![]() Author has written 11 stories for Supernatural, Magnificent Seven, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and NCIS. Hello, Well there's really not much to say about me and if truth be told who comes to to read about the authors. It's the stories we crave! Anyway for the insatiably curious here are the basics: I am English - a Londoner by birth but presently exiled in beautiful (but boring) Wales. Penname is subtleshadeofgrey because I never see anything in simple black and white. Age: Far, far too old to be admitting to doing this. I work in a hospital but not in any exciting capacity I don't watch as much TV as I once did but I love The Magnificent 7 and Supernatural I love slash but will always warn of its use because not everybody feels the same I have to warn you that I can be a very slow updater ( I am single, no kids and, unlike those women that we all admire yet are insanely jealous of who easily juggle singledom, kids a job, study and at least half a dozen hobbies or charities, I am a hopeless multi-tasker) however I hate incomplete fics as much as anyone so barring a major personal or technical catastrophy I will always eventually complete my fics. A couple of pet peeves - and lets face it we all have them:- 1. Words - specifically, wrong context words e.g Withered instead of writhed. Now I know that different countries have different word meanings so I cannot say for absolutely sure that such words are wrong but they are wrong to me (being from England) and so therefore I find them annoying. And don't get me started on shuddered versus shuttered! 'Ezra shuddered as the chills ran through his fevered body' Not shuttered! Shuttered describes both the action of covering a window or concealing one's expression or emotional state. 2. The canon police. In other words those readers who tear a writer and her/his work to pieces because it doesn't follow their own personal obsessive adherence to canon. I see any series or book etc as a starting place for the imagination and not as a cast iron set of rules. We put our work out there expecting it to be judged, but on it's own merits as a work of fiction and not against someone else's rigid standards. Hope that helps you know me a little better. I am British so the little flag should be a Union Jack only I can't get it to change - just so you know that multi tasking isn't my only weak spot - you can add technology challenged to the list :) Just a little A/N on my Magnificent 7 kidfic Not A Keeper. The chapters have been amalgamated into a single story and the finished piece is now housed at Blackraptor. To read it go to http:///m7fic-49/notakeeper.htm |