underway. Five strong and able ponies were pulling hard on the chain, Roseluck was inside the Tardis waiting for it to open.
"Keep going!" she called out. They pulled harder.
"Come on!" Gear called, pulling as hard as he could on the chain.
"Come on, come on!"
"Give it so-" Crash! Thwang! The Tardis console finale cacked open, the chain went salck and the ponies pulling on it fell. Roseluck stepped in front of the open Tardis, she looked into the heart. She was suddenly filled with energy, the Time Vortex, she knew exactly what to do and where to go.
"Roseluck!" called Gear, he tried to run into the Tardis but the doors slammed shut in his face. It began to dematerialize, they all watched in awe as it vanished out of their time, rocketing towards 200,100.
Doctor, you've got about twenty seconds maximum!" Jack cried as he fired off the last round of bullets from his machine gun at the oncoming Daleks. The gun clicked uselessly as the cartridge emptied. Jack pulled out his last pistol and emptied that too. He threw it to the side and faced the Daleks head on.
"Exterminate!" the machine cried.
"I kinda figured that." Zap! Captain Jack was zapped by a Dalek, throwing him back into the ready elevator.
The Doctor pulled up the push bar on his Delta Wave machine, he was met with a powering up noise.
"It's ready!" he cried happily. Then the doors opened on all sides of the room, each one allowing Daleks to stream in. He spun around, hearts pumping in fear. He placed his hooves on the push bar, "You really want to think about this, because if I activate the signal, every living creatur dies."
"I am im-mortal," the Dalek Emperor said.
"Do you want to put that to the test?" demanded the Time-Pony.
"I want to see you become like me. Hail the Doc-tor, the Great Exterminator!"
"I'll do it!" he insisted, threatening to press it.
"Then prove yourself Doc-tor. What are you, coward or killer?" The Doctor tried to throw the final switch, but he couldn't. He let go of the bar and stepped back, "Coward, any day."
"Gaia will be harvested because of your weakness," the Emperor roared.
"And what about me?" asked the Doctor, "Am I becoming one of your angels?"
"You are the heathen, you will be exterminated!" The Daleks raised their lasers.
"Maybe it's time," the Doctor sighed. He closed his eyes and braced himself, but a strange noise startled him. Vrrrrm, vrrrrrm, it was the sound of the Tardis.
"Alert! Tardis materializing!" a Dalek reported. The Doctor opened his eyes and spun around.
"You will not escape!" The Tardis appeared in front of him, the light glowing bright gold. The Doctor stumbled to back away from it, falling next to his Delta Wave. The doors flew open, Roseluck slowly walked out of the Tardis, silhouetted by blinding golden light. Pure golden energy formed a pair of wings and a unicorn horn, making Roseluck looked like an alicorn princess, her eyes glowed with the same pure power.
"What've you done?" demanded the Doctor, shocked. Roseluck looked at him, "I looked into the Tardis, and the Tardis looked into me."
"You looked into the Time Vortex, Roseluck, nopony's meant to do that!" the Doctor cried.
"This is an abomination!" the God of all Daleks roared.
"Exterminate!" squawked one of the Daleks, it fired a beam at Roseluck. She raised her hoof and caught it, the blue beam vanished.
"I am the Bad Wolf," she said, "I create myself. I take the words, I scatter them in time and space. A message to lead myself here."
"Roseluck, you've got to stop this!" the Doctor cried, "You've got to stop this now! You've got the entire Vortex running through your head you're gonna burn!"
"I want you safe," she said sadly, "My Doctor. Protected from the false god."
"You cannot hurt me!" the false god roared, "I am immortal."
"You are tiny," the Bad Wolf said, looking up at him, eyes glowing like suns, "I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence and I divide them." She looked to her left and pointed at a Dalek, it slowly dissolved into golden dust.
"Everything must come to dust," she said, raising her wings, "All things, everything dies." The Bad Wolf looked up at the false god, "The Time War ends." One by one, each and every Dalek dissolved into golden energy. Outside the station, the ships each vanished in swirls of golden light.
"I will not die!" the Emperor cried, "I cannot die!" Around him, his ship vanished into dust, until the Emperor of the Daleks was no more. The armada was gone in a matter of moments. The Doctor looked up at Roseluck, "Roseluck, you've done it. Now stop, just let it go."
"How can I let go of this? I bring life!" Somwhere else on Game Station, Captain Jack Harness came back to life, gasping for air.
"But this is wrong!" the Doctor cried, getting to his hooves, "You can't control life and death!"
