Posted on Tumblr for a friend and the story inspired itself by the photo of Tony holding a baby for the 200th episode! Enjoy =D

Title: Welcome

Summary: Tony and Tim welcome a new member of their family.

Rating: K-K+

Genre: Romance/Family

Characters: Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo and Timothy "Tim" McGee (DiNozzo)


Tony DiNozzo ran through the hospital hallways, bolted into the elevator and raced into the Maternity Ward. His heart was pounding and he was pretty sure he was going to be sick. He ran past the desk when he saw Abby Sciuto and Ziva David in the waiting room.

"Where is he? Is he here yet?" Tony was breathless and he almost grabbed one of the women by the shoulders.

Abby pointed with a grin. "He's down in that room."

Tony started off without another word from Abby or Ziva and ran to his husband's room. Stopping for a moment to compose himself, he opened the door and went inside. Tim DiNozzo (formerly McGee before taking Tony's proposal and marrying him) was lying back in his hospital bed looking flushed and very happy. Tony rushed over by his side and kissed his cheek. "How are you doing?"

"Great," Tim smiled tiredly and pointed to the waiting nurse behind him.

Tony turned and grinned when the nurse handed him a small bundle. "Congratulations, Mr. DiNozzo. It's a girl."

Grinning, Tony took his newborn baby girl in his arms and looked at her. She had all the features of Tim, down to his pouty lips and adorable little nose. She had a full head of blonde-brown hair just like him too. "Oohh," he softly kissed his daughter's soft chubby cheek. "Welcome, baby girl."

Tim smiled. "I'm sorry you missed the birth. I couldn't wait."

"It's alright," Tony grinned leaning over to give his tired husband a kiss. "I bet you did great. The most important thing is that I'm here to see you and her now."

Tim nodded and watched his elated husband cradle their newborn daughter with love and care. "What do you want to name her?"

"How about Heather? After your mom?" Tony gazed at his little girl with love.

"I like that," Tim softly rubbed his husband's arm lovingly. "What do you think of Heather Jennifer?"

Grinning, Tony gave little Heather another cheek kiss. "It's perfect, Tim. Just like her."

