A/N: Not sure this is any good, but this idea has been running circles in my head since I rewatched 'Baltimore' a few weeks ago…anyway, title sucks am open to suggestions for a new one…please…Well, here's Chapter 1…

Tony looked around the bullpen. So far, he was the only one there. That night he had gone out drinking because of what happened ten years ago yesterday. That day was the day his fiancé, Wendy, broke up with him. All because he had accepted a job at NCIS without consulting her first. Well, everyone knows that once a couple starts fighting, it's no longer just about the topic that started it, but everything that annoys them.

Tony sighed. That day marked the end of one of the best things that happened to him, and the start of another. So he came in early this morning to drown himself in paperwork when it became too early to drown himself in alcohol.

"Why are you here so early?" McGee asked as he and Ziva walked into the bullpen.

"Yes, Tony, why are you in early?" Ziva narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Gibbs then came out of the elevator, coffee in hand, and he walked straight to his desk.

After a few seconds of Ziva and McGee looking at Tony inquisitively while he pretended to do paperwork, and Gibbs watching wordlessly from his desk, Gibbs phone rang. Gibbs then hung up the phone and began grabbing his gear.

"Grab your gear, we're going to Baltimore."

As his team began walking behind him towards the elevators, Gibbs didn't miss the way Tony grimaced at the word 'Baltimore'.

When Team Gibbs arrived at the crime scene, they all got out of the car and began walking towards the victim's house. Tony was walking behind the others, trying not to think about how this house greatly resembled his and Wendy's.

He must have shut his eyes for a second, because he ended up walking right into Ziva's back. He muttered a quick apology, trying not to flinch under the scrutinizing gaze she placed on him.

He barely heard Gibbs' order to sketch the scene and just took out his pencil and notebook as an answer. When he walked further in the room, he saw the victim's body. Young, female, long hair—

"No…no…it's not…" Tony realized he must have been thinking out loud.

When he looked around everything began to blur. He couldn't see straight…since when was he kneeling? Who was holding onto his arms…A voice brought him back to his senses.

"DiNozzo?" Gibbs' voice was tinged with concern, not a tone one usually hears from Gibbs. "What's wrong?"

His tongue felt like it weighed a million pounds, but somehow he was able to reply, albeit a little shakily.

"It's…Wendy…" Tony could feel the tears forming and willed them away.

"Who's Wendy?" Gibbs pressed on, concerned for his SFA and wondering who this woman was to get Tony to react this way.

"My…ex-fiancé…" Tony was able to utter before his vision clouded again, and he was taken over by unconsciousness.

Gibbs and McGee, who were holding Tony up before he fell again, gently laid him on his back.

Gibbs then stepped back.

Fiancé? When the hell did that happen? Tony barely got out of work enough to have a social life at all, let alone a fiancé! Was this before working at NCIS? More importantly, how the hell did they not know?

McGee, too, had stepped back after laying Tony down.

Fiancé? What the hell? Tony's been afraid of commitment ever since Jeanne. Why would he get engaged? When was this? What the hell's going on.

Ducky and Ziva shared similar thoughts and only Palmer knew.

Even though not many knew, Tony and Palmer had grown quite close since Gibbs left for Mexico. Even after all this time, they still trusted each other the most. They'd be each other's refuge after a tough case or just a bad day. They were best friends – they told each other everything.

All Palmer knew, however, was that her name was Wendy, they were engaged prior to and at the beginning of Tony working at NCIS, and that she has emailed him ever since they broke up. Tony had explained how even though they were no longer together, they would meet up once and a while and talk. Catch up. They tried not to drift apart. He also knew that she was going to meet with Tony in the next few days, to ask him 'something important about us', she had said.

Palmer knew that this meant that while Tony was unconscious, he would have to explain things. He knew Tony asked him not to tell anyone, but he should probably at least tell Gibbs.

Palmer sighed.

This was not going to be a good case for anyone.

A/N: Continue? Not sure if this is any good…my muses are exhausted from me, I annoy the shit out of them…anyway, please REVIEW!