A/N: Okay first official Homestuck fanfiction. I know I should finish my other stories but I don't know where to go with them!

This will end up being Cronkri with side GamKar or SolKat. I am sorry this story is starting so slow, but I figured I would go ahead andpost what I had down.

Disclaimer: I do not own Homestuck

Kankri Vantas couldn't complain about his life. He had no right to complain, he was a very privileged young man with a reasonable amount of money and straight A's. He really had no right to complain, and really had no reason to, not until that faithful day he officially became a junior at Beforus High.


Your name is Kankri Vantas and you are currently standing in the front office of Beforus High School, one of the top schools in the country. Your father decided that you and your brother needed a better education than what you were getting back at your old back wood country establishment. It wasn't really that big of a deal for you seeing as you weren't really emotionally invested in the place but it was definitely a whole other scenario with your younger brother. Your younger brother, Karkat, had a lot of friends that he had left behind; including his seemingly lifelong crush. You really had nothing to lose besides your best friend Porrim, even though she was more of a mother figured to you than a friend. Though you'd probably never let yourself dwell upon it you did have to admit you really did miss her.

None the less here you are standing in front of the counselor's desk as she set up your schedule according to your previous grades, classes, etc. You had been in the room for at least twenty minutes as she matched your classes and made sure you were taking all the ones that were required to pass. She seemed like an extremely nice and intelligent lady. Upon entrance she introduced herself as Miss. Delarosa and got right to work at making you feel at home by offering you a glass of water and telling you to help yourself to the bowl of assorted candies. You declined the both offers and remained standing when she offered you a seat.

"Well I do believe that that should be it," she stated as you watched her hands rapidly tap against the key board as she completed your registration. With a final click the printer sounded as it spit out a stack of papers and the machine beside it printed out a laminated card that had a series of numbers, a barcode, and your photo. Mrs. Delarosa reached over and retrieved that pile of paper work before turning back to you and showing you the stack.

"Here is your schedule and this is our schools code of conduct. You and your father will have to look through these and sign and fill out what needs to be signed and filled out." She explained before leaning over and picking up the card and placing on top of the papers, "And this is your student ID. You must have this card on you at all times while on campus. "She continued and offered you the papers which you took from her with a small nod as you inspected the card and then the papers.

"Yes, thank you very much Miss. Delarosa. I will get these to you as soon as possible." You confirm before slipping the card into your back pocket. She simply nods and goes back to her computer.

"If you need anything dear my door is always open" she says as a sort of dismal you suppose, so you give her a nod and a small 'thank you' before heading out the door, through the main office and to the lobby. You look down at your schedule as soon as you're out of the office door and then at your watch.

"It's around noon. That means that the day's fourth class should be getting out in about fifteen minutes." You mutter to yourself as you go back to studying the schedule. After a few more minutes you decide that you should try and find your fifth period class before everyone flooded the hallways


Kankri was fuming. He had literally walked around the same circle at least three times and he has wasted at least five minutes of his time walking around the damned thing. Then he got stuck in at least three dead end hallways before he found the stairway he needed to go up. Long story short ten of the fifteen minutes later Kankri found himself at his destination aggravated and short of breath. He leaned against the wall and double checked the room's number to make sure he was in the right place.

Kankri let out a small sigh as he took a moment to inspect his surroundings. The hall way was a relatively good sized structure. The floors and walls were nice and clean and the windows near the ceiling let in a lot of natural light. It was nice, he thought, he always had enjoyed nature to a certain extent. With a small smile he looked back at his watch to confirm that he had a few minutes, before moving to take his ID from his back pocket. He really wished that Miss. Delarosa had used a better picture than the one that she had printed. He remembered the day the picture was taken clearly. His Dark brown hair was a mess of loose curls on his head and he had small bags under his brown hazel eyes. His tan skin seemed to lack its luster too, most likely because the night before he had spent the whole night studying for some end of course exams.

He chuckled a bit at the thought, but any further thoughts were cut short as a high pitched electronic bell rang through the halls and the corridors seemed to spring to life. Kankri waited until the crowd died down before entering his class and going to the teacher behind the podium. The blonde women stationed behind the block of wood wasn't much taller than the furniture itself. She was petite, but in a healthy way and was adorned in a thick white dress.

"May I help you?" She asks the words coming out in a flamboyant slur past her obsidian colored lips that matched the small amount of eye makeup she wore.

"Uh –ahem- yes ma'am. I just enrolled in school here and I believe this is this class that I am taking during this period of the day." He states formally with a small smile.

She seemed to stop and think before she snapped her fingers and gave a joy filled smile. "Oh! You're the Vamantis kid!" she exclaimed seeming pleased with herself, incorrectly Kankri may have gladly added.

"Vantas "he corrects when she is done, "Kankri Vantas, actually." He states unable to keep the 'informative' tone from his voice.

The teacher lets out a 'psh' followed by a 'yeah, yeah, whatever' before stretching, "I need to see your student ID, then you can go take a seat," She said now swaying on her feet.

Kankri gave a small nod and handed her the ID which she quickly looked over and returned to him, "I'm Mama Lalonde by the way, Glad to have you in my chemistry class."

A/N: I am so sorry my first chapter is a filler chapter. It will get better I swear. R&R please.