Anthony DiNozzo walked into the bull pen, late a usual. He sat down at his desk and booted up his computer.

He got a slight tingle in her neck and realised that he was being watched, he glanced up quickly and saw Ziva staring at him, he raised a quizzical eyebrow and she quickly turned her attention back to her computer screen. It may have been his imagination but he could have sworn that he saw her blush. His train of thought though was cut quickly off by the arrival of his team leader Gibbs.

"Gear up! Gotta dead marine!" Gibbs didn't even stop he just kept walking right into the already awaiting lift.

How does he do that? Tony grabbed his rucksack and his SIG and ran after the rest of his team mates who were already waiting for him in the lift.

Usually a trip to the docks would of taken 40 minutes but with Gibbs' crazy driving style they made it there in 25, a new record.

When Tony stepped out of the van he saw a marine in uniform laying dead in a pool of blood. He was surrounded by rusting machinery and pools of oil, Although nothing seemed out of place – apart from the dead marine. Tony felt there was something not right, something 'hinky' as their forensic scientist Abby might have put it. Tony glanced around.

"DiNozzo crime scene photo's!" Gibbs bark broke the morning air.

For the next couple of hours the team snapped and swept the scene checking for anything that could have been out of place. Finding nothing Ducky and Palmer placed the body on a gurney and drove the body back to NCIS headquarters for a complete autopsy.

Back in the bull pen Tony and Ziva stood staring at the plasma screen in front of them, examining yet again the evidence before them. McGee was down in Abby's lab helping her with the chemical reports.

"Here I give you private first class Owe Geller who didn't report for duty 2 days ago. Private Geller has no immediate family and lives alone at 27 park road." Tony said clicking at the screen for the next slide. " According to Ducky he recivied multiple stab wounds to the upper torso before bleeding out. Aproximate time of death is 0200 hours yesterday."

Tony checked his watch and sighed, it was almost 11:30pm. Where did the day go?

"Well there goes my evening." Tony said glumly

"Why did you have plans?" Ziva enquired

"Unless you call sitting at home alone watching Bourne Ultimatum for the hundredth time a plan then no, no I didn't." Again this could have been his imagination but after he said this he could of sworn that he saw a smile flash across her lips.

But again with Gibbs impeccable timing he walked in.

"Go on home, get some rest just be here nice and early tomorrow, we have got as much done as we can in one evening."

Tony and Ziva packed up there bags and headed down towards the parking lot. Tony glanced over and saw Ziva sat behind the wheel of her mini cooper. She tried the engine and it whined in protest, she tried again but got the same response. She slammed his fists down against the steering wheel in frustration.

"You okay there Zee-Vah?" Tony said stretching her name out like he always did.

" Do I look okay Ton-Nee?!" She snapped back trying to stretch his name out like he had done to her.

"Car trouble?" He asked

"Oh well I can see why you became a trained investigator…" She replied her voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Well I was going to offer you a lift back to your apartment in my car but If that is how you are gonna be…." He trailed off and started walking towards his Mustang.

"Tony…..,"She muttered in defeat, she spun around and flashed her a 1000 watt grin.

"Yeah Zee-Vah!"

She took in a deep breath and said "Can I take you down on your offer?"

"I think you meant 'take me up on my offer', but anyhow….sure."

This was not what she was expecting, she thought he was going to make some demoralising comment or make her beg for a lift. Feeling suspicious Ziva followed Tony to her car.

As Ziva stepped into the Mustang Tony started the engine and with a roar they headed off towards the main gate. Tony slowed down at the gate and rolled down his side window. He looked at the guard.

"So where's Bob today?" Tony casually asked

"His daughter is sick" The guard replied

With this Tony defiantly knew something was up and was about to slam on the gas. Bob didn't have a daughter he had a son who had unfortunately died a year ago.

Before Tony could react though the guard had raised his arm and Tony could see he was holding some sort of air powered medical gun. The guard smirked and fired at Tony. Tony felt something pierce his neck, he lifted his hand up…..a syringe. The process was repeated with Ziva.

Tony felt the drug enter his system he immediately became more drowsy and he couldn't lift his arms. Everything was just so heavy, with a huge effort he managed to twist his neck to see Ziva and then everything went black.