"But I can," Roseluck insisted, "The sun and the moon, the day and the night. But why do they hurt?"
"The power's going to kill you and it's my fault."
"I can see everything," Roseluck said, eyes welling with tears, "All that is, all that was, all that ever could be."
"That's what I see," the Doctor said, "All the time. Doesn't it drive you mad?"
"My head,"
"Come here."
"It's killing me."
"I think you need a Doctor." The Doctor leaned forward and kissed her, there was a bright flash of light, and all the energy inside of Roseluck transferred into the Doctor. She collapsed, the Doctor lowered her gently to the ground, then he turned to the Tardis. He exhaled and the Time energy flowed out of him, returning to its place inside the Tardis.
When his eyes stopped glowing, the Doctor stood there for a moment. He looked down at Roseluck, and smiled, she'd risked her life and entire existence to save his. Stupid pony, but at the same time, absolutely brilliant.
Captain Jack slowly got to his hooves, he was alive, but how? The Daleks had fired and, he wasn't dead. He took a few shaky steps forward and knelt next to a pile of dust, it was right where the Daleks had been. Suddenly, he heard something. The Tardis! He took to the air and flew up to floor five hundred.
But he was too late. The blue box was already gone, leaving him stranded.
Roseluck yawned, "What happened?" She was lying on the floor of the Tardis, her jacket mildly scorched and a small headache.
"Don't you remember?" asked the Doctor, standing by the Tardis controls.
"It's like, there was this singing," she said sitting up.
"That's right, I sang a song and the Daleks ran away," he joked.
"I was at home, no I wasn't, I was in the Tardis, and there was this light… I can't remember anything else," said Roseluck, getting to her hooves. The Doctor cringed, he glanced down at one of his front hooves, traces of yellow energy flowed just under the skin. And when they vanished, his hoof became a darker grey blue.
"Roseluck, I was going to take you to so many places," he mused, "Barcelona, the planet Barcelona. You'd love it, fantastic place. They've got dogs with no noses. Imagine how many time a day you end up telling that joke and it's still funny!"
"Then why can't we go?" asked Roseluck skeptically.
"Maybe you will, maybe I will," the Doctor replied, "But not like this."
"You're not making sense."
"I might never make sense again!" he cried happily, "I might have two heads, or no head. Imagine me with no head. And don't say that's an improvement. But it's a bit dodgy this process. You never know what you're going to end up with-" he suddenly flashed bright gold and cried out In pain. Rosleuck stepped forward to try and help.
"Stay away!"
"Doctor, tell me what's happening," Roseluck asked, concerned. The Doctor took slow breaths to try and relax, "I absorbed all the energy of the Time Vortex, and nopony's meant to do that. Every cell in my body's dying."
"Can't you do something?" asked Roseluck.
"Yeah, I'm doing it now," he replied, "Time-Ponies have this little trick, it's sort of a way of cheating death. Except, it means I'm going to change, and I'm not going to see you again. Not like this. Not with this daft old face. And before I go-"
"Don't say that," insisted Roseluck.
"Roseluck, before I go, I just want to tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what?" the Doctor smiled, "So was I." Golden light burst out of the Doctor, blinding Roseluck. It swirled around him creating a bubble of golden energy. As it swirled, he changed. Changing color, size, attitude, all of it. Only moments later, the energy vanished, dropping a new stallion onto the metal floor of the Tardis.
He had spiky and wild brown hair, a chestnut colored coat, big brown eyes, the same hourglass cutie mark, he was thinner because the Doctor's jacket hung on his shoulders like a shawl, and the sleeves seemed shorter on his slightly taller figure. Roseluck stared at him, confused and terrified.
"Hello," he said cheerfully, his accent similar to Roseluck's, "Okay oh…" He felt his teeth, "New teeth, that's weird. So, where was I? Oh that's right, Barcelona."
To be continued in Born Again. And here's what to expect.
"I demand to know who you are!"
"I'm the Doctor and I just snogged Miamore Cadenza!"
"Bullets can't stop it!"
"Welcome to Torchwood."
"The beast will rise from the pit."
Me: Say goodbye to the ninth Doctor, and hello to the Tenth. This marks the end of season one, and I can't wait to see you guys in season two.
For the final time in season one, Hasbro owns Gaia and all the ponies upon it. BBC owns Gallifrey, the Daleks, and the Bad Wolf. Yuji8sushi drew the amazing cover art. I simply added a pony touch to it all. Transcripts of most Doctor Who episodes courtesy of .
And until I see you next, bye!