Title: Misconceptions - Epilogue - 2/2 Author: Ceindreadh Email: Website: n/a Permission to archive: Yes to WWOMB, anybody else, please ask first.
Fandom(s): NCIS Genre (general, hetero or slash) : Slash/MPREG Pairing/Characters: Gibbs/Tony, Jimmy/McGee Rating: NC-15 Summary: Just a little fic to finish off the Misconceptions saga Warnings: Slash/MPREG Disclaimer. I don't own the NCIS characters, I'm only borrowing them, and I promise to return them in minty fresh condition when I'm finished.
Notes: Thanks to FatCat for her Beta'ing


Time passed and the families grew. Things hadn't always been easy, but as Gibbs watched Tony in the mirror, he knew that he could honestly say that the past twenty-five years had been among the happiest of his life.

"If you don't stop admiring yourself, we'll be late." Gibbs moved across the room towards Tony.

"You know they won't start without us," said Tony, smiling as Gibbs wrapped his arms around him. He kissed Gibbs on the nose. "We've got plenty of time..." He ran a hand down the side of Gibbs's face. "We don't have to leave for another five or ten minutes."

"Ya think?" grinned Gibbs, "Don't know about you, but I was planning on taking much longer than that."

"Well at your age I guess it takes you longer...ouch!" Tony rubbed the back of his head where Gibbs had slapped him.

Gibbs kissed him on the cheek. "Much as I'd love to stay here and ravish you all afternoon, I think somebody might notice if the father's of the groom don't show up. And I don't particularly want a search party to find us 'in flagrante delicto'"

Tony laughed, "Yeah, not to mention the bride and groom would kill us for spoiling their big day! Man, our wedding was so much less hassle, just you and me and Ducky and McGee..."

"And Jimmy and Abby and Ziva. Yeah, I know. But the kids wanted a big day, and who was I to deny them."

"And to think you said that I would be the one doing all the spoiling," teased Tony. "You know full well they'd have had a much smaller show if you hadn't insisted on us paying for so much."

Gibbs shrugged, "They don't need to start married life with a whole bundle of debt. Besides, I told Todd if takes after me, he can pay for the next one himself."

Tony punched Gibbs lightly on the arm, "I hope you didn't let our future daughter in law hear you say that! You know the worst thing about having a forensic scientist in the family, she could kill somebody and hide all the evidence!"

Gibbs snorted, "I'm not that tactless, Tony. And stop distracting me. Admit it, you just don't want to go to this wedding."

"It's not that I don't want to go," said Tony, his voice suddenly serious. "It's just..." He sighed heavily, "Our little boy is all grown up and getting married...and it seems like only yesterday I was so afraid even to hold him. I was so sure I'd mess up somehow."

Gibbs hugged Tony even closer to him, "Didn't I tell you that you'd make a wonderful father, Tony? And I was right. Todd and Nicola couldn't have had a better father."

"Present company excluded?" Tony smiled and then sighed, "I know Todd is old enough to be getting married and living his own life, but to me he's still my baby."

"He always will be," said Gibbs. "But today he'll be your married baby, so come on, let's roll."


Gibbs sat in the front row beside Tony, the place of honor as befitted the father of the groom. He looked at his watch. "She's late."

"Bride's prerogative," said Tony, glancing at his watch as well. "Besides, it's only five minutes."

"It's still five minutes after the agreed time."

Tony rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "Jethro, ease up a bit. Not everybody is a sticker for punctuality like you. She'll be here, don't worry."

"It's not me I'm worried for, Todd looks nervous enough already. If she's much later..." Gibbs nodded towards their son who was standing up at the front. Even as he spoke, Todd turned around to look at him, and Gibbs nodded and smiled reassuringly. Todd gave him a quick smile in return, then turned back to his conversation with his best man, Donald McGee-Palmer.

"See, he's fine," said Tony. "Probably planning an escape route with Donald just in case he gets cold feet!"

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs was about to say more, when a sudden burst of music alerted them both to the fact that things were starting to happen.

