Thanks for all the support guys. I dont own anything, sorry this took so long but I'm quite lazy and yeaaaahhhh... thats my only excuse.

... I am VERY dissapointed in myself ¬_¬


when they got back to Berk

Snotlout got into the arena at night and as expected all the teens just stared at the nightfury behind him. They had left the recently conscious sea serpent in the bay.

Toothless bounded over to the other nightfury and sniffed him. However the nightfury jumped back and snarled at Toothless.

Hiccup looked at the nightfury, it was so strange. It had a messy patch of hair on its head. It looked like it was wearing a black jumper made of scales with a grey cancer sign on it. It also had orange and yellow curved nubby horns on its head.

"Who's it gonna stay with?" asked Fishlegs. When no one volunteered Hiccup just sighed and said "I'll take him".

"How do you know it's a male?" asked Astrid.

Hiccup smirked, "there's a simple test." He walked over to the nightfury and said, "are you a girl?"

The nightfury then began thrashing around and roaring and shaking its head from side to side.

"THAT'S how you find out a dragons gender" said Hiccup.

The others laughed at the nightfury's antics.

Karkat's pov

This is so fucking stupid. I woke up this afternoon to an ugly human kid and a big red dragon staring at me. Of course then I found out I was a fucking dragon as well, apparently I was some kind of extremely rare dragon called a Nightfury.

Then that human girl had asked how the small brown haired one had knew he was a male. Honestly, humans were so dumb. I guess though I'm kinda happy that the small one had known I was a male.

Then he had said I could stay at his house, I'm not ok with this but I guess I need a place to stay so I'll fucking go along with it.

3rd person pov of view again.

Karkat lay by the fire about 3 meters away from Toothless. He was thinking about why the house was made of wood when there was fire breathing dragons around. He then realized he didn't care and thought about what could have happened to make him end up here.

"Come on dad, he only has to stay here for a little while" pleaded Hiccup. Stoick ran a hand through his beard and sighed before nodding his head and going upstairs to his bed. Hiccup gave Toothless and Karkat a fish before scratching Toothless behind the ear flap and going upstairs.

Karkat waited for a few minutes before standing up and heading towards the front door.

Where are you going? asked Toothless. Karkat turned around.

Well I can never sleep so I am going outside. If you must fucking know growled Karkat. He then pushed open the door with his nose and went outside. Toothless quietly got up and followed.

When they were outside Toothless spoke up - So... Karkat, where do you come from.

Karkat sighed agitated but replied anyway. For some reason he found it really easy to talk to Toothless...

KK: I'm from another planet called Alternia, I'm originally a species called a troll and we were basically fucking Gods.

Toothless didn't know what much of that meant but went along with it anyway.

TL: How many of you were there?

KK: Well, there were a lot of us but I only ever met 12.

TL: Were they your friends?

KK- Well, yeah I guess, but some of them could be real douches.

TL: Do you miss any of them?

KK: Yeah, I guess, but not most of them. I mean... Fuck Spiderbitch, I also don't like Zahhak

TL: Zahhak?

KK: (sigh) Ugh... Equius Zahhak, he was a real fucking creepy troll, and practically the only troll who actually cared about what my blood colour was. Which I guess was weird, I mean... I expected people to make a big fucking deal about it but they were all pretty cool about it.

TL: That's strange, what is your blood colour?

KK: You... promise you won't fucking cull me.

TL: umm... ok sure.

KK: Ok, it's... candy red.

TL: o.o why would that be something to kill you over?

KK: Because it's red, you know... fucking red!

TL: My blood is red

. AAH! Why did you scratch me?!

KK: Hey! You weren't shitting me, you blood IS red Just like the humans! I guess it must be a universal thing.

TL: I don't really understand what that means but ok.

KK: You wouldn't fucking get it.

TL: Oh well *yawn* I'm going back inside to sleep. Aren't you coming?

KK: I don't sleep

TL: Why, is it not physically possible for you to sleep or something?

KK: No, I can sleep, but not without sopor slime, and even then I get hardly any fucking sleep anyways.

TL: Um ok... guess I'll see you in the morning then

KK: Ok then, sleep fucking well.

TL: Alright.

Toothless went back inside and up to Hiccup's room where he lay on his slab of rock and promptly fell asleep.

Karkat lay on the grass outside the house. Why had he been so open with that dragon? He wasn't usually like that?

Oh no... it hit him suddenly. He, Karkat Vantas was turning...

Fucking soft.

All done. Thanks for reading, please review :]