![]() Author has written 8 stories for NCIS, and House, M.D.. I just started watching NCIS in September 09 following T or C and immediately became obsessed with the show. As you can tell if you've read my stories, Tony is my favorite character and I have a wonderful time putting him in crazy adventures that lead to lots of hurt/comfort and exploration of the Tony/Gibbs father-son dynamic. I'm a former high school English teacher (currently an educational administrator) who has never written fanfic until recently. I have so many ideas, and it's been a lot of fun to have the opportunity to turn them into actual stories that people enjoy reading. I've always loved Donald P. Bellisario shows. I fell in love with Starbuck (Dirk Benedict version) from Battlestar Galactica at the tender age of 9 and spent many Thursday nights watching Magnum run out the surf in his little red swim trunks. DPB creates heros who are tough, strong, but flawed and vulnerable, which are the type of characters I enjoy. I see those qualities in Tony, which is why I've been so drawn to him. I also loved the X-Files. Mulder and Scully really knew how to play out sexual tension and David Duchovny is a master at being whumped! Talk about a show that in its prime had it all--clever stories, romance, Mulder getting beat up, hit on the head, shot, possessed by alien oil--it was totally twisted fun (and it's probably good that I didn't know about fanfiction back then or I would've spent all my time writing about them). Other favorites of mine are Star Trek (the original), Stargate SG-1, MacGyver (another show that knew how to whump), The Six Million Dollar Man, and The Big Valley (I had a Lee Majors thing when I was little; I even owned a Bionic Man doll who got to save my Barbies). I guess I've been a fangirl my whole life and didn't even realize it. My favorite genre is hurt/comfort (as if you can't tell), so my stories will always whump Tony somehow, but he'll stay strong and competent throughout. I don't like my men too weak. I also love the Gibbs/Tony dynamic and wish we got to see more of that on the show. So what they don't include, I've been trying to live out in fanfiction. All of the stories I post will already be completed. I go back and make too many changes in the plot to ever be able to put something out there without figuring out where it's going first. That means I can take a while between stories, but I'll also post them fairly quickly. I am married and have two children. Besides reading and writing, I like to exercise and shop. Update 5/26/11: Thanks to everyone who reviewed Salvation and I didn't get to reply to because of problems with the site. I really cherish your reviews, and it means so much that you take the time to send them. I am planning on writing something in that universe again, just not right away. I want whatever I come up with to be worthy of all the time and effort I put into the original. If you have ideas for Tony's new abilities, you can always private message me -- I'd love to hear them, since I haven't really decided yet where I want to go with it.! I'm actually outlining two stories right now. One is a wild romp that has Tony questioning Gibbs in a very fundamental way that puts their entire relationship at stake. It has a big twist toward the end, a lot of hurt/comfort (big surprise there), and plenty of emotional angst. The second is...kind of out there. I've had a bit of the slash bug bite me, and I have to say it has a pretty good grip right now. This story really wants to be written, but I don't know if anyone would ever want to read it. The idea is kind of extreme, and has a dash of, well, Xanthe-type overtones. (If you know who Xanthe is then you know what I mean). I've never even considered writing something like this before, but as in most of my stories key elements are already in my imagination. So...if there's any interest in that very vague tease, let me know. It might help me get over my nerves at going in this direction! Thanks for all your support! Update 6/24/11: I can't believe it's been a month since I finished posting Salvation! Since then I've been doing a lot of outlines (I actually have four completed) and trying to decide what I want to write next. I don't know if anyone actually looks at this profile, but in case someone is...here is a link to a livejournal site I started that has the first chapter of a new story posted. It's slash, and will end up not being for the faint of heart, but this initial chapter is pretty tame. If you take the time to read it, let me know if you feel it has potential. I hate the thought of spending a month or two on something no one will want to read (although I understand that the subject matter will limit interest). So if you want to check it out...http:/// (You might have to type this in to get there. I'm not sure if this is a live link or not. I really have a love/hate relationship with technology). I won't promise that after the rest of the story is written I won't go back and make more changes to this chapter. It's still a rough draft at this point. Oh, and forgive the livejournal page. I'm really having a difficult time figuring that website out. Just click the (very long) link and it will take you to the chapter. Thanks! |