Author has written 4 stories for NCIS. Hello! I'm gonna tell ya a little bit about myself :) Um yeah...kid writer here :) I'm 10 almost 11, going to 6th grade this August =3 I Live in Los Angeles, California My Alter Ego name is: Kyra Kahille (K-Hill) :D I love LA!!! I HATE HATE HATE the character TRENT KORT. I DON'T HATE, BUT DON'T LIKE TIM MCGEE! BUT I HATE Gibbs/McGee father/son or slash To me...McGee doesn't deserve it as much as DiNozzo. Why? Because McGee is a narcissistic, self loving, director's pet! Okay I kinda hate him. But still, he's an arse. I LOVE Tony/Gibbs or Tibbs slash or Father/son! McGee lovers aren't bad people, but I tend to avoid them. I love Ziva, and Tiva. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Giva!!! (Gibbs/Ziva) I find Bones boring now :3 Just sayin' Call me whatever you want, but to me, I don't care :) I just want to live my life, and grow! I hate you McGee, I hate you TRONY and TRIBBS (Tony/Kort) (Gibbs/Kort) I don't like TATE, but I like TONY/KATE bro/sis. Okay, ask me whatever later :D Bai!!! |