-1AN: Hey it's me again. I'm so very sorry it took me that long. So much homework to do. I guess this is the last chapter. Thank you for reading and reviewing. You guys are great. If you have the time please read my re-wrote story 'Why?' ILU Greg.


Abby's eyes darkened dangerously. "I told you to stay away!" She hissed.

"I just wanted to make sure how he is, Abby." Tony said tiredly.

"Get out!"

"Abby!" Gibbs barked. "What's going on here?"

Abby's eyes were still locked with Tony's.

"Get out!"

Tony smiled humorless and went away.

"Hey! What's going on here!" Gibbs himself was angry now. "Why the hell are you talking to him like that?!"

"It's his fault you were shot, Gibbs." Abby said.

Gibbs' eyes narrowed. "Did Tony kidnap me?!" Abby shook her head. "Then what the hell's wrong?!"

"You called him and he hung up on you. He let you down. You could be dead because of him."

Gibbs thought for a few moments and then he shook his head. "It's true I called him, but the reception sucked. I could hear him but he couldn't hear me. There was also no caller ID. So tell me, Abby, how can this possibly be Tony's fault? If I remember correctly was he the one who found me."

Everyone was silent.

"And where the hell is he right now?!" Gibbs exclaimed.

"Should I go find him?"

"Well, yeah McGee that would be an option. Go! And tell him to get his ass in here 10 minutes ago!"

"I'm sorry, Gibbs. But I was so worried about you and when I saw the caller list I freaked."

"I'm not the one you should apologize to, Abby." Gibbs said and Abby nodded. "Now everyone of you get outta here. I want to talk to him alone." Gibbs gave Abby a kiss on the head and all of them went out.

McGee tried to call Tony but his cell was off so where could he be? He couldn't be that far. McGee's last option was the porch so he went there. He opened the door and saw Tony sitting on the floor.

"Hey." McGee greeted.

"What you want, Tim?" Things were pretty bad when Tony didn't call him McGee, probie or McGeek.

"Ahm… Gibbs wants to see you. He told me to get you ASAP."

Tony just nodded and McGee looked at his watch.

"Actually he told me to get you 20 minutes ago." He held out his hand and Tony took it and stood up. "Hey, Tony?"


"I'm sorry for the way I behaved. We're good?"

Tony sighed and nodded. "We're good -" He was interrupted by McGee hugging him. "I swear probie if you don't let go of me in the next 3 seconds…" McGee let go and Tony laughed. "Okay, I better go see the boss. See ya later, probie." Tony said and clapped the other man on the shoulder.

Tony walked into Gibbs' room and closed the door behind him.

"You wanted to talk to me, boss?"

"Sit down, Tony." Tony did as he was told and sat down next to Gibbs' bed. "You look like shit."

Tony nodded.

"It's not you fault."

Tony sighed. "It is. You called me and I hung up on you. I screwed up, boss."

Gibbs motioned for Tony to come nearer. Tony complied and leaned over.


"Ow!" Tony rubbed his head. "What was that for?"

"For not believing me." Gibbs said sternly and Tony hung is head. "Tony, listen. It. Is. Not. Your. Fault. You got me?" Gibbs tapped Tony's chin so the younger man would look up. Steel blue eyes met green ones.

Tony nodded. "Got you, boss."

Gibbs smiled and let his fingers while a little longer before he let go of Tony's chin.

"Can we come in?" Abby asked peeking through the door.

"Sure thing." Gibbs answered.

"Tony, I'm so sorry." Abby hugged Tony tightly as she let herself fall on Tony's lap.

"It's okay, Abbs." Tony said.

"No it's not. And I understand if you'd hate me now, but please don't -"

"I don't hate you, Abby. It's okay, really."



Abby squealed again and hugged Tony tightly. Ziva apologized too and was now picking at Tony's hair.

Everyone was laughing.

"You do look like shit, Tony. You got any sleep?" Gibbs asked.

"Ahm… some." Gibbs raised his eyebrow. I slept in this chair and I slept in the waiting room.

Abby pulled back slightly. "You're still wearing the same shirt."

Tony looked down at himself and saw that his shirt was still covered with Gibbs' blood.

"McGee! Get Tony a few clothes. Ziva, get some real food in here. And you." Gibbs pointed at Tony. "You'll take a shower right now."

"Got you, boss." Tony smiled.

"Good." Gibbs smiled back and clapped his friend on the shoulder. "And Tony." Gibbs called and Tony turned around. "I've got your six."

Tony grinned. "I know, boss. I know."

AN: That's it. Thanks again. I love you guys. You're the best. Thank you so much. ILU Greg