![]() Author has written 6 stories for NCIS. 12/19/12: I am still around, and I do plan to return to writing, I promise. Shortly after my last update, I had my first baby. Writing pretty much fell off my radar. I'm just starting to feel inspired again - and it only took seventeen months! Yeesh. And because I love you guys, I won't go on and on about how amazing and adorable and incredible my kid is. (Even though he totally is.) ;-) More soon! I've been reading fic for several years, mainly in the Harry Potter and House fandoms, but I'm taking my first steps into fic writing with NCIS. It is much, much harder than I thought. ;-) In real life, I'm about as average as you get. I work full-time and am a part-time master's student who still has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up. I just hit thirty and have found that so far, it's not as scary as I thought it would be. When I'm not in fic-land, I love to sing and try to do most of it in my car so as not to assault the eardrums of those around me, though I do find my way into a choir here and there. I'm a computer dork to the Nth degree. I've written some original fic, though it's been several years since I even did that. It feels very good to be writing again. As I said above, NCIS is the first fandom I've written in, and "Fine is a Four Letter Word" is the first piece of fic I've written. When I started it I didn't intend for it to become such a monster, but it's kind of taken on a life of its own and is easily the longest thing I've ever written. Posting it here has been really helpful in encouraging me to actually finish the darn thing. When reading, I pretty much stick with gen, simply because I'm not really into ships, whether slash or het, if they're not canon. I'll read the occasional het, but generally don't read slash; I don't have a problem with it, it's just not my thing. However, I am a sucker for a really good close friendship story. Well-written hurt/comfort, angst, and a bit of character-whumping will make my day, especially if there's plenty of humor mixed in. (That's part of why I love NCIS - the humor is there even in the most dire circumstances.) Like most people around here, I'm not a professional writer, so I'm sure errors will creep through despite my best efforts. No matter how much I wish otherwise, I am also not a doctor, nurse, or any other sort of medical professional. I am a research junkie, though, and I'll do the absolute best I can to make sure things are accurate, especially with the medical bits. So if you see anything that's totally off, feel free to let me know. :-) My fic also lives over at LJ under emeraldsong_fic. Apparently I can't commit to just one name. ;-) Happy reading! |