By Kalnaman
Warnings: Mention of spanking.
A/N: Thank you all who has put this story on their story alert, favorite story list and given me reviews. I enjoyed writing this story very much and I'm happy that some of you liked this story.
As soon as Gibbs knew that Tony was okay he went back to his own house and it was a few weeks after Tony's punishment for disobeying the rules when he went to Shady Street.
Gibbs was busy working on his boat when his phone rang. He smiled when he saw it was Tony's number. "Daddy Gibbs here; how are you son?"
"Awful 'Daddy'," Tony said playing along with Gibbs about the word daddy. Gibbs turned worried. "What's wrong son? Are you sick?"
"No, but Pop is making me sick. Ever since he forced me to tell him about the plague that I had, he's being even more of a mother hen than you are," Tony whined.
Gibbs relaxed at that and smiled brightly. "I see. Now what is he doing to you that is making you sick? I would think that he'll try to keep you away from getting sick."
"Well… I'm not allowed to go outside for a run today."
"It's very frosty outside. Your Pop is right. You shouldn't get outside for a run in this weather."
"But 'daddy'; I need to run. Exercise is healthy you know."
"Yes it is, but not outside in frosty weather and especially not for someone that has scars on their lungs like you do. You can go to a gym. The gym that is in the mansion would be even better. Now be a good boy and do as your Pop asks you to. You know what consequences there are if you don't."
"Yeah I know. I can still feel a little sting on my backside from the first time he'd ever spanked me as an adult. But Dad…"
"No buts, son. Or do you want to have a sore backside for the celebration after the adoption is finalized?"
"Then obey your Pop and my rules."
"Okay 'Daddy'. See you at the court tomorrow. I'm looking forward when it's official that I got two fathers."
"Yes, see you son. I'm looking forward to it too and for our trip to Hawaii with your Pop."
The next day after the adoption was finalized there was a big party at Gibbs' house. Pop DiNozzo had offered the mansion for the party, but Gibbs declined. He wanted to celebrate it at his house since it was him that adopted Tony.
The judge that had given DiNozzo the court order about Tony's incompetence awhile back was the one that finalized the adoption. He felt guilty that he let DiNozzo, Senior bribe him for signing that order and that's why he okayed the adoption without questioning that Gibbs wanted to be Tony's father even if he already had one.
Pop DiNozzo, Ducky, Mike Franks, Jenny Sheppard, Abby, McGee, Ziva and few others of Tony's friends where also at the party.
When Abby had arrived at the party she had almost chocked both Gibbs and Tony with her hug. "Abbs. Y'r chok'ng me h're," Tony said.
Abby released her hug. "You already gave us a hug right after the judge signed the adoption papers," Tony said
"Sorry Tony. I'm just so happy for both of you."
Both Tony and Gibbs smiled brightly.
"Thanks Abbs."
At the dinner table Ducky hit his glass with a teaspoon to let the others know that he wanted to bring out a toast and then stood up. He went his attention to the father and son who they were celebrating.
"Jethro, congratulation to you for your son; Anthony is a fine young man that any father can be proud of. For years he had to live without a caring father. Now he has two loving fathers that will make sure he gets everything he needs from love to discipline…"
"Ducky please," Tony said blushing, he didn't want the other guest to know about his fathers disciplining him.
"Anthony, my dear boy; everyone here knows about it already. They've noticed you sitting uncomfortably more than once… where was I? Oh yeah. They make sure he gets everything he needs from love to discipline so he'll be safe. Anthony DiNozzo Gibbs congratulation to your new extended name; I know for a fact that Jethro is so proud that you wanted to take his last name and that your Pop gave the okay to let the name Gibbs be at the end. And to be honest it sounds better than Anthony Gibbs DiNozzo. Let us raise our glasses and make a toast for the extended family." They all raised their glasses, "To the two fathers and their son."
"To the two fathers and their son!" The other guest yelled in unison while smiling brightly.
When everyone had left Pop DiNozzo, Gibbs and Tony were exhausted. Gibbs had invited Senior to stay, but he declined. He wanted Gibbs and his son to have some moments alone, before they all went to Hawaii.
