Disclaimer: No copyright intended. I'm just playing
Author's note: This is my first attempt at MPREG fanfiction and I'm not sure how well this will be received but I thought I'd give it a go.
Warning: MPREG so if this isn't your thing, don't read it.
The next part is already written so if I receive more than 10 reviews then I'll post the next part asap.
Happy Accidents
"Are you sure?"
"The ultrasound rarely lies," Doctor Fenwick said, turning the monitor so Tony could see it clearly. She moved the probe across Tony's gel slicked stomach, pressing a little harder when she found what she was looking for. "There's your baby,"
Tony stared at the tiny black and white blob on the screen before him. He could just about make out the pulsing of the heartbeat and he lay his head back on the pillow in defeat. Gibbs was going to kill him. He'd been the one who insisted they forgo a condom that night, wanting to feel all of Gibbs as they made love. He'd assured his lover that they weren't risking anything, after all he was on the pill to prevent accidents such as this. He hadn't realised that the antibiotics he was on to stave off infection from a recent knife wound have made the pill redundant. It wasn't until two days ago, when Tony started feeling ill that he put two and two together and came up with baby makes three.
"I'd say you're about..."
"10 weeks," Tony said, finishing the doctor's sentence for her.
"I guess you remember when it happened," Doctor Fenwick said with a grin.
"Oh I remember all right," Tony said as he sat up and started to wipe the gel from his stomach. "And I doubt Jethro is going to let me forget it,"
Tony patted his hand over his chest, feeling like the ultrasound picture was burning a hole in the shirt pocket where he'd put it. He'd been trying to get a free moment with Gibbs since he'd returned from his appointment but they'd caught a case and things had been non-stop. He and Ziva had been sent to Bethesda to interview the rape victim once she'd woken up and Gibbs and McGee had been out following a BOLO on the rapist.
Now, it was 1115pm and he was sitting in the living room of the house he shared with Gibbs, waiting for his lover to come home.
Tony turned his head towards the door as he heard it open and he saw Gibbs appear in the doorway, pizza in hand.
Tony grinned at the thoughtfulness of his partner.
Gibbs closed the door behind him and walked over to Tony, laying the pizza on the coffee table and leaning down to place a chaste kiss on his lovers lips. Tony reached out and placed his hand in Gibbs' hair, holding him in place as he deepened the kiss, hungrily exploring his partner's warmth.
When he finally released Gibbs, the older man looked slightly bemused.
"Nice to see you too, Tony," he chuckled as he dumped his bag on the floor. He reached down to open the pizza but Tony stopped him, gesturing for him to sit down. "What is it, Tony? The pizza will get cold,"
"I like cold pizza," the younger man said, knowing that he had to tell Gibbs about the baby now before he bottled out. "I need to tell you something,"
"Is everything ok?" Gibbs asked, frowning as he searched his lover's face for some clue as to what was going on. "Is this to do with your doctor's appointment today? Is there something wrong?"
"Well, that depends on what your definition of wrong is," Tony laughed nervously but stopped when he saw the concern in the grey eyes before him. "I'm pregnant,"
"You're what?" Gibbs jumped up from the sofa and then sat down again abruptly. "You're pregnant? How...how is that possible? We're always so careful!" He stood up again, this time walking over to the kitchen door and putting distance between him and Tony. Tony didn't miss this action.
"Turns out that some antibiotics I was on made my pill useless and it just so happened to coincide with the..."
"The night that we didn't use any other protection," Gibbs exhaled loudly as he remembered the night in question. "You said we were safe,"
"I thought we were," Tony said, standing up and walking over to his lover. He could tell that Gibbs was a little freaked out by what he had just told him. Not as much as I am, thought Tony.
"Well, this is...this is..."
"Gibbs, I always knew you were a man of few words but you gotta give me something here," Tony said, watching as Gibbs searched for something to say.
"This is...wonderful news," he said finally and Tony let out the breath he'd been holding.
"Really?" he asked.
"Really." Gibbs assured him. "After Kelly died, I never thought I'd be a father again. I never met anyone I'd want to be a father with. But now, this feels right. I know it was an accident but this baby could be the best thing that's ever happened to us," Gibbs stopped speaking and looked at the younger man in front of him. "How do you feel about all this?"
"Scared. Happy. Confused. Excited. Anxious. Take your pick," Tony laughed and was grateful when Gibbs pulled him into his strong embrace.
"We can do this," the marine whispered into his lover's hair.
"Yeah," Gibbs said, placing a kiss on Tony's head before releasing him. "So, what now?"
"Now," Tony said, placing a hand on his still flat stomach, "we eat pizza. And no matter what, I get the last slice. I'm eating for two you know."
Want more? You know what to do!