Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, Bleach, and NCIS. Hello! I'm Bacon the Bard, or Bard for short. If you can read, you already know this, but redundancy never hurt anyone but those stuck in the torture we call school. Or jobs. Or those with access to main stream media. But whose counting? MY LOVELY BETA, my absolute best friend, and the one who kicks me into posting, can be found on livejournal here (http://emily_). Thank you Emily!!! ~General Info Pertaining to My Writing~ Fandoms:There are lots, but on this account? Mostly anime/manga. Ex. So far Bleach and Naruto. Pairings:I have no idea. I tend not to pay much attention to pairings, really. If they're in the story, great, but I usually don't go out searching for the romance fics. However, I usually avoid reading slash, and I don't think that I could ever write it. I'm not a homophobe or anything (I'm actually have many friends who are homo or bi sexuals), but slash just isn't my thing. Favorite Characters:Ichigo and Naruto of course. How can you not like the protagonist? That isn't to say that I don't love the other characters to death (Ishida is my home-fry ;] ), but most of my stories will be based on those two. Anything else to tell you? Mostly that I'm a big sucker for anything Hurt/Comfort, BFF/Brotherhood!Fluff, and Mentorship/Father&Son!Fluff. Some people are addicted to crack, me? I'm addicted to character whomp-age and the subsequent WAFF. ~Specific Stories~ Digging Deeper: ANBU!Naruto story. I hope that mine will be different from some others I've read in two ways. Way Number One: It WILL be finished, even if it takes me the rest of my natural life and beyond to do so. Even if I am forced to abandon prose completely and post my raw notes on the plot (don't worry. If you have any semblance of patience, It won't come to that.), IT WILL BE FINISHED! Way Number Two: Naruto will not be the able to get Sakura, Ino, Hinata, fem!Haku, Tenten, Kurenai, Anko, Tsunade, Jiraiya, male!Haku, Danzo, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Gai all romantically interested in him simultaneously. Or even separately, because, while writing that list, some little part of me died inside. (Lol, notice that I put Danzo before Kakashi and Sasuke. Poor them.) There will be no Womanizer!Naruto or Harems. If there is one, the pairing will be NarutoxSakura. I think they'd actually make a good couple if Sakura would take him seriously. I apologize for all past and future occurrences of slow updating, and for the bad grammar that my rushed posting inevitably produces. When I decide to update, I usually do it in a hurry because I have to transfer the story from my notebook where I first write it into the computer. By the time I finish that whole arduous process (I'm a slow typist, only 35WPM, and a lot of editing happens during this stage) I'm just so sick of looking at it that I just want to post it, gosh darn it!! So, sorry. ~Stories That Might Be On The Way~ You think that I'm going to tell you all my grand plans (plot bunnies, actually)? Nope. I'm going to be cruel, and just give you titles, and see if you can guess what they mean. *Evil Cackle* Are you ready? The titles are: Verlet, Danshaku no Akai, and Quantom Physics. Aren't I Evil? Sequel to Digging Deeper: I am going to stick my neck out here and tell you that the idea for a sequel is already solidifying itself in my brain. I'm going to retract my neck (now I sound like Orochimaru. Eww.) and tell you that it may or may not happen. Don't count on anything. Threads that Bind: I really regret not doing more character/relationship development during the Wave mission. You were all suddenly kind of thrust into the reality of Naruto using the Kyuubi's chakra to form a mental link with Sakura (honestly, even I don't know where the heck that came from. I was really tired when I wrote that) so that he could befriend her as kitsune over the course of several weeks. So I'd like to do a multi-chaptered story with fairly little action showing how Naruto/Kitsune, Sakura, and Kakashi get to know each other better. I am also toying with the idea of doing a oneshot about Haku's day with team seven. ~Closing Thoughts~ Hmm. Well, I'll stop blathering here. I hope that you enjoyed the brief foray into my mind (or at least escaped without damage to your mind), and I thank you for giving me the gift of your time. A big thanks especially to all my readers, those who favorite me, the communities that host my story, and those that review. You give me the confidence and ecouragement I need to keep going. Happy Reading, Bard |