Tony was in heaven. He was enjoying their trip at Hawaii. He wanted to see all the places where Magnum PI was recorded. His Pop had even paid the owner of the mansion where Magnum lived to allow his son to come in. The owner had the place well guarded and fenced to keep the tourists out. Tony thought he was dreaming when he visited the place. Gibbs had to pinch him to let him know he wasn't dreaming. It got even better when his Pop the next day gave Tony a key and said, "Here's the key to your summer resident. It was the mansion where Magnum lived."
Tony looked at his Pop with opened mouth. "What?"
"You heard right son. I was able to buy the mansion. Now you can visit it as often as you want."
"No buts Tony. It's yours; just considered it as an early Birthday present."
Tony wrapped his arms around his Pop in a bear hug, "Thank you so much Pop. I love it!"
After awhile Tony and Pop DiNozzo started to notice Gibbs' sad expression. Pop DiNozzo had a feeling what concerned him. "I'm sorry Jethro. That I didn't let you in on my surprise."
"It's okay Anthony. I'm happy for Tony. It's a great gift; a gift that can't be beaten."
"Dad. It's okay that you can't buy me something like this. What you giving to me; your love and care and even discipline which is hard for me to admit by the way means more to me than what money can buy. You were the one that got me back to life when I had the plague. If you hadn't ordered me to stay alive I would have died; because I was ready to die. I didn't think that anyone cared that I stayed alive, but you proved me wrong. Thanks to you I'm alive to be with my Pop and you. I love you both so much. Even if both of you were poor I'd still would love you both."
Gibbs smiled and gave his son a hug and Pop DiNozzo joined him.
Tony stood pouting, "I promise I'll be careful."
"No you're not going to surf there. The waves are too big. You just learned to surf," Gibbs said firmly.
"Your dad is right Anthony. It's too dangerous. When you are a surfing pro then you'll be allowed to and not sooner."
Tony was sitting at the sofa to their summer resident with his left food on a pillow on the table while facing his two very angry fathers. He gulped.
"What did we tell you about surfing at the place with the giants waves? Anthony?" Gibbs asked firmly.
"T-that I-I'm not allowed to s-surf there."
"And why did we order you not to?"
"B-because i-it would be to d-dangerous."
"And what did you do?"
"I disobeyed you and surfed there anyway. But Dad, Pop. I thought I was good enough to surf there."
"Well you weren't. You're lucky that you only sprained your foot."
Both Gibbs and Pop DiNozzo were happy that the place had an extra room, which they both agreed to use as a timeout room.
"Tony your Pop and I are going to help you get to your timeout room. Since you can't stand up facing the corner you are going to sit on a stool in the corner."
"Timeout room? There are too many miles to go there just so you can punish me."
"Oh don't you worry about that, son. We are going to use the extra room as a timeout room, so you won't have to wait for your spankings that you so much deserve now."
Tony paled at that news. "Please no. I don't want a sore butt for the last three days we're here," Tony whined.
"You should have thought about that before you disobeyed us, now you have to face the consequences of your actions," and with that Tony's dad and pop helped him to the timeout room while Tony tried to plead his case. But to no avail. Later that night Tony lay in his bed with a very sore backside after two unpleasant confrontations with a brush and on his bare bottom.
A uniformed man ran into a man in orange overall. And he whispered into the man's ears, "Everything is going smoothly. You'll be out of here very soon."
The man in orange overall smiled, he was very pleased at the news. He then hurried to hide his smile and then pretended he was angry, "Watch where you're going!"
When he was sure he was alone he said out loud. "Soon little Anthony, very soon; then we'll have so much fun together. I have so many plans for what I'm going to do to you little boy." The man smiled smugly.
The End
A/N: I hope to write a sequel. And Thank you Peppe1951 for your help. Cristyzachman if you want to play in this sandbox of Two Fathers versus one son, like if you want to write some missing scenes after Tony got out of the hospital you're very welcome to write them.