"Dave, I need you to do something for me." His voice was strained and horse.

"What is it, John?" I looked almost as bad as he did.

"Kill me." He seemed relieved.

Two Months Earlier

I walked through my house like I did every morning. I took a quick shower, then I skipped breakfast like I usually did. My appetite hadn't been as strong since it all happened. Alone with the memories of this house, that looked like it did before they all died, I was severely worn down.

I looked at the vast amount of harlequins that filled the living area. It had taken me forever to see that Dad put them out for me. Too bad I could never thank him.

I then took notice of my grandma's portrait hanging over the fireplace. "Nana," my voice laced with sadness, " I still don't understand why this happened. Dad, Jade, and Uncle Jake. I don't understand why I lived and they didn't." I stared at Nana's picture for a moment before sitting on the couch. "Dave doesn't even talk to me anymore. I can't take it another day. Nana, I want to die."

As if on cue, my phone rang. I wasn't even sure of why I had a phone anymore. No one talked to me. Looking at the screen revealed that the caller was none other than the mysterious Dave Strider.

"Yo, John, I'm coming to Washington soon, and I was wondering if I could crash at your place." I was amazed. After two years of silence, Dave Strider was on the phone with me.

"Dave, I don't know if that's-"

"I promise I won't put my shitty katanas in your fridge." What? Why would he want to put swords in the fridge? I had no clue.

"When? How long will you be here?"

"Tomorrow, and at least two weeks. I'm on tour." Tour? "I really did it, Man. I'm DJing all the time now. Only took nineteen years." I was a couple months younger than Dave and in my own nineteen years had only acquired the title of orphan.

"I guess you can stay if you want. I'll need to go shopping. There's not much food in the kitchen."

"John, have you been eating?" The king of all things cool and ironic actually sounded concerned.

"Yes." I lied.

"Good. Wouldn't want my best bro to starve to death." Why did he call me his "best bro"? He hadn't talked to me since the accident.

"Ha, yeah. See you tomorrow, Dave."

"Later, Egderp." That too? I though that name had passed. I was John EgBERT. Not EgDERP. Either way, I had some shopping to do.

I got the basics plus a LOT of apple juice. I remembered that it was Dave's ultimate favorite. I cleaned my entire house and washed the sheets from the spare room. Then, I went to bed. Tomorrow was a big day, and I was dreading it.

A.N. Sorry that this is short, but I am testing the waters. I don't know if this is something other people would want to read.