"See, told you!" said Tony, as everybody turned to watch the wedding party arrive.

First to walk in were the bridesmaids, Kendra McGee-Palmer, and Nicola Gibbs-DiNozzo. Nicola, being a total tomboy, had initially refused point blank to dress up in a 'stupid dress that I'll never wear again and why can't I wear black nail polish with it anyway?', but a little bit of bribery had worked wonders and she had agreed that maybe a lighter shade of purple would match the lilac dresses that had been picked out by the bride.

The bridesmaids were followed by the bride and her father...well one of them anyway. Betty McGee-Palmer's smile was matched only by that of her father Tim, as he proudly escorted her down the aisle.

Across the aisle from Gibbs and Tony, Jimmy was sitting with his other three sons. He surreptitiously wiped a tear from his eye as he watched his daughter make her way down the aisle.

"Here, take this," said Ducky, handing Jimmy a tissue.

"Thank you, Ducky," said Jimmy.

"And there's plenty more where that came from if you need them," said Ducky, patting his arm reassuringly.


Jimmy wasn't the only one needing tissues by the end of the ceremony. McGee's voice had cracked slightly when answering the celebrant's question 'who gives this woman to be married to this man?' and even Gibbs found himself choking up a bit as he watched his son say his vows with confidence.

But later on at the wedding reception, there wasn't a trace of tears from the proud fathers as they watched their children on the dance floor.

Gibbs had danced with Tony and then with his new daughter in law, but then had pleaded old age and a bad knee and insisted on sitting the rest of the dances out.

"Old age, my ass," Tony muttered in Gibbs's ear as he sat down beside him. "Ducky's got fifteen years on you and he's still tripping the light fantastic." He nodded to the dance floor where Ducky was being ably supported by Jimmy as they moved in time to the music. McGee was taking his turn with the bride, and the other members of both families' were scattered around the place, all appearing to be having an enjoyable time.

"Never was much for dancing," said Gibbs, "Leastways not the vertical kind." He grinned at his husband.

Even after twenty-five years together, Gibbs's smile still had the same effect on Tony and he could feel a familiar stirring in his groin. Leaning forward he whispered in Gibbs's ear, "How about we have an early night, mmm?"

"We're the fathers of the groom, don't you think we should stay till the end?"

"Well we can always say that you're a little tired. I mean at your age, you're not as fit as you used to be and...ouch!" Tony yelped involuntarily as Gibbs's hand made contact with the back of his head.

"I'll show you who's still fit," growled Gibbs, mock threateningly. "But not until this party is over."

"Promises, promises."


"She looks beautiful, doesn't she," said Jimmy, gazing adoringly at his daughter as she and her new husband took to the floor once again.

McGee wrapped his arms around Jimmy, "That she does...but she still can't hold a candle to you on our wedding day."

Jimmy blushed happily, "You're just saying that because you want to seduce me tonight!"

"Is it working?"

"Oh yes!"


Hours later, when the party was quietening down, Gibbs and Tony and McGee and Jimmy found themselves gathered round their table. Ducky had retired from the scene a little earlier, and Abby - who was still suffering from jet lag - had taken herself and her husband off to bed as well.

"To Todd and Betty," said Gibbs, raising his glass. "May their lives be as happy and fruitful as those of their parents."

"To family," said Tony, "Old family," he winked at Gibbs, earning a mock scowl in return, "and new." He nodded towards McGee and Jimmy.

"To the friends that were able to make it here today," said Jimmy.

"And the friends that are no longer with us," said McGee, softly.

"To us," said Gibbs, and they all clinked their glasses.


Tony sighed happily as he leaned against Gibbs and watched the last few stragglers make their way around the dance floor. "Where did the years go?" he asked. "Seems like only yesterday we were all sitting round the table and I was panicking because I was going into labor and couldn't finish my dessert."

"Twenty five years," said Gibbs. "It's a long time."

Tony turned to look up at him, "Don't think of it as being twenty five years...think of it as being half way through our first fifty years together."